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Emu Apr 23rd, 2008 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 551171)
I can't find a Wii anywhere :(

I went to Blockbuster this afternoon and they had signs in the windows saying they were in stock. They told me they sold them all in two days :(

It took that long?

Zombinatrix Apr 25th, 2008 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 551171)
I can't find a Wii anywhere :(

I went to Blockbuster this afternoon and they had signs in the windows saying they were in stock. They told me they sold them all in two days :(

Speaking of the Wii I'm considering trading in my 360 for one. I'm pretty much done with the cavalcade of generic shooters and the d-bag kids who play them on Live.

BTW I'm playing good old Operation Flashpoint with a few mods.

Esuohlim Apr 25th, 2008 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 551283)
Why do you want one so badly?

Why does everyone want one so badly is the real question here >:

I want one because I kinda want to play the new Metroid, Super Paper Mario, Super Mario Galaxy, Brawl, and the new Mario Kart coming out next week :(

Guitar Woman Apr 25th, 2008 10:24 AM

So I was up all night playing Fallout 2!

I am pretty much the king of all awesomeland because of how instead of negotiating Vic out of the slaver's guild I just shot everyone in the building dead. :picklehat

T-Rex Apr 25th, 2008 11:33 AM

Man, Mario Kart is like the funnest thing ever. I didn't think it would be as awesome as it is. It's fun for the people playing, but also, watching four of your friends hold a small piece of plastic and pretend it's a steering wheel is the funniest thing ever. Last night we were all sitting next to each other on the couch but soon realised that it's way too easy to cheat seated that way. If your buddy overtakes you over a bridge, just bump his elbow and see if he doesn't go flying off the side. I had 12 twenty-something-year olds in my house yesterday all playing this rediculous game. Seriously good times.

executioneer Apr 25th, 2008 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 551609)
So I was up all night playing Fallout 2!

I am pretty much the king of all awesomeland because of how instead of negotiating Vic out of the slaver's guild I just shot everyone in the building dead. :picklehat

oh i love to do that

did you talk to becky in the bar, she will give you a cash reward for it

Chojin Apr 25th, 2008 06:32 PM

My biggest roadblocks in fallout 2 involved my problem with murdering all the merchants ;<

executioneer Apr 25th, 2008 06:59 PM

i only ever murdered the joe pesci parody guy because he deserve it (and because he is otherwise unimportant)

fucking asshole and his swarms of child pickpockets >:

Zomboid Apr 25th, 2008 08:30 PM

I killed everyone who SASSED me. I also became a slaver, which was really fun but everyone hated me. Super sledge ftw.

Milhouse - I have mario galaxy and smash bros brawl. I also have punch out, super mario world, harvest moon, streets of rage 2, ninja gaiden, and paper mario on my virtual console. Seriously, if you make a decent offer I'll sell it to ya. I never play it anymore.

Guitar Woman Apr 25th, 2008 09:19 PM

I became a CHAMPION OF THE PEOPLE by killing all the pimps and drug dealers in Reno :<

also is it just me or are the stealth skills not used at all in this game

I was a gigantic kleptomaniac in the original but now if I want something I just find a bad person who has it and kill him :<

Zomboid Apr 25th, 2008 09:20 PM

Oh yeah, I also have link to the past on my virtual console :O

Fat_Hippo Apr 27th, 2008 05:19 PM

I've started playing Sims 2 AND LIKING IT! Help me someone!:(

MetalMilitia Apr 27th, 2008 05:54 PM

Been playing a bit of Battlefield 2 recently. It's really annoying the way most servers have vehicles disabled these days. I can't wait for a new Battlefield game to come out; Bad Company looks pretty good but it's only out on consoles. Who the fuck wants to play an FPS on consoles?
Battlefield Heroes should be a nice diversion but they really need to get cracking on a proper PC-only sequel.

WhiteRat Apr 27th, 2008 05:58 PM

I was playing Battlefield 2 on a daily basis the last couple of months.

I read somewhere that they are developing BF3. The game is supposed to feature an mmo-like character progression system.

MetalMilitia Apr 27th, 2008 06:07 PM

Yeah, there were some "leaked details" a while back for a new Battlefield game. Not sure how trustworthy they were though. My guess is they were details of Battlefield Heroes.

My perfect BF3 would have:
- Same time frame as BF2/Bad Company (modern warfare)
- Proper character development
- More unlockables (weapons, gadgets, abilities, skins, clothes)
- Better ranking system with achievements (Just rip-off CoD4's system but get rid of the cap and have more weapon-specific achievements)

T-Rex Apr 28th, 2008 09:54 AM

If there's ever a way to have a FPS battle between console and PC, I want in on it. Everyone's all, "Oooh! FPS on PC is so much better than on console." I don't believe it. I got mad analogue stick skillz & drillz.

MetalMilitia Apr 28th, 2008 10:03 AM

You can probably get away with a control pad in games like HALO and CoD4 but when you need access to more than about 6 functions you're screwed. For example in Battlefield you need stuff like the squad command menu, the squad communications menu, the general communications menu, all the weapon keys, sprint, switch kit, change fire mode, the list goes on. On a PC you can just bind them straight to the keyboard and mouse however you want. If you were to try and map them all to a controller it'd take about 30 seconds each time you wanted to switch to a different fire mode.

Which is all really irrelevant because the analogue sticks are to slow to aim with. :/

T-Rex Apr 28th, 2008 10:08 AM

Okay, I can see how a stick would be slower than a mouse. However, if the sensitivity was high enough, I think that shouldn't be a problem. Sure, a pad is limited in function so that's why I think it would be interesting to see a match between only two people. Are console players limited to hardware? It'll be fun to find out.

Guitar Woman Apr 28th, 2008 12:19 PM

I got San Andreas on my Pee Cee last night!

It's pretty much everything I've ever wanted out of a GTA title and a vast improvement over Vice City. I sorta miss the whole Scarface thing, but that game was impossible :<

Dr. Boogie Apr 28th, 2008 05:32 PM

I admit that the times when the collision on the ground wouldn't load made the game a little tricky, but it's still totally doable.

I'm trying to play Overlord, but it runs like crap, but it runs worse than Crysis on the PC.

Guitar Woman Apr 28th, 2008 06:20 PM

There were a lot of missions in that game that filled me with rage, the worst offender being the one where you had to get Lance out of the junkyard and I kept trying to use a helicoptor which would explode upon me crashing it to land because what the fuck were they thinking with the keyboard controls jesus christ

I simply cannot go any further, because now I have to carefully pilot a seaplane over the city spreading porn movie posters, and it controls like it's towing a huge african bull elephant.

T-Rex Apr 29th, 2008 04:33 AM

GTA 4, son. It's insane how much detail they put into it. I car-jacked a dude and he just held on to the door handle of the car for as long as he could. I only played it for five minutes for the novelty last night but I can already tell how friggin' sweet it'll be.

Zombinatrix Apr 29th, 2008 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by Fat_Hippo (Post 551956)
I've started playing Sims 2 AND LIKING IT! Help me someone!:(

Yea that happened me too. I stayed up for days guiding the "Clandestine family" through all their wacky adventures.

BlackHexen May 4th, 2008 05:08 PM

I'm playing Tomb Raider Anniversary while waiting for playstation 3 and Grand theft auto 4. This is pretty good game. These new controlls are awesome. I haven't before liked tombraiders, but this waked my interest. After this i gotta borrow TR 2,3 and Last revalation from my brother.

Girl Drink Drunk May 5th, 2008 12:47 PM

Doom, on Steam.

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