for the BLOCK dammit
hollywood squares? c'mon
He's never watched Hollywood Squares a day in his life, I bet.
I'm wearing the same outfit I've had on for the past 4 days.
A dirty Aerosmith concert tee-shirt and jeans with holes in them. |
i like saying fuck the what cuz it confuses people :lolo
I always thought it was FUCK THE WORLD because my friend used to write FTL (FUCK THE LORD) he was a hardcore athiest dude it was harsh
And I knew what Willie meant with "ftb". :( ftr :( |
T Q :eek |
yes, tell us
http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/712/712379p1.html A blow struck for freedom in my state. I hate my bible belt state oh so much, especially that ass-hat Brad Henry. I hope the suit goes through. |
A new Biker Mice from Mars game is coming out for the PS2, PSP, and DS.
I said "ftw" once as a backwards what the fuck and Chojin quoted it and said "I should ban you right there for that". This was a few months ago, before I even knew there was an actual "ftw" acronym. :(
I remember being confused by that.
my neck hurts
Jesus Christ, why does it have to be so hard finding a Evolution X image, aside from it being illegal?
Does anybody here know if I can network my PC and X-Box without the EvoX bootdisk?
You're speaking goo-goo moon language, son.
I got hit up by the Red Bull car this morning on my way to school. :posh
I got two free cans cuz my girlfriend didn't hers. |
Why aren't you in Qatar yet getting bombed or something
They probably work for them. They come by here about once a month and hand out free Red Bulls. Which is good because the college sells them for like $2.50 a can and it's like god damn
I just drank both of them and I think I'm having a seizure |
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