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darkvare Apr 18th, 2008 01:02 PM

why there is no topic about this? >:

anyway some facts about the game

- The game is set in 2008, In Liberty City.

- A big part of the game is delivering story in new ways and allowing the player to plot their own destiny

- The map is smaller than San Andreas, But a lot more detailed.

- The Statue of Liberty is called The Statue of Happiness.

- Rockstar have been working very hard on the targeting system - expect it to be a big improvement from previous games.

- There will be NO planes. Rockstar have said they want the game to be realistic.

- You will use your cell phone to call contacts.

- DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) is 'BOABO (Beneath the Offramp of the Algonquin Bridge)'.

- GTA IV contains 4 parts of New York (Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, The Bronx) and a part of New Jersey. Which have been renamed in the game to 'Broker', 'Algonquin', 'Dukes', 'Bohan' and 'Alderney'.

- Realism has been upgraded, in terms of Pedestrians not walking around like mindless zombies.

- No loading screens... this is due to a longer loading time at the start of the game.

- Multiplayer won't be MMO style, but will fit better to the single player experience

- Bellic arrives in Liberty City as he has been receiving emails from his cousin, Roman. At the start of the game, he is the only person you know.

- Pedestrians are a lot more realistic, and do things such as smoke, sit on benches, read, go shopping, eat, and more...

- While making the game, Rockstar consulted crime experts and ex-policemen and found that being a criminal is much more difficult now than it was during previous decades, so they have tried to reflect this in the game. Expect to see people getting arrested as the police are a heavy presence.

- As Rockstar North are approaching the recruitment of voice actors in a different way. We probably won't hear any recognisable voices in GTA 4 because they are looking for voices that suit the attitude of the characters - This approach is also being carried over to the soundtrack, where R* are looking for music which works well with the modern day Liberty City.

- The visual effects of the game will be massively enhanced - the rising and setting sun will reflect off glass and light up details on buildings; the streets will have potholes and rubble.

- Variations in terrain are reflected in the way people walk over it.

- Various Gaming Sites have played the Xbox 360 version and the PS3 Version, and say the graphics are not representative of the final version. The final version will look better than the screenshots suggest.

- The protagonist Niko Bellic is in his mid-thirties, and although not customisable, you will be able to don him with new outfits and such. Rockstar said they got Niko's physics just right and found it was difficult to implement character customisation with regards to this.

- Staten Island, the only area of New York not recreated in Liberty City was left out due to Rockstar deciding it would not be a fun location to play in.

- There are no "dead spots" or "irrelevant space" in the game.

- The mob will be featured in the game, though they won't be lead characters.

- 'hardly any' of the characters from previous games will return.

- Missions will offer an increased amount of realism, and will be longer and more varied, some will even have multiple possible outcomes.

- Bridges will keep you from accessing other boroughs at the start of the game.

- What comes as a big relief to us is that there's no more pop-ups of buildings and foliage as we've seen in the past thanks to the completely overhauled graphics engine.

- Dan Houser stated that no one has attempted to recreate a location of this size, and with so much detail, ever before.

- The Artificial Intelligence of the NPC's has received a huge overhaul, pedestrians do a wide variety of things which were mentioned in the GameInformer article, and they even react to events such as a gun being pulled on them.

- Shooting is said to be much more precise and fluid than in previous games.

- Niko can use his mobile phone to do things such as set up deals and ambushes

- Rockstar haven't yet decided how to make use of Sony's SIXAXIS controller for the PlayStation 3 version of the game.

- Planes were not included in the game because there isn't enough room for them, and you would traverse the city too quickly. As we confirmed before though, we will be able to pilot helicopters.

- Rockstar have promised a wider range of side-missions to partake in while not playing through the main storyline.

Fat_Hippo Apr 18th, 2008 02:07 PM

All right then.

Who else is pissed that they have to wait till it comes out for PC? Because I for one, am not gonna buy a PS3 or Xbox 360, ever.

Chojin Apr 18th, 2008 03:11 PM

To be honest my CD-i's gotten a lot more play than my 360 thus far. As for the game, it sounds like a handful of token upgrades to an established franchise, an allegory to two-thirds of this console generation.

My frustration with the game industry from both working in it and from the consumer side is embodied in games like this. I'm sure it will be very polished, have all the qualities modern consumers require of a "good game", and sell so well that the suits running these organizations further convince themselves that they should do nothing but release sequels, but to say that I'm bored of this shit from the industry would be the understatement of the century.

ASIDE: This is also probably why I haven't revisited Mario Galaxy after meeting the minimum requirements to beat it, done the same with Halo 3 despite being a huge Bungie fag, and can't stand Zelda games. And I'll leave this thread alone now so the rest of you can enjoy it.

Madman914 Apr 18th, 2008 03:13 PM

Wait, it's coming out for the PC? I just thought that they had completely ignored the PC market.

darkvare Apr 18th, 2008 03:25 PM

is not announced for pc yet but i guess it will be

Fathom Zero Apr 18th, 2008 03:39 PM

I'm very excited and this will probably be the one and only game I preorder ever.

Fat_Hippo Apr 18th, 2008 04:34 PM

I sure as hell hope they do release it on the PC. Sure, GTA IV will just be more of the same, albeit even further polished, but when it comes to this series, I don't care. The GTA games have always appealed to me, and while it would be nice to see more innovation in the industry, I still think it'll be a fun game, and isn't that all that matters?

Also, one new thing I love is the handy radio, so you can now listen to music while walking around. I just hope they don't make it too realistic when it comes to the sound quality, because I hate poor sound quality in music.

And I do hope they've improved the firefights somewhat, because the ones in SA were, while better than those in previous games, still not that great.

And I hope it's got better music than SA did...I hate rap, which kind of sucked for me.:\

Guitar Woman Apr 18th, 2008 04:37 PM

Uh, you do know there were two rock and roll radio stations with absolutely flawless track lists, right

Fathom Zero Apr 18th, 2008 05:13 PM

KDST and Radio X.

Guitar Woman Apr 18th, 2008 05:45 PM

any game with Tom Petty on the soundtrack is a ok with me.

Fat_Hippo Apr 18th, 2008 06:10 PM

Yeah, those were the ones I listened to most, but I missed the 80's pop from Vice City. :( In Vice City I could listen to almost any Radio Station and like what I hear, but in San Andreas it was really just those two. CSR was okay too.

WhiteRat Apr 18th, 2008 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Fat_Hippo (Post 550233)
All right then.

Who else is pissed that they have to wait till it comes out for PC? Because I for one, am not gonna buy a PS3 or Xbox 360, ever.

Nope, i'm not pissed because I have a 360 being that i'm not an elitist pc homo (or any console for that matter).

This was the first game i've ever pre-ordered in my 24 years on this great green earth and I am primed, pumped, and permiated.

Fathom Zero Apr 18th, 2008 08:22 PM

I'll play cops and robber witchu later, man.

Guitar Woman Apr 19th, 2008 06:55 AM

All I can say is that I hope they actually make it possible for you to drive more than 5 minutes without flipping your car.

darkvare Apr 19th, 2008 12:24 PM

that only happens if you don't want your car to flip

Fat_Hippo Apr 19th, 2008 01:30 PM

Or if you're using one of those lowrider cars. I hate those things.

Guitar Woman Apr 19th, 2008 01:41 PM

I can't will my car to not flip, the controls and physics are the floatiest bullshit I think I've ever seen.

Fathom Zero Apr 19th, 2008 01:46 PM

Then don't buy it. Good day.

Guitar Woman Apr 19th, 2008 01:48 PM

I pirate all my games!

WhiteRat Apr 19th, 2008 02:59 PM

If only you could steer using a wii mote.

Guitar Woman Apr 19th, 2008 03:04 PM

I miss the old 2D Grand Theft Autos :<

Fat_Hippo Apr 19th, 2008 03:41 PM

Then download 'em. They're on the Rockstar homepage.

Ant10708 Apr 19th, 2008 05:18 PM

Chojin what do you do in the industry if you don't mind me asking?

"Staten Island, the only area of New York not recreated in Liberty City"

FUCK YOU MAN. NYC isn't the only part of New York
Long Island brought you Flavor Flav. :rock

Nick Apr 20th, 2008 05:46 AM

This game better live up to the hype.

Blaster Atoms Apr 23rd, 2008 04:22 AM

I'm really disappointed about the reduction in map size from the last one. That's not progress.

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