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Geggy Oct 26th, 2005 08:52 AM

Wag the dog
A rather fascinating and shocking report which focus on the high possibility of the bush administration's involvement with the september 11th attacks. Over the years, I have collected many reports like this one but this one is the most convincing. Two years ago in the time the report was written, no one would've believe in it. I think people would have difficulties comprehending the fact that their own government are capable of performing such atrocity toward their own people. But now with all the hoopla going on with the bush administration being made public, what do you think...???


KevinTheOmnivore Oct 26th, 2005 09:12 AM


Geggy Oct 26th, 2005 10:25 AM

Like i said, it's only a possibility, which is almost likely.

It's also possible the bush administration handled the september 11th event the same way they handled the katrina catastrophe...with neglience and idiocy.

but what really struck (no pun) me the most me was that they needed a pretext to start a war on terrorism which later lead to invasion in iraq, the country that had nothing to do with 9/11. Was 9/11 the first day the rest of our lives that the us government are attempting to spread world wide democracy to form one nation, one government in the new millennium?

and what does jews have to do with 9/11?

ziggytrix Oct 26th, 2005 10:52 AM

9 out of 11 conspiracy theories involve Zionists.

Dr. Boogie Oct 26th, 2005 11:01 AM

Is this going to be like the conspiracy theory that the US government allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor to motivate people to get behind WWII?

AngPur Oct 26th, 2005 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie
Is this going to be like the conspiracy theory that the US government allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor to motivate people to get behind WWII?

Well, that worked out for the best, true or not. If FDR did that, it wouldn't exactly be a black mark for him.

kellychaos Oct 26th, 2005 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie
Is this going to be like the conspiracy theory that the US government allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor to motivate people to get behind WWII?

I don't buy that theory specifically, but after seeing a documentary on the Hitler Channel, I do buy that FDR endorsed a foreign relations policy that ... erm, coerced is a strong word ... encouraged Japan into more quickly involving us into the war. Not that we wouldn't have been an eventual target.

ItalianStereotype Oct 26th, 2005 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Geggy
but what really struck (no pun) me the most me was that they needed a pretext to start a war on terrorism which later lead to invasion in iraq, the country that had nothing to do with 9/11. Was 9/11 the first day the rest of our lives that the us government are attempting to spread world wide democracy to form one nation, one government in the new millennium?

no, we needed a pretext for the war on terror because our society has become pacifistic to a fault and disgustingly complacent. we have riots and protests and people calling for the violent overthrow of our government over 2,000 casualties. looking back not even 100 years ago, I find British headlines lamenting the 500,000 casualty! complacency and decadence have brought down the most powerful nations in history, yet so many think that it won't happen to us or that the world will be better off without us. fucking lunacy.

Spectre X Oct 26th, 2005 06:17 PM

Number thirteen has been proven wrong on several occasions. It was fairly well-known that the World Trade Center's steel girders were insufficiently protected against heat. Also, the inner collumns of the buildings would have been already collapsing before the top part finally gave way.

AngPur Oct 26th, 2005 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by ItalianStereotype
no, we needed a pretext for the war on terror because our society has become pacifistic to a fault and disgustingly complacent.

Er, howso? America never really ceased being militarily involved in the world. Hell, we are the top arms supplier worldwide, easily. Throw on top of that a series of small conflicts since Vietnam (Grenada, Bosnia, Kosavo) and it's no so much we got complacent, we just realized Kennedy was right about the scale of arm conflict for us narrowing, focusing. Well, maybe that was premature to think so, but are you saying that the nation doesn't know what's good for itself? Er, that's very definitley not democracy there.

No point in fighting our enemies so vehemently as to become no better than they.

Geggy Oct 28th, 2005 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Spectre X
Number thirteen has been proven wrong on several occasions. It was fairly well-known that the World Trade Center's steel girders were insufficiently protected against heat. Also, the inner collumns of the buildings would have been already collapsing before the top part finally gave way.

It's interesting you'd bring that up because the WTC collapsing was one of the most heavily debated topics of the 9/11 event. Only if the steel poles that supported both the WTC buildings were obtained from the rubble for analysis, they would have came to a conclusion as to why the buildings collapsed vertically and completely. The report which I linked in the first post did not mentioned the fact the engineer workers and scientists were obstructed by the FBI from entering the rubble of ground zero to perform investigation and to analyze the steel poles. The steel poles acts as the most important evidence yet they were treated as worthless garbage. They were picked from the rubble during the body search and dumped into trucks as it was brought to a certain spot in order to flush it into the toilet. Destroying an important piece of evidence is considered an act of crime. The availble source of evidences from the collapse are limited to the pictures and videos of the 9/11 events that was spread by the media.

Unfortunately, that's all the time I have for now...tbc...

KevinTheOmnivore Oct 28th, 2005 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Geggy
It's interesting you'd bring that up because the WTC collapsing was one of the most heavily debated topics of the 9/11 event. Only if the steel poles that supported both the WTC buildings were obtained from the rubble for analysis, they would have came to a conclusion as to why the buildings collapsed vertically and completely.

In which circles was this debate so intense? To my knowledge, the debate was clarified and resolved (as Spectre X already said).


The report which I linked in the first post did not mentioned the fact the engineer workers and scientists were obstructed by the FBI from entering the rubble of ground zero to perform investigation and to analyze the steel poles.
When? You mean like a week after it happened? Maybe you don't live near New York, but do you remember how long it took just to get the fires out, let alone stabilize the location so that anybody other that first responder-types could get on the scene?


The steel poles acts as the most important evidence yet they were treated as worthless garbage. They were picked from the rubble during the body search and dumped into trucks as it was brought to a certain spot in order to flush it into the toilet. Destroying an important piece of evidence is considered an act of crime. The availble source of evidences from the collapse are limited to the pictures and videos of the 9/11 events that was spread by the media.
Okay, wrong. Once again, do you recall hoe much of this rubble there actually was? A lot. They had to get it the hell out of there, because they were more concerned with MAYBE finding some survivors, or at least recovering remains.

A lot of the garbage, to my recollection, was dumped on boats and shipped to other places and countries for scrap.

Spectre X Oct 28th, 2005 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Geggy


AngPur Oct 28th, 2005 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by KevinTheOmnivore

Originally Posted by Geggy
It's interesting you'd bring that up because the WTC collapsing was one of the most heavily debated topics of the 9/11 event. Only if the steel poles that supported both the WTC buildings were obtained from the rubble for analysis, they would have came to a conclusion as to why the buildings collapsed vertically and completely.

In which circles was this debate so intense? To my knowledge, the debate was clarified and resolved (as Spectre X already said).

I would imagine it being rather intense in the circles of 15 year old anarchists who visit MoveOn.org.

Geggy Oct 29th, 2005 08:28 PM

There were ongoing debates ragarding the the collapsing whether the detonators were planted for demolition before the attacks occured or the fuel inducing fires that produced intense heat upon the steel were the result to the collapse. The movement and timely manner of the collapsing of WTC had many engineers and architects perplexed. Didn't it strike you as odd that the building collasped straight down within under 15 seconds rather than crumbling piece by piece as result of melting steel grids like it's offically stated? It was rather interesting doing extensive research on building structures, I might as well enroll in school to earn degree in architect field or engineer even. :posh

The fact scraps were sold in othere parts of the world triggered outrage among famalies of the 9/11 victims. Even if the rubbles had to be removed from ground zero for body capacity search, why weren't they kept as evidence for research rather than pawning them off? The scraps weren't the only evidences that were tampered with...messages in black boxes, not pictures but videos of plane crashing into the pentagon, etc were never released to the public.

Yeah yeah sorry for being so interested in subject of the tradegy that killed 3000 pelope and lead to the war in iraq which so far resulted over 35000 death including the iraqi's and overr 60000 iraqi's being held in prison in what seems to be considered the halocaust part 2. Sorry for being so concerned on the families of lives lost in the tragedy and the war who may never receive credible answers and be able to live in peace. Only if investigation on 9/11 were more honest and taken seriosuly, the world wouldn't have been in such turmoil in results of ongoing deceptions and corruptions.

Big Papa Goat Oct 30th, 2005 02:58 AM

i heard htat the zyklon the germans had in ww 2 couldn't have ever killed that many jews

ItalianStereotype Oct 30th, 2005 04:24 AM

then you're most likely an idiot.

Spectre X Oct 30th, 2005 05:07 AM

The thing is, Geggy, that the central columns collapsed. The planes pretty much cut them in half with the impact and the fire. They would have been able to stay up for a while, but eventually the inside would start to seriously collapse. The inside. Not the outside. The weight inside would start to pile up as floors colapsed onto each other, until the central columns would give away completely and just snap.

KevinTheOmnivore Oct 31st, 2005 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Geggy
Yeah yeah sorry for being so interested in subject of the tradegy that killed 3000 pelope and lead to the war in iraq which so far resulted over 35000 death including the iraqi's and overr 60000 iraqi's being held in prison in what seems to be considered the halocaust part 2. Sorry for being so concerned on the families of lives lost in the tragedy and the war who may never receive credible answers and be able to live in peace.

Apology accepted.

Ant10708 Oct 31st, 2005 06:49 PM

Holocaust in iraq :lol

El Blanco Oct 31st, 2005 08:14 PM

What holocaust? I don't see no Kurdish Blue.

Geggy Nov 1st, 2005 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by KevinTheOmnivore
Apology accepted.

Wait a minute...are you a republican? A neoconservative? Do you masturbate to a picture of fully clothed Ann Coulter with her arms crossed? It all makes sense to me now.

Yeah yeah maybe I went a bit too far calling it the halocaust part 2 but abuse and lynching are considered an art form of torture viewed by the bush administration. 60000 prisoners are kept in US custody. It's just way too similiar to the first 2-3 years of concentration camp during the nazi regime.

I can see what you're saying, spectrex, but if that was the case, if the heat did cause the steel to melt, why didn't the steel bend or sag, which can cause the tower to tip and fall over, especially the south tower when the plane struck in a different angle rather than directly? How was it possible the bottom portion of steel supporting the tower to completely collapse? We should've seen at least 20 floors from ground up worth of steel bended and sagged after the collapsing. It takes an explosive device powerful enough to blast the steel into pieces. Most of the fuel were already up in flames and spewed out of the building as the planes struck the towers anyway. Judging from the size and color of the exploding fireballs, it didn't look like the plane was carrying kerosene fuel but some sort of other type of fuel or possibly the planes were carrying bombs.

Another interesting article I found in my bookmark regarding the psychosis of an alcoholic mind plus the widespread fear which the bush administration took advantage of...


KevinTheOmnivore Nov 1st, 2005 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Geggy
Do you masturbate to a picture of fully clothed Ann Coulter with her arms crossed? It all makes sense to me now.


Geggy Nov 1st, 2005 09:40 AM

Is that the best you can do?

KevinTheOmnivore Nov 1st, 2005 09:47 AM


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