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Been playin' Gap Monsters and just finished. By using a skip. :(
And I did eventually find the sword in the stump. I never bothered to look there originally because of all the invisible collision in the game, but I haven't used it that much because I already pumped up another draw-style sword that didn't have the big negative def stat on it. |
As far as I remember, you can read the animation of your enemy to determine wether to push or pull, at least I think that´s how I always did it.
Alice 2 is really not a bad game so far but it seems to be way too long for it´s own good, it really drags. |
all this diablo talk has me playing through diablo 2 again. i guess at some point they patched it so you don't need a cd in your drive anymore, but i'm surprised they didn't do something like implement a system to sell increased storage space. i was living off ramen when i was playing this regularly but i woulda robbed a hobo for $5 or whatever if it meant doubling that pitiful storage bin
I downloaded a thief demo, but I can't get it to work.
My lack of gamer skills has failed me even earlier than I expected. |
I know how to get thief working on windows 7, but I know nothing of the demo. I say find the full game and follow these steps:
1) Install by running setup.exe -lgntforce to bypass the "This won't run on windows NT" message 2) Right click on Thief.exe, selected Compatibility, and Run As Administrator and XP Compatibility Mode. 3) Start Thief up, opened options menus and quit, just to generate config files. 4) Unpack DDFix into Thief folder (for me, e:\games\ThiefG) 5) Replace the stock Thief.exe with pre-patched Thief.exe from http://www.saleck.net/Downloads/Thie...Fix-Thief1.zip It's necessary as the DDFixGUI does not do very well with 64bit windows. Manually patching the .exe with a hex editor is possible, but this was much simpler. 6) Right click on the new Thief.exe, select Compatibility and Run As Admin and XP Compatibility Mode again. 7) Unpack http://www.filefront.com/13839558/Da...creen-v6r3.zip into Thief folder and rand DarkWidescreen.bat, setting up the resolution (1680 by 1050, 100 FOV) 8) The game should work and even show the cutscenes. It'll be a pain in the ass, but that's how to get thief running on a modern computer. |
Well, it was running without any comp modes for a bit, but then just freezes. So far, changing to xp, 98 or 95 has LESS success. Not sure if the fix will help, but I'll try!
(I was only playing the demo because I'm absolutely gash at gaming, but I figured a demo was a good place to start practising. I'm afraid of the full game) |
Oh yeah, the full game is pretty daunting I suppose, if you don't play a lot of games.
Update: It worked in concept, but as i wasn't starting from a full game it demands a cd.
I'll come back to it when I've gained courage enough to tackle the whole thing. |
Took me back to sitting around my nintendo and taking turns playing Fire n Ice with my friends in between Trog sessions |
Shrub you could tackle me anytime and I will Thief you all night long. :love
I downloaded AVA and plan on playing it, but I have to masturbate first.
Freddy krueger is the new character in mortal kombat.
Anyone played Minecraft? The game is destroying my life right now :(
I built this: ![]() And yes, it took crazy long. The inside is bananas. |
The only reason I'd play Minecraft is if I wanted to fuck other people's shit up that they worked so hard on
milhouse you don't play games
what are you doing in here? |
Minecraft is nones the cool. It's all about Terraria.
Got my copy of Xenoblade Chronicles today...it´s a little odd that everyone has a british accent but whatever, it´s a great game with a lot of elegant design choices. About 6 hrs in so far.
I'm getting mine tomorrow, when this download finishes. I am not paying any money to Nintendo until they bring it to the states. They can bite my ass. On a brighter note, Europe will be getting The Last Story and Pandora's Tower also.
Aren´t there bootdiscs or something for the Wii? It can´t be that complicated gettin a PAL-Game to run, right?
Oh and if anyone wants to know anything about the game I´d be glad to help :) |
Yeah, I softmodded my wii when I thought they wouldn't bring tatsunoko vs capcom to the US. I still enjoy the japanese version more though! It took all of 10 minutes for me to fix it to where it would play PAL/NTSC-J games, plus games off a hard drive. I don't pirate games for my wii unless they don't come to America.
i tried playing a bit of mario party ds but thosse lame coincidences that always make me lose at the end always turn me away from thesse games
Does it tie into the rest of the Xeno series at all? The ending to Xenosaga episode III would lead me to believe it is. |
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