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Chojin Jun 25th, 2011 02:25 PM

i'm putting a user spread of 2 on repping because some people are just lazoring in on others and redding them for every post in a thread

and by 'some people' i mean 'tadao', and by 'others' i mean 'babs'

Fathom Zero Jun 25th, 2011 02:37 PM


RaNkeri Jun 25th, 2011 03:13 PM


Fathom Zero Jun 25th, 2011 03:14 PM


<3 u, bby

Kitsa Jun 25th, 2011 06:40 PM

I went to the zoo today and long story short i fucking hate everyone

Shyandquietguy Jun 25th, 2011 06:44 PM

Someone threw their feces at the monkeys, didn't they?

Otto Jun 25th, 2011 07:02 PM

South Carolina's Riverbanks Zoo is actually pretty neat.. I mean it would be neat if this state wasn't full of dumb trash. All of the animals look miserable (I keep expecting to go to the gorilla exhibit and see one of the silverbacks smoking to deal with the depression and the stress), there are morbidly obese children vomiting and shitting on everything, I saw some dumb fuck in a Dale Earnhardt baseball cap laughing and flicking cigarettes at the monkeys, and I'm pretty sure the zoo's only polar bear killed itself to get away (it died almost six years ago and its enclosure is still empty and full of trash).

Zhukov Jun 25th, 2011 07:27 PM

The Hobart zoo was closed down in the 1930s. All the animals were shot - including the last surviving Tasmanian tiger - except for the chimpanzees, because they were considered a rarity.

The chimps where moved up north to Launceston, to become that city's main tourist attraction. Several decades later when the entire colony had to be exterminated because they were spreading AIDS.

The entrance to the Hobart zoo didn't muck about, and depicted the full horrors of zoo life on it's iron bars. Just look at the sad, caged animals.

Otto Jun 25th, 2011 07:38 PM

Even for a place that's been abandoned since the thrities that is one piss poor looking zoo entrance.

Pub Lover Jun 25th, 2011 07:55 PM

That is what the high class places look like in New Zealand.

Evil Robot II Jun 25th, 2011 10:31 PM

the CIA created the "like" button to track you. The CIA funded "miss" magazine.

Fathom Zero Jun 25th, 2011 10:35 PM

Barkmarket is awesome.

Esuohlim Jun 25th, 2011 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 728392)
i'm putting a user spread of 2 on repping because some people are just lazoring in on others and redding them for every post in a thread

and by 'some people' i mean 'tadao', and by 'others' i mean 'babs'


Grislygus Jun 25th, 2011 11:30 PM


Esuohlim Jun 25th, 2011 11:32 PM

If this were 2006 Rankeri would have 10 red pickles by now.

Oh how the times have changed

Kitsa Jun 25th, 2011 11:50 PM

Mainly my problem with the zoo was the teeming mass of beerbellied idiots and the black cloud of selfishness, ignorance and noise that emanated from it.

Here are a few bullet points.

- There was some enormous group there. They all had burgundy t-shirts on with Confederate flags and music notes on the back. I don't even understand what that was supposed to mean. Klan Khoir? How many Confederate songs could there be? Anyway, they were everywhere, shouting to each other and basically obnoxious-ing up the place.

- If I had a nickel for every idiot who ran just far enough ahead of their group to read the exhibit sign first, then announce to the rest "THIS HERE IS A SUN BEAR", or something like that like they knew what the hell they were talking about, I could buy a really nice club to beat the fuck out of all of them with.

-The obesely-disabled in rented scooters, ramming people.

-People who stand at displays and announce to everyone else, "See 'at-air? I shot one-a 'im."

-People who try to provoke sleeping animals to action by hooting and throwing things. I keep hoping they'll get mauled and it never happens.

-The guy who was wheeling a large, beat-up rolling cooler that was so loaded with soda bottles that it broke off the handle and fell on its side, with bottles and ice going *sploosh* all over the path. There had to be three or four 12-packs of soda bottles in that cooler, for his small family's exclusive use. Why the hell would you need that much soda for a visit to the zoo? I mean, really, do you have to fill a suitcase-sized cooler?

-Parents who don't make their kids stay near them, leaving the kids to dart around wildly from display to display, running into people and generally raising hell.

-Aforementioned kids, who run from display to display just randomly trying out all of the interactive stuff and breaking it before you get there.

-the fucking idiots who can't understand basic instructions on a carousel, like one person per horse. The carousel operator had to stop people several times who stuck small infants on horses and then climbed up on another horse to take a ride themselves. How the hell is a little baby supposed to stay on a carousel horse?

- The idiot bitch who actually did place a small toddler (like 1 year old) on a carousel horse by herself and got off the ride altogether. The baby actually managed to hold on, but when the 7-minute ride ended, the horse stopped in the up position and she was five feet in the air with no way of getting down. People were actually going around looking for the kid's mother.

-The women who dress like fucking prostitutes to go to the zoo. Booty shorts and spike heels? Really?

- The woman who stood in front of the sign that clearly said ARCTIC FOX and kept asking the keeper, "What is those? Is those some sorta cat?"

Fuck I hate people.

elx Jun 25th, 2011 11:50 PM

could someone pleeease give me nine red pickles that way I'm not left out and I have a set that matches the i-bape and also aligns neatly with my avatar? that'd be pretty sweet.

Pub Lover Jun 25th, 2011 11:53 PM

I'm only going to give you green pickles. :(

Pub Lover Jun 25th, 2011 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 728431)
Well, I AM the Dolemite of second generation Scots-Americans

Whose families were originally forced to emigrate to Scotland from Ireland after two great-great-uncles murdered an English soldier in cold blood :eek

Haha. My Scot ancestors were clamped in irons and emigrated to the Caribbean and then Canada for the Crime of Living In Scotland Under English Rule. :eek

But don't worry, they ran away to New Zealand to get rich on gold before going back to the UK to die in coal mines for no money. :lol

Otto Jun 26th, 2011 12:02 AM

My german relatives didn't move to the United States until the end of World War 2. I guess we're all slow and kind of stupid :(.


executioneer Jun 26th, 2011 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 728452)

for the love of god, move

executioneer Jun 26th, 2011 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 728457)
Haha. My Scot ancestors were clamped in irons and emigrated to the Caribbean and then Canada for the Crime of Living In Scotland Under English Rule. :eek

But don't worry, they ran away to New Zealand to get rich on gold before going back to the UK to die in coal mines for no money. :lol

some of my scots-irish ancestors immigrated to the US America in the late 1600s :eek

don't know the motivation though!

Otto Jun 26th, 2011 12:09 AM

I learned the hard way not to even insinuate that my great grandfather was a Nazi. I made a joke about it once when I was twelve and ten years later I can still hear him screaming at me in German.

executioneer Jun 26th, 2011 12:14 AM

hahaha :(

Fathom Zero Jun 26th, 2011 12:17 AM

I wish I knew anything about my family. I only know that half are well-to-do and half are likely to have more fingers than teeth.

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