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Pub Lover Aug 10th, 2006 01:45 AM

Plus, if you're going to change the colour, then fine. >:

...But it's fucking :'( not ;'( >:

Seven Force Aug 10th, 2006 01:45 AM

You act like I just slapped her in the face and shat in her driveway.

Esuohlim Aug 10th, 2006 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover
Ditto for this board, guys.

Well, yeah, but you don't have to keep track of 50,000 people here >:

Seven Force Aug 10th, 2006 01:46 AM

Things I DID NOT DO, by the way.

Seven Force Aug 10th, 2006 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim

Originally Posted by Pub Lover
Ditto for this board, guys.

Well, yeah, but you don't have to keep track of 50,000 people here >:

And most of us are civilized and don't sport neckbeards. >:

Esuohlim Aug 10th, 2006 01:48 AM

And I may be the leading offender in being an asshole to new people, but once in a while someone comes along that isn't a total Cap'n Crunch. >:

For example, I don't think I've ever disliked WhiteRat. :(

Esuohlim Aug 10th, 2006 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by Seven Force
And most of us are civilized and don't sport neckbeards. >:

And the average weight of members here is probably much less than 400 pounds >:

Pub Lover Aug 10th, 2006 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim
Well, yeah, but you don't have to keep track of 50,000 people here >:

Yeah, thank the gods that I-Mockery isn't popular. :lol

Pub Lover Aug 10th, 2006 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by Seven Force
You act like I just slapped her in the face and shat in her driveway.

If you did that, I'd give you a medal. :lol

Pub Lover Aug 10th, 2006 01:56 AM

I note that the multiple sentance post that I actually took some time over is ignored, but the one-off line saying that this place sucks gets multiple replies.

This is why I don't write new articles for your site. >:

Seven Force Aug 10th, 2006 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover

Originally Posted by Esuohlim
Well, yeah, but you don't have to keep track of 50,000 people here >:

Yeah, thank the gods that I-Mockery isn't popular. :lol

oh god we'd be overwhelmed :(


Originally Posted by Pub Lover

Originally Posted by Seven Force
You act like I just slapped her in the face and shat in her driveway.

If you did that, I'd give you a medal. :lol

I'd do it, but not necessarily in that order. ;(

Esuohlim Aug 10th, 2006 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover
I note that the multiple sentance post that I actually took some time over is ignored, but the one-off line saying that this place sucks gets multiple replies.

This is why I don't write new articles for your site. >:

The part that hit me most was "usual dismal display of half-hearted editorialship", but only because, in a nutshell, it's dead-on. :(

Seven Force Aug 10th, 2006 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover
I note that the multiple sentance post that I actually took some time over is ignored, but the one-off line saying that this place sucks gets multiple replies.



Originally Posted by Pub Lover
I looked at the page, then closed it, because it really looked boring, and I still had Esuohlim's site update to read.

After typing offensive expletives to those few internet losers that still IM me on a regular basis, I reopened the SA page and tried to read.

And I get nothing... :(


Originally Posted by Pub Lover
I only managed half the page. While Steve Sutton may in fact be as mesmerizing as Josh Boruff suggests, Boruff's prose are such a nightmare of uninteresting bile artificially inserted into my stomach by a giant penis of non-white ethnicity that I just couldn't continue.

Some of the articles are hit and miss, but nowadays the hit percentage has gone up 85%. :mulletman


Originally Posted by Pub Lover
In contrast, the playfully dull meanderings of Esuohlim.com are suddenly a pleasure to consume. A stark difference to their usual dismal display of half-hearted editorialship.

I know I don't take myself seriously when writing, although I can't speak for Milhouse. :( It seems like they're trying too hard. One guy I talk to has other stuff to do on top of writing articles. Not that i'm defending them, but just so you know where they're coming from. I would say that the creative well has run dry, but I doubt that'd be the case, with current events and such, but it seems like there's less originality and more of a forumlatic approach to some of the front page updates, which, to me, gets old pretty fast.


Originally Posted by Pub Lover
If I am not careful I will be Sutton? Then roll on the next twenty years, for I only have death to look forward to anyway.


EVILCAKE Aug 10th, 2006 11:18 AM

I will send you a few dollars in the mail if you change your Avatar PUB :/ and I finished the Davinci Code if you want it.

Emu Aug 10th, 2006 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim
That was the only part of the site that was consistently hilarious.

It was consistently hilarious because that was the only feature of the site where you didn't have to wade through Lowtax's vomit-on-a-page to find something funny. The pictures alone were hilarious, and the humor in that comes solely from the failures of mankind.

Misdemonar Aug 10th, 2006 02:31 PM

I think Comdey Goldmine is hilarous :(

Esuohlim Aug 10th, 2006 03:26 PM


Esuohlim Aug 10th, 2006 03:32 PM

Someday I'll write about why every single section on SA sucks. Then I'll make Awful Link of the Day and get tons of hits :sunglasses

Seven Force Aug 10th, 2006 04:15 PM

Think your bandwith can handle all that?

Also, those fucking internet detectives. >:

MarioRPG Aug 10th, 2006 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim
Someday I'll write about why every single section on SA sucks. Then I'll make Awful Link of the Day and get tons of hits :sunglasses

Make sure you change the article that day to "Why "Awful Link Of The Day" Sucks"
And then just say point made.

Esuohlim Aug 10th, 2006 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Seven Force
Think your bandwith can handle all that?

I've got 1 Terabyte :picklehat

Chojin Aug 10th, 2006 05:59 PM

Chojin Aug 10th, 2006 05:59 PM

Chojin Aug 10th, 2006 06:01 PM

first google result for 'lol' is apparently from grog.

Chojin Aug 10th, 2006 06:02 PM

i like to imagine that shortly after that picture was taken, her lips wrapped backwards around her head, exposing her skull.

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