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Here are those dried apple heads I talked about. I need to find some fabric so I can make some bodies for them.
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Those look cool, how long till they go rotten and atract flies? Or is something done in the process that preserves them?
I shellac them to prevent rotting and they're bathed in salt water and hung over a hot lamp for a week to draw out any moisture, but from what I've seen in antique ones they eventually turn black.
:love That's the best thing ever. |
And keep in mind that Grislygus made me one a few years back that was great, so this better be too. >: Also keep in mind that if you were a few years older or I was a few years younger and if you dug guys with noodle arms we totally could hook up internet-style :eyebrows BUT CONSIDERING THAT'S NOT THE CASE I'LL HAVE TO ENDLESSLY QUEST FOR SHRUBFEST'S LOVE :tear WHERE'S MY PICTURE >: |
![]() I miss Grislygus :( |
I-Mockery also has a transsexual, a lazy-eyed negro, and a Kiwi with extremely low self-esteem :(
the kiwi with a low self-esteem may also be a tranny :(
The lazy-eyed negro could also have low self-esteem :(
my god :(
I-mockery is the saddest board
I-mockery is missing something though.
One Pub Lover. Reward: ??? |
I have sore thumbs because yesterday I beat Blaster Master.
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Missing: one Pac-Man :(
Reward: :) |
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Growing up I always fucked up at the third boss (the VARIOUS BOXES FUUUUUCK), and then when I got big into the NES as a senior in high school I'd mess up at the fourth level boss (I think I got to area five once or twice back then but the game's difficulty gets pretty rough). I'm really bad at bosses.
Yesterday, with the help of using save states before the bosses, I beat the game. |
did you know if you hit pause just as a grenade's going off and damaging certain bosses it will continue to damage it until you take pause off
it can really help! |
Actually yes I knew that. Makes the second boss and both incarnations of Fred easy-peasy!
I don't know that I've ever attempted to fight Fred. Whoops. It's better off fighting them all, though, since the ones you can't cheat with end up throwing you off guard. It's pretty hard to hit a tiny weak spot on an enemy when there are four bubbles bouncing in all different directions, especially when the hit detection on the grenades suck. What a great game. EDIT: also at one boss I paused it when I'd hit him, but he had also hit me. That trick works both ways, as I watched my health slowly deplete! |
Well, looks like the rest of my night will be spent playing Megaman 9 and not getting high later on.
It makes me feel special. :)
I need more pics of Leader and Kitsa's dog.
Hold on, photobucket is always slow for me, though. :'(
This dog is actually at the window currently. He's found out that we hang out in this room every night so he stays at this window. I looked over and he had jumped up on the sill.
"Listen to me, buddy, listen--listen to me. You--you're my best friend, you know that? Listen, you're my best friend, you've got to--you've just got to get down from there. No, no, don't scratch on the screen, that's not what friends do, buddy. Listen, you're a good guy, all right?" Fuck, I'm stupid. MEGAMANNINE ON THE OTHER HAND IS FUCKING TITS. |
Maybe it's just me not liking animals that much but it always struck me as strange that Tadao was like Jeanette X's male counterpart when it came to FLUFFY WUFFY ANIMALS :vomit
No way, animals are totally cool and totally cute.
No way my heart goes totally soft for some white ducks but other than that I don't know man :(
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diff strokes, diff folks
i currently am drunk and have a cat lying on my chest and purring. FML!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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never you mind, I mussed up
My cat could eat your dogs. >:
Jeanete X loves all animals, not just the cute ones. In fact, she seems to have a certain pride in animals that are either incredibly disgusting, or can seriously fuck you up.
I always saw a slight disdain for the fluffy wuffy ones though. |
Some real winners in there milhouse.
i want to punch each of them, the one that doesn't flinch gets kicked in the balls
![]() Mexicans :lol |
I've been reading a really interesting book on public executions (I collect fucked-up history books). Among other things, it says...
- in the Tyburn days in England, there would be a command for people to remove their hats as the condemned approached the scaffold. It wasn't out of respect for the dying criminal, but rather so everyone could get a good view. - It used to be customary to allow condemned prisoners to have a drink at every pub on the way to the execution site, and that's where the expression "one for the road" is supposed to have come from.... - And during the period in Germany where beheadings with a short, rounded sword were common, one punishment was to lead the prisoner to believe they were going to die and then reprieve them at the last minute. By that, I mean they were allowed to prepare for death, got trussed-up, went to the execution site, knelt down, were blindfolded, and waited. The executioner would start swinging the sword over his head to build up speed. The prisoner would be kneeling there, hearing the sword swing. Then the executioner would either lop off the head or swing the sword harmlessly over top of the head. The prisoner didn't know he'd been reprieved until he'd already gone through the torture of hearing the executioner power up and everything. Now that's pretty fucked-up. And this was way before Hitler. |
i'd like to imagine Colonel Klink faking out someone with a sword like that
I remember reading that in medieval Germany if you got caught several times for being drunk in public they would lock you in this barrel with legholes and a neckhole cut into it and you just had to walk around without the use of your arms and your waste would just accumulate in the barrel.
Yeah, I guess that is pretty hilarious, until the condemmed person realises they have nothing to lose, so tell the Kaiser to "Lichten mein asch" and the executioner is all like "oooh, shit son, we were just about to let you go!" |
Hey knuckle head. You want somma this?
Shut the hell up, Chucklenuts. I OWN you!
My Fanclub
Spy sucks, Medics a Deutsch-bag, and Fahget fatty.
I'm the real deal. |
hangie your character is dummmmmmm
I think I'm in love! :love
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I'm in a right foul mood tonight.
I should have been asleep hours ago. |
That dude is awesome. :lol
You know it would end up botched though. |
asha, hope, cute pun.
I found out I have a fun new possibly-skin-cancer on my shoulder that will have to be surgically removed in a few months :( |
That sucks. For a while I had a big black splotch on the front of my big toe, but I cut it off with a razor blade and it turned out to be ink that had somehow gotten soaked into the dead skin.
I figured something would go awry sooner or later because I'm extremely fair-skinned and I've had radiation therapy. My dad started getting his around my age.
The problem is that my mom had most of her back removed because of the malignant version of the same tumor. :/ Brought on by radiation therapy for another cancer she had. The weird thing is that it's barely noticeable, most people would dismiss it as a flesh-colored mole. Fuck cancer and fuck the shit it keeps dredging up. >: |
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Hahahahaha I hope that is a real pic.
I think it would be the worst moment in my life if i'd seen that and didn't have a camera.
haha that's awesome.
I just went to some world record attempt for fireworks. They were supposed to set off like 11k in 60 seconds but what seemed to happen was that the boat blew up and caught fire. Then everyone went home. :lol
NO WAY! You should have brought a camera to an event like that. Did you? Or did it blow up before you got there?
No I was there. I'm not 100% sure it blew up yet but but it looked suspiciously like it did. I'll find out tomorrow on the local news. No camera though :(
Was it a cool explosion or a random fizzle? *_*
Well, 11k of fireworks blew up. And it looks a lot like less than 60 seconds.
thats pretty cool. Looks like a high speed capture of an A-bomb test
That's fantastic. Just to have known that their record atempt was a disaster has made me feel so much better about life.
if you have to fail, make it spectacular.
Wish I could've been there for that.
yay seakittens :3
Anyone else getting heavy rains from hurricane Bill?
You can read about my experiences with HURRICANE BILL in my new blog! Check it out..lol
Status: Blogging. Read about blogging in my new blog! #blogging |
I would like you to have a blog so that I may read about you. :(
Your story checks out.
I would eat a sea kitten.
If wanted your life story Sam I'd read about it in your blog >:
Dont argue with Sam, or he will bring in his massive army of characters as fire support O.o
they need to find a way to cute up cows + pigs, wth vegrans |
Pig = MudBunnie
Cow = PasturePuppy I should work for Peta O.O |
You suck, Wiffles
Im very sorry ;__;
cow= flavorbaby
If God had not intended for humans to eat meat, He wouldn't have created so many tasty animals.
I'm doing my part by eating the animals. It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it. :\
ok next time i sing t.n.t. by ac/dc at kareoke SOMEONE NEEDS TO BE THERE RECORDING IT FUCK DAMNIT
I was lying in bed this morning absolutely wrecked with tiredness (2 and a half hours sleep) and thinking to myself that I should just call in sick to work because I can't be arsed getting up. Unfortunately for me I am a super nice guy, and the guilt of leaving my two co-workers under staffed and super busy forced me to get up and drag myself to work.
When I got there I found out that one of the shitting bastards had called in sick, and the other one was "car broken down but still on the way!" and never bothered turning up after that. PISH. Off fishing more like. |
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I don't even know what that is.
That dissected fish looks mildly annoyed.
Sea Kitten actually makes a fish sound more delicious to me.
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