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Tadao Dec 4th, 2008 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Colonel Flagg (Post 599921)
Damn, Kit, it sounds like you live in a B-movie set, what with the neighbors, the stores and the people. You should write a gothic novel.

Pop up and scratch and sniff. My favorite page would be the garage sale pooper page.

Kitsa Dec 4th, 2008 09:10 PM

lol colonel flagg

this stuff happens to everyone, I just talk about it.

I also look for a particular china set, but I never find that. Have to do all that on ebay :(

Tadao Dec 4th, 2008 09:51 PM

Yeah, she saw some of the glasses in the thrift store and they were the same ones here ANGELIC grandmother had. It turned into ebay after awhile.

Kitsa Dec 4th, 2008 09:52 PM

I mainly do thrift stores over flea markets and yard sales now because I just hate people so damn much.

Tadao Dec 4th, 2008 10:09 PM

I hear ya lady. I think the longer we stay out of work the more we avoid people. I've always hated the general public when I work, but I didn't mind being elbow to elbow with them while I was out trying to do my thing. Now a days, I'd rather go to less populated areas.

Kitsa Dec 4th, 2008 10:13 PM

Maybe. Dunno, I was developing quite the attitude problem when I was working at the hospital- but then again, I think the hospital politics, pointless caste system and general backstabbing were doing that to me.

Tadao Dec 4th, 2008 10:18 PM

That's everywhere. My last 8 years was in grocery stores. I pushed not taking disability as long as I possibly could because I thought I would wind up killing myself for being less than human, which I was almost successful at.

Kitsa Dec 4th, 2008 10:21 PM

My doctors told me to stop and do Disability 10 years before I actually did. Didn't want to have to go that route.

Tadao Dec 4th, 2008 10:31 PM

I finally got fired for showing up to work late all the time. Fatigue finally caught up with me and I had to admit defeat. I still have 6 months to go till I can get Medicare and get the meds I need. Right now I have to beg the state for help, and they hate doing that.

Aaarg Dec 4th, 2008 10:48 PM

What position did/do you hold in grocery?

Pub Lover Dec 4th, 2008 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Aaarg (Post 599958)
What position did/do you hold in grocery?

I don't think I can give up gay jokes. :(

Tadao Dec 4th, 2008 10:53 PM

Well the first 6 years I was a baker turned bakery manager. I quit that place due to politics and moved to the beach. There I got involved with a local Health Foods grocery store. I worked as a stocker/cashier/weekend receiver. The hours were all over the place and my pain causes me lack of sleep. So I got fired for being late all the fucking time. I was bound to happen sometime, I just never knew when the end would finally happen.

Tadao Dec 4th, 2008 10:55 PM

Weekend reciever ;)

Aaarg Dec 4th, 2008 11:03 PM

Ah, that sucks. I definitely know about having a variable schedule. Last week I was the receiver all week (coming in at 4am, leaving at noon). This week, I've been night stock (9:30pm-5:30am) but on Friday I'm the closing manager 2:30-10p.

Have you generally made enough money to sustain yourself, for the most part, in grocery?

Tadao Dec 4th, 2008 11:14 PM

Not in a Health Food store, but if you go for the main grocery stores, you make enough to live and the higher you climb the fatter the wallet. You get a dept manager position and you make bank, stay the fuck away from Bakery though. They are the money losing end of the store. Every store has to have a bakery and bakeries cost more than they make. The health plans though, grocery stores have some of the best health plans.

Aaarg Dec 4th, 2008 11:19 PM

Yeah I've been in grocery on-and-off for four years just about. I was wondering if it'd hurt as a fall-back plan.

I plan on moving across the country in some direction soon, and I'm just trying to figure out if I'll be able to support myself working grocery until I figure something else out.

I've been offered store management positions before but I'm preferring to stick to the fake management option.

Tadao Dec 4th, 2008 11:25 PM

There will most assuredly almost always be grocery stores. It is a great thing to fall back on. Plus there is at least 1 grocery store in every tow/city in America.

Aaarg Dec 4th, 2008 11:28 PM

Yeah, which is always nice. And I figure I have experience enough and more references with grocery store management than I would ever require, to get my foot in the door and make a little more than what most people start at.

Tadao Dec 4th, 2008 11:34 PM

Not if the are union.

Aaarg Dec 4th, 2008 11:39 PM

Unless it's the same union I've been in for years.

Is UFCW nation-wide?

Tadao Dec 4th, 2008 11:43 PM

Ah, both of mine were non-union.

Dixie Dec 4th, 2008 11:45 PM

You look like the kind of guy who doesn't like onions.

Tadao Dec 4th, 2008 11:46 PM

I luv onions :o

Tadao Dec 4th, 2008 11:47 PM

I'm hard pressed to name a food I don't love.

Dixie Dec 4th, 2008 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 599980)
I'm hard pressed to name a food I don't love.

That would explain this:

I was fucking huge. I think my asshole ripped a little.

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