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Played Bioshock, I enjoyed it. It's not a game you play more than once though. If I had payed a full $50 for it I think I'd be pretty pissed of right now.
Since Fallout is delayed till next week (curse you, fucking person who messed it up but which I rely on for uncut UK-Versions of games), I guess I´ll play Dead Space. Again. For the forth time. Maybe on impossible.
Or the second episode of the penny arcade game, I liked the first one mostly. |
Right now I'm having a blast with Saints Row 2. It's like an anti-GTA4 - loud, brash, completely over the top, you can customize everything, the graphics are bright and colorful, and the whole thing is perfect mindless fun. I don't mean that GTA IV is bad in any way (I think it's a fantastic game with a great storyline and characters, no doubt about that), but somehow I find SR2 more enjoyable to play.
I also got Fallout 3 which seems really great, and also started Persona 3: FES again. Good times. |
Downloaded Metal Slug Anthology for the PSP. I only played a little of MSX at Gamestop when it was still new, and a flash version online, so I wanted to try the entire series.
I really like it, and some of the different levels are just crazy. Hard as fuck; I really need unlimited continues right now. |
i am finally playing oblivion, i have had it for a while but put it off cause i got bored about ten hours into morrowind. so far it is much better.
Playing Jade Empire again. It's a really good, if somewhat short game.
Grim Fandango.
Some of the best games made. |
Mostly FarCry 2 but I just ordered Left 4 Dead on steam as the demo is released today for people that pre-order.
It's really bad because I've got a ton of work on at the moment and a new Valve game is really the last thing I should be buying. I tried to ignore it's impending release but earlier I started feeling extremely anxious and pre-ordered it on Steam. I'm weak :( |
I've been playing a bit of NWN2 again. Still messing with Fallout 3 as well. |
Downloaded the Left 4 Dead demo. Awesome game - only really let down by the lack of dedicated servers at this stage. I don't know if it's the AI director or what but there seems to be a lot of processing overhead when hosting a game. My PC is a couple of years old so I'm not exactly on the bleeding edge but I'd still like to think it's reasonably fast system - it was fast enough to host a Synergy server anyway.
Either way they've got the guns and enemies just right. Zombie purists may take issue with the fast, easy to kill, "Dawn of the dead" type zombies but I think they're perfect for this type of game. Great looking game too - lots of post processing and such to make it extremely cinematic. I think it's safe to assume Valve have another hit on their hands. |
Getting shot?
In Metal Slug? No such thing. |
5 stages = 27 continues x 3 lives = shot 81 times in a complete playthrough, all of which happened in the final two stages.
:( I'm going back to Contra 4. I think I can beat it on hard now. |
FarCry 2, Fallout 3, Gears of war 2 and if the mail wasn´t so slow Order of Ecclesia
Left 4 Dead is seriously one of the best games I've played in a long time. The server issues are sorted since they added a server browser (type "openserverbrowser" in console) and now it's just fantastic. Make sure you vote expert though as it makes it much more suspenseful. In the two days I've been playing I've had so many "oh shit" moments let alone "OH SHIT!" moments.
Is the game as fast-paced as they say or has it slowed down? When it comes to making quick decisions in video games I usually curl up into a ball and panic.
:faint |
A different friend and I have been trying to beat Contra: Shattered Solider 2 player mode to get the good ending. We only play it while drinking and have yet to do it.....someday. |
I used unlimited continues too, because that's the only way you can beat a Metal Slug without having each and every enemy memorized.
Deleted it off of my memory stick. I'm giving MGS:PO another shot. |
I always thought Metal Slug was a game you were suppose to use continues. Me and my friends normally just run and gun and don't worry about dying.
Over the weekend I clocked in about 14 hours of L4D demo. Considering the demo contains only two fairly short maps when the full game is released it'll probably consume all my free time.
It's so frigging awesome though. |
Just beat Metal Gear: Portable Ops. I learned to love it once I got over the fact that there's not a lot to do in the environments. Plus the load times are outrageously microscopic.
Waiting for PO+ to finish downloading so I can get more allies :D Do people still play PO+ online? I wanna try multiplayer sometime. |
I'm switching between Fallout 3 and Fatal Frame 2. I only play one horror game a year because I'm a pussy |
Vigilante 8 Arcade.
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. It may very well be the best DS Castlevania ever.
So I'm trying Portable Ops+, and I keep organizing all of my weapons, but all of the missions have me going into the battlefield unfuckingarmed.
Then when I finish, I'm stuck reorganizing shit all over again. Then I'm stuck without weapons again. I want to stop reorganizing my guns and ammo and shit, but I know there's going to be that one time I can bring shit in with me, and I'll have nothing. When can I finally bring my own crap into the missions, goddammit? |
Order of Ecclesia, nice game, maybe not the best of the series but still very good. I still don´t know if I like the way of fragmenting the whole thing into these tiny levels but at least it´s easier to keep track of what´s where. A also try to play Gears2, Fallout 3 and Far Cry 2 at the same time...but Far Cry keeps pissing me off, as does Gears on insane...
Golden Axe 2 :picklehat
Finished Grim Fandango.
Best game ever :( "Oh Manny, so cynical. What happened to you, Manny, that caused you to lose your sense of hope, your love of life?" "I died." |
gears of war 2 i played a wingman match with burnt to shreds but he left, is ok cause i got 11 kills on my own
Fable 2, and Lego Star Wars 2 with my son.
I tried out Tomb Raider Underworld!
It's really good. Very, very Prince of Persia, and the controls don't translate to a keyboard and mouse setup very well, but other than that I thought it was awesome. |
The new Animal Crossing got leaked. I played it at my friend's place. You can get Majora's Mask, Midna's Helmet, Samus' helmet and all of Link's clothes.
Supposedly someone found a new way to run the ISOs on Wiis, so I saved it just incase. EDIT: My roommate's getting it for free from work, so I'll wait. I hear it's the same old crap anyways. |
I tried MK VS DC at a store. It was okay, I just played as Captain Marvel and Shazamed the hell out of my roommate.
Rankeri: Did you play Golden Axe 2 on genesis or an emulator? |
The japanese Chrono Trigger DS rom got leaked yesterday, which has the full english retranslation, and someone released a patch to override the antipiracy checks, so I've been playing that.
Probably my favorite RPG of all time. |
MK vs. DC Universe. I personally think it's the best 3D MK game yet.
I'm playing Order of Ecclesia, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin and Siren. I've got a lot of time on my hands... :(
The last remnant. Pretty good so far.
I got to play through the DC side of MK VS DC last night. after playing through as different chars I enjoyed it a lot more.
Joker steals the show in the game though. Not saying this because of the joker craze that has been going on since dark knight came out. The way he fights in this game is just great, plain fisticuffs stance. Favorite part playing through story mode on DC is when you find out who the boss is..... |
That was a great piece of humor, and yeah, The Joker does steal the show. The DC characters are all well used. Played some guy online who had the Flash down pat and he was damn near untouchable.
Mark Hammil is the only Joker :(
Also, I was surprised by how totally UNretarded the plot was. The fighting is a little too simple, but still fun. |
Snatcher and NBA Jam TE for Saturn.
come on... |
Gears of War 2.
Charlotte Hornets FTW! |
Super Street Fighter II Turbo: HD Remix
Fuck yeah. |
Playing Lego Batman with the kids. Pretty silly, but love the fact that the music is Danny Elfman's.
Also going through Silent Hill:Origins for PS2. Really want to play Homecoming but it's only for PS3 and X360. Grrrr. Maybe I'll get an X360 for Christmas. Hell of a lot cheaper than that damn PS3... |
It's shittier, too!
I've only played through two levels of this so far but it's fun. I like the fact there's like 50 chars to play as. |
Yeah, they are trying to get through the levels so they can play as villains. I admit that's why I'm playing it. We also have Lego Star Wars 2 (that has the characters from the original trilogy) and Lego Indiana Jones. This one seems to be the most detailed of the three.
Damn, is it? Then hell with it. I'll just sell a kidney to get me a PS3. |
Don't be so hasty. It's pretty much universal knowledge that GW doesn't have the best taste. Get whichever system you want, but do some research.
Thanks for the heads up. :) Just wondering though, not sure if this has been discussed before.
Is there a general consensus as to what is the best system? Games, price, ease of controls? I have been really wanting to upgrade, but my PS2 has been "the system" in my house for so long that I'm not sure. It used to be that a lot of games were system exclusive, but that's not too true anymore. Any suggestions would be a large help. |
And here I go again. Here are some questions that you can ask yourself before you buy one of the big consoles:
What games do I want? What kind of controller might be better? Do I care about online gaming? Do I care about the price of the whole thing? Do I care about Blu-Ray? Do I care about how loud my System can get? Let´s view this from your perspective, meaning, you don´t have either. Concerning games, it doesn´t matter that much, most games are multiplatform anyway and the few exclusives are generally not really worth it I guess. (That goes for PS3-Exclusives and it´s just my opinion). Controller-wise, most people agree that the 360 Contoller is the better one (yes, even many PS3-Owners), but apart from the messed up L2 and R2 Buttons, the PS3-Pad is almost as good as the PS2-Pad. I still like the 360-thing better. Onlinegaming is of course possible on both systems, the only difference is, that Xbox-Live costs a bit of money, but is better organized as the PS3 Counterpart as far as I know. If you want to play with screaming little idiots is a whole different affair. You get those on both systems, part of the package. Price...well, the 360 is cheaper, but Xbox-Live costs a bit and you may have trouble with the inferior...erm...Hardware-integrity. Meaning, the 360 breaks down more often than the PS3 and has less manufacturing-quality. Blu Ray...well, the PS3 has it and the 360 doesn´t, it´s that simple. And the Noise-Level...the 360 can get extremely loud while the PS3 is pretty silent in comparison. And finally, my own point of view. I have a 360 since it launched, because it was the first next-gen console. If the PS3 had been first, I´d bought one of those instead. The whole thing with the PS3 having no games available is solved by now, both systems have largely the same lineup of games with only minimal differences between versions that no normal person cares about. The few exclusives that the PS3 has are no reason for me to spend another 400 bucks, but if you don´t have either of the systems...well I guess it´s up to you. Both systems are good, with the PS3 being the more solid piece of plastic, in terms of quality of the parts used. But apart from that, I think the 360 is slightly better, because of the (in my opinion) better controler, better online service and cheaper price. You just have to get used to it breaking down once every year or so...but I guess they should be able to produce more endurable versions by now, mine is still from around the launch. |
PS3 - Media centre that plays games.
XB360 - Games console that contains a media centre. If you don't give a shit about streaming media from your network or blu-ray then it's really hard to recommend the PS3 as this is what is does best. The games work fine but you can get a 360 more cheaply, have a wider range of games and play practically everything you could've played on PS3 anyway. The 360's relyability has increased dramatically since launch and the latest consoles are far less prone to failure than public opinion would suggest. |
why none of you plays gears 2 with me? i'm good i saw a couple of you with it here so add me and lets play >:(
PS3 - Has LittleBigPlanet
360 - Does not have LittleBigPlanet That is what I think of this subject Also, I missed a lot of PS2 exclusives last gen by being a hardcore Nintendofag, so a PS3 with backwards compatability to me is infinitely better than anything that could ever happen on the 360. |
I am saying that you can go fuck yourself
no new ps3 models have ps2 compatibility and little big planet is nice but not a console mover
Doesn't mean they don't exist!
I'd spring extra money for one. |
Cuz then I can play PS3 games, too
I want that game real bad :( |
Thanks everyone for your input. I will show this to my SO so we can figure out what is important to us. Then we can make an informed decision. Afterwards the spending of lots of cash will begin. (even though we really shouldn't but hey you only live once, right?)
I forgot the most important thing: Try not to read forums on such topics. You will mostly encounter people who are desperately trying to defend "their" system. Even though concentrating on one specific product out of sheer "loyalty" is about the most stupid thing you can do as a Videogamer since it just downgrades you to a worthless fanboy who misses out on 50% of the stuff.
But hey, even they might learn some day I guess. It´s only about the games, never about the system they run on. |
I played little big planet. It's a lot of fun with two people. My fake sister and I ended up playing it and just slapping the hell out of each other while trying to move through the levels.
I bought one of each. :3
Actually, my 360 is the louder of the two.
I haven't played my wii in so fucking long. I've considered getting more virtual console games, but no online support sucks balls. It's obviously a lot more fun playing with someone who's in the same room, but I live alone this year and it's rare for any of my friends to be willing to drive across the city to play video games.
Has ps3 gotten any good games lately? It seems like whenever I check to see what's available for it, there's a lot of nothing. Also, the commercials for Resistance 2 are fucking atrocious. |
Zomboid, I don't think the PS3 is going to get any decent exclusives until next year, but even that is pushing it.
Bottom line: 360: Achievements, great online. PS3: 360 with a Sony logo. Wii: $200.00 worth of nostalgia and 2 months of use. |
i also stopped using my wii i'm waiting for madworld
Chrono Trigger (On the DS.). Quite frankly the first game I really went nuts over because I enjoyed it that much. It's still fun after 13 and then 9 years.
Unless you're going after nostalgia, already released games, a handful of ports, or are really into mini-games and gimmicks, there's no reason at all to buy a wii. It's an overpriced paper weight now :(
Xbox live also seems to have a fuck of a lot more people on it than the Playstation network. So if you're into online games, go with the 360. I like that the ps3 has a blu-ray player, but I don't even want one of those right now. Movies won't be blu-ray only for quite a while. |
Banjo Kazooie (XBLA)
I hate water/swimming levels :( Also that da blob game was really fun on the wii. It has good games you just have to search. But lack of decent online def makes wii an inferior system :( |
The main problem with Blu-Ray right now is that the films are fucking expensive. Rentals are worth it though.
But yeah, I haven't played any games on my PS3 for a long time. In fact the only game I've really enjoyed in the same way I might enjoy a PC game is Uncharted which was rather good. It still gets a shit load of use though as we download a lot of TV shows and films and it's the most convenient way of getting them onto the HDTV. |
Call of Duty 5
Prince of Persia, great Style and I love the conversations between Prince and Princess. Not very challenging and pretty repetetive but what can you expect from the guys who made Assassin´s Creed? I still like it a lot. A Videogame, through and through.
Maybe its because Xbox Live was made up before the Playstation Network?
Or that Microsoft made Xbox? Its no wonder that itll be far better than the Playstation Netowrk. But give it time, things might change. Doubt it though... |
Better games, too. Don't forget that part.
Yeah, sounds...like the PS3 has horrible exclusives, and dont forget killzone 2 and Home and Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 all coming.. And all the psn games like flower, fat princess , flow, echochrome, blast factor, everyday shooter, etc, etcetera. I had a choice between wanting a ps3 and 360 and i chose the ps3, because i knew i would enjoy the games so much more and im happy with my choice, the only thing that xbox 360 can offer me is..halo 3...which will satisfy me for a bit and gears of war 2 but after that....nothing. So rethink your...ps3 has horrible games theory, we have multi platform games too. Oh, here's more exclusives: Eye of judgement, Singstar, Hot shot golf: out of bounds |
Yeah, those all sound like amazing games, and I've heard of maybe a third of the games that you listed there. I mean, fuck, NARUTO!!! KILLZONE!!! The supposed "halo killer" that didn't manage to get anywhere near the fanbase. Good stuff!
It is weird that all these awesome Ps3 games are not being talked about at all by people who play games
Those awesome PS3 games sound really really shitty.
But guuuuuuys, those incredible exclusives are continuing such marvelous series as gran turismo (I JUST LOVE RACING GAMES!), resistance, and socom! I don't know anyone who doesn't like those games!
Both of the other consoles destroy the PS3 in terms of exclusive games, and both of the other consoles destroy the PS3 with the download-able games. The only good games that I've heard of on the ps3 are already on XBLA (and there's a couple on wii, too). I hope your secret santa sent you some good taste, you little brat. |
I want to get Resistence 2, but I think I'll end up getting Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe.
Why would you want get a second class Fighting Game when you can get a longer, better Shooter for the same price? Don´t get me wrong, I love fighting-games, but I just don´t think, MK vs. DC is worth a full price for what you get. Then again, I don´t give much about both Universes (european problem?).
@Zomboid: Nobody needs a Halo-Killer when Halo itself is not even good to begin with :) |
Fathom: I'm getting that too. We can play online, BRAW! |
WE'RE DOING THIS, BRAH But right now I'm playing Kane and Lynch. Thing's just go to shit in the second half, but the multiplayer makes up for it. |
Hey, everybody´s gotta make their own experiences and mistakes, so please, buy whatever makes you happy. ;)
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