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I saw a woman today who had on brown corduroy pants and a green turtleneck with construction-paper apples stapled all over it. I think she was an apple tree. |
which one?
oh I'm just talking in general I saw those type of people.
I'll take some pictures today for everyone. You will not believe the people in Ohio and their "Wal-mart" apparel. edit: I have seen this woman before though ![]() |
I, for one, totally believe the Ohio-Walmart thing.
Edit: also, is this who she's being? ![]() |
what is it that she's returning? a hair brush?
I'm still pissed off about "Paranormal Activity" being a total fucking waste of my time (see "last movie you saw" thread)
paranormal activity was a piece of shit. I can't begin to describe how disappointing it was.
On a different note, I just did my make up for this halloween party and I'm going as Monkey from The Adicts. |
It looks like her hair is made of paper mache.
PS: I had to guess type the last half of that sentence because it is covered by one of the new ads that seem to appear right where I am trying to look, rather than the top of the page. YOU HAVE (1) FREE RINGTONE! CLICK HERE. |
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I made a last-minute costume for school today by putting some welding goggles on, putting my hood up, and holding a pair of bolt cutters. Then I'd sneak up on people, and just stand behind them, brandishing the cutters. Got me a few good scares.
Later, I put the cutters in my hammer strap, started carrying a wrench, and made a fair Wastelander. |
i don't know what happened to me, but my main interests these days are: reclining in comfy chairs, eating expensive cheese, listening to easy music like Zero 7 or Leonard Cohen, smoking, and drinking wine.
I think it happened around the same time that I realized that I used to play games to unwind, but playing games isn't relaxing at all to me. |
i hope to use this as a gateway into reading books and smoking from a pipe, wish me luck
you are turning into Seththomas :eek
God, now I can't like Leonard Cohen anymore.
Get a churchwarden!
Also, it's because games haven't been good since 2006. It hurt me too, bro. |
I've considered joining a gym even though I have everything I need here, just so I can sit in the steam room and loudly talk about the wall street journal with my peers. :posh I'm also kinda into BMWs. |
It's a gandalf pipe. It's good for reading because the bowl doesn't get in the way of your book.
I bet you'd enjoy being surrounded by sweaty, naked men, you putz |
By the way, where the hell has Pac Man been? He hasn't posted in about 5 months or more.
so i'm eating a mixture of count chocula and boo berry. it's fucking delicious.
this one's probably about 2/3 c.c. and 1/3 b.b. |
I've mixed boo berry and frankenberry before. Makes the milk a neat lavender color.
I think that burn last night took something out of me...I'm not getting jack shit accomplished today :( |
After months of not getting around to it I went to Target to buy a toaster for $6. I wake up the next morning after months of wanting to make waffles. Put the waffles in and after 30 seconds the toaster starts smoking really bad. The waffles weren't burning but the toaster started to. Now I have to wait till wednesday to return it and get a better one.
That sucks.
I've been getting entertaining texts from some guy who thinks I'm the girl he met Halloween night. She must have given him a fake number. |
You're not supposed to pour waffle batter into a toaster you fucking drunk bastard.
i remember when i wanted to get a toaster oven really bad, but then i thought about how much easier it is to just buy eggos.
i mean, yeah, real waffles are infinitely better, but fuck. eggo's take two minutes at best. sorry for your toasted loss. |
Toaster convection ovens are wonderful. I bake cookies, cupcakes, casseroles, everything in mine. I barely even use my regular oven.
Has to be a convection oven, though. Mine's a black and decker, ran about $60. |
Toaster convection oven? I don't even know what that is.
I always had a toaster growing up, it wasn't until moving out that I was introduced to toaster ovens. |
yeah convection ovens are awesome. you can even take em outside so you don't heat up the house if you're baking in summertime
Toasted turkey and muenster. All the reason you need to get a toaster oven. :yum
GD it! Now Im hungry! F you guys. >:
I don't know what we have, but it's red!
And yes, toasting sandwiches makes them five-hundred times better. |
I'll have to disagree. Toasted sandwiches are over-rated. The only reason to toast is to melt the cheese.
Well yeah, but hot shaved meat is yummy.
Or if you just toast the bread and the cheese, and then add the meat post-toasting. But maaaaan, I don't know if I could eat a pulled pork sandwich without first toasting the bread anymore. Wait, yes I could, that's yumlicious. |
toast is for my eggs, not my cold cut combo.
well, it's not just for sandwiches.
You can make small batches (6 or fewer) of muffins or cookies, therefore not having a bunch sitting around to make you feel like a fatty. You can make impressive grill marks on burger/hotdog buns. It's easier to control how toasty your bagels get. If you can move the rack to the lowest position, you can roast a small chicken in one. It's perfect for baked potatoes. They make a half-size loaf of garlic bread that fits perfectly in toaster ovens. And so on. |
Just ordered Pizza Hut online for the first time. What can I say, amazing technology these days revolving around pizza alone.
Can't wait for this Super Supreme Pizza and some P'Zone. |
man i'm out of range of all the pizza huts, i gotta get dominos when i do online orders >:
foreman grill, toaster oven, and an electric range and you're set for life
the foreman grill becomes the most important when you're dieting, though |
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![]() mah page hauer |
What the fuck is a Railfan? Who the hell seriously gets a god damn hard on over a train. This up there with being next to that awkward furry shit.
What's not to like about a huge beast born of Steel and Iron careening down a track at hundreds of kilometers an hour?
I mean, I'm not a rail-fan, I don't have model railways or anything, but I can see why people would like them. |
Mandy Patinkin hearts trains.
I ended up having to use the toaster oven for the eggos. I love my toaster oven but not for making waffles or toast(mine is kind of old so it burns things.) Great for reheating pizza or wings.
A little late but what the fuck ever... Pizza Hut sucks balls! Their sauce is just tomato paste. >: Freschetta Brick Over Pizza is where its at! IF you just have to order in Papa Johns is the way to go.
Remember the "Jackpot!' guy from the recent Pizza Hut cokmmercials? Good God I never wanted to punch a fictional character so hard in my life.
Damn, too bad youtube's blocked here. I really want to see him "flip out".
I bet pizza hut was all like "We need a celebrity to endorse our new pizzah hut commercials....but we only have $20. Who could we get?"
And Jim Brewer was all like "I'll take the case." |
Next thing you now, there's gonna be a jackpot MOVIE.
fuck ties
id never be able to wear them if i did that
It's a good thing I stepped in that pile of dog shit after my job interview and not before it!
Also, how the fuck is someone with no people skills supposed to get a job, ever? What if I don't LIKE being a leader? How about a skill where I let you employers suck shit out of my ass? I should have just skipped the interview and bought hard drugs to inject into my eye sockets. |
Janitor dude.
Most of us lie in order to make money.
That's two people telling you to lie, GW. Get on it.
I was applying for some grassroots campaign shit and I lied through my teeth about how much I cared about genocide in Darfur, but I was jittery as fuck during the interview and probably looked like I was on cocaine the entire time.
Plus whenever they ask me WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU CAN BRING TO OUR WORK TEAM I think "uh, how about another person, you prick? You're the one who needed the fucking new employees so bad you put up a classified ad" |
With the benefit of hindsight I think I at least did better than the heavyset black lady in goodwill clothes and jewelery who went "mmhmm" under her breath every 2 seconds during the group interview and at one point left to talk on her cell-phone for five minutes.
Liberals are also dumber than shit and their standards for pretty much everything are really low, so I think I've got a fighting chance. |
Dedication A hard-working spirit A can-do attitude |
two hundred and fo'ty dollars worth 'a puddin'
Neighborhood of 300 dollars a week, brah.
It's the kind of thing where you hang out on street corners or go door to door and pester people to donate for THE CAUSE. I would hate myself, but I would also have money. |
I don't like interacting with people. I can't do that. I like manual labor.
I could work in a meat-packing plant in my neck of the woods and make eighteen dollars and hour for lifting a box of meat five feet for seven hours a day, two ten minute breaks, and a lunch break. |
Yeah, but you would have to join a union. :x
what if I don't want to join a union?
You won't work with meat then.
Bah. Unions suck.
A long time ago, they were a good thing. I think nowadays they are using the people as a weapon for their own greed.
Jobs suck.
Why the fuck can't I just be a bum? |
Because you still have to sit outside and interact with people.
Not that I can't interact with people, I just feel like employers require you to be Dwayne Johnson in terms of charisma
And honestly, who would you hire first, a nervous, jittery alcoholic or The Rock |
You should definately try being a bum, and see if it works well with you. Otherwise there are alot of jobs that dont need charisma, like fruit picker or something ^.^;
It's not that hard to smile and and nod politley. I'm socially awkward and even I can do that.
Unless you can snag one of these:
http://network.nationalpost.com/np/b...rvey-city.aspx The most spectacularly blown job interview I ever saw was a doctor. My boss, the superhighup executive doctor, had just gotten back from vacationing at his timeshare in Montana. While he waited for the interview guy to arrive, he was telling me about how great Montana was and how on his way to the airport there was an actual moose in the road. He and his wife and his kids all got out to look at the moose. When the interview doctor arrived, he said he was sorry he was late and that he'd just gotten off a plane. This prompted my boss to ask where he was from. Montana, of course. My boss's eyes lit up and he started to go back into the spiel about how great Montana is. The interviewee doctor said, "Yeah, it's great but the tourists have ruined it. On my way out there was some idiot who caused a huge traffic backup to gawk at a moose in the road." That reads like a joke, but I swear it happened, I was sitting right there. The guy didn't get the job. |
Ever since then, I've been trying to figure out the logistics. Was it my boss? Was it a different tourist? I can't remember when my boss got back to Chicago. I think it was that morning; I think this was a Monday. Could they have been on the same flight, or were there several morning flights from Montana to Chicago?
I found myself really, really hoping it was my boss the guy was pissed off about. I'm pretty sure my boss assumed it was. |
Apparently Office Depot has higher security measures in place for their online store than the following: Amazon, Verizon, West Virginia University, Northern Virginia Community College, and the federal fucking government's Direct Student Loans program.
All of those services (and probably more I've forgotten over the years) have no problem with me using my credit card to make purchases, but not Office Depot! So now I'm not getting the computer that I received a "shipping confirmation" email regarding, and I have to wait until my bank account clears the hold for the transaction and I can buy a different computer and then wait a few days for that. I was really looking forward to fucking around with a new computer tonight, but uhhh I guess I'll have to wait another week at least? Fuck you. EDIT: also the couple I live with is fighting and I have to pick him up from class later (though she's at the same fucking place as him for the same amount of fucking time) and then I guess we're still hanging out and getting fucked up together? |
nobody said life would be easy Fido
everything's so terrible in the winter. i get paranoid that other people think less of me, i tend to get overwhelmed by a state of depression, blah blah blah. i don't like it when it gets cold.
ya I think a lot of people feel that way in winter, in one way I look forward to the snow, but it does get pretty depressing after a while, my favorite season is the fall hands down. The summer pisses me off, too damn hot for my liking, spring is bullshit mud everywhere, fucking soggy ground and shit, and winter is depressing like you've said.
Yeah, fall is beautiful but it also tends to make me sad. It seems to make me dream a lot more, or at least has my imagination running more frequently. I like that aspect of it, but not the depression.
I used to hate the summer, but I've been growing to enjoy it more and more each year. I love the changing of seasons because it makes things look different, but fuuuuuck the winter. Luckily I'm not the only one in this household who feels this way. I was outside with my friend's wife, staring at the mountain across the road. She said "this part of the year makes me want to die." |
Fucking Quicktime fucking piece of shit fucking Apple software. >:
what'd it do this time
It doesn't want to let me actually download .mp3s. It keeps playing them in my browser. And I can't right click, because it's linked to from a Flash object.
I'm sure there's a setting in Quicktime, but I didn't care enough to keep a program that appropriated all media from everywhere. And it called me a ******. |
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