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kellychaos Jun 6th, 2003 10:25 AM

There are so many "borrowings" from other cultures that show up Christianity to be a conglomerate of other various culture's religions. In Greek mythology, all land dwellers were seen to be of evil character/traits (Re: Eden and the snake). Cloven-hooved animals were viewed as tricksters and barbarians (Re: Satan, often depicted as cloven-hooved, is the "Father Of Lies"). Hades is entered through an opening in the earth and is a fiery pit of evil(Re: Hell). Gods are high on Mount Olympus (Re: Heaven is in the sky). I can find links to back up my assertions but what's the point when the similarities are so obvious and more than likely something you've noticed before. That's why I named the thread "Religious Evolution" as monotheism seems to be, more or less, a means to compile and streamline many of the same ideas found in polytheistic cultures. How can one degrade the people who once practiced polytheistic theology to a culture of barbarians when they incorporate some of the ideas they ridicule in their very own monotheistic religion?

VinceZeb Jun 6th, 2003 10:29 AM

Whatever you say, Max.

Achimp, please. If you can't see the connections I am not going to hold your fucking hand.

VinceZeb Jun 6th, 2003 10:30 AM

Ok, Kelly, why cant montheism be the first and then that is what influenced Greek culture?

mburbank Jun 6th, 2003 10:41 AM

It could. Why couldn't it be the other way around?

AChimp Jun 6th, 2003 11:16 AM

Vinth, you boob, I didn't say that there weren't any connections, I was pointing out that if you're going to treat evolution/science as bad because of the interpretations that certain people have made, then there's no reason why I can't treat your religion the same.

The links you claim are only between certain people and their interpretations of specific ideologies.

I don't think you CAN explain your position. You're just spouting off the stuff that other people have come up with.

kellychaos Jun 6th, 2003 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by VinceZeb
Ok, Kelly, why cant montheism be the first and then that is what influenced Greek culture?

Consider the fact that Greek mythology was an oral religion while Christianisty stems from the Word of the Bible. Which do you think is older?

AChimp Jun 6th, 2003 11:27 AM

Consider the fact that Ancient Greece was in its prime 400 centuries before Christianity.

VinceZeb Jun 6th, 2003 11:31 AM

And Judaism was 10000 years before Christanity.

Zhukov Jun 6th, 2003 11:33 AM

Is it just a coincidence that the evil snake from eden was EVIL, ssimply because he promised intelect?

AChimp Jun 6th, 2003 11:37 AM

Yes, Vinth, Judaism has been around for a long time. Good boy.

Now please explain how monotheism leads to polytheism.

Vibecrewangel Jun 6th, 2003 11:38 AM

All roads lead to the same place.

kellychaos Jun 6th, 2003 11:41 AM

Re: Religion

Originally Posted by Vibecrewangel
All roads lead to the same place.

Damn you and your pragmatic insight. I want to argue! :)

VinceZeb Jun 6th, 2003 11:51 AM

I don't believe that for a minute, Vibe.

kellychaos Jun 6th, 2003 11:52 AM

What's the purpose of religion to you, Vince?

Vibecrewangel Jun 6th, 2003 11:59 AM

God and Stuff
Then why are the stories so similar Vince?
I mean don't you think that environment and culture play a part in how God is viewed.


Don't you think God would have portrayed himself in a way a particular culture would understand?

VinceZeb Jun 6th, 2003 12:18 PM

Religion is just the way God wants us to live our life and the ways we should show thanks for what He has given us. It teachers rules and morality. Not all religions are equal or the same. It is factually incorrect.

AChimp Jun 6th, 2003 12:20 PM

So, uhh... why aren't all religions equal? Is it because yours is the only "correct" one? That's a pretty narrow view, Vinth. :lol

Vibecrewangel Jun 6th, 2003 12:26 PM


Religion is just the way God wants us to live our life and the ways we should show thanks for what He has given us. It teachers rules and morality.
That in fact makes them the same. It is only human interpretation that makes them different.

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
God is God no matter what name you try to pin on it.

mburbank Jun 6th, 2003 12:30 PM

The argument boils down to:

"My religion is true because it says so in the holy book of my religion"

The correlation is

"My take on my religion is true because that's my understanding of what it says in the holy book of my religion. Other's people's take on what it says is wrong, because it's not te same as my take"

It's EXACTLY the same argument made by every fundamentalist of every religion there has ever been. Maybe one of those thousands of religions actually was right and everyone else is wrong. People will THINK they're right, but will only ever know for sure once they're dead. Which I think is kind of charming and proof of God's sense of humor.

PS: "Im NOT a Fundamentalist because I'm RIGHT! It says so in my holy BOOK which was written by GOD and everyone else who says they are right because their book was written by god is a fucking Fundamentalist!"

VinceZeb Jun 6th, 2003 12:46 PM

I believe Jesus Christ (the One who Max Burbank's decendants murdered) is the Son of God. Jesus said the only way to Heaven was through Him. Kinda have to believe what the guy says if you think He is the Son of God.

Protoclown Jun 6th, 2003 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by VinceZeb
I believe Jesus Christ (the One who Max Burbank's decendants murdered) is the Son of God.

So wait...you're saying that Max Burbank's grandchildren, or great grandchildren, or somewhere down the line murdered Christ...IN THE FUTURE???

What the FUCK are you smoking??

By the way, it wasn't Burbank's people who killed Christ. It was YOUR people who killed him. And I've read a book or two about it, so I'm pretty sure it was in the past, which would make it your ancestors (lookie!!! a new word!!), not descendants.

Vibecrewangel Jun 6th, 2003 12:57 PM

Okay Vince -

But if you were born into an African tribe that had no contact with the outside world, don't you think that your view of God would be a bit different? And don't you think that God would make itself known to that tribe in a way they would understand? And wouldn't you, if you followed God's rules for the tribe, be allowed into that great tribe in the sky when you died?

AChimp Jun 6th, 2003 12:59 PM

I believe Jesus was just a nutter who came up with a few good ideas. Specifically, how to get people to believe him.

Protoclown Jun 6th, 2003 01:04 PM

I believe that Christ was who he said he was.

But I also don't believe that Christianity has exclusive rights on "THE TRUTH", and I'm inclined to believe that, as Vibe said it, "all roads lead to the same place". That's a simplification, but I believe there is a lot of wisdom in it.

Bake your noodle on that one, Vince.

Oh, but it's easy. You can just tell me I'm not a true Christian and then you don't HAVE to think about it.

kellychaos Jun 6th, 2003 01:05 PM

Relgion are temporal and subjective beliefs about morals, rules, ect that follow the needs of the given culture. Cultures are different and subject to change, therefore religions are different and subject to change.

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