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Pub Lover Mar 12th, 2012 10:52 AM

Oh shitfuck.

Pub Lover Mar 12th, 2012 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 742962)
jeanette talked about poops and dildos, though


Originally Posted by Rongi (Post 742966)
i don't remember poop talk, but i remember jamesman made some whiney thread about how dildos make it harder for men to satisfy ladies


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 560873)
How about the one where the woman shits in a bucket and then divides the stool among three different labelled containers


Fathom Zero Mar 12th, 2012 11:20 AM


wudoin, bby

Pub Lover Mar 12th, 2012 11:39 AM

As ever. Soups for you?

Originally Posted by Shyandquietguy (Post 743272)
I'm a fucking shut-in virgin and I've lived more of life than you have Pram.

High Five!

Fathom Zero Mar 12th, 2012 11:40 AM

I'm studying black people at university. It's cool.

Pub Lover Mar 12th, 2012 11:51 AM

Do they know? :eek

Pub Lover Mar 12th, 2012 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by elx (Post 743658)
after reading a ton of stupid articles claiming that we have just sent a particle back in time through another dimension, I finally read opera's release and I don't get it

if they have the level of accuracy/uncertainty that they are claiming - isn't that higher than the one we achieved when measuring the speed of light half a century ago? assuming that this is actually the case, then wouldn't that imply that the implication here isn't that a neutrino is actually faster than the speed of light, but simply that our accepted model for the speed of light has been off this entire time? why has no one proposed this skepticism? why are they more quick to accept the back-in-time theory? :(

is it just that if that is in fact the case then it's far too scary to mention or think about because it means that everything we have ever measured in modern history has been wrong and we've set ourselves back two hundred years with our newer, preciser technology? is preciser a word?

Faulty equipment is an even better answer for scepticism but not my doomsday pants creaming.

"The team has now found two problems that may have affected their test in opposing ways: one in its timing gear and one in an optical fibre connection."

Pub Lover Mar 12th, 2012 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 744067)
You are seriously the most stale and unfunny cunt on this message board. I cannot believe that you think you add humour. :lol

Adding the LOL emoticon to a large percentage of your posts doesn't mean you are adding humour. You are using it to laugh at your own jokes. :lol


ThrashO Mar 12th, 2012 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 756003)
I'm studying black people at university. It's cool.

is black people a major now?

Fathom Zero Mar 12th, 2012 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 756004)
Do they know? :eek

I'm trying to be really secret about it. They'll take it away if we appear to be too interested.

Zhukov Mar 12th, 2012 02:20 PM

I was JUST listening to a NZ radio show clip thing. Freaky.

Pub Lover Mar 12th, 2012 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Emu (Post 744568)
I haven't posted here in like a year but I see Pub Lover went a page in this thread without posting. Feels wrong man.

Pretty much the only reason I read through this thread is for posts like that.

It certainly isn't for the miles of Pram Maven posts.

I did like when he thought Thrash0 was that other guy though.

Pub Lover Mar 12th, 2012 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 756009)
I'm trying to be really secret about it. They'll take it away if we appear to be too interested.

I was going to go down a whole route of "studying black people is like bird watching" with hides and mating calls etc but it just feels a bit too much like what Don Carlson the racist animator would do.

Esuohlim Mar 12th, 2012 03:05 PM

I was called racist once because I can do a good impression of Gus from Psych :(

Pub Lover Mar 12th, 2012 03:10 PM

I would like to see this impression. :eek

Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 744816)
I've said it before and I shall say it again: you should consult with Pubbles, who obsessively saves every photo ever posted on these forums.

Only of you. :eek

Pub Lover Mar 12th, 2012 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Rongi (Post 744675)
going on a date tomorrow

hopefully she'll touch my boner


Originally Posted by Rongi (Post 744832)
you guys i just got back from my date

it went really well :)!

Boner Touching well? :eek

This is an important question. >:

10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 12th, 2012 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 756014)
I was called racist once because I can do a good impression of Gus from Psych :(

I hope you told then to kiss your blacksmith ass.

kahljorn Mar 12th, 2012 04:11 PM


assuming that this is actually the case, then wouldn't that imply that the implication here isn't that a neutrino is actually faster than the speed of light, but simply that our accepted model for the speed of light has been off this entire time? why has no one proposed this skepticism? why are they more quick to accept the back-in-time theory? :(
because thats ridiculous to assume off of one anomalous test? besides didn't they get results saying it went faster and others saying it went slower -- so that explanation would be impossible.

also did scientists really say that it went back in time or is it just idiots who said that? I would think a better explanation would be that time slowed down -- the speed of light stayed the same :O
but i dont think a scientist should really say either of those things

Pub Lover Mar 12th, 2012 05:08 PM

Really, the problem with science news is that most headlines are bullshit written by idiots. Did anyone see the "Ice cream is as addictive as heroin" headline a few weeks back? Good job being shitty, shitty journalists.

Speaking of the News; do we know if Clay is still alive? Do we know if he was the one shooting up those families in Afghanistan?

My power bill says "Friends"at the top. Guys, if I'm not giving you three hundred bucks a month then we are clearly not as tight as I am with my electricity supplier.

Big McLargehuge Mar 12th, 2012 09:11 PM

Did anyone else see the Abobo's Big Adventure write up in Game Informer?

MarioRPG Mar 12th, 2012 09:53 PM

Life update: Working two part time jobs and being a full time 3rd year student is hella draining.

Fathom Zero Mar 12th, 2012 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 756012)
I was going to go down a whole route of "studying black people is like bird watching" with hides and mating calls etc but it just feels a bit too much like what Don Carlson the racist animator would do.

Oh, I know. It's like they think they're real people or something.

Rongi Mar 12th, 2012 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 756016)
Boner Touching well? :eek

This is an important question. >:

Oh that girl sucked she was into jesus and stuff

I have a girlfriend now who isn't into jesus and is totally into touching my boner

Tadao Mar 12th, 2012 11:48 PM

Then why did you mislead us? :tear

Tadao Mar 12th, 2012 11:48 PM

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