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Marc Summers Sep 19th, 2006 08:03 PM

My dreams suck ass.
Me and this girl I have a thing for (she's dating some asshole right now >:) were riding on some dingy subway. It's all pitch black on the outside and the inside is dimly lit. We were talking, and she leans over and whispers something in my ear (I forgot :(). Then I say "Do I detect a bit of lust judging by the inflection in your voice during that last sentence?" She shoots me a "Oh no you caught me even though I made it painfully obvious" look, covering her coy smile with her hands. Then we start totally making out. Then I'm like "Oh shit, I just ate pizza. I don't want her first impression of me to taste like pepperoni and old cheese" so I hold my breath. Eventually I'm straining to keep from letting her taste what I had for lunch. I could feel my veins bulging out. Then I have no choice but to let out the old air. She gets a faceful of pizza breath at high speed and stops making out with me. She blushes and kinda smiles, then turns away.

I can hear it now: "Not even in your DREAMS, Marc Summers."

ziggytrix Sep 19th, 2006 09:35 PM

Re: My dreams suck ass.

Originally Posted by Marc Summers
Then I say "Do I detect a bit of lust judging by the inflection in your voice during that last sentence?"

You dawg!

Juttin Sep 19th, 2006 09:37 PM

You seemed to handle it in an OaO style.

Therefore, you fail at dreams.

ANYWAYS, being cock-blocked in a dream is a SURE-SIGN of nervousness towards the opposite sex

RaNkeri Sep 20th, 2006 01:38 AM

Re: My dreams suck ass.
How are things in real life? Hopefully not as bad as in dreamworld :lol

But don't you worry, you have my sympathy :picklehat

maggiekarp Sep 20th, 2006 01:58 AM

Cock-block dreams are fairly common... At least among my loser friends and I :(

DamnthatDavid Sep 20th, 2006 10:41 AM

Wow, that is kinda like the same set up for a dream I had.

I have this crush on a girl who is dating this short airforce guy (shorter then her. She's 5'10). Who in my opinion is a jerk.

In my dream I was tagging along with her and the b/f and a couple other friends. We went into a hiking/rock climbing store. The b/f walks off to go the the bathroom, and the girl walks over to me and puts her arm around me. Then all of a sudden, some guy who I guess is a mutant shoots a tornado into the building and everything explodes.

Does this mean anything?

AChimp Sep 20th, 2006 11:08 AM

It means he'll kick your ass if you touch her!

The One and Only... Sep 20th, 2006 02:13 PM

You guys have some strange-ass dreams. Personally, I'd just like to go lucid more often.

GADZOOKS Sep 20th, 2006 03:14 PM

oh, brother! :lol

FartinMowler Sep 20th, 2006 04:27 PM

When I worked at Pizza Pizza my manager would alway's say "Cheese is Gold" and I would say "Not if I sneeze in it" :/ and then he would scowl at me and say something in some arabic language :)

zeldasbiggestfan Sep 21st, 2006 11:24 PM

I had a dream that I was in french class and some dude came in with a gun and aimed it at this girl I like. So I jump in front of her and get shot. I steal his gun shoot his ass and collapse. I wake up in a hospital bed and shes in a chair crying. Then I woke up. Shit. That sounds bad. Oh yeah, this girl is going out with this asshole on the football team. FUCK.

Grislygus Sep 22nd, 2006 11:11 AM

I dreamt that my friend was a cannibal. It apparently wasn't a big deal. More of a sidenote.

A bunch of other stuff happened, but I don't remember any of it.

kahljorn Sep 22nd, 2006 01:14 PM

if you guys are dreaming it means you aren't getting a full night's rest try going to bed before 10. In order to get a full night's "rest" your body AND mind must "Rest".

Grislygus Sep 22nd, 2006 01:53 PM

I go to sleep at nine, and wake up periodically throughout the night. I constantly having bizarre dreams, little of which I can remember. I think I just have a hyperactive subconcious.

DamnthatDavid Sep 22nd, 2006 09:29 PM


if you guys are dreaming it means you aren't getting a full night's rest try going to bed before 10. In order to get a full night's "rest" your body AND mind must "Rest".
Dreams happen before you reach REM sleep, only super smart people such as I (and others) can even remember the dreams. It also helps if you have a overly active imagination, that way, you get the bizarre dreams. Like my German* dream. Ahhhh, that was a good one.
The only time I lack a night of dreams is if I am dead tired.

*I was flying a German Stuka dive bomber, going to go attack the allies, when I noticed a new button next to the fuel guage. I hit the button, and the Stuka transformed into a Robot. Transformers style.
I landed at the Allies base, and started tearing up everything in sight, shooting machine guns, and tossing the piftiful Americans into the air.

Grand ol'time.

Misdemonar Sep 22nd, 2006 10:08 PM

there's a nazi on these boards :chatter

ArrowX Sep 22nd, 2006 11:35 PM

The worst thing in the world is when you have dreams while your sick. you have the same dream over and over, and you try and think of something else. then you wake up and puke everywhere.

I also like the dreams when I get the feeling of falling.

kahljorn Sep 23rd, 2006 03:08 AM

"I go to sleep at nine, and wake up periodically throughout the night. I constantly having bizarre dreams, little of which I can remember."

Sounds like it could be a diet problem to me :O either that or you overly stimulate yourself before bed. I don't know it could be a few things really. I'd reccomend eatting soup before bed rather than whatever you've been eatting lately, drink more water throughout the day and try not to stimulate yourself at night. I don't really follow that stuff but it's supposed to really help if you sleep properly.

Lucid dreaming is kind of dumb i had it down to a science id have one every night and i was practicing canstenadas dream art but I never had any crazy experiences like him.
there was a couple of times though like this one time when I had a lucid dream and I was looking out the window in some woods into a clearing in the forest where there was alot of light and then I got sucked into the light (which is what happens to canstenada alot) and some crazy scary stuff happened and i sort of woke up in between dream states (as in obviously awake and could see my surroundings if i wanted but couldn't really move my body or escape falling back asleep) and I felt a magnetic force drawing my body up into the sky (i could actually "feel" myself outside of my body) and I thought i was being abducted by aliens.

Marc Summers Sep 23rd, 2006 04:58 AM

I do have a pretty active imagination :/

In my dreams I've dreamt that my backyard became a giant arcane sundial that caused a haunted train that looked like it was built for ages 3 and up to appear out of walls in my house. It took me to some bizarre alternate netherworld that looked like the It's a Small World ride at Disneyland, except every country was from HELL :eek. It scared the shit out of me, because everything was all hot and melty and um, evil :(

I've also tried to flush Mac & Cheese down the toilet, with predictably messy results. I just remember after the mixture of toilet water, elbow macaroni pasta and melted cheese started flowing out of the bowl like Niagra, I ran outta there and pretended that it didn't happen.

I also had about a week in high school where every night I dreamt that I fell from somewhere really high. I could literally hear the bones crack on impact as I'd be shocked awake with a huge knot in my stomach. One time I remember I fell into the ocean so there was a splash, but I also really had to go to the bathroom :/

ArrowX Sep 23rd, 2006 12:14 PM

kahljorn I never knew what that was called. I guess that means Ive had Lucid Dreams since I was about 10.

But I'm curious, has anyone here ever had sleep Paralysis? I had it a few times and its scary scary stuff.

Grislygus Sep 23rd, 2006 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by kahljorn
Sounds like it could be a diet problem to me :O either that or you overly stimulate yourself before bed. I don't know it could be a few things really. I'd reccomend eatting soup before bed rather than whatever you've been eatting lately, drink more water throughout the day and try not to stimulate yourself at night. I don't really follow that stuff but it's supposed to really help if you sleep properly.

All I drink is water, and I eat lots of meat, vegetables, and fruit.

Seriously, I'm a wuss. I'm just not tough enough to handle manly things like beer battered pork rinds and vodka. :(

kahljorn Sep 23rd, 2006 01:33 PM

"kahljorn I never knew what that was called. I guess that means Ive had Lucid Dreams since I was about 10."

Yea I think the word lucid just means "Aware". Typically new agey type people attach it to dreams they aren't only aware of but are able to control.

"has anyone here ever had sleep Paralysis?"

me i talked about it here:
"i sort of woke up in between dream states (as in obviously awake and could see my surroundings if i wanted but couldn't really move my body or escape falling back asleep)"

I had the following crazy dream: I was outside my house on christmas and there was a bunch of neighbors hanging around and one of them had some crazy drug he gave me it was like a glass pipe with powder inside of it and you suck and it coats your throat and you get fucked up, so I did that and looked up at the sky. Slowly the sky started to turn different colours(red and orange etc.) and the clouds appeared closer, then in the distance I saw one of them hit the ground like a meteor. Then some more. A crazy looking tordnado also appeared in the distance and i could see splinters of houses flying everywhere. Then the houses closest to me started melting like they had acid on them and you could see the foundations, then I saw someone run by being chased by a crazy gigantic demon who swooped them up and ate them.
At this point I realized the dream was about the end of the world and so did my parents so we stood in the driveway and waited to be "Judged" and then what sort of looked like an even crazier version of death appeared. It was floating and kind of short and and there was two other demons with him and they were going to judge us and possibly kill us. I decided i wouldn't let them judge me and a bunch of stuff happened and the next most vivid memory is me being in some crazy cave on a bridge and I guess i was going to kill demons or something because I had a sword and I was looking at this crazy throne that looked like satan's throne and I was a bit scared or frustrated so I shouted out, "WHERES GOD" and called him worthless a few times then this crazy owl flew out at me and he was covered in leaves and I said, "I know you you're god"
then we were in a forest and I asked him, "Who are you" and he responded with, "There are two complimentary forces in nature, and I am the master of Yin" simultaneously as he was saying that he turned into a gigantic tree monster then shrunk down to a tiny lemming bush and turned into some other things as well.

kahljorn Sep 23rd, 2006 01:36 PM

grislygus one thing to keep in mind is that just about anything can keep your mind from geting proper rest, whether it's bad diet, sleeping at the wrong times, ad sleeping position or even having a lumpy bed it could be almost anything keeping you from sleeping properly.

DuFresne Sep 23rd, 2006 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by kahljorn
(about his crazy dream)

And people say Revelations was more than a dream. :/

DuFresne Sep 23rd, 2006 08:03 PM

If a well-adjusted free man like kahl can dream that shit up, imagine what an angry old man exiled to an island could do.

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