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If for some reason the game is delayed until Feb 2009 in all of Europe and not just in Germany, I'll be somewhat annoyed as well. |
Man, Doom II is a lot easier than I'd thought it be.
well i don't play actually, i just build ;D |
Downloaded Bomberman Blast for Wii. I'm so bad at it :(
Also got back into the Rhythm Heaven games. So fucking rad. |
Quit bitching, Oxblood, SH5 and Fallout 3 are both banned in Australia. It could be worse.
I gotta get a new graffix card so I can run this shit without my computer exploding. |
Just completed Uncharted. It's good.
Fallout 3 isn't banned in Australia, you dumbass. They just pissed and moaned about drug content so it's been slightly altered and now all copies are like that.
My understanding a while ago was that it was in fact banned, but I guess confirmatory google searches aren't guaranteed to yield current results. I also haven't been keeping up to date on Fallout 3 because I don't care too much!
That's not the point, though. Speaking of not being up-to-date on things, I just now realized Silent Hill 5 on the PC is a goddamned Steam-only release. What the fuck. |
Just because someone saw Duke3d back in the day and thought "Well, there the Tabledancers, you can give them money (which doesnīt do anything) and then you can shoot them and they explode in dollarbills...so you get rewarded for killing innocent tabledancers! DEVILRY! BANBANBAN! Or well, they put it on the index, so only 18+ can get it and no one may advertise. Or download it from XBL, no matter what his age may be. The only good thing is, that germany canīt really ban something before it is released..hehehe. Okay, and we have Austria, the UK and the Netherlands right around the corner, nobody in their right mind would buy a german release when they can get a UK. Except those unfortunate few young germans who never learned english...not that I am perfect but itīs more than enough to understand a Videogame. But I must say, I am extremely surprised to see a country even more stuck up with this whole violence thing than us. And I feel the pain of the australian gamers, yes I do. Whatīs their excuse for *looks it up on wikipedia* being such an Nanny State? (hm, funny word) |
just to piss ben croshaw off i bet
Reserved my copy of Star Ocean 4, finished DW 4 ( had to do something at work ) and still playing World of Warcraft (Made a Elemantal shaman) and Infinite Undiscovery.
Kirby Super Star Ultra - the extras make it worth it while the rest of the game is a carbon-copy.
Wario Land: Shake it - It's like playing a saturday morning cartoon from way back when.♥ And it's a pretty decent play, too. |
Also, to be fair, Australia is only banning shitty games.
Mega Man 9 on XBLA. Fucking finally!
Playing the original Fallout again.
I've been watching far too much Fist of the Northstar lately, so I made a character with retarded high Strength, Agility, Perception, and Endurance, got to 100% Unarmed on level 2, and picked Bloody Mess as a trait. I am unstoppable. |
does perception help with punching? i thought it was only good for ranged attacks :/ if not you'd be better off putting points in luck for more critical hits or INT so you can get skillpoints faster
Playing Sacred 2 right now...seems to be one of those rare good german games...hopefully.
I have 10 intelligence points, too!
120% unarmed skill. YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD. The perception is for throwing knives, which are hilarious. I can't believe I only played this game with guns up until now. |
-Lego batman
-Mega Man 9 |
Jet Grind Radio and Jet Set Radio Future. Yeawww.
Rise of the Dragon for Sega Compact Disc.
probably get some use out of grenades too, i'd imagine |
NHL 95
Tried Sonic: the Fanfic for DS. Shit's pretty terrible, and since this is actually my first Bioware game, I've blindly decided to hate the company. Fuck you, Bioware. Your story is dumb and your gameplay is dumb. Why would you even make a Sonic RPG?
A romp through KOTOR will fix this, sir.
I checked out Psychonauts the other day. The wacky aesthetic reminded me a lot of Rayman 2, except not nearly as difficult. It's also pretty funny. |
fallout 2 + restoration project 1.2
haven't run into too much new content, although it is nice to be able to kill the Duntons with justification this time rather than just because i wanted to |
The new content is kind of spread out. There's a new area in whatever that town with the pickpocketing kids is called. You can get them an orphanage :O. There's a place called the Abbey in the top right corner of the map.
WarioLand Shake it
Basically, a glorified handheld game. The sprites are too small for a TV and the animations are lacking. They didn't bother doing voice overs to the one cut scene I saw. yeesh. |
G.R.A.W. 2 and liking it so far. Not as good as Vegas 2 but that´s just me prefering indoor-cover-and-clear-the-room games. But Clancy sure knows how to write boring stories...or at least he delivers boring templates. But maybe that´s an American thing I don´t understand...who knows. *shrugs*
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time. Still loving it, but I never realized how unbalanced the difficulty curve is. The pirate level raped me, but I plowed through the train stage without losing a life, and Neon Night Riders was actually easier than Sewer Surfin'.
I wish Raphael didn't suck in this game. Leo's still my favorite, but Raph is cool too :( |
i tried playing Holy Diver on the NES but damn it if it's not Castlevania levels of aggravating
plus no actual dio songs i could detect, wth japan |
Gotta use Donnie. :Jumpboattack |
Donnie does machines!
I'm playing Neverwinter Nights... because I live in 2001 and have the mad cool Phat hookups.
So is this crap (and sequels) available for Playstation 2? I don't give a fuck about bootlegs... I'm getting another Playstation 2 again. If it's available, then i'm good. If not... then i guess it's time for Tony Hawk 4-7. The worst thing about the 21st century is the Bush Family. So far.... |
No, NWN's PC-only.
Ahhhhhhhhhh, shit! Anything comparable? (Aside from drinking to .30 and listening to Duran Duran)
Drink a 40 and listen to Journey.
Yeah, I guess I'm looking for a role playing game that's on PS2... Doesn't have to be fantasy - based. Sci-fi is good also. Looking for a story that sucks me in and mucho re-play with different classes, alignments, etc.
Doesn't have to be Dungeons and Dragons (official product) but since I live 5-8 years in the past, I have only started playing Neverwinter Nights. I'll look into Demon Stone but any suggestions from anyone are encouraged... It might be a long.... SOBER.... winter this year. Looking into it, OK, so I'm currently a "Forgotten Realms" nerd. Better that than Dragonlance. Just kidding. And how about those Wikipedia descriptions of games you MIGHT like.... blah. oh it will be a Tony Hawk filled winter for me.... I can hear the soundtrack to Pro Skater 4 right now.... |
Oh, there's a few Baldur's Gate PS2 games that are pretty good beat-'em-up RPGs. They tend to run kind of expensive for some reason though.
![]() :lol |
Just got through playing NWN played Kotor And Kotor 2 before plus jade and mass effect im i the only one who thinks mass effect is one of the biggest dissapointments ever? it hitches freezes and barely loads :(
Started up Dragon Quest VIII. I miss traditional jRPGs with old school generic plots. None of this new generic garbage. Plus the music is outstanding.
I think I might be able to put up with the ancient gameplay this time if I shut my brain off when I play. I think I only got to Lv16 when the game first came out. |
Hey guys deBlob is awesome and so is World of Goo. Please buy them :(
I still need to play Eternal Darkness :(
There is time for new games later! |
But World of Goo is downloadable on PC or Wii. You can get it right now.
Plus, it's one of the most imaginative construction games I've played in a long time. I fucking hate games about building shit, but every single stage introduces a new mechanic, and it's always really silly. deBlob is just good old fashioned platforming mixed with Katamari Damacy. I spent a whole hour just on the second level trying to get everything. Way better than the freeware tech demo. |
I played the demo of the Strong Bad game. Not as good as Sam and Max, but at least Telltale is still making adventure games.
I only put this fucker on reserve a month ago because I am slow |
i havent played eternal darkness yet either :( i should buy a gamecube or something i guess
The only bad thing is you have to play it thrice, which isn't a bad thing at all.
e: or was it four times? fource? |
I played Bobby's World on an SNES emulator for about 3 minutes.
I finally fixed the cutscene sound problems in Silent Hill 2! It has become monumentally better!
I like how the special items in the second playthrough finally tell me a little about the town's history. I still hate Maria, also. |
Eternal Darkness eh? One of my favorites...but I´m still in the last playthrough...gotta love Mantorok though. Corpse God FTW.
Went ahead and bought the Strong Bad game for PC. Both episodes are good solid games, but Sam & Max is funnier.
World of Goo demo. Not a big fan of casual games but this one is really good.
Knuckles' Chaotix. Meh. It's certainly plagued with the unnecessary innovation that ruined the recent games, but it's still a solid title.
Symphony of the night on the 360 since Dead Space still ain´t out here...whatever all those publishers thought, releasing EVERYTHING between Oct. 24th and Nov. 15th....
if everyone in this thread doesn't say mother3
>: |
innocent sin
and mother 3 |
Picked up Saints Row 2 this week. It's better than the first one. I'll probably get Dead Space this weekend. Then Fable 2... Then Fallout 3... what a month.
Still playing some Warhammer Online and DQIV. ...and yes people should play Eternal Darkness. |
I like it!
Eternal Darkness, I mean. It sort of plays like a cartoony Silent Hill 4, but with funnier melee combat because I can cut off everyone's head. The voicework is pretty good, too. My only problem is that it's way too silly to be scary, due mainly to the monsters all sounding like they're wading through spaghetti when they walk. |
Please note the most beloved aspect about Eternal Darkness - the lovecraftian setting. Show elder gods some respect, GW ;) |
GW can't read books without pictures.
Ok, this game scared the shit out of me last night when bugs started crawling all over the screen. :(
I think I may be too old to play Wii games. :c
I played about 9 hours of eternal darkness when it came out with a group of friends, 6am rolled around and I had to work. 6 years its been since, still remember it being good.
I played Eternal Darkness, and I still don't see what the big deal is.
nick, gw
gw, nick i'll let you guys to get to know eachother |
Broke out the ol' SNES tonight and played some Donkey Kong Country. It took me about 30 seconds to remember how easy this game is.
The whole theme of these three ancient interstellar beings plotting against the Corpsegod and all of mankind for millennia is just excellent. The magic system was also really good in my opinion, even though it effectively negated ANY insanity later on if the player wanted to. Someone really should make a spiritual successor to Eternal Darkness. Imagine the quality of something like that with the systems from Part 1 and nice graphics and an equally awesome plot...Iīd exchange Silent Hill or most other franchises for that...except if they made another classic Resident Evil...that I would like even more. |
Yeah, I really liked the 3 gods thing. I can't remember which one I picked, but it was whichever was closest to cthulhu.
Also, Silicon Knights is still around, as soon as they finish fucking with Too Human there's probably going to be another Eternal Darkness. I picked the god that looks like a big eye or something and talks with a male/female voice. It had the green artifact. |
I wouldn't count on it.
Is your avatar supposed to be Kumatora in Titiboo? |
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That doesn't quite answer my question
I'd be playing Mother 3 if I had a computer of my own. But for now it's Kirby Super Star ultra.
It's not just dope. it's super star ultra dope. |
Fable 2. It's just like the first one, in case you were wondering.
I figured you would have red hair in real life just because every picture you have up also had red hair. Am I shooting in the dark here? |
I keep my hair a vibrant and consistent shade of cotton candy pink.
Even though I like Ulyaoth, Master of dimension and magic better...the blue one :D Or of course Mantorok, coolest appearance and most powerfull of all four Gods. |
I'm not saying that ED was a bad game, I'm just saying it didn't seem as great as everyone said it was. Then again, I did play it about four years after it came out. Oops!
I think I did too, but I still liked it. I also chose the blue god :O
Saints Row 2 is a good game, I certainly enjoyed it more than GTA4. I just beat it with 94% accomplished, and I'll be damned if I'm hunting down any collectibles.
I hired Golden Axe: Beast Rider - what a pile of shit.
Right now I'm playing quite a lot of Synergy (the co-op HL2 mod). It's really fun - plays a lot like Sven co-op. |
Saint's Row 2 and Mother 3. :O
Switching between Dead Space and Fable 2. Later next week Fallout 3 hopefully.
earthbound in prep to play mother 3, and team fortress 2.
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