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Phoenix Gamma Dec 14th, 2009 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Nick (Post 663023)
Green Day: Rock Band.

This just in: I am over rhythm games.

Wikipedia lists over 30 releases from Activision alone. Nine of which from 2009. This includes the track packs, but even if you take those out, you still have 20 something, plus Rock Band games.

Saturation has reached critial mass.

On a side note: I'd rather Queen Rock Band, not gayfuckfacegreendayshitpiss Rock Band.

Tadao Dec 14th, 2009 09:36 PM

After I unlocked Trogdor I was done forever.

LordSappington Dec 14th, 2009 11:16 PM

I just beat MW2. The ending was a bit of a let-down, but not too bad.
For some reason, my favorite two part is when you run onto the roof with the flares. Just because it looks amazingly awesome.

Phoenix Gamma Dec 15th, 2009 02:28 AM

Pretty far into Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. This is actually my first Silent Hill.

I love how the game constantly gauges your personality and alters the game and the characters to fuck with you. Watching my roommate play areas I already beat, but different, is pretty interesting. Also, the therapy sessions are frustrating to play with other people watching.

Some of those puzzles are fucking hard, though. The one in the art room was probably the most bullshit, though I somehow found that out by mistake.

It's pretty fucking awesome, though I hate how the nightmare segments will constantly loop if you don't know exactly which door to take.

Guitar Woman Dec 15th, 2009 02:43 AM

Play the first 3 in reverse order after you beat Shattered Memories

You might look into 4, too, but don't take the doll if you don't want to ragequit around the second building complex trip

Phoenix Gamma Dec 15th, 2009 02:51 AM

I don't know if I can. I'm way too jumpy for this shit, and on two occasions I freaked out infront of my roommates (the cheap scare in the car underwater, and this one random zombie thing that snuck up on me).

I just finished the part where the rooms are repeating, and I fell down for awhile, then I fell up and heard some giggling and shit. Christ,I hate the chase scenes :(

Guitar Woman Dec 15th, 2009 04:12 AM

But if you don't play Silent Hill 3 you'll miss out on the puzzle in the hospital where you find a keypad combination by reading a poem about mutilating the main character's face

OxBlood Dec 15th, 2009 04:14 AM

Which reminds me that I should finish at least one other Silent Hill game than the fourth...

Anyway, 32hrs into Final Fantasy 9 (emulated on my trusty PC, GOD savestates are nice) and liking it way more than back when I first tried to finish it in...whenever it was released.

Also, the goddamn trainwhistle in Spirit Tracks is awesome, can´t stop using that thing.

Oh and if you want to be part of OxBlood´s decision-processes, help him, that is me, decide what Final Fantasy to play after 9, before 13 comes out in March.
Candidates are FF10-2 and 12 which both have stuff I really like and stuff I really, REALLY hate.

Phoenix Gamma Dec 15th, 2009 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 663069)
But if you don't play Silent Hill 3 you'll miss out on the puzzle in the hospital where you find a keypad combination by reading a poem about mutilating the main character's face


Well, in any case, I beat it. What an awesome ending. I was confused by what was actually going on in the therapy sessions. I'll probably answer him differently now that I know the twist.

I did some reading up on the original game to compare it. This game kinda pulls a "Star Trek" to explain why this game doesn't follow the original very closely.


Overall, a really good game. I didn't mind the lack of ass combat that horror games like to cram in. Yea, they're bad for a reason, but here you're running from the monsters for a reason. As someone with no expectations on what a Silent Hill game "should" be, I enjoyed it a lot.

Dr. Boogie Dec 15th, 2009 04:22 PM

Playing Ultimate Alliance 2. Normally, I hate the Fantastic Four, but I discovered that the Thing/Invisible Woman fusion can be used to kill everything and destroy bosses in seconds.

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 15th, 2009 05:57 PM

On chief source of final fantasy if its between those two play FFX-2 over FFXII.

Final Fantasy XII is soooooooo horrible I'm embarrassed for it. There's no characterization and everyone is lame except Balthier.

FFX-2 is really more of a fanboy game. The story is kinda weak but its at least fun to play. The dress sphere system is really cool being able to switch between jobs in the middle of battle. I love my Payne Lady Luck dressphere. Plus there's re-playability with a NEW GAME +.

darkvare Dec 15th, 2009 06:05 PM

i rented new mario bros wii is nothing special is as dull as the one on ds, except that twirly shroom makes every level a cake walk

Zomboid Dec 15th, 2009 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 663127)
Playing Ultimate Alliance 2. Normally, I hate the Fantastic Four, but I discovered that the Thing/Invisible Woman fusion can be used to kill everything and destroy bosses in seconds.

We could have played together :(

I wanted to go through it a second time as pro-reg.

MarioRPG Dec 15th, 2009 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 663064)
Pretty far into Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. This is actually my first Silent Hill.

I love how the game constantly gauges your personality and alters the game and the characters to fuck with you. Watching my roommate play areas I already beat, but different, is pretty interesting. Also, the therapy sessions are frustrating to play with other people watching.

Some of those puzzles are fucking hard, though. The one in the art room was probably the most bullshit, though I somehow found that out by mistake.

It's pretty fucking awesome, though I hate how the nightmare segments will constantly loop if you don't know exactly which door to take.

I'm playing this as well. Kinda whack.

OxBlood Dec 16th, 2009 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 663143)
On chief source of final fantasy if its between those two play FFX-2 over FFXII.

Final Fantasy XII is soooooooo horrible I'm embarrassed for it. There's no characterization and everyone is lame except Balthier.

FFX-2 is really more of a fanboy game. The story is kinda weak but its at least fun to play. The dress sphere system is really cool being able to switch between jobs in the middle of battle. I love my Payne Lady Luck dressphere. Plus there's re-playability with a NEW GAME +.

My main problem with FFX-2 is - as with the unemulated Version of FF9 - that the PAL-Version sucks balls. The aspect ratio is fucked up and itīs the usual -20% Gamespeed every poorly PALed NTSC-Game has, I fucking hate that.
Chubby people underwater THATīs what it plays and looks like...in FF X I could tone that down by changing my TV-Settings around but FF X-2 is handled SO weird...never can you get a circle to look like a circle, either its a vertical ellipse or a horizontal one...and I canīt get it to run on my PS2-Emulator because apparently itīs almost impossible to emulate 3d-PS2-Games correctly...I think Final Fantasy 13 will be the first one that I can play as it was supposed to be played...

One funny thing about FF9 though. The german translators tried REALLY hard to make it original this time. Ruby talks like someone from eastern germany, one of the Tantalus speaks...I think itīs supposed to be bavarian, we have sachsian accents and most of the enemies have different names too...my favorite is the "Bettelcat" which is the "Gimmecat" in the english Version...I really like the He-Man reference on that one (and "betteln" means to beg, so itīs rather fitting). Definetely one of the best unique Videogame-translations ever.
Also nice for non-german-speakers: The grand dragon was renamed to "Tatzelwurm", a wonderful old word for dragon :lol

Dr. Boogie Dec 16th, 2009 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 663145)
We could have played together :(

I wanted to go through it a second time as pro-reg.

I didn't have a Gold subscription.

Anyway, I found the free month card I got from the most recent time I had my 360 repaired. If you want to start up a pro-reg campaign, I'm game.

MarioRPG Dec 16th, 2009 03:48 PM

I also started playing Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles.

So far I can safely say it's fixed up what UC did "wrong" (it was still fun), weapons can be mapped to the joystick for quick switching and upgrading is actually money based rather than whatever it was before.

Phoenix Gamma Dec 17th, 2009 03:20 AM

Just beat Zelda: Super Awesome Train Whistle.

Fantastic final boss. Really solid experience the whole way through. B+ game, miles ahead of the tech demo that was Phantom Hourglass.

OxBlood Dec 17th, 2009 05:43 AM

Phoenix, is it a short as it looks? I mean 4 Temples and the Tower? I just restored the Tracks to the Fire-Area...

Phoenix Gamma Dec 17th, 2009 01:30 PM

There's 5 temples, and you get more floors after each one, including the 5th temple. Except when you reach the end, each Tower of Spirits segment is about as long as a whole dungeon. Especially your last visit. After that, you unlock the last area of the map, which takes a few minutes to clear, followed by three bosses.

I got an assload of hours from doing sidequests, though. I almost got everything, but the bunnies are a pain the the ass, and I need to spend 5,000 ruppees in Beetle's shop for the last heart container.

Oh, don't forget to do the mini-dungeons in Hyrule Castle Town. You know, where you fight a shitload of enemies? The third one is hard as balls, but the last fight is pretty damn cool.

Microshock Dec 17th, 2009 04:38 PM

Assassin's Creed 2. I wish they polished the character animations and various other stuff a bit more but it feels like a better version of the first game.

Plus, double blade kills are just too cool

Fathom Zero Dec 17th, 2009 05:14 PM

Tinker. It's this tiny puzzle game on Games for Windows LIVE. It's also free and has 200 Gamerscore up for the taking. I'm easily amused.

Also, Microsoft is selling some of their Windows LIVE games on the service, like Viva Pinata and such. I might actually buy Shadowrun, since they discounted it down to $10 to start. I loved playing it on my 360.

OxBlood Dec 18th, 2009 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 663506)
There's 5 temples, and you get more floors after each one, including the 5th temple. Except when you reach the end, each Tower of Spirits segment is about as long as a whole dungeon. Especially your last visit. After that, you unlock the last area of the map, which takes a few minutes to clear, followed by three bosses.

I got an assload of hours from doing sidequests, though. I almost got everything, but the bunnies are a pain the the ass, and I need to spend 5,000 ruppees in Beetle's shop for the last heart container.

Oh, don't forget to do the mini-dungeons in Hyrule Castle Town. You know, where you fight a shitload of enemies? The third one is hard as balls, but the last fight is pretty damn cool.

Thanks for the info :)

Been reading up on the systems of Final Fantasy 13 and so far it looks okay, just the fact that they added a story-connected levelcap bugs me. Final Fantasy without overleveling is...I donīt know, itīs just not right.

Ant10708 Dec 18th, 2009 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by darkvare (Post 663144)
i rented new mario bros wii is nothing special is as dull as the one on ds, except that twirly shroom makes every level a cake walk

Do you like the old school side scrolling mario games? If you do I have no idea how you can't have fun with the DS or wii versions of side scrolling mario. Sure, nintendo might have been lazy with the games but they are both alot of fun and I can't see how if you enjoyed the old school mario games how you could be disappointed with these new versions. Oh and have you played the multiplayer coin game on the ds version? Def one of the best multiplayer experiences on the ds.

Phoenix Gamma Dec 18th, 2009 11:00 PM

New Mario DS' multiplayer how btc and I met.

New Mario Wii is definitely better, though the single player doesn't bring any real improvements that are associated with Mario sequels.

Trying out Final Fantasy: Crystal Bearers. It's weird. Not like any of the Crystal Chronicles games, not like any of the FF games. The hero isn't fucking lame, Bon Jovi's upcoming album is featured in the promos, the combat is all action (using telekinesis?!) and the story is just weird. Not sure how I feel about it yet.

I'm also playing Echoshift on PSP. Echochrome was one of those games I refuse to take off of my memory stick. It's great for portable sessions, and I loved the music and graphics, and the gameplay was really cool. This one isn't as cool as the first, but the mechanics are solid, and the game's structured so that you kinda have a score to aim for. The music is still awesome, only now a new instrument is added for every "cast" you use. So you start with one set of notes, then build up to a full fleshed song once you have around 3 or 4 clones of yourself working together.

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