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dextire Sep 4th, 2012 09:40 PM

Halloween Goodies 2012
It's time once again for sharing all the recent Halloween related purchases you guys have made this year!
From Dollar Store purchases to props, costumes, and strange candy. If it's Halloween, I wanna see them! :halloween2

Here's a few of my own.

First up is a new candy I saw at the Michaels store.

Skybar's Zombie Food!

It's a chocolate bar shaped in random organs that zombies crave and filled with bloody caramel.

This particular one contained a brain. As you can see it's a pretty detailed, though quite stretched out cranium.

The caramel filling is quite a deep shade of red, and it's extremely sweet. I couldn't even finish the whole thing as it started to hurt my teeth. :halloween

Skeleton Mariachi!

Also found this one at Michaels. It reminded me of my avatar so I had to pick it up.
Play on naked skeletal musician!


Yeah, I've no idea what to call this one. It simply says "Halloween" on the box.
Maybe it's declaring itself as the physical embodiment of the entire holiday itself? A tall order indeed.

Well we can tell that it's a skeleton of some sort. And it's got a black robe with gold bones on it.
Let's take a look at the rest of the box for any more clues.

Let's see... We've got a flying bat in a spider-web, a witch on her broomstick, a blue skull, and a very jolly jack-o-lantern. No help there.
I guess we'll just have to open it up!

Holy crap! It's a skeleton on a rocking chair!
A skeleton... on a rocking chair! Of all the things to claim to represent Halloween, I never would have guessed a skeleton on a rocking chair.

Let's take a closer look.

Yep. That's a rocking chair, with a golden bones robe covered skeleton in it.

Expertly concealed wires there. Wait, does that mean this thing lights up or possible even moves?!
Well, let's take one last look at it and then see if this thing actually works.

"No! I will not hide in the fruit cellar! Ha! You think I'm fruity, huh?"

So it turns out the thing does work, and violently thrashes about on the chair with red-eyes flashing and laughing like a madman when turned on.
It even threw itself out of the chair the first time I turned it on and had to be reglued back into place!

So ready to see it in action? :halloween2

So there you go.
I'll be sure to post about more Halloween items as I get them and hope some of you will do the same! :halloween2 :halloween

Ex Leper Sep 4th, 2012 11:29 PM

I got a Barnes & Nobel exclusive hardcover release of Frankenstein. http://jessicahische.is/wp-content/u...nkenstein1.jpg

Kitsa Sep 5th, 2012 08:11 AM

I have to admit I read that as "Halloween Geodes" and had this brief but charming mental picture of a boulder with a black exterior and badass orange crystals inside, so get on that pls because I want one now

Aaarg Sep 5th, 2012 10:14 AM

^ better make it 2

darkvare Sep 5th, 2012 01:00 PM

my house is between the two only cemeteries of the town so every year near dia de muertos of course they set up a two street large market selling all sort of dia de muertos stuff they also have some really cool skull coffee mugs with your name in it

Tadao Sep 5th, 2012 01:48 PM


Kitsa Sep 5th, 2012 07:06 PM

love the baby ruth

@darkvare- that sounds pretty incredible. I wish I had graveyards for neighbors.

dextire Sep 6th, 2012 12:15 AM

Ex Leper: That's a cool cover, and I like the new avatar.

Kitsa: It exists! :halloween2

Tadao: Those are awesome! Using Baby Ruth bars is a great idea.

Ex Leper Sep 6th, 2012 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by dextire (Post 761487)
Ex Leper: I like the new avatar.

Mockery Sep 7th, 2012 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by dextire (Post 761441)
Holy crap! It's a skeleton on a rocking chair!
A skeleton... on a rocking chair! Of all the things to claim to represent Halloween, I never would have guessed a skeleton on a rocking chair.

I saw that a few years back, but it was a whopping $30 so I didn't buy it. It appeared to be made by the same people who created Secret Ghostdom, especially since it has the fabric with shiny golden designs on it.

I gotta track down one of those so I can review it. Awesome stuff btw, thanks for sharing thew news about 'em, and I'll keep an eye out for those Zombie Food bloody chocolates! :halloween2 :halloween

dextire Sep 8th, 2012 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Mockery (Post 761552)
I saw that a few years back, but it was a whopping $30 so I didn't buy it. It appeared to be made by the same people who created Secret Ghostdom, especially since it has the fabric with shiny golden designs on it.

That's as good a guess as I can make. No barcode or anything to indicate who even made it.

Anyhow, I went to my local Walgreens today to see if any of their Halloween stuff was out yet.
While they still have a long way to go, there were a few things out already. And I did pick up something.

S.L.U.G. Zombies!
(Scary Little Ugly Guys)

They're little zombie figures that come in a mystery box.
I grabbed four of them, and out of a random possible eight in the first series I received no duplicates.
Luck of the Great Pumpkin I guess. :halloween2

This one is "Rigamortis Lourdes" and you can see these things are very detailed.
And she's just as proud as she can be there holding those two severed heads.

Here's "Jon B. Gone" who appears to be either very squished up, or has quite tiny legs.

"Brain-Eatin' Brandon" isn't following proper pizza delivery procedure.
That customer's brain is going to get cold.

And the last one is "The Corroding Kid" who like Ralph Macchio looks way to old to be called "kid".

So there you go. Now go out and collect some of your own.
Sure you might have to buy 50 of them just to get all 8 in the series, but such is the life of a Halloween collector. :halloween

Zomboid Sep 11th, 2012 06:40 PM

Check it out, y'all! http://dinosaurdracula.com/blog/sky-bars-zombie-food/

dextire Sep 11th, 2012 09:54 PM

I had no idea Zombie Food came in giant bags like that.
And they look awesome crushed up and bleeding as well. Nice find, Zomboid! :halloween2

Ex Leper Sep 15th, 2012 10:29 PM

Kitsa Sep 15th, 2012 10:53 PM

I got a Cadbury Screme egg, which has a green yolk, and "werewolf fur", which is like green cotton candy that crackles like pop rocks. I'll take pics if I can tomorrow.

dextire Sep 16th, 2012 05:13 PM

Those are some fine choices there, Ex Leper.

Please do take pics Kitsa. I've never heard of any cotton candy that crackles, and the "Screme" egg sounds awesome.

Mockery Sep 17th, 2012 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 761812)
I got a Cadbury Screme egg, which has a green yolk, and "werewolf fur", which is like green cotton candy that crackles like pop rocks. I'll take pics if I can tomorrow.

I have the Screme eggs (along with some other Halloween eggs) ready for the annual candy review next month. Where did you find the Werewolf Fur btw? I saw it on Amazon a week ago when I was looking up Halloween stuff, but have yet to see it in stores.

Kitsa Sep 17th, 2012 07:46 AM


Kitsa Sep 17th, 2012 03:47 PM

Sorry I'm a little late in posting, but I've been sick and couldn't be arsed. Anyway. Yeah. Werewolf Fur.

I'd never seen this before, so when I ran across it in Foy's weird little candy section (sort of a hodgepodge pile of things near the register in a couple of aisles, in the front-ish area of the store), I thought I'd better grab it. $2.50 seems sort of steep for a little envelope of cotton candy, but this is supposed to be some sort of magical cotton candy. See, the werewolf is burping crystalline effervescent microbes:

Are you going to say no to a Beetlejuice-haired gassy white wolfman who emerges from a flaming forest spewing forth blue and purple starbursts of unknwn significance? No, I'm not either.

The back of this is blurry, but the part I want you to see (and the part I missed in the dim, spooky light of Foy's), is that this is well expired. Why I would think that a place that sold me a Balzac, complete with an eighth of an inch of dust on the package, would turn up its metaphorical nose at expired candy? More importantly, am I willing to eat expired Chinese werewolf fur? Let me take a moment to think.

Bet your ass.

So I rip the little foil pack open and it's...well, kind of disappointing, actually. What I thought was going to be cotton candy that sizzled on the tongue turned out to have two distinct parts- green cotton candy, and green pop rocks. I'd been hoping that somehow they had spun pop rocks into cotton candy, using some sort of Chinese Willy Wonka magic that retained the carbonation, but no. Or, at any rate, it's since regressed back to its natural state.

Post-expiration life has not been kind, as evidenced by the cotton candy sticking together in nasty little clods. More disconcerting, I know for a fact that the package was sealed until I broke the seal, it's not particularly humid today, but still the pop rocks started sizzling the second I opened the package. I know my way around pop rocks (have you ever had one detonate in an undiscovered crack in a tooth? I have!) and I know that normal pop rocks don't really do that. :confused Nor do they normally keep sizzling in sink water for 10 minutes after you flick them off your hands. So I'm a bit wary of that bit of confectionery sorcery.

They pop in your mouth quite viciously, whereas the cotton candy part (the part ADVERTISED as crackling) pops not at all. The "green apple" flavor was a little weak, which was fine by me because I hate green apple. So the question is...does this candy live up to the hype of "crackling werewolf fur"? Not so much. It does put forth a good effort at portraying decomposition and unease, though. I just checked my sink again and it's still crackling in there.

dextire Sep 17th, 2012 10:20 PM

That's quite a strange find Kitsa! :lol
The package looks like some kind of mutant troll doll. It's a bummer the cotton candy doesn't pop, but the pop rocks stuff lasting as long as most hard candy makes up for it.

I'll have to see if I can track some of it down somewhere that isn't the magical land of Foy's. And it turns out there's another version called Vampire Hair!

Kitsa Sep 18th, 2012 04:51 AM

hm. Foys didn't have the vampire hair. The vampire looks like he's burping more microbes and it terrifies him.

Mockery Sep 19th, 2012 11:38 AM

Expired or not, I wanna try both varieties because cotton candy and pop rocks are great on their own, so I must know what their monstrous, unholy union tastes like.

dextire Sep 19th, 2012 07:11 PM

Heh, I thought the vampire hair one looked familiar.

Kitsa Sep 19th, 2012 07:53 PM

Wow. Now I wanna see which werewolf movie mine was ripped off of.

darkvare Sep 19th, 2012 10:14 PM

lol i just realized this thing is made by bandai

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