I concur - something I didn't need to know existed.
Did this perchance "popup" on the same side as the "whatmethdoes.com" ad? If so, where the hell have you been surfing, dude? Sorry - Page Break. |
Hey Kybo Ren, how is it going? :)[/quote]
Broke as a joke, sore as a whore could be worse, I could of had my nose bitten off by a saigon whore!! whoops whore twice in one post. er- three times |
Chillin' like a snowman.
So I came up with a racist joke that I was rather proud of last night. Family where talking about the study that show a lot of young black children can't are not skilled in the art of swimming. I argued that they could swim, but their weapons weigh to much. |
Also, :( @ the real stuff. :( |
The smilies just make that post all the funnier.
El Pila, you're too good to be true.
The smilie comment was genuine!
Damn emotionless text. |
My mom was describing a bidder on ebay to me yesterday. She called him a newbie. I told her that she just powned him and she looked at me weird. My mom is 13371335.
What the hell word filter? That is his name. :rolleyes
7force - Black Listed
Liquidstatik: tell milhoe a month is pusshin it & to unban me already :<
Says the guy whose avatar is probably from porn :(
Fuck you. He'd already pushed it before. LET THE BAN STAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many people do you guys have on your ignore list? I have 8 but I am thinking of removing tadao as he is no longer as annoying as he was before.
I can't tell you, as you're on mine so I didn't see your post. :eek
Note: User "Pub Lover" has been delayed probation and will remain on "ignore list" until further notice.
I love you too, Z-Man. :(
i have like thirty, but most of them don't post anymore
and most of them are because they have gross (anime) avatars that i don't want to see all the goddamn time
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