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I kinda liked Operation Anchorage...
killer7 is fucking weird but i kinda like it
I think I liked Fallout 3's story and settings better, but I liked the actual weapons and system better in New Vegas. Mash 'em together, and I'd be very very happy.
The last few hours, I just went back and forth between the fire by the smith near the church and the chruch itself, killing the skelly-knight over and over to upgrade some of my stuff...sadly I canīt ascend my weapons because I need some Ember for that...any idea where that thing might be? Oh and I got my 10 copy of Rage the other day. Itīs...very good but I donīt know why it is good...it SHOULD be bad by all means...weird. |
Jesus Christ, Oxblood. My whole life has been a blur. Since I got it Tuesday afternoon, I have spent 56 of the past 90 hours playing it. I don't know if I'll ever see color properly again.
Honestly, I just ran back and forth from area to area, pushing a little bit at a time in each direction, similar to how I did it with the different worlds in Demon's Souls. I know that after the twin Gargoyles, I went back to Firelink and poked around in the Catacombs for a long time. I may have killed the boss there, during that push. Things there are weak against Divine weapons, by the way. After that, I went back to the smith, ran around the Titan, because I couldn't kill it yet, and I went into Darkroot Basin, exploring around there. The Hydra freaked me out, so I ran in the other direction and came across a Black Knighht standing in front of a tunnel. That tunnel opened up a bunch of things. More than anything in this game, I love the sensation of falling down the ravbit hole, as it were - barrelling down a tunnel, constantky moving forward, seeing how deep and how lost you can get. At some point, you'll probably need the Basement Key, unless you've got that Skeleton Key item. That key should be your next goal, after poking around a bit. I can't remember where to find it, but the info should be available online. My mind is going numb from the constant running. I'm Level 74, I think. :eek |
I say I think because I haven't been able to find the dude that enchants weapons yet. Or he's dead. I can't find any information on him, unfortunately. With the Divine Weapons, though, I went to the bonfire in the Depths and ground the slimes for a short while. They don't drop souls, but they do drop Large Titanite Shards and Green Titanite Shards. They do it pretty frequently, too. So now I have a Divine Lucerne +9 (it requires a White Titanite Slab to cap off, which I haven't found) that does 200 or so damage to pretty much every enemy and a potential to do another hundred if the enemy happens to be weak to Holy damage. Also, don't make the mistake I did and make a Raw Weapon. They're stupid, especially since you say you've already finished the Depths. You're gonna need that Divine Damage. |
Yeah I build myself a divine Longsword a while ago (though I´m going for a strength-build I think) simply because I love the utility a longsword offers (thrust, slash, good range when two-handed) and I like it so far. Right now I´m back at the Asylum farming 20.000 souls for the...well, the farmingspot in the woods, the I´ll go back to the deptsh for the slimes and their greentitanite :)
I beat up the Moonlight Butterfly yesterday and I have to say, the mood the music creates for that fight is just eerie. This faceless, calm enemy, just slowly flying around you...that was way more creepy than any other boss so far, yes creepier than the gaping dragon...which I beat with two other guys so the honor of killing is not really mine... |
I have to say - it's both exciting and exasperating to have to do all this without any sort of guide. Take that experience of being the one of the first handful of people to be as far into the game as I am, then also considering that it's probably one of the most difficult video games ever, and it's rather nerve-fraying. I'm only able to play it for an hour or an hour and a half at a time since the day before yesterday.
EDIT: I made a graph detailing my experience so far. ![]() |
I think I killed 3 Bosses today...The Blighttown Boss, the Hydra and the Catacombs Boss AND I joined the Covenant there and got a sweet Sword :) Oh, the second Asylum Demon too, so 4 Bosses. Not bad.
But I fucking HATE the catacombs and the giants graveyard too. "Hey, we made the Catacombs pretty dark, it´s hard to see anything, what should we do with the next area?" -"Oh, I know! Let´s make it totally pitch-black!" Fucktards, really now. I just don´t know where to go next. I could go to: The forest again Sen´s Fortress The demon ruins or The Giant´s Graveyard I don´t wanna go to Sen´s yet, that dungeon is fucking awful as far as I can see... |
The Giant's Tombs are fucking awful. You use the lantern you pick of the necromancers to light up the area, but you equip it in your left hand, which leaves you without a shield. It's also an endgame area, anyway, so you'll just kill yourself over and over unless you care to grind for White Titanite Chunks. In that case, the flailing bone pillars drop it on occasion and it's not very far from the bonfire there.
The Demon's Ruins are also part of the endgame. I'm there right now and I had to fight about three bosses to get to the dude I really need to kill. I'm so playing this mthrfckr online soon, because there's gonna be a ton of people needing help and I can score some free humanitude. You can actually run into the water by the Hydra and if you go back far enough, you run into a golden golem that you should kill. You'll get something good out of it. Also, going back to the forest and killing the wolf, as well as finding the enchanted ember would be useful. Sen's is going to be the next area you must go to, so prepare well and upgrade the blacksmith's bonfire as much as you can because you're going to need a lot of estus flasks. In my game, I got a legendary sword by forging a +10 Broken Short Sword with the Wolf's soul. It's quite useful, but the required attributes are pretty high. And I've been so used to my Lucerne that having such a short range feels so weird. But it does give me something to use my Demon Titanite on, so it'll be pretty useful soon. Sam, do an attack jumping off of the tower you can climb up. I'm told that's what most people are doing. But I just rolled around a lot and was finally able to take him down. There's a later part in the game where you fight seven at a time, though, so I'd get used to slugging it out if I were you. You'll have better weapons at that point, but still. |
Right after I posted that I did the dive with a Battle Axe, then finished the fight rolling backwards in knight armor and throwing fire bombs. FIRE BOMBS WORKED VERY WELL, AND I WISH I WOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF IT LAST NIGHT.
Now I'm on the bridge with that damn dragon. I got the Drake Sword but I'm wondering if I can arrow him to death. |
You don't need to go that way and you can get past him later. You go through the bridge under him.
I beat one of the Lord bosses. It was fucking difficult, logistically. I won't spoil anything, though. I made it through the Duke's Archives, which is where another one of them is. In the Crystal Caves place now. WHO THE FUCK THINKS INVISIBLE FLOORS IS A VALID DESIGN DECISION? >: |
I might get that game, but I was also considering Gears of War 3 and that Castlevania game that came out last year. SAM, WHAT DO YOU THINK?
So I guess I´ll first go to the forest, then to Sen´s. I put my Demon Titanite in my Gravelord Sword. Just wanted to check a Player Note and then bam - the Gravlord himself.
BTW, I think it was pretty stupid to enable all the online features only when you´re human. NO ONE is human in this game, why would you be? It´s not like it´ll last longer than 10mins anyway... |
As for the other two, I suppose it's down to whether you like shooters or RPGs more. Both have great online modes, but there is a danger there for Dark Souls' online to drop off after a while when people have traded it in, whereas there's always gonna be people to play with on Gears. So get Dark Souls sooner, I guess. Not that I'd begrudge someone their love for Gears. The bits I've played with my friend are spot on. |
I did spend pretty much all of Demon's Souls in soul form, though, so I dunno. The Gravelord Sword is wicked though I wish I could get more of those Eyes so I can rank up and get that other thing from him. Did you happen to find the way to the Catacombs' blacksmith? He does Fire and Chaos weapons - the embers of which you get in the Demon Ruins. The Chaos Ember is where the Ceaseless Discharge died in the lava and the Flame Ember is a ways past the Capra and Taurus Demons in addition to the millipede-type things that break your weapons with their acid. It's in a chest down a path to the left of the orange door that'll open up after you run through Sen's Fortress and Anor Londo. |
I found the Catacombs Blacksmith by accident, yeah but it will be a fucking pain to get to him if I´m not in the Catacombs...and I HATE that place, I really hate it. What does he need a flame ember for though, he already does Flame weapons when you meet him...?
Concerning the Eyes...the Toads in the sewers drop those...another one of those enemies that was made out to be sooo horrible...none of them ever gave me problems. Their Curse-Mist takes them forever to do so you can just kill them without any resistance whatsoever. Classic death this morning before work: Worked my way through Sen´s until I stumbled across a chest. Now I knew Mimics were in the game so, smart as I am, I attacked the chest and wouldn´t you know it, it was a Mimic. The fight went really well, then I rolled backwards down a bottomless shaft and died. Fuck. I bet that Mimic had the lightning-spear I read about. |
Oh yeah, that's why I don't have that weapon. Fuck. Same exact thing happened to me. Fortunately, you can forge lightning weapons later, so you can survive without it now. From what I hear thouh, everyone online has one and they just pump all of their stats into endurance and turtle behind a shield with the lightning spear and poke you do death. Assholes. I'm trying to think of a decent counter. The Giant Fire Ball pyromancy seems to work well against all things.
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