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k0k0 Sep 21st, 2012 08:05 PM

I beat borderlands 2. It was haaaaard towards the end. I kind of miss mordecai and bloodwing rather than zero. Maybe I didn't spec right because I wasn't destroying anyone. I spent most of the last few levels being scared behind boxes and slowly whittling them down.

darkvare Sep 21st, 2012 08:58 PM

i've been playing lollipop chainsaw it's ok and it came with a blu ray of sucker punch lol

Dimnos Sep 23rd, 2012 12:26 AM

Go with the left handed stranger.

darkvare Sep 23rd, 2012 02:20 AM

nah he tends to be sloopy and pinches the troops quarters

Phoenix Gamma Sep 23rd, 2012 09:59 PM

Jet Set Radio came out on Steam.

Man that art style has aged well.
Man that music has aged well.
Man that gameplay has aged like milk.

No seriously the controls make me want to cut myself, even with the added right joystick camera controls.

OxBlood Sep 24th, 2012 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by k0k0 (Post 761991)
I beat borderlands 2. It was haaaaard towards the end. I kind of miss mordecai and bloodwing rather than zero. Maybe I didn't spec right because I wasn't destroying anyone. I spent most of the last few levels being scared behind boxes and slowly whittling them down.

Beat it too. Itīs not your Zer0 that makes it hard, my Axton had a lot of problems too, even with his Über-Turret killing guys left and right. The Missile-Pods are fucking amazing.

But having played Zero to 18 and Axton to 31...Axton plays way better, at least for my kind of playstyle. I still canīt shake the feeling that all characters are good, all but Zero, his Actionskill just plain sucks, even though it can be used offensively and defensively.
Then again, maybe Axton is just a good beginner-character, I mean he can basically do everything and spec in at least three viable ways without gimping himself (Turret, Offense, Defense).

I went and beat the final boss again this morning just to see what heīd drop, I really like that gigantic loot-pinata that goes off after you kill the boss, canīt wait to see what Terramorphus looks like and what he drops :lol

So yeah, along with Dragon's Dogma, BL2 is easily my Goty this year.

Nick Sep 24th, 2012 08:03 AM


This comes out tomorrow on PSN. I want it.

OxBlood Sep 24th, 2012 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Nick (Post 762037)

This comes out tomorrow on PSN. I want it.

WHAT? Tokyo Jungle? Tomorrow? WANT.

WhiteRoseBrian Sep 24th, 2012 11:32 AM

Currently I am playing Fall of Cybertron. Tomorrow, if Dead or Alive 5 gets good reviews, I plan to pick that up and play it too. Incidentally, I have a PS3 and I go by the same username on PlayStation Network.

Fathom Zero Sep 24th, 2012 01:57 PM


10,000 Volt Ghost Sep 24th, 2012 05:57 PM

Anyone remember the name of that football game for xbox 360 called ogre football or something? Its near mutant league but can also be played as a strategy game.

I think dimnos and darkvare had it.

darkvare Sep 24th, 2012 06:12 PM

blood bowl

Fathom Zero Sep 24th, 2012 06:17 PM

Blood Bowl, a video game based on the table-top game which was a spin-off of the Warhammer universe by Games Workshop.

10,000 Volt Ghost Sep 24th, 2012 06:27 PM

Awwesome! Thank you.

Fathom Zero Sep 24th, 2012 06:55 PM

It's pretty shit, though. I don't think you'll like it.

k0k0 Sep 24th, 2012 10:20 PM

I'm on playthrough 2 of borderlands. And yes, I feel so gimped as zer0. It seems like all the other classes survive so easily while I have to tread so carefully to stay alive. And I don't really outdamage many others, so he's not a glass cannon.

Dead or Alive 5 is what I'm getting on Wednesday, when I get paid. I shall be playing that one for a good while. DOA is the fighting game I've always been good at.

TheNunEater Sep 24th, 2012 11:34 PM

Borderlands 2. It's way better than the first one.

Mad Melvin Sep 25th, 2012 12:33 AM

XCOM: Enemy Unknown. The demo version. It's basically just a couple of tutorial levels that familiarize the playing mechanics. A lot simpler than XCOM: Ufo Defense (or UFO: Enemy Unknown for us europeans), but I don't really mind. I will definetly pick this one up, when it is released.

OxBlood Sep 25th, 2012 07:17 AM

Me too, I played the demo this morning. It does feel streamlined (though some reviewers apparently claim that it´s MORE complex than the original which is hard to imagine for me) but in a good way. Must-buy for me.

I also got Tekken TT2 on a whim and...I think it´s total crap. To me, Fighting Games have to be Pick up & play, newbies have able to get results. That is not the case with TTT2. Not only can´t newbies get results, they can´t even fucking PLAY the game because you first have to learn a shitload of stiff systematics instead of actually pulling off some moves. I´m immensly dissappointed, gonna get rid of the game as soon as possible. And it´s not like I´m too stupid to play games like these, I enjoy a good beat em up, but this...it´s just not right. Might be good, but it feels totally wrong.

Nick Sep 25th, 2012 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 762038)
WHAT? Tokyo Jungle? Tomorrow? WANT.


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 762060)

Yep. Came out on PSN today. Gonna go download it.

kahljorn Sep 25th, 2012 11:47 PM

from what i remember of tekken it seems complicated on the surface until you realize that all the moves are just ABA and no directions that you hve to push

k0k0 Sep 26th, 2012 04:19 AM

I'm gonna get up early and buy doa 5 tomorrow, then play it all day. I hope it's the breast game in the series. I'm sure it will be tits.

OxBlood Sep 27th, 2012 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 762180)
from what i remember of tekken it seems complicated on the surface until you realize that all the moves are just ABA and no directions that you hve to push

Seems to depend a lot on the characters. I started playing with Leo but I couldnīt do too much with him.

Hwoarang or whatever his name is on the other hand is a lot easier to play because his combos are easier to pull off.

Concerning the direcrtions-thing, every character has different moves, depending what direction you push per button, eight moves per button sometimes.

Anyway, on to Tokyo Jungle. I played about an hour this morning, stupid PS3 took about 10hrs to download those puny 4GB...

Itīs interesting, thatīs for sure. Simple in the way it is designed, but then again, the life of an ordinary animal IS simple. Eat, stay alive, mate, die, thatīs it. And thatīs what you do in the game, you run around, you forage or hunt, depending on what type of animal you are, you do challenges (like "find the Chicken-Boss"...cracks me up :lol ), earn points with which you unlock new animals and you find hints on what happened and why all humans are gone.

Thereīs 2 modes, Survival and Story, sadly you have to find specific things in Survival to unlock Story-levels. Also sadly, you play the Story as a Pomeranian.
I...I hate little dogs, thereīs a reason we call them Fußhupe over here...(Foot Clown Horn...doesnīt translate well)...basically, you step on it and it honks for bit.
Anyway, itīs not the dogs fault I donīt like its specific breed (animal racism?). What else...there seems to be not too many areas, just around Shinjuku I think, along with some sewers and maintenance tunnels and I donīt think thereīs much difference between playing a Gazelle and a Doe but hey, the gameīs 10 bucks, Iīm not gonna complain.

Dimnos Sep 27th, 2012 11:44 PM

I spent my $10 on FTL on steam. Its not much but its well worth the pocket change they ask for it.

darkvare Sep 28th, 2012 12:12 AM

speaking of steam i have 2 cents on my steam wallet why does everything ends on the 99s?

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