They pricked your finger? I've never given blood, but I thought they were supposed to use that vein in the arm. Or was this just some kind of preliminary test?
Yeah, it's the preliminary test. They need to make sure you don't have AIDS or some such, and if you have enough iron in your blood.
Something that really bothered me about the place was that it was manned by a bunch of incompetant jerks. The lady who was tending me kept fucking up the parental consent form on the computer and making it in spanish, and whenever she left for a second some other nurse would pop into the room and try to survey me again, ignoring the fact that I kept telling them I was in the middle of one already. It took about a half hour longer than it should have. I stole a fuckton of donuts and bad urn coffee for revenge. |
Dude, I am religious about giving blood, but I haven't done it in too long because the only people that do it around here are the Red Cross and they're totally incompetent.
The preliminary stick is to make sure you have enough iron in your blood to be useful or capable as a donor. To test for blood-borne infections they take a few vials of a few cc's during the actual blood extraction. |
So do you get nauseous on the sight of blood?
Never given blood, but they've taken an ass load of blood tests. Mostly because it helps surveying my diabetes |
No, I don't have a problem with seeing my own blood or watching people stick needles into me, but I've never done well about losing blood, even a little bit. I can stay semi-concious if it's drawn out really slowly, but even then I get fucking anemic.
I guess this makes me a giant pussy! |
Not really. Pussies tend to be good at bleeding!
Who licks their own blood?
From like an accident or something, not purposeful. |
You aren't supposed to do that, because 1) it tastes really frigging bad, and 2) if you ingest too much of your own blood, you'll vomit. It's some sort of self defense mechanism your body has.
I do! Well, more like I suck my own blood.
For every time after measuring my blood sugar I usually suck the remaining drop. It has grossed out my friends ever since elementary school times. |
no way
It doesn't even have to be a bad cut. I remember slicing my mouth open the day after halloween on a really sharp lolipop, and I thought the awful salt taste was from a piece of candy gone wrong. Then about seven minutes later I was kneeling by the toilet, just in case, because I felt completely fucking awful. It was a lot of fun
What the---? This is the most pussy conversation ever. I remember I was getting blood work done and just to be a badass I watched them take the second needle/vial and fill it from my vein.
You win a raw slice of cow for being that manly!
Fuck yall.
When they take blood from me I insist the needle has to go in my big vein on my dick. And my dick must be hard. And the nurse has to look in my eyes for the whole duration. |
then they take that blood to Africa because it cures AIDs and Negro.
hay mattjack
hey what's up buddy?
I finally saw the Simpsons movie!
no way
I saw the Simpsons Movie harharhar
So, That Man, how are your funny articles/writings doing? You still haven't posted any
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