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Pub Lover Apr 9th, 2008 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Asila (Post 546769)
Did you seriously get banned for reporting posts as a joke?

It was the reporting posts. I had a lovely chat with Chojin about it.

He does that everytime he bans me.

So does AChimp.

I haven't been banned by Dr Boogie, but I'm sure he's great about it.

Wanna guess who I think is a motherfucker?

Seven Force Apr 9th, 2008 01:22 AM

was i just owned? :(

i was wasnt i :tear

Pub Lover Apr 9th, 2008 01:22 AM

Page break. :rolleyes

Seven Force Apr 9th, 2008 01:23 AM

yeah, now it is :rolleyes

Pub Lover Apr 9th, 2008 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Asila (Post 546769)
I thought you got banned for having a serious fucking problem with the hippo guy.

Fat_Hippo & I are great friends, & if he'd break character for one goddamn second he'd confirm this.

Seven Force Apr 9th, 2008 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 546777)
It was the reporting posts. I had a lovely chat with Chojin about it.

He does that everytime he bans me.

So does AChimp.

I haven't been banned by Dr Boogie, but I'm sure he's great about it.

Wanna guess who I think is a motherfucker?

how many times have you been banned?

Pub Lover Apr 9th, 2008 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 546770)
i have 151

I like dark rum. :\

Sethomas Apr 9th, 2008 01:25 AM

More replies! The world does not wait for me, although I'm pretty sure it would if it only knew.


Originally Posted by Asila (Post 546773)

I read that as coin-kee-dink several times and was confused. There, I've admitted to a sign of mortality for at least the second time in three weeks.

Pub Lover Apr 9th, 2008 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by Seven Force (Post 546772)
a few nights ago she cried and told me shes really sorry and loved me and didnt want me to think she was a gold-digger for spending so much money on her

i just bought her a couple of clothes the previous night :/ :lol

if it wasn't for her xanax connection and occasional wild sex shed be dumped a while ago


Sethomas Apr 9th, 2008 01:26 AM

Well, it's good to see my fears of double-posting weren't substantiated. Thanks, guys.

Seven Force Apr 9th, 2008 01:27 AM

you'll slip up one day

Asila Apr 9th, 2008 01:28 AM


Seth said... a lot
Purely out of curiousity--does it bug you when you find yourself in a relationship with a girl who's obviously not as smart as you? I ask because, knowing the whole wide spectrum of female abilities, it can't be often that you find those who are quite on the same wavelength as you, and I wonder if it colours your opinion of women in general.

Pub Lover Apr 9th, 2008 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Asila (Post 546773)
You should drink more, I don't like being the only trashed person in the chat room.

You'll find I drink most of the time that I'm posting here.

I used to be only slightly stupider than Seth.

His dramatic suicide attempts are matched by my slow, creeping self-destruction.

The difference being he's still Seth & I'm not allowed to edit my posts.

executioneer Apr 9th, 2008 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 546783)
I like dark rum. :\

i like drinking stuff that is can burn with an invisible flame :eek

Asila Apr 9th, 2008 01:32 AM

And yet, I still love you in a very odd and self-destructive way, Pub.

executioneer Apr 9th, 2008 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 546790)
i like drinking stuff that is can burn with an invisible flame :eek

i also like that i is can make coherent sentences, :rolleyes

Sethomas Apr 9th, 2008 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by Pub, ELSEWHERE IN CYBERSPACE
Needs more talk about God.

Actually, no, I was just sneaky about how to accomplish my requisite amount of God talk. The first musical interlude is the "Dies Irae" movement of Verdi's Requiem. "Dies Irae" (day of wrath) is a medieval Latin poem written about Judgment Day. As many scholars in many fields have noted, its ability to achieve extreme metrical regularity in such an unconventional poetic rhythm for the time is an astonishing testament to medieval literature. Coupled with its vibrant symbolism, its ability to so thoroughly scare the fucking shit out of anyone who hears it (and knows Latin) was an artistic achievement unparalleled until the release of The Downward Spiral in the 1990s.

Pub Lover Apr 9th, 2008 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Sethomas (Post 546776)
Text omitted to reflect a similar sentiment from my own perspective.

Hey guys, remember when my shtick was self-deprecation that made people uncomfortable because of how it was brutally severe it was while patently obvious that it wasn't really much of an exaggeration? Yeah, those were the days. [/carnivore]

I was actually not named after the Seth Thomas of chronometric fame, as I would guess the street you pass was. As best my parents can remember, they saw a place called "Seth's Bakery" on Thomas Street, and since my father's middle name is Thomas they put the two together. It's hard to believe now, but Seth was once an uncommon name in my area. In any given one-month period of my early life in Central Indiana I'd meet just as many people who couldn't pronounce it properly as in the one month I spent in Spain (where the þ sound is used but short e's are very difficult for them*) and the one month in France (where short e's are common but most speakers find the þ sound nigh impossible unless it's used by Arab expats in the phrase "thé à la menthe").

Most anyone can wear a bowtie, but that requires that you include the people who buy pre-tied ones because they can't learn to make a rather elementary knot. It's that arcane skill that gives me power over the common run of man. [/Euthyphro complex]

When I was working on, I think, my Tenderfoot rank in Boy Scouts I forgot pretty much every knot I was required to know once I had demonstrated them. They never tell you that two of those are actually useful in scenarios where I've found myself, and the implication they instill is that the requirement to use them is an intelligence test to keep out the mentally challenged (a less PC group to discriminate against than the gays and atheists). I've honestly wasted a great number of hours of my life having to either teach myself to tie a timber half-hitch or figure out a functioning (and usually less efficient) alternative to it using nothing but rope. I'd talk about the other knot that haunted me, but I can't even remember what it's called and a two-cent piece of aluminum, attached to ropes where that knot would be necessary, makes life much easier. I just didn't always have such a piece of aluminum on hand.

Knowing how to tie a bow around my neck is atonement for these failings. If you knew that I've forgotten the two alternative necktie knots my father taught me over the conventional one most men can do and reminded me, I'd tell you to do something crass.

Oh, and pipes are for smoking, not for wearing. Assuming you mean a tobacco pipe. I've seen a form of textile adornment called "piping", but I don't wear it all that often because Elizabethan doublets are pretty expensive.

*My flatmates in Madrid suggested that I call myself Tomás locally because it was the closest philological equivalent to Seth, not even knowing that Thomas is my middle name. Instead I acquiesced to being called "Saate", and I felt really stupid when I figured out on the train leaving the city that I would have at least been "Saathe" if I told them to pretend it's spelled "Sez". That's a dialectal thing that for Spanish only works in central Spain, but shit, that's where I was. In France, the whopping four people who learned my name called me "Set".

Look at all that text, then look at me having nothing to say.

GADZOOKS Apr 9th, 2008 01:42 AM

your avatar sucks for obvious reason, sevenforce >:

executioneer Apr 9th, 2008 01:42 AM

I am the voice inside your head
and I control you
I am the lover in your bed
and I control you
I am the sex that you provide
and I control you
I am the hate you try to hide
and I control you
I take you where you want to go
I give you all you need to know
I drag you down I use you up
Mr. Self-destruct
I speak religion's message clear
and I control you
I am denial guilt and fear
and I control you
I am the prayers of the naive
and I control you
I am the lie that you believe
and I control you
I take you where you want to go
I give you all you need to know
I drag you down I use you up
Mr. Self-destruct
I am the needle in your vein
and I control you
I am the high you can't sustain
and I control you
I am the pusher I'm a whore
and I control you
I am the need you have for more
and I control you
I am the bullet in the gun
and I control you
I am the truth from which you run
and I control you
I am the silencing machine
and I control you
I am the end of all your dreams
and I control you
I take you where you want to go
I give you all you need to know
I drag you down I use you up
Mr. Self-destruct

Pub Lover Apr 9th, 2008 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by Seven Force (Post 546782)
how many times have you been banned?

I used to keep count, now I'm just so overjoyed to be unbanned that I clean forget to make a note of it.

Pub Lover Apr 9th, 2008 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by Sethomas (Post 546784)
More replies! The world does not wait for me, although I'm pretty sure it would if it only knew.


GADZOOKS Apr 9th, 2008 01:44 AM

I want to hear this lovely chat, by the way.

Seven Force Apr 9th, 2008 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by GADZOOKS (Post 546796)
your avatar sucks for obvious reason, sevenforce >:

shhhhhh it never happened :lol

GADZOOKS Apr 9th, 2008 01:44 AM

also, my DS froze up before I could get my 1st place trophy :(

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