I'll go to my pc now that power went back though i dont know how much it gonna last
Im from argentina land of futbol, choripan, tango, mate etc
I was going to say something about Peronismo and how Argentina only has the facade of a first world country but blah blah blah, I don't fucking know you!
el pila
how many pots have you smoken |
i have smoke a lot lately although i'm waiting to smoke my own harvest that i plant back in september im almost there
that's what's up, dawg
Farkin' Argies.
I hate having to drive for an hour to the next town just to get decent weed.
I also want to buy a San Pedro cactus, I've always wanted to try mescaline. |
Yeah, give in to despair.
I bought a model kit from the fifties at a flea-market and last night I realized that I suck at painting models just as much as I did when I was 13.
Do you have/can get a paintball gun? Just light it up with it.
Quit being a pussy.
I really like how the box art barely looks like the actual model.
I think I read that the artist did the final box sketches based on his prototypes, but the guy stamping out the parts just copied the prototypes. |
I think that's the fact with most toys... They always look better on the box.
i had a san pedro cactus but now my ex has it :( |
My plan is to order three doses worth of Blue Torch cuttings and trip out on them with two friends, and if I enjoy it, I'll buy another cutting to plant.
Thrifty Burnout tm |
After all the bullshit I've been put through these past few weeks, I think I've earned a major smokeout followed by going downtown to see where Lady Mary takes me. Wish me luck.
No I wont, you pot head.
I'm officially a student again. I must be fucking out of my mind.
Yeah, and on top of that you're probably crazy! :rimshot
i went and got a medicinal marijuana card today and bought some weed. Got five grams for the price of 3.5 :O
Also, what's wrong with you that you have to (get to) receive medical marijuana? Cancer? |
Such lies.
its already ten o clock here
You can do as little as complain about a headache and get a medical marijuana card in certain states, no questions asked. I learned this from JOE ROGAN, my source of up-to-date world news and events
JOE ROGAN is verbum dei ever since he became the news reporter of how terrible carlos mencia is.
"who the fuck is davy jones?"
"a pirate" "no no, a monkey" |
this one place gives you a gram of keef for free when you order from them
I don't want to move to California! |
Who needs a card in Oregon? It is the home of plentiful and cheap kb.
He said that the only way he got through Fear Factor was to be completely blazed during the taping. :hat |
Hopefully, by my birthday, I'll be with my best friend and his girl friend having group mescaline heaves.
i saw some san pedro at home depot today
also you can buy it on ebay |
faheoufheaouhfoaej cnldz faefaeef
Happy birthday Flagg I hope your day contained 554.12 ± 2.98 kg of FUN :x
Is that chemistry for tonite ?
I don't even know anymore. My brain has become incredibly dumb in the last 10 months :(
Welcome to post college life :lol :tear
More like welcome to my life.
Thanks Millhouse, for an obscure chemistry reference that will keep me up a few more hours.
FUN is a real compound of equal parts fluorine, uranium, and nitrogen AND IT'S IN OUR TOOTHPASTE :EEEEEEK
Happy Birthday, Flagg. Mine is easier.
that doesn't sound like a very stable compound
But combined with potassium you get FUNK :posh
Combined with Phosphorus, you get P-FUNK
(you need to say his name only 4 more times) |
I'm all Selenium, Thorium, Protactinium, and Cerium.
I have a heart of pyrite.
My birthday is at the end of the month. I think I'll reminisce on my art school days by downing a bottle of mouthwash.
I found out last night that Marge Simpson and I have the same birthday, at least for the sake of their plotline.
My birthday is almost 10,000 days ago
I was born 10,030 days ago. Whippersnapper.
Biggie, it's no miracle that you predicted my reaction. I imagine that you've grown quite accustomed to people calling you a bore. I am, however, surprised that you haven't grown out of having such a fragile ego that this is the kind of thing you'd like to perpetuate.
Oh, you know nothing of my ego.
Speaking of ego, my futsal team made it into the grand final this Friday, and we're going to decimate the other team. They somehow made it into the finals without winning a single game all season, and last time we played them, we won 20 nil.
I'm going to get five goals in a row and do a dance. |
I hear you can feed a whole family in Tasmania for a week with only 20 nil
I just found out that my astronomy professor worked on Voyager 2 and knew Carl Sagan. :nerdboner
I love rongi's down syndrome danzig the best
Seth, using your knowledge of religion where does this stand on the blasphemy scale
When god is fucking a woman she calls out my name |
I bet god is a donkey puncher
10K G: Somewhere below this, I would say.
http://i-mockery.com/forum/showpost....6&postcount=24 |
Was it right after you posted that you almost sliced your finger off?
Now I'm afraid my thumb might get sliced off. |
my youtube thing isn't working
i cooked my girlfriend mac and cheese today for the express purpose of receiving a blowjob, which i did not receive because we had to go to logic to not pay attention to our awful professor for an hour and a half |
i havent done drugs in a while im domesticated
i really want to do some drugs |
I fixed your youtube video for the express purpose of receiving a blowjob ;)
oh jeez :o
thank you college, thank you for cock blocking me so i can listen to some asshole on a one year teaching contract barely contain his resentment while he speaks in a monotone about fallacies of exclusive premises
really, so much more exciting than having a girl put my penis in her mouth h8 college |
She should have blown you at class.
Might have worked out - most of the class was probably asleep.
Are you doing propositional calculus for your logic class?
Also; http://mkdo.co/post/18196675416 Mike Doughty rules. |
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