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Tadao Apr 17th, 2011 12:22 AM

executioneer Apr 17th, 2011 12:44 AM

i personally don't care for the risk-to-reward ratio

Esuohlim Apr 17th, 2011 12:48 AM

Sex is the one thing I do understand about the rest of humanity and its interests. :eek

Drugs, alcohol, internet memes, religion, politics, not so much :(

boring dude irl

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 17th, 2011 01:30 AM

I feel like there should be saturday evening tits.

Grislygus Apr 17th, 2011 01:39 AM

I will LEARN you 'bout alkiehol, boy

or maybe not :( I finally figured out that the sheer quantity of alcohol I could drink was pretty fucking gross and not acceptable outside of oregon, aka the civilized world. So I've scaled back hard :(

Grislygus Apr 17th, 2011 01:40 AM

And of course, I was a pathetic lightweight compared to my friends there, so they'll probably be dead from liver implosion by the time I finally visit them

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 17th, 2011 02:24 AM

I just used alfred hitchcock in apples to apples and these dicks didn't pick it.

executioneer Apr 17th, 2011 03:59 AM

aw shit apples to apples. that game is great

elx Apr 17th, 2011 12:12 PM

MLE and chojin, weren't you guys in high school around inner harbor during 9-11? did they tell you what was going on/let you watch it on television/force you to go home?

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 17th, 2011 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 717905)
aw shit apples to apples. that game is great

Me too.

Does any mid know if jess the dark one is a character? I just don't think anyone likes spyro or crash bandicoot.

Esuohlim Apr 17th, 2011 01:48 PM

Unless he's been perpetually nine years old since 1996

Chojin Apr 17th, 2011 04:00 PM

what about the inner harbor? i was in high school and it happened during our morning break, so a bunch of us went to our next class early to watch the tv. i was in latin class when i watched the second plane hit live. shortly after that we were all sent home.

Guitar Woman Apr 17th, 2011 04:00 PM


Guitar Woman Apr 17th, 2011 04:48 PM

My new editor guy wants three 300-word reviews on something other than Atari 2600 games.

I can only assume this is a test to see if I am, in fact, completely retarded. Maybe he's insulting me in some roundabout way.

I miss the old 800-word guy.

kahljorn Apr 17th, 2011 05:41 PM

Maybe its because writing something useful in under 300 words is so difficult. What is that like two paragraphs?

Guitar Woman Apr 17th, 2011 05:46 PM

Yeah. For reference, the little summary of what I thought of the new Assassin's Creed was 267 words or so.

On the other hand, he is supposed to be paying me. Although why you would award a salary to someone for rattling off shallow bullshit during their lunch break is beyond me. I really hope he just made a mistake while typing "3000."

kahljorn Apr 17th, 2011 05:49 PM

I shit out 300 words without even trying :(

Guitar Woman Apr 17th, 2011 05:53 PM

Biggs is right, I'm never gonna get off this rock

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 17th, 2011 06:55 PM

Not no w. Not never. I'm getting drunk and going to mustard plug. Bitches

Kitsa Apr 17th, 2011 10:23 PM


I won a 40-word short story contest once.

Tadao Apr 17th, 2011 11:06 PM

It's not that hard, just don't get overly excited about your product.

Fuck it, give him a bullet list of likes and dislikes. See how he likes them apples.

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 17th, 2011 11:30 PM

I'm going to give you a butt list of dicks for writing after the show.

Tadao Apr 18th, 2011 12:12 AM

Oh oh, we have a code Gus.

Tadao Apr 18th, 2011 12:13 AM

Tadao Apr 18th, 2011 12:14 AM


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