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MarioRPG Feb 22nd, 2006 09:33 PM

I have a test tommorow on how to open programs in Windows 98.

Yeah, I'm joking. That was last week's test.

camacazio Feb 22nd, 2006 10:29 PM

I have a probability test on friday. I fucking hate probability.

Marc Summers Feb 22nd, 2006 11:25 PM

I had a midterm today at 8:00 am on how to make a circuit that would output a pulse on either every 3rd or 5th clock cycle, depending on what the input tells you. And on 2's compliment overflow.

Only 2 questions in 50 minutes?????
OK I aced it so there :bow

AChimp Feb 22nd, 2006 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin
not even, mmmcdaniel's parents wrote in after his banning.

Well, I'll be damned. I forgot to respond to that email. Oh well. :lol

Dr. Boogie Feb 23rd, 2006 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Marc Summers
And on 2's compliment overflow.

We used to call that ass-kissing.

Jixby Phillips Feb 23rd, 2006 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by Chojin
not even, mmmcdaniel's parents wrote in after his banning.

are you for real !!

Jixby Phillips Feb 23rd, 2006 06:06 AM

double post

MetalMilitia Feb 23rd, 2006 06:47 AM

How would you like it if I double posted my fist into your face?

Im only joking, im not really going to do that. :)

sadie Feb 23rd, 2006 10:28 AM

sometimes i think "that metal's either gotten more tolerable, or i've just gotten used to him." and then others, i just want to tell you to shut up. like now.

MetalMilitia Feb 23rd, 2006 01:01 PM


Anyway. Guess what I found on the Internet?

A funny picture involving a kitty!

Well I thought it was funny >:

Seven Force Feb 23rd, 2006 01:44 PM

Just shut up!

Seven Force Feb 23rd, 2006 01:44 PM

You think he would've got it the first time. :rolleyes

MetalMilitia Feb 23rd, 2006 01:57 PM

Its rude to talk about people in the third person when they are sitting right next to you (in the internet), you fucking minge bag.

Manners are not your strong point I assume.

Seven Force Feb 23rd, 2006 02:01 PM

I was referring to you directly. When I told you to shut up.

Which, I see, you didn't do.

Seven Force Feb 23rd, 2006 02:02 PM

So I think i'm getting better on CoV. I bet up a bunch of snake creatures. I think those are liberal cunts. :(

MetalMilitia Feb 23rd, 2006 02:12 PM

I bet you're not getting better at CoV

at all >:

Emu Feb 23rd, 2006 02:13 PM

as long as CoV doesn't stands for city of vaginas :lol

Sethomas Feb 23rd, 2006 04:59 PM

I got a retarded forward from a hot chick friend of mine, asking to think of a television program and replace a key word of its title with "vagina". Like, "The Family Vagina" or "The Vagina Guy" for Family Guy. Instead of perpetuating it, I just asked her if "Leave it to Beaver" already counts as one. :(

liquidstatik Feb 24th, 2006 04:38 AM

man, you're crazy!

executioneer Feb 24th, 2006 04:48 AM

sevenforce could you at least have the decency to not host that avatar yourself

Guitar Woman Feb 24th, 2006 12:10 PM

I haven't posted in this thread in a while what's going on

Juttin Feb 24th, 2006 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman
I haven't posted in this thread in a while what's going on

Jesus is crying :(

camacazio Feb 24th, 2006 12:41 PM

Good 'ol breakfast.

camacazio Feb 24th, 2006 12:42 PM

Yup, I'm eating it.

camacazio Feb 24th, 2006 12:43 PM

I'm done.

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