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Pub Lover Apr 11th, 2008 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by RaNkeri (Post 548193)
A bag of Sourcream & onion flavored chips
A bag of cheese puffs

I can't decide which one I should pick - It's your call

Put Seth's balls in your mouth.

Pub Lover Apr 11th, 2008 04:19 PM

RaNkeri Apr 11th, 2008 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 548194)
Put Seth's balls in your mouth.

We don't have that brand in Finland :(

Asila Apr 11th, 2008 04:24 PM


We don't have that brand in Finland :(
It must be a regional thing.

Sethomas Apr 11th, 2008 04:41 PM

I mentioned testicular anxiety recently here and in normal conversational flow of IN REAL LIFE FEMALE FRIENDS (on AIM), but the "balls in the mouth" thing is something I avoid.

It's a common cultural thing to talking about having one's balls in someone else's mouth, whether for denigration or unity or whatever.

Having had my balls in the mouth of someone in whom I could, at the time, place my highest level of trust, I can say that for me it was absolutely horrifying. I had to play it off as if I were enjoying the experience, because that's just common courtesy, but in my mind I was cowering as I had never cowered in any of my frequent brushes with death. Maybe this should be the subject of psychological research into what personality types can enjoy and pursue having one's balls in someone's mouth, but I simply lack the ability to trust any human being with the kind of power that comes with having my testicles near their molars and the powerful jaw muscles from which they derive their utility.

Hobo Renee Apr 11th, 2008 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by RaNkeri (Post 548196)
We don't have that brand in Finland :(

Have you tried the KKK Supermarket?

Asila Apr 11th, 2008 04:53 PM


I mentioned testicular anxiety recently here and in normal conversational flow of IN REAL LIFE FEMALE FRIENDS (on AIM), but the "balls in the mouth" thing is something I avoid.

It's a common cultural thing to talking about having one's balls in someone else's mouth, whether for denigration or unity or whatever.

Having had my balls in the mouth of someone in whom I could, at the time, place my highest level of trust, I can say that for me it was absolutely horrifying. I had to play it off as if I were enjoying the experience, because that's just common courtesy, but in my mind I was cowering as I had never cowered in any of my frequent brushes with death. Maybe this should be the subject of psychological research into what personality types can enjoy and pursue having one's balls in someone's mouth, but I simply lack the ability to trust any human being with the kind of power that comes with having my testicles near their molars and the powerful jaw muscles from which they derive their utility.
Which indicates--the way I read it, at least--that you're far more comfortable with the idea of placing other significant parts of the male anatomy into someone's mouth which does make me wonder, psychologically, whether you equate balls with manliness. And no I don't just mean you specifically, I mean as a general rule is that a guy thing. If you ask a lot of women (certainly not all, but I imagine a large enough number of them) they would probably reply or assume that a guy's vision of manliness is based purely off the penis, with the testes being a secondary consideration.
And YES I'm asking seriously, it's rather fascinating.

Pandajuice Apr 11th, 2008 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 548182)
I can't even remember, I'm too baffled by your last bit of "input".

Hang on, let me try to begin to dissect the logic here. You make the point that I am dumber than you are, and I sarcastically counterpoint that you aren't exactly an intellectual, using an example of something that I am interested in, and that I know there is a zero percent chance of you knowing about, let alone being interested in.

This is a risk, because if you ARE interested in Voltaire's overall philosophy in Candide, you'll soon make me look like an idiot. However, your response, as predicted, is that you are not interested in the subject.

In fact, interest in Voltaire is a handicap. At first, it appears that you might be making the point that I am unoriginal for being willing to partake in a debate that has been going for centuries. Later, however, in a response to Seth, it becomes apparent that the mere mention of Voltaire is what you are irritated by, which could be due to the fact that you're talking out of your ass and are intimidated by a subject that you know fuck-all about, but that's just conjecture.

To justify your interesting position that you are smarter than people who are knowledgeable about Voltaire merely for the fact that you are not, you take up the stance that you come up with what we might call "original content", and we do not. Seth infers once again that you are an idiot and that your point is stupid, far more eloquently than I have at this point.

You return fire by claiming that it's "a good thing [you're] not trying to shatter the Earth with [your] philisophical views then [you] guess." You are justified in not caring about Voltaire because you are uninterested in having new and compelling ideas, therefore definitively proving that you are a genius.

You finish with the point that it's "more interesting to have a discussion with someone who isn't constantly saying "Voltaire said in 1789...", inferring that a single offhanded mention of Voltaire is pretentious and that you are more interested in having a conversation with someone who can prove their intelligence and expand yours by talking about "new" things which, since they do not talk about any previously explored ideas, have little to do with history, literature, or science. Instead, this person must come up with new and compelling ideas of their own, which you have already stated that you personally are uninterested in having, you leech.

Then you finish with the inference that knowing about Voltaire is a liability in the job market.

That'd be an awesome theory and counter-point except the whole thing was predicated on my attempting humor through some gentle ribbing (as is the norm from these forums that I have picked up). I think what followed was unfair and uncalled for since I did attempt to further and add to the conversation by putting forth my opinions regarding the discussions of theology and philosophy (in that I'd rather hear someone's own thoughts and words [not necessarily wholly original] than verbatim quotes of others).

Apparantly though you were so fixated on proving me "a retard" that you took it to such a personal level. I know rule #1 on these forums is to not take anything personally, but I guess I have a hard time doing that seeing as how I come here to enjoy myself and hopefully partake in conversations that are either zany or intelligent.

Failing that, and if abuse is more the norm than gentle ribbing, then there's no real reason my being here. Have fun guys.

RaNkeri Apr 11th, 2008 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Hobo Renee (Post 548202)
Have you tried the KKK Supermarket?

Yeah, although the closest Supermarket I have nearby is KKKK Supermarket :/

All we have are Taffel and Estrella.

Pub Lover Apr 11th, 2008 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Sethomas (Post 548201)
the "balls in the mouth" thing is something I avoid.

I knew this. :\

Hobo Renee Apr 11th, 2008 05:01 PM

I actually live across the street from a K Market. All they have is Pirkka. My life is hard.

Pub Lover Apr 11th, 2008 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Pandajuice (Post 548205)
if abuse is more the norm than gentle ribbing, then there's no real reason my being here. Have fun guys.

Did he just quit? Score one for the home team!

Hobo Renee Apr 11th, 2008 05:04 PM

Free pizza for the winning class!

Pub Lover Apr 11th, 2008 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 548212)
Did he just quit? Score one for the homo team!


Asila Apr 11th, 2008 05:08 PM


Did he just quit? Score one for the home team!
It won't last


Originally Posted by Pub Lover
Did he just quit? Score one for the homo team!


Tadao Apr 11th, 2008 05:29 PM

I've had my balls sucked on and it hurts me. My balls are way to sensitive.

MattJack Apr 11th, 2008 05:38 PM

That's what happens when you try to make a vacuum love you.

Pub Lover Apr 11th, 2008 05:41 PM

I just had the most embarrassing argument with someone half my age.

While I was drunk.

That's a freepass right? Being drunk?

He didn't seem to get any of my jokes either, so maybe they were too esoteric for general internet use.

Also, he kept complaining that I was talking too long to reply, even after I mentioned being drunk. Does he think he's the only thing on the internet worth paying attention to? Fartin does that too, but I've learned to actually pay attention to him as he sincerely thinks I'm the best thing the internet ever shat out.

RaNkeri Apr 11th, 2008 05:46 PM

How much did you have? >:

Esuohlim Apr 11th, 2008 05:47 PM

Haha were you talking to RANKERI? :rolleyes

executioneer Apr 11th, 2008 05:48 PM

guys i cant believe nobody celebrated page 1500

RaNkeri Apr 11th, 2008 05:48 PM

We're trying to have a serious conversation here, Milhouse :posh

Pub Lover Apr 11th, 2008 05:49 PM

Plus he seemed to think my IM avatar of a person crying meant I was somehow the person crying.

I also have one with Sarah Michelle Geller, that doesn't mean I'm the Slayer.

He tried to claim two Buffy character names as his own, & also didn't know who Lex Luthor was. Then he suggested that I prove I was as smart as him by telling him the 18th diget of Pi. Who calculates Pi in their head?

I'd think he'd be mocking me, but his spelling & grammar were on a par with my own IM garbage.

Pub Lover Apr 11th, 2008 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 548228)
guys i cant believe nobody celebrated page 1500

I celebrated as hard as I could by trying not to post on it.

GADZOOKS Apr 11th, 2008 05:50 PM

So if you guys had an I-mockery user blog :lol :lol

What would you post? :lol

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