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bigtimecow Jul 11th, 2008 08:55 AM

at least you're not ironing your laptop... right?

i'm at work and as usual i'm bored as fuck. i'm adding titles and descriptions to image galleries and it's just a BLAST

Shrubfest Jul 11th, 2008 08:58 AM


Actually, it'd probably be more fun than being housekeeper, and being riduculed by friends for 'doing nothing all day'

MetalMilitia Jul 11th, 2008 08:58 AM

I'm at home doing fuck-all because I don't have a job.

Shrubfest Jul 11th, 2008 09:02 AM

Yay! But do you have any money? I don't.

bigtimecow Jul 11th, 2008 09:08 AM

i have money but it goes maaad quick

wobzire Jul 11th, 2008 09:10 AM

work is terrible...

Shrubfest Jul 11th, 2008 09:14 AM

I applied to a charity shop, just for something to do. I get a trial Monday.

Whoo. Unpaid retail.

bigtimecow Jul 11th, 2008 09:17 AM

is it like a salvation army or something?

i work at my school and it is really the best job i've ever had, but god, sometimes it's so monotonous and boring. mainly because i don't have an official "job," i'm just the web guy, graphics guy, and artbotics guy

you guys should check out artbotics actually, it's cool and fun and there are pictures of me ALL over the site!! http://artbotics.org/

Shrubfest Jul 11th, 2008 09:22 AM

Its a local one, manned mainly by old church ladies.
Unfortunatly, I'm a facialy pierced athist.

I also have lost the power to spell. Sorry.

bigtimecow Jul 11th, 2008 09:24 AM

oh boy, have fun with that then lol

so then is that you in the avatar?

Shrubfest Jul 11th, 2008 09:29 AM

YipYip. Is that you in yours?

bigtimecow Jul 11th, 2008 09:34 AM

no >:


Shrubfest Jul 11th, 2008 09:36 AM

Good. That would be scary....

So, where you at?

bigtimecow Jul 11th, 2008 09:40 AM

lowell, massachusetts -- MILL CITY WHAT

brb my computer is at like 95% guyz

Shrubfest Jul 11th, 2008 09:46 AM

Wow, it sounds a lot like here. Textile mills. And canals.

MetalMilitia Jul 11th, 2008 09:50 AM

Do you live in early 19th century England, Shrubfest?

liquidstatik Jul 11th, 2008 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Shrubfest (Post 567350)
YipYip. Is that you in yours?


liquidstatik Jul 11th, 2008 09:51 AM

shrubfesst i'm an atheist too you wanna go catch a movie sometime? ;D

bigtimecow Jul 11th, 2008 09:52 AM

still at like 51% and the only thing i have open is firefox, aim, and windows media player >:


Shrubfest Jul 11th, 2008 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by MetalMilitia (Post 567355)
Do you live in early 19th century England, Shrubfest?

Might as well.

Shrubfest Jul 11th, 2008 10:02 AM


Do I eat the last slice of cake, so I can wash the cakebox an put it away, or leave it, and see if my mother wants it when she gets home from holiday this evening?

bigtimecow Jul 11th, 2008 10:03 AM

leave it for your mother

guys i'm listening to a bluegrass version of black sabbath's paranoid right now that someone at work just showed me; it's lol, and actually not bad on its own http://www.fugly.com/audio/599/Blue_Grass_Ozzie.html

MetalMilitia Jul 11th, 2008 10:04 AM

Hmm, a tricky situation indeed. If I were you I would put the cake slice on a small plate and cover it with something then put it in the fridge so I could offer it to my mother later. I would then wash the cakebox.

Shrubfest Jul 11th, 2008 10:12 AM

Hmm....Leave it it is.

I'll Have a banana instead.

bigtimecow Jul 11th, 2008 10:32 AM

i'm huuuuuuungry


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