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I acknowledge your creepiness, babs.
to all the people who have laughed at me over the years, saying "what are you afraid of? you have 4 wheel drive!" ... go fuck yourself.
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are you dead?
reincarnated as two dogs
i mean bark |
or do you mean
Bark Bark ? |
Are there even any treads on those tires? Also wrong tires for snow 4X4 turns and friends never give good advice.
nah they were in dire need of replacing. just got the $$$ to do it, too!
also lolfriends. not me!
what cod is that? Black ops 2? I was to fucking play capture the points in a skate park.
this sucks
The problem is we've been coming here too long and run out of things to say and stories to tell.
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Oh man, you mean we have to hold up to a higher standard here?
I really miss this place though. Like when I'm telling stories to my other nerdy friends about high school or college I talk about amazing threads from this forum. And then for the last 2 years all I do is pop back in, say how lame everything is, don't contribute, and then leave
I guess my question is: is it my/our fault? |
Everything is our fault. We are all deficient human beings.
Also, I'm in the middle of helping open up a new hookah lounge. Right now I'm working on licenses and finding a location. It's gonna be really cool! |
i'm listening to this awesome two-man doom band called Bell Witch and getting sad because i'm tired and sad :(
hey i bet liquidstatik is going to show up like now
woops i posted after danny sorry
you haven't smoked pot in 4 years? |
that is true; i think the last time i truly liked the articles on the site i was in high school and RoG taught me how to steal candy bars in a slurpee :x
and that's not even to say the site sucks or something i just don't read it
i have some pot sitting in a bowl ready to be smoked, but i have to be at work by 7am tomorrow to help run a workshop uggggh |
it really makes me upset to go to the main forum page and see that music hasn't been updated since december and loveline since NOVEMBER and the last post in there was by
RoG, if you can hear me, DO SOMETHING
is it still going to come out on vinyl because i will buy that ish immediately |
There were a ton of funny things here. Catching pervs on the internet, pissing off straight edge fags, stealing candy. It all changed one day because someone is trying to be serious and it could effect his career. This is a guys life and if it came between him getting a life changing job or me laughing at penises, well he made the wrong choice.
he never got that life changing job :lol
Well, thanks the for the revival that totally wasn't a downer to read.
Motion to (re)start an embarrassing/dumb/funny sexual memory thread in loveline. |
I 2nd it
Yeah I gotta stop being so serious all the time.
![]() :lol2 Also, what job is it you're talking about? I'd like to know so I know what dream job I'm supposed to try to get. I released the game of my dreams and now I'm almost done making a game with my pals that I was hired to create for Adult Swim. It's a lot of fun, but it's also a LOT of work that takes up most of my time cuz I want these things to be awesome. When I have free time, I always try to create some fun new content for the site. As for these forums being so quiet, to put it simply - a lot of forums died off when social media sites became all the rage. That's where people mostly talk now. Some sites still have forums that are active, most don't. There's no magic button I can push to suddenly breathe new life into these forums. And for those of you who only came here for the forums, I honestly think you've missed out on a lot, but hey... I realize I-Mockery's articles, games, videos & more aren't for everyone, so no hard feelings. I love I-Mockery and I'm super thankful for all the fans it has made over the years and how long it's managed to hang around. If you liked how something used to be on here, that's awesome. If prefer the newer content on here more, awesome. Whatever the case may be, I don't believe in constantly doing the same thing forever. I think you should always try new things. I got bored doing the old mockery sites and rants back in the day, so I started doing other stuff. When I got tired of that, I started working on comics. After that, I moved onto simple web games. From there, I started working on much bigger games. Next, I started up a web show. Now I'm working on videos, performing in live shows when I can, and making more games. When time permits, I put up new articles about the things I love... toys, games, Halloween, whatever happens to be inspiring me at the moment. I-Mockery will always be a wonderful home where I can spill out my brain. It's always nice when people follow whatever new projects I work on, but I certainly don't expect everybody to like everything I do. All I can tell ya is that I'm always going to keep working, because I can't stand doing nothing. Thanks again to all of you who've stuck around for ages and continue to do so. :picklehat |
Hey, don't call me on my bullshit. That's not cool bro.
Speaking of last week, I got this PM:
i.e. i got married last year guys woot woot |
my biggest influences were bape and bubsyyyyyyyyyy. the bape takeover of this forum was a landmark in my internet life
i agree with RoG that social media has killed forums, and really this was the only forum i ever posted on (aside from smogon when i was super obsessed with pokemon... anyway). social media is terrible though; i still interact with danny tatom (bros4lyfe) on there a lot, and i see willie cry about losing jobs and singing karaoke which is great not sure the point of this post. i'm at work on a saturday and hate everything anyone here located in houston, texas? i'll be there for work Monday - Wednesday, let's get drunk |
I think forums can make a come back. It's way easier to navigate and hold conversations than facebook. Facebook and their kind are way to ADD for me. I like novels, not short stories.
The social media thing is definitely accurate. People seem to think they'd rather talk to their friends instead of strangers on the internet about things they find funny. Who knows, I mean, btc keeps checking back every now and again so maybe there is still hope.
Also I guess Esuohlim is a big shot or something :rolleyes: |
I agree that social media is rendering message boards sort of obsolete. In this day and age where people are scrolling through their phones for two minutes at a time throughout the day, stuff like Twitter and Facebook is easily and quickly digestible. You see it, like it, share it, whatever, and move on. What I miss the most is the amount of effort making internet content used to take. You don't really see that effort anymore. Everything's become disposable. |
I could easily churn out the kind of useless drivel BuzzFeed does, but I'd rather not steal 10 animated gifs from around the web, not credit the sources, and then spend maybe five minutes surrounding them with words that no self-respecting writer would describe as an article. I prefer to take my time, snap my own photographs, and put some actual time, effort, and love into the work. Unfortunately, that means less frequent updates, and the web has sadly become all about who can update the most frequently and get the most followers and blahblahblah. It's the same reason why you see YouTubers shooting so many quick "vlog" videos about absolutely nothing. It's filler. It's an update for the sake of updating. I guess I just don't believe in putting up content like that... I'd rather take a little more time and make something that a person might still remember later on down the road. Don't get me wrong though; there's still a lot of great stuff on the web these days, but there's so much b.s. you have to wade through to get to it, I can see how a lot of people don't care enough to seek it out. It's a lot easier to just hang out on Facebook all day and share the latest LOL-inducing image with your friends. There's no time commitment to it. Quick laugh and then get on with your day. It's just not what I'm into. I like reading lengthy pieces in my down-time, so I guess that's why I tend to enjoy writing them too. |
This is the generation of me first and I want it now. It's all about pointless viral shit that has the appeal for 1 day at best, everything is monotonous and lacks value. "Music" like Skrillex and Jay Z is what's hot and trending. It's a fucking disaster. Cinema is dead and practically replaced by youtube. When movies like Pacific Rim and Magic Mike exist, you no shit as hit the bottom. It's all about money and appealing to the masses, and masses have spoken, they like being force fed shit.
Like this post if you're a true
Babs - While I know it's easy to be jaded about it all, there's lots of awesome stuff to be found out there these days... sometimes you just gotta dig around. Independent creators have far better means of getting their work out to the masses than they ever did in the past - but with that, there's obviously gonna be a lot more lackluster material to dig through to get to the good stuff. And while I'll always be a huge fan of the creations I grew up on in my childhood years, I'm constantly finding great shows, movies, music, toys, art, web sites, and more. I'm just not into the work that people clearly put no love into and are just doing it in the hopes of making a quick buck. Keep looking around though, you'll find things you like, I promise.
you're like a typewriter
your head is underwood :lol |
Don't forget Reddit! That probably has a lot to do with other forums being obsolete.
I think I've only clicked on links that lead to reddit. Never actually went there on my own. I used to be on fark all the fucking time until 9/11 happened and then I just kind of lost interest there. 9/11 ruined a shit ton of media for me.
i like the AMAs on reddit. never participated but reading through the archives is great. especially for stuff like when someone corrected the obama's grammar :x
I don't know why the fuck people think it's okay to move a lamp away to a different table, and expect not to pay for it when they knock it over.
oh what up playboy
It's been this way forever.
Babs, you're a pretentious little baby. The Master didn't do well in cinemas. :(
I hope that someday you'll realize how repugnant that statement is. |
Not my intentions what so ever.
One of my rats may have sprained her back paw. She's eating and drinking fine, but she's not putting much weight on it. Little shit has me worried to death
also I might be moving. I figure either Washington or Tangier, I'm edging toward Tangier because I want to lose myself in a hash fueled orgy. |
Africa? You would have to be high to move there.
Errr, I think they kill gays now over there so yeah, pretty dried up. :eek
Almost done with the movie The Master and it's seems to be Scientology with good acting.
The other rat, Navi, is the social one. But Dima's starting to look a little better. I saw her standing a little bit, so that's good. |
Hah I love the name choice of navi. I'm thinking of getting some of those dudes myself. I want a rather big enclosure for them first so I don't just have them boxed in a tiny space.
Yeah I watched it all the way through and I accidentally have a huge knowledge of how Scientology works. When you live so close to Hollywood you know people, date people, hate people, all that stuff, who have been or are still active with that stuff and that movie is 100 percent a Scientology rip off. If they just left it with past lives and talking them out and shit, fine, but they threw in the whole auditing crap and now it's a rip off.
I'm sure Scientology would love to sue them, but it might not be in their best interest to draw attention to the movie or themselves. |
What's interesting to add is that Tom Cruise and PT Anderson are friends and I recalled hearing that Thomas showed the film to Cruise and I believe his final verdict was that he "had issues with it". Man doesn't like his beliefs being portrayed as cult-like.
Well anything Scientology based that goes out to the public is created by and controlled by their church or it's big trouble for the person. I don't think PT is a member, therefore he hasn't paid his 500 thousand in courses so all the money from the movie doesn't go to the church.
Crap like that. Also the church would never put out free information, they charge you for everything. I really don't understand how people do not see Scientology as a money cult. Any religion that believes people are being abused and should be set free from oppression and know the answer should be freeing people for fucking free. It's fucking insane. All religion is though. |
It's a blatant tax dodge as well. Wasn't Hubbard quoted as saying that the best way to make money is to invent a religion or something around those lines? Like Marx said, "religion is the opium of the masses".
Probably, he bought a huge ship to keep out in International waters to avoid taxes. Scientology is open about it's hatred of taxes. They are kinda like Hells Angels in that you would think they would all be in jail, but they have great connections and very good lawyers.
:lol haha nicely put. My buddy and I sometimes delve into this same topic and I've heard that once you're in the "church" you virtually can't leave because if you attempt to do so, you pretty much ruin your life (career, social life, etc).
Also, Dima's paw is better. Overnight. Bloody rats. |
My three year old told me today " daddy don't turn off my show. I'll punch you right in the asshole. Sorry, you're bum. "
Your son is fuckin smart
Wow, ten years since I've started postin. Still love this forum.
Does Pub Lover still post here?
![]() arachama sutra |
i spy with my broken eye
Well... my cat just passed away from kidney failure. I loved my cat more than anything. Shit month.
going out tonight to drink with some buddies. maybe come back here and post drunkenly, as i have in the past? |
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