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its scary :(
Im in austria right now for my grandfather's funeral. It's a bit sad because although I never knew him well, I am staying in his old flat and there are alot of old pictures of me as a small child with him and its brining back alot of memories seeing this place again. :(
Luckily I have managed to steal a negbour's wireless Internet, but its a really weak signal and only works if I hold my laptop in the air near the window. |
Focusing on what counts; posting on I-mock. Thank god we have these continual life updates. Truly wireless internet is the greatest achievement of man.
im very sad for you metal melitia
on the other hand i really have to laugh that writing at this forum seems to be so important to you |
lunlun, I hope to watch the news one day and find that you've been in a car accident.
I'm sure you won't be riding in a car when it happens though. you'll be waddling across the Autobahn and cars will careen off of your bloated form, causing a massive pile up and killing hundreds. |
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hehehe this is a really funny thought :) |
good lord, I hope you die.
you know
in some way you are getting boring |
will that make you leave?
or better yet, die in a horribly pornographic way? |
maybe it'll involve the fucking machine ;D
>: |
Jesus Christ this page is hilairious.
Sorry about your loss MM. :( |
Hey Guys.
Instead of posting I've taken to reading old chatlogs. Apparently, the very first time Chojin IMed me, back in January '03, he called me creepy & then gave me a link to furry porn. :( Carry on with what you were saying. |
The first person from I-mock who IMed me called me a fag and told me he was going to get me banned from I-mockery. I have yet to get COV, too. Money's tight.
People sometimes IM me and then give up trying after a few IMs.
another page lives and dies :(
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noboy is interested in the forum event :(
that's cuz the last one turned out so fucking crappy >:
this time it starts crappy
c'mon guys |
wanna chat?
of course
join my aim :P |
Esu.. im waiting ;)
Don't hold you breath
no need to .. got another partner for chatting.. quite amusing with him :)
*twinkle at PubLover* |
Pub Lover you depress me :(
lunlun is fat and is from Germany so probably likes poop, come on :(
in fact he depresses me too
*starts to cry*
So sad.
ha ha ha, delicious
hehe ok italien sterotype made me laugh again :)
hey lunlun you're a jerk >:
and you are SO mean to me i dont even know how to defend myself
thats fucking right you pussy
hey now dago i like xbxMCj
he's witty
it's just his name that's dumb |
How about giving him a new name?
Take submissions for it. It could be a Forum Event. |
maybe we're looking at different people.
My German skills aren't what they should be, but Lunlun asked me if I like anal sex. :(
i know this was like several pages ago, but the only song on Jazz From Hell that's good is St. Etnnies. That song is bliss
I think you guys talking about i-mockery dreams made me have one too >:
Guitar Woman, Chojin and I were all playing Poy Poy for the Playstation. I had that faggoty rainbow glove and kicked ass. >: |
I had a livejournal dream last night. :(
This girl on whom I had the biggest crush three years ago posted, in my dream, over and over again "I LOVE COMMUNISTS" with all sorts of new and innovative communist emoticons to spicen up her text. In real life she's obsessed with Ayn Rand. :( |
still in austria, I took a few pictures on my phone today but it's camera sucks so they are not too good.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Its cold here :( The funeral was yesterday and it was ok, I got a bit tipsy at the wake on this strong european beer but the food was nice :/ I have managed to fashion myself a rudimentary desk out of a window ledge and a chair which is not comfortable at all. thats all I have to report for now. |
I had a videogame dream last night and I was playing Chibi Resident Evil in it. Either that or it was Chibi Doom inside the RE mansion. :(
So everybody's had the mega man dream, right? Where you're mega man and you run around shooting the fuck out of your neighborhood?
That was a good dream.
dont let jack tomson hear you say that
I've got a question for the Americans of the board.
When it's forty-five minutes past the hour, why do you say 'quarter of' not 'quarter to'? Even 'quarter off' would make more grammatical sense to me. :( |
I always thought they said "quarter 'til"
I don't know anybody who says "quarter of".
Until works as well.
Maybe it's a regional thing. :/ I haven't noticed it until recently. A cop from San Diago said it on TV the other day, & I just read it in an American book. |
Completely wasted on Pram Mavin :( |
That was one of the funniest things I've read on here that wasn't in the mock wars.
well, it sorta was :<
You at least put effort into your stuff.
I am a throwback to the GLORY DAYS vest vets bape vets ezboard vets winky
I dunno I think I put maybe 5 more minutes into something than your average jerk when I'm trying to be funny. The forum is nothing without people making an effort to make it enjoyable, so I try to contribute where I can (COV thread, dunking Maven's head in the toilet, et al). |
Man, don't you hate it when your nutsack gets so cold it's almost solid?
I've never had that problem.
You obviously don't get cold then, you manly man.
Not even slightly British. >:
& as I said, maybe it's a regional thang. :( |
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I wonder why Guitar Woman isn't completely creeped out by the fact that she's in every dream that involves this board. >:
She wasn't in mine that's the problem :(
i had a dream that helm came to america and i was like his helper guy and he spoke very broken english and laughed a lot.
i also once had a dream that the simpsons movie came out and i wasnt allowed to see i because marge was naked or something
Heh... I once had a dream I was in the simpsons. And I was a cartoon. :/
Speaking of the Simpsons, do you like my new avatar? :P
The long bitter rivalry between simpsons and south park continues.
Someone should do a Southy Park VS Family Guy VS the Simpsons too. The creators of all three shows have been talking smack about eachother. |
Somewhere on the internet is a cartoon of Lois sucking the grim reaper's d*ck :eel
Sounds like a Family Guy DVD extra ;)
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It was actually Family Guy, though. South Park just watched |
"Tim!, I'm going out for a whiles. Tell Mark to get his room cleaned." cried out Jill as she left for her classes.
"Arggghh-arghhh.", grunted the Tool Man in response. He wasn't paying much attention to anything other than his latest car project, a 1986 Iroc-Z Camaro, so he had been spending much of his time in the garage. This was no big surprise to his family. Coming out of his reverie at what his wife had said, Tim immediately began to think of things to do today. In his mind at some subconcious level, he began to list things off. 1. Car. 2. Tell Mark to clean his room. 3. Murder Wilson. |
So I finally went ahead and banned Pram Maven after breaking a record 10 board rules and posting pornography. Give the kid a hand!
Wait, was this Nose all along? He appeared about the same time Nose stopped posting.
nose asked to change his name to pram maven. so yes, to all of you who HAVE NOT been watching the forums, pram maven was nose. but legally.
and before that he was prog shooter
i think he had some metamorphose
he became a sort of "nice" i didnt get why he was banned but i trust in chojin that he does the right thing |
What were all the rules broken?
![]() This is the generated mail that was sent (ips hidden to protect the stupid) Quote:
where have you been young man
yo willie
wuts up?? :O |
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