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X-2 never happened. There was never a sequel to FFX starring a Jpop group featuring Yuna, Rikku, and She-Squall. There was also never a revival of the job system retrofitted into skimpy outfits. Tidus never comes back to life. It was all a fever dream. Shhhhhhh.
I went out of my way to unlock Chocobos and the Titan boss-rush arena just to add some variety to how fucking empty and monotonous Pulse is, and I did both of these things by grabbing the next statue's tit then going and killing the thing it told me to for about 4 hours. Granted, Chocobos in this game are awesomely useful... because they let you move to the next thing you need to kill twice as fast. I mean, fuck, we've gone from the second half of FF6 to "here, run down this hallway and kill things. Now there is a big open field, but all you can do is run around and kill things. We only included this part so we could say the game 'opens up after a while.'" I was willing to forgive all of that and an abomination of a plot because 13 actually had great, challenging, strategic combat, but now that the ideal way to kill the final boss seems to be "slap on the 30% death resistance amulet and sacrifice a virgin to the RNG," I guess rewarding strategy and skill are out the window as well. What you're supposed to do with enemies that use insta-kills is have a Sentinel draw their fire away from the party leader, but Orphan can't be provoked, so a class with a niche use at best before is now completely pointless. You mean nothing to me now. |
![]() yussssssssssssssssss |
I...don't remember putting on an amulet? I just remember using buffs and debuffs.
In any case, I think Final Fantasy as a whole is a pretty poor example of role playing games, and I have no idea why people get so worked up over them. It's no use throwing hissy fits over a franchise that had maybe two or three decent entries before going full retard. Getting mad at Square for making meh RPGs that cater to their mindless fanbase is like getting mad at Call of Duty for making meh FPSs that cater to a mindless fanbase. There are better games out there and you don't have to play the popular franchise just because it's popular. Really, once I started digging into stuff like SMT, FF games just feel like they're made for children...which they are... Also? Why are Final Fantasy games called Role Playing Games? You don't make any decisions; you just watch the characters make the decisions themselves. |
I also really want to rag on the ending. If I understood right, the bad guy basically wants the party to go and kill Orphan, the fal'Cie that keeps Cocoon powered and floating in the sky and shit. His plan seems to be that if enough people die, the original god of the world will come back and everything will be super peachy again. The party's like "yeah no, fuck that, we're not slaughtering millions of people just so you can have your imaginary friend come back and hang out with you, eat a dick." Then they go to Pulse and try to find a way to not be l'Cie anymore so they don't have to choose between mass murder and being horrible crystal zombies. There isn't a way, of course, and I guess they decide to go back to Cocoon and kill Barthandelus because he's a cunt and if they're all going to face a fate worse than death, they might as well at least kill the guy who's responsible for it. Then they get to his secret volcano lair, and Orphan is there, and they just sort of... attack it. They do the one thing they specifically set out to not do, and nobody fucking comments on it. What the fuck? That's even stupider than "hey, the way we're gonna kill Ultimecia is, get this, let her put her evil reality-ending plan into motion then just sort of jump out and bushwhack her while she's preoccupied." Then I guess they get saved by the power of friendship or some bullshit? Whatever the hell happened in the ending cinematic wasn't foreshadowed or referenced beforehand, they could have just literally had a wizard come and make everything ok and it would've had the same relevance. Man, fuck this game. |
Well, the Fal'Cie are these mechanical things beyond human comprehension, so what I took away from it was that they were literal gods, and when they make you a l'Cie, you're supposed to follow through with your mission, and when you do, things will work out in the end, because God(s) work in mysterious ways.
Again, the whole story is reeeeeally just an excuse to show you neat graphics. Square's games really don't hold up well against scrutiny, so you really need to properly adjust your expectations and take their games at face value. |
i returned ff13 and got reddead redemption :)
had about a thousand hours of fun with that so i gues ff13isnteven worth getting now that its probably ten dollarseither, huh? |
Smt :lol
Melding demons is perplexingly less bullshit than anything in Final Fantasy.
I'm sorry.
What about FFXIV? I remember being totally surprised when I learned a couple weeks ago that the game was already out. Is anyone playing that?
Then they put out FF13-3. Yay.... |
FFXVI was free for a time because the game was so bad that the developers didn't want to charge a subscription until it was fixed. Then a year went by and it still wasn't fixed. I'm pretty sure the beta of 2.0 has been out for awhile, but it's been a real painful process.
what was so bad about it
FF14? Everything, as far as I can recall. It was riddled with bugs, potentially gamebreaking, the systems were not designed well, it was slow as fuck, uninspired, rushed...and...yeah, about the worst MMO-Release in the last ten years or something like that, according to the press and the reviewers. |
Final Fantasy 13 is a bad game, but I thought the relationships between the main characters were interesting. I never finished the game because the difficulty curve shot to the fucking moon but I did watch the ending on Youtube; awful. I've noticed in a lot of Japanese media they'll drop whatever interesting characterization they were working on up to that point for an overly serious big boss to test our heroes for boring faux tension. It's as if someone is offstage yelling "wrap it up, wrap it up." |
i lost interest in ff 13 when that dude started riding a motorcycle. that was literally the point that i decided to return it ffvii isa good game cuz the story isnt too gay, the levelup system isnt too bad and it has awesome sidequests and summons and shit.aslong asthey could upgrade the graphics and make the gameplay a little better i dont see how they could go wrong. maybe they could even throw in a revive aeris thingi lol j/k people dont know how to not fuck up videogames anymore. itd prolly just end up being a game about reviving aeris |
But seriously, FF7 is just FF6 except the graphics aged like milk and the gameplay is way slower. Even the "magic abused through technology" thing was done better in FF6. After playing FF6 and Chrono Trigger on the SNES, FF7 just felt regressive as fuck. |
FF7, myself included, only want a remake in terms of the same game, just with modern graphics. |
that's like an amazing storyline. you're introduced to a character as some badassand probably even believe it for a while unless you're a little kid who was told the story before you even played it and read gay memes and reviews on the internet or something, then halfway through he turns into some schizophrenic who stole his life from somebody else. thats fuckin deep. also why do you say non bladerunner esque. what does that even mean? there was no robots? the worldwasnt decimatedenough by technology? dude was a dude who thought he was another dude because of science. thats bladerunneresque as hell. |
Steam is basically handing out free Wallet money, so I bought a bunch of gaaaaaaames:
COD 4 The Bard's Tale (it includes the previous games, as well) Sine Mora and Soon to be the Dead Rising 2 complete pack. I never got to play Off the Record as it always looked cool, but not cool enough to pay for. For friends, I bought: Dungeons of Dredmor Complete Critter Crunch Country English Tune Mirror's Edge Psychonauts and Arkham City GOTY Edition All while starting from $0.00. Please jackhammer this smile off of my face - it's starting to hurt. |
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