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Dr. Boogie Sep 5th, 2012 10:17 PM

Just finished with Sleeping Dogs. Had a good time with it, though I have to agree that the later story missions where all you do is cover shooting are a lot less fun.

I didn't even realize until after the game was over that you could throw melee weapons, but I wanted to get the achievement, so I started jump-kicking random people and beaning them with their umbrellas/purses.

Later, I remembered that you can get tire irons out of the trunks of cars, but my way was more fun.

OxBlood Sep 6th, 2012 08:40 AM

Still need to finish Sleeping Dogs too...and Darksider 2...but Guild Wars 2 and Way of the Samurai 4 got im my way :D...and Borderlands 2 is only 13 day away :)

Dr. Boogie Sep 6th, 2012 10:25 PM

I want to hold off on getting Way of the Samurai 4 until after Halloween because I'm sure it will be too engrossing for me. Also, on the naive chance that maybe PSN will discount one of the games they sell (spoiler: they won't).

And I preordered Borderlands 2 back when Newegg had it on sale. I guess if you preorder it, you can get that class that they took out of the retail game so they could sell it separately.

darkvare Sep 6th, 2012 11:57 PM

which one they took out?

Dr. Boogie Sep 7th, 2012 12:55 AM

The Mechromancer. It's not in the full game, but if you preordered it, you get it for free when it comes out a couple weeks later.

Apparently they called it "the girlfriend class" because it works for people who suck at FPSs so they don't feel left out of the game. Later, the designer who said that had to quickly recant his statement on account of people not liking "girlfriend" being used as a euphemism for sucking.

Zomboid Sep 7th, 2012 01:17 AM

Finished Darksiders 2 and collected every single collectible, and man, it took forever. I put in about 30 hours, and I have yet to finish The Crucible, which is 100 waves of enemies.

darkvare Sep 8th, 2012 01:01 AM

anyone want a beta key for end of nations i don't even remeber whe i signed up for this lol

LordSappington Sep 8th, 2012 02:44 PM

Been playing a lot of Psychonauts lately. And Brawl. Samus and Game And Watch ftw

darkvare Sep 8th, 2012 02:54 PM

just finished every game on the metal gear solid hd collection peace walker pissed me off cause of some weapon developing thing until i found out how it worked

zerothree Sep 8th, 2012 05:27 PM

Ever since I saw this:

I started playing through every Metal Gear game again, I'm about halfway through Snake Eater now. I haven't played it since it first came out on PS2, so I'm still getting used to the moveable camera.

Other than that, I've been on a fighting game binge. Recently picked up an arcade stick for PS3 just for Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown, but decided having only one fighting game wasn't enough. So, I went out and picked up SSF4: Arcade, Soul Calibur V, Street Fighter X Tekken, and BlazBlue.

It turns out, I suck at Street Fighter, SFXT is too easy, I don't really like Soul Calibur much anymore, and BlazBlue is pretty cool, but I still like Guilty Gear more.

darkvare Sep 9th, 2012 01:29 AM

i just played them cause the collection was on sale and i needed a breather from the gargantuan task of 100% completation of the 3 yakuza games on ps3

k0k0 Sep 9th, 2012 05:01 PM

I'm playing through both trials evolution and Metal Gear Solid HD. I went through 2, now I'm on snake eater. Waiting on Borderlands 2, then Dead or Alive 5.

monster_movie_night Sep 10th, 2012 12:13 AM

Going on the classics side of gaming here.
I had been playing Castlevania : Portrait of Ruin.The main reason I got it was to see how they work as a team, you have to control both if you want to succeed at certain parts. The other reason was the Orchestra .With many areas of the game where the theme of it changes like in the Dead Pyramid level .The team done pretty well in most series of the music like in Tortured areas,Dark Woods and Rich Corridors .It never sounds the same unless they want to sound original at certain areas.But we like to live in the past sometimes.

monster_movie_night Sep 10th, 2012 12:21 AM

deleting message
So how was the environment part in the game?Not like you care but did you see the Asian Side like hearing a Jpop tune once you walk in some place .Are their scenery that look similar to Hong Kung Fu movies, How does interaction work here?

monster_movie_night Sep 10th, 2012 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 761482)
Just finished with Sleeping Dogs. Had a good time with it, though I have to agree that the later story missions where all you do is cover shooting are a lot less fun.

I didn't even realize until after the game was over that you could throw melee weapons, but I wanted to get the achievement, so I started jump-kicking random people and beaning them with their umbrellas/purses.

Later, I remembered that you can get tire irons out of the trunks of cars, but my way was more fun.

Unread Sep 9th, 2012, 08:21 PM
So how was the environment part in the game?Not like you care but did you see the Asian Side like hearing a Jpop tune once you walk in some place .Are their scenery that look similar to Hong Kung Fu movies, How does interaction work here?

All Hail Duke Sep 10th, 2012 04:00 AM

resident evil 4

had never played it before, and for the most part it's a great game, except for ashley
i fucking hate ashley so much
the aiming is terrible as well

Dr. Boogie Sep 10th, 2012 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by monster_movie_night (Post 761612)
Unread Sep 9th, 2012, 08:21 PM
So how was the environment part in the game?Not like you care but did you see the Asian Side like hearing a Jpop tune once you walk in some place .Are their scenery that look similar to Hong Kung Fu movies, How does interaction work here?

There's plenty of Asian stuff in the environments. Temples, markets, graveyards, etc. And the radio stations play some traditional Chinese music, along with what I assume is modern stuff. Plenty of kung fu movie stuff, too.

OxBlood Sep 11th, 2012 04:17 AM

The main interaction with the enviroment are the Enviroment-moves you can pull off in fights. Just grab a dude and smash him into stuff. It starts harmless enough with windows, telephone-booths, things like that. As the game progresses and the story becomes more and more visceral, you actually seem to kill your enemies by throwing them onto spikes of shove their head into a circle saw (no gore though, it´s only implied that they might be dead).

And concering the asian enviroment...the game takes place in Hong Kong so...yeah, just look at pictures of the city and you know what the game looks like more or less. There´s a lot of places, the map is pretty expansive and feels very alive with a lot of pedestrians, merchants shouting and the occasional goons hanging around in dark corners.

There´s also some side-activities you can do like racing (of course and also of course, I ignored it completely), cock-fighting, gambling, Streetfighting-tournaments and the ever-present collectathon along with quite a few pieces of clothing you can get that gives you certain bonusses when you wear a specific set. Also you can run around and bust drug-deals, help civilians and do cases for the police.

darkvare Sep 11th, 2012 11:29 AM

cockfighting is really lame all you do is bet and watch the shittiest game models jump at each other being from a place where it's legal i can't enjoy it

Dimnos Sep 16th, 2012 12:39 PM

The boy and I are kicking asses in Double Dragon Neon. :rock

Dimnos Sep 16th, 2012 12:40 PM

On the PS3 if any of you have the balls.

Dimnos Sep 16th, 2012 12:40 PM

And if it even has online multiplayer...

Phoenix Gamma Sep 17th, 2012 02:50 AM

I decided to replay Metal Gear Solid 3.

I'm really, really, REALLY bad at Metal Gear Solid 3 :(

k0k0 Sep 18th, 2012 07:29 AM

Just finished my first 4 hours of Borderlands 2. It's awesome of course. I am playing as zer0 the assassin and using him as a sniper instead of using his blade when I go into stealth. I'm really happy with it and a lot more pleased with the class than I thought I'd be.

OxBlood Sep 19th, 2012 07:35 AM

I use Zero as my PC-Character, on the consoles, I plan on using Axton first.

Zero is...okay I guess, still I feel like he´s the char with the most restrictive skillset. He´s clearly built around slow-firing weapons with small magazines and the melee-attack (I still think it´s a weird design-decision to do anything with melee in a game that has no melee-weapons at all...which is why I never played with Brick in the first one).
So basically he´s a shotgun-sniper-pistol guy...huh...not THAT bad, I admit.

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