music tastes better with you
Life's a bitch. |
Well you just did, babycakes. :)
Is it wrong that I'm having so much fun with this? |
cover your motuh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next time ask Mom how many people she sees out and about with open weeping sores instead of band-aids covering their cuts and scrapes. On another subject, I hate snow. And we're going to get buried again, second time in a week. :domo |
Walking away from, walking away from things that move too fast.
Sort of pointless really. If they're that fast moving then you walking away from them is going to be like a drop in the ocean. Just stand still until they have moved away themselves at a much faster rate than you could achieve.
That's assuming that they're moving towards you.
We barely got any snow so far. I noticed the entire rest of the east coast is getting snow-plowed though. |
Hey DC! Buffalo is calling. They want their snow back. :'(
Snowstorms are all politics now.
Nah, the snow simply thought D.C. would want to be buried in something besides bullshit for a change.
Why is it snowing crazy hard now.
:lol |
:lol that's pretty awesome.
Personally i think that president bush should go down as the greatest(CANT REMEMBER HOW TO DO STRIKEOUT) HILARIOUseSt american president because of his dances and hilarious faces. |
[ strike ] [ /strike ]
I do miss Bush. If for no other reason than the laughs. |
He was like that uncle who touched you in a very special way. A couple of years pass, and you're left changed and confused.
just think in ten to fifteen years cataloging and categorizing the different dances president bush did could become a serious historical pursuit.
If only the shoe hit him in the head. I gotta give him credit for that dodge and that pains me.
i'd have given him credit if he'd thrown one back, dodging isn't impressive to me
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