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Anybody going to help this guy out with the Mad Lib?
Dammit, I'm trying.
It's all good.
Done. Lemme see what monstrosity I've created.
I can't guarantee anything but here it is:
The spunky and goldenrod Roberto has barfed Nikki's pretentious sister and plans to steal her conservative knives! What are a blue whale and backpacking ferret to do? Before you can help Candy, you'll have to collect the spiritual chains and adventurous skittles that open up the 25 worlds connected to Roberto's Lair. There are 16 chains and 4 skittles in the game. |
God I suck at mad libs.
Not much. Just listening to some music.
Whoa... Cool Madlib...
I shall take my Adventurous Skittles and be off. |
I just watched an episode of Salute Your Shorts on YouTube and...
...it was kinda lame :( :( :( It was more of a nostalgia rush than anything, but man. :( At least I appreciate Pete and Pete more than I used to. |
Hey dudes, let's talk about stuff!
I'll be hanging around for awhile.
Please don't tell me that Terra got popular while I was gone. |
Shut up.
And no "Terra" didn't suddenly get popular around here. There's a whole bunch of new people that don't quite grasp what a prick I am. >: Either that or they don't give a shit. |
Holy shit Brandon :eek
Did Brandon have another user name at some point? Cuz the avatar and title are familiar, but nothing else is ringing a bell.
oh right. that helps a bit.
Now you all misunderstood what I said.
When I said "all ******s are faggots", what I meant to say was "all faggots are ******s"! It's completely different. >: |
OMG I liked Brandon.
CLEARLY, the administrators and moderators like to twist and garble and misconstrue things that the more "unpopular" members of this board will say. For example, if I were to say, oh, hypothetically, "I like dicks", someone could turn around and tell other people that "I cure cancer of the dick, and I like my profession" which is totally untrue.
You might not think this isn't so bad in itself, but now i'll have people coming to me on the Internet (not literally of course, but electronically VIA email) that they have penile cancer and would like for me to treat it. I'd have to politely decline and in turn the cancer patients will have wasted up to 2 minutes of their precious life that they could've used searching for reliable treatment.
I never heard of anybody losing their life because their dick fell off. :)
And is there anything being done about it? No, sadly it isn't, and Chojin the self-proclaimed queen tyrant, reigns unchecked. He's taking our freedoms and undermining the very standards that our founders set many many boards ago. Basic rights being smashed to bytes by the big banhammer of injustice (or the BBHI).
shit he's going mandela on us
Oh Miss Celie, don't do dat. Don't go where I been.....
:color purple/oprah quote. |
Many banned people do not adapt to this new lifestyle change of "sunshine" and "physical activity" and quickly turn to crime, more often than not, prostitution. Sweet, sweet prostitution. But the moderators have a solution, but it's a solution THEY don't want you to know about. I'm talking about the OVENS, people.
Those names in the members list don't go anywhere, but the very people that created them, gone. Literally dust in the wind. People that you have shunned in the past you're probably now breathing in. And what do the moderators think? Nothing, they think nothing of burning things cause they like fire. And fuck, who DOESN'T like fire? How are you going to make smores? With the damned souls of the banned (or the banned souls of the damned).
Hope this helps! |
I bet you laughed you fucker >:
Somewhere in there I made a 2000th post but I didn't pop out a vibrator for it.
Seven you weenie! :) |
Terra you joker, you don't even have a vagina.
yeah, terra i think you ran out o ways to make fun of me.
Keep posting you cockless wonder. There's tons of revenue to be had.
But you could stop.
But I did! Until he started in again. >:
yeah I was being goofy not hurtful too you. Jeez calm down.
I'm cool babe. You know I luv ya.
You little moose blowing fuckwit, you. |
I saw V for Vendetta today.
All the cool kids have signatures. :(
I have two. Because I'm hated. :)
But Guitar Woman has one. :/
I liked that show.
And that's why you should buy the DVDs.
Shake the crime stick!
They stopped showing the episodes really late at night on Comedy Central here.
I just got a tattoo and it kinda hurts...
What of?
Where at?
Happy April Fools day everybody.
hey check this out
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That's adorable :)
no wait this
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lets all look at http://www.cuteoverload.com/ :)
I'd love to have a cat like this:
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Great. Nothing like swigging a beer and scratching your nuts.
That's one FINE pussy. :hey ladies get off your asses!!! |
Maggiekarps new avatar is creeping me out.
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*thumbs up* :D
*wrong thread* ;<
I'm sorry moobs, I thought even you could read your own posts...You asked what of?, then terra asked where? The logical thing to do would be to show you, because explaining might be a bit past your man+boobs=moobs logic.
It's 8 nautical stars wrapped around my left arm. |
Yeah but you could of made a reference from here and put it in there.
Nevermind, I like it. How much it cost? |
Great tattoo Mr. Retro Kat! :)
EDIT: no posts exist for this topic :tear |
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I think Pub's unofficial job here is to collect quotes from around the forum for this thread to create a 'best of' montage that I honestly do enjoy.
How much would it take for me to be able to get my name changed?
it would take $PM
US currency. |
Aw man now I've got used to your old name.
At least I know what your real name is now, Hi Dan. |
That makes two people who have instant messaged me just to be disappointed by the results.
What can I say, your not very talkative. That or the fact that Mr Pink is the best character in reservoir dogs was a bad topic :/
Yeah, pony up the money you freeloader. Do you have any idea how much it takes to pay for the servers hosting the site? Do you? Fuckin' ballpark it.
EDIT: That was supposed to go after Chojin's post. |
So, how you doing?
Uh-uh, man.. nah man, you don't wanna rile me, man.. you just riled the wrong motherfucker, man. Nah you don't even know man. I'm the last guy you wanna fuck with man cause you don't know me man I'll fuckin I'll kill your ass man you don't even know man cause you don't know man. I'm like a motherfuckin earthquake wrapped in a hurricane nestled in a box of tsunamis man, you got it? That's what I am man I'm fuckin kick your ass I'm like a motherfuckin natural disaster times triplicate man! Fucking waitin to kick your ass you don't even know man cause I'm trained in supersecret martial arts man. Shit I can't even tell you man. I had to live underwater for a year man to learn this shit. I can't even avow any of this stuff. I got tricks. I know fuckin 43 ways to kill you with a pimento my man. So don't fuck with me. You don't want to fuck with me cause I know super ninja shit man.. like - right now! I just turned invisible! You didn't even know that! I just turned invisible man! You say you lookin at me cause you hear my voice, but I just turned invisible. You think you see me but I just put all my visiblity onto you so you double visible now! That negates itself! Whatcha you gonna do motherfucker? You can run but you can't hide! I'll fuckin find your ass cause I'm invisible and you're double visible! You opened up the wrong motherfuckin can of worms bitch! You opened up the wrong can of worms man. Cause this, this is you going, "Aw man, what's this can of worms? I'm gonna try this can of worms out man. See what's up in here man." And you fuckin open it up. And you just lookin at, "Look at that! That ain't nothin but a stupid little can of worms! What's that about? I don't give a shit about that little can of worms!" Then when your back's turned all them worms climb up on top of each other and form one big worm! and AND KILL YOU with their worm-like veracity.
Seven can't you just fucking CHAT anymore??
I preferred the apple, current one is lame, as was the furry.
Seven Force you need more apple. |
Seven, I'm sorry, but I stopped reading at Uh.
When ever someone says that, I automatically know they read all of it.
Well, I admit, I did read that last bit about the worms and such. So, guess I did skim over the bulk of it.
That's twice that someone has posted at the same time as me in the Ruin Wish thread thing.
Today is Morrissey Day guys!
Morrissey is a stupid-face.
not to mention stupid hair
What music does Morrissey play? I've never heard of him :(
im liking the new avatar esuohlim
![]() I would like to welcome all the newgrounds idiots to i-mockery. Enjoy your brief stay. |
http://youtube.com/watch?v=Cn-UFp5R9...rother%20louie EDIT: Or this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=0EWOj9Mqy...re%20my%20soul |
So, who's going to actually participate in the new giveaway contest?
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