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-   -   MattJack's Art Thread That's Updated Rarely **6/19 Update** (http://i-mockery.com/forum/showthread.php?t=69706135)

MattJack Mar 4th, 2011 10:18 PM

MattJack's Art Thread That's Updated Rarely **6/19 Update**
Suppp gang.

Basically, I just want to bring back the Art Submission thread, but this time it will include all forms of art instead of just visual.

So here's the basics off the top of my dome:A topic/word will be given every two weeks/one month and this will be the theme of the piece that must be submitted.
Any type of art will be accepted. This includes musicz, visualz, poetryz, writingz, etcz.
When you submit a piece you should also throw out another idea for a theme. This will keeps things moving along and keep ideas fresh.
Once the time line ends for a particular piece I will simply make a big post within the thread that acknowledges just that. I'll just update the original post with the new information. Hopefully we can get this thread into the trillions.
Questions/Suggestions are always appreciated and awesome, so feel free. I won't troll you in this thread.
Speaking of trolling.. Let's not troll each other in this thread.
You can have up to two pieces per event.
Each week the current winner chooses the next winner on the deadline or 24 hours after. If a new winner isnt chosen in a timely fashion then MLE or myself will choose the next winner.

Originally Posted by Winners
3/4/11 Acceleration Theme: Grislygus

6/19/11 THEME:
Jack of All Trades
Guess I'm just going to make this an art exercise/fun thread. Get the creative juices flowing and sh*t something out. I'll update it more often for those who care to participate. If nobody participates I'll still update it until a theme grabs somebody's eye. 6/19/2011

Revolver Mar 4th, 2011 11:09 PM

I'm down.

Grislygus Mar 5th, 2011 02:43 AM

Man, no one's gonna do this.


10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 5th, 2011 04:53 PM


Accelerating at a thousand m per h's. Crusin at an altitude that is quite persuasive. Swaying to the beat with this mile high dub. Hanging with my honey trying to do my thing. Bill's paranoid and is all like "There's something on the wing." So I decelerate and land the jet at the hub. Stroll down in the heat to a ritzy beach club. Grillin sweet meat with some Stubbs Bar beh queue rub. Increase the flame, let the ribs start to sizzle. Cooking so good it makes Bear Gryls drizzle. Honey's in my arms cuz I'm chocked full of swagger. Shades pulled down as I start to stagger. Tilted back glass filled with Morg's rum stock thats private. Another day in the life of an airline pilot.

Next Weeks theme:


Grislygus Mar 5th, 2011 08:15 PM

Oh yeah, the theme ideas.


captain516 Mar 5th, 2011 09:37 PM

I've been dying to get some feedback on my art, I guess this is a good place as any.

For the theme: Babies in superhero costumes.

King Hadas Mar 5th, 2011 10:02 PM

Next theme: Beware!



EDIT ONE MORE TIME! Sorry, but a person should finish what they start.

Zhukov Mar 6th, 2011 07:06 AM

So I would be grateful if someone could colour in the rest of it, as I have run out of textas. Alternatively, how do you use fill in mspaint so that it fills all of the different white pixels and not just each individual shade of white?

Please help.

Next weeks theme: 1992

Zhukov Mar 6th, 2011 07:11 AM

Also :lol

Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 714509)

Accelerating at a thousand m per h's. Crusin at an altitude that is quite persuasive. Swaying to the beat with this mile high dub. Hanging with my honey trying to do my thing. Bill's paranoid and is all like "There's something on the wing." So I decelerate and land the jet at the hub. Stroll down in the heat to a ritzy beach club. Grillin sweet meat with some Stubbs Bar beh queue rub. Increase the flame, let the ribs start to sizzle. Cooking so good it makes Bear Gryls drizzle. Honey's in my arms cuz I'm chocked full of swagger. Shades pulled down as I start to stagger. Tilted back glass filled with Morg's rum stock thats private. Another day in the life of an airline pilot.

Next Weeks theme:


Also also: are we voting on winners each bi-week/month? We should.

King Hadas Mar 6th, 2011 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 714527)
So I would be grateful if someone could colour in the rest of it, as I have run out of textas. Alternatively, how do you use fill in mspaint so that it fills all of the different white pixels and not just each individual shade of white?

I don't think that's possible in any art program, probably look like shit if you did that anyways. You should just buy some more of those exotic textas. Doesn't New Zealand have dollar stores?

Voting might be cool. As a prize Mattjack could send the winner some of those powerful Japanese dollars.

replicant Mar 6th, 2011 12:22 PM

replicant Mar 6th, 2011 12:22 PM

Theme Suggestion: Large Trolls, Tiny Hats

Pub Lover Mar 7th, 2011 08:51 PM

Suggest theme: Dark Cloud

MattJack Mar 7th, 2011 10:57 PM

Wow. I'm glad this thread has taken off! Especially with all these badazz entriez.


Also also: are we voting on winners each bi-week/month? We should.
Yeah I'm down for that. The winner could have their work put into the original post within a Spoiler bracket. It will be dated and so forth. How we vote and when needs to be worked out too.

MLE Mar 7th, 2011 11:11 PM

Or you can just pick your favorites, or appoint a different judge each time, just so long as we don't pick ourselves. This would make it roundabout fair, and a lot less hassle.

King Hadas Mar 8th, 2011 01:17 PM

Another way to handle the voting is you could enfranchise everyone who submitted something with the caveat that they can't vote for themselves. MLE, being the Art Mod, and Mattjack, being in the title of the thread, would both get a vote regardless. You could use this system to decide the next theme as well.

10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 8th, 2011 04:43 PM

Also, whoever doesn't win gets an infraction. If you don't win a second time you get an infarction. That way this thread doesn't produce any garbage.

executioneer Mar 8th, 2011 07:34 PM


MattJack Mar 16th, 2011 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by MLE (Post 714641)
Or you can just pick your favorites, or appoint a different judge each time, just so long as we don't pick ourselves. This would make it roundabout fair, and a lot less hassle.

I like this best as it makes everything a lot easier. If it turns out to be lame then we can just change it later.

I like all the initial participation. I will choose the winner for the first one on Friday. We will go with their submitted theme and two weeks from there they will choose a winner.

If they dont choose in a timely fashion then it will default to me or MLE to choose who is next.


PS I was thinking that two things could be submitted if a person wants to put in the work. Sometimes you have multiple ideas floating around and you cant mesh them into one thing. Is everyone cool with having up to two submissions or not? Still in the brainstorming phase for this thread :{

MattJack Mar 16th, 2011 04:50 AM

Oh yeah, almost forgot.

MLE Mar 16th, 2011 09:44 AM

mattjack, you run the thread the way you want to! people will give you suggestions if they think it can be done better a different way. go with your gut.

MattJack Mar 17th, 2011 09:47 PM

gj grizzzz

captain516 Mar 18th, 2011 02:56 AM

Oh well, I knew I wasn't gonna win.
Congrats, Grizz.

Fathom Zero Mar 18th, 2011 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 714633)

Suggest theme: Dark Cloud


MattJack Mar 21st, 2011 08:37 AM

dont tell me this thread be dead

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