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Matt Harty Jun 12th, 2004 11:37 AM

NO :(

Matt Harty Jun 12th, 2004 11:38 AM

NO :(

Matt Harty Jun 12th, 2004 11:38 AM

NO :(

Pub Lover Jun 12th, 2004 11:39 AM

I think it's a crime to be happy & post on the I-Mock forums. :(

Matt Harty Jun 12th, 2004 11:39 AM




Pub Lover Jun 12th, 2004 11:39 AM

Posting More will kill your bandwidth worse. :O

Pub Lover Jun 12th, 2004 11:41 AM

The pick doesn't work & niether does your avatar. :(

But it'll probably work later & I end up looking a jerk. :(

Matt Harty Jun 12th, 2004 11:43 AM

I thought if that happened I wouldn't be able to see it either. >:

Pub Lover Jun 12th, 2004 11:44 AM

Mattchew Harty (02:48:29): Is it really not working? >:o
Lemmysomemoney (02:48:33): yeah. :(
Mattchew Harty (02:48:39): OMG I BROKED IT?@?!?
Lemmysomemoney (02:48:43): empty your cache & you'll see...
Mattchew Harty (02:48:55): how do I empty my cash :<
Lemmysomemoney (02:49:05): you use IE?
Mattchew Harty (02:49:09): yeah
Lemmysomemoney (02:49:53): go to tools, internet options, & under 'temporary internet files' click 'delete files'
Mattchew Harty (02:50:34): Still the same
Mattchew Harty (02:50:37): ima shoot you in the head >:
Lemmysomemoney (02:50:45): I can't see it. :(
Mattchew Harty (02:50:52): it's red?
Mattchew Harty (02:51:01): how do I fix it wtf is wrong with my site
Lemmysomemoney (02:51:03): a tred X
Mattchew Harty (02:51:04): :PD"S

Mattchew Harty (02:51:06): NO}
Lemmysomemoney (02:51:42): You're probably just out of bandwidth, get a photobucket account or something. :(
Mattchew Harty (02:51:50): How do I get it back? >:o
Mattchew Harty (02:51:55): And how the hell has it run out?

Lemmysomemoney (02:52:37): bandwidth is like sand, super tasty sand that everyone wants to steal. the internet hates people having bandwidth...

Matt Harty Jun 12th, 2004 11:47 AM


Pub Lover Jun 12th, 2004 11:48 AM

Mattchew Harty (02:53:00): wtf how does it work :<
Mattchew Harty (02:53:49):

153.485 / 10000.0 MB Used

Mattchew Harty (02:53:56): I'm gonna fucking shoot you in the head >:

Lemmysomemoney (02:54:19): maybe it's my end that's fucked up. :(
Mattchew Harty (02:54:30): Yeah, how does bandwith work anyways?
Mattchew Harty (02:54:34): Do you ever get it back?
Lemmysomemoney (02:56:04): bandwidth is the amount of MB of information you can transfer in a specific amount of time, once you reach your limit, you can't transfer more (or you get charged more) until the next unit of time begins... I suck at explaining. :(
Lemmysomemoney (02:56:11): FAG >:

Matt Harty Jun 12th, 2004 11:49 AM

you never said fag >:

Pub Lover Jun 12th, 2004 11:49 AM

I don't eat lucky charms. :(

Matt Harty Jun 12th, 2004 11:49 AM

do you eat breakfast?

Pub Lover Jun 12th, 2004 11:53 AM

It No Workie! :bow

Matt Harty Jun 12th, 2004 11:54 AM

Oh well, i'm going to go cry into a pillow. Tell me when it shows up. :(

Pub Lover Jun 12th, 2004 11:54 AM

I sometimes eat a meal in the morning, but I never eat after sleeping...

I get sick if I do... I think someone else is already poisoning my breakfast. :(

Pub Lover Jun 12th, 2004 11:57 AM

Mattchew Harty (02:56:43): oh...
Mattchew Harty (02:56:56): Is it per month?

Mattchew Harty (02:57:03): nvm you suck at explaining things
Lemmysomemoney (02:57:07): yeah. :(
Mattchew Harty (02:57:17): OMG STOP POSTING THIS
Mattchew Harty (02:57:19): CUNT
Lemmysomemoney (02:57:45): haha, whatever.
Mattchew Harty (02:58:15): Does it work yet?
Lemmysomemoney (03:03:42): no. :(
Mattchew Harty (03:03:46): No what?
Lemmysomemoney (03:03:55): no it doesn't work. :(
Mattchew Harty (03:04:02): FIEN >:

Lemmysomemoney (03:04:07): :(
Mattchew Harty (03:04:27): am i being punked
Lemmysomemoney (03:05:01): Yes, because I'm Ashton Kutcher,...
Lemmysomemoney (03:05:30): The closest thing to Ashton Kutcher I am is that I wanna fuck Muna Kunis too... :(
Mattchew Harty (03:05:35): lol :<
Lemmysomemoney (03:05:59): Only fags post IM logs on forums. >:

Pub Lover Jun 12th, 2004 12:00 PM

Hey Guys, I drew a picture too! :D

Pub Lover Jun 12th, 2004 12:12 PM

Hey ScruU2wice! :D

ScruU2wice Jun 12th, 2004 12:23 PM

hey, you guys had another post count fight without me :(

Pub Lover Jun 12th, 2004 12:28 PM

You're still winning...

Pub Lover Jun 12th, 2004 12:29 PM

Ack! I'm bored, so I'm gonna empty out my PMs... :eek :PMS

Pub Lover Jun 12th, 2004 12:31 PM

From: Chojin
To: Pub Lover
Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 6:27 am
Subject: what i just sent my lover drakely...
That message was for your eyes only, sweetness. But it's okay; Now that you know, I'm sure you'll obey my every command as if I were teasing you with a pack of razors.

The more you think about it, the more it excites you, doesn't it? Just think, Drakely - I'm the perfect girlfriend. You won't be able to get me pregnant. No matter how drunk I might get.

I've been thinking about it, turning it over in my head where our first encounter should take place. I've settled on someplace magical. A place far above the woes of this grey world. A place you call a treehouse. The echoes of our nubile eloping lost to the world in the timeless branches of suburban woods. That is where I will make you a man, Drakely.

Playfully yours,


JIN* Channel / BAPE / The Perfect Storm

Pub Lover Jun 12th, 2004 12:32 PM

From: Medas
To: Pub Lover
Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 6:43 pm
Subject: Hello
Yup if the rumours are right, No one has ever been able to look after because he doesn’t allow any one to see it.
So I don’t have any alcohol then I am whit Lars.
But he have allots of alcohol all the time maybe that why???



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