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k0k0 Jun 13th, 2010 03:00 PM

Now I'm playing the pre-launch event for All Points Bulletin due to my 360 remote breaking and me being too lazy to go get a new one. I have to say, I'm having fun customizing shit. My character is morbidly obese of course, and has a couple tats stating how hungry he is. He's decked out in a single tube sock on his left foot, stained underwear (poo stains on the ass and pee on the crotch) that I made, and no shirt. The actual gameplay is alright...it's just that they only give you 5 hours to play in the "action" zones. I guess to get you hooked and then snap it away from you when you start getting good so that you'll buy it when it comes out.

Fathom Zero Jun 13th, 2010 08:10 PM

What the hell, guys. I've been playing Red Dead Redemption for the past two days and nobody else wants to play with me. You guys suck.

DougClayton4231 Jun 13th, 2010 08:25 PM

I started Metro 2033...it's very boring....I'm really getting tired of ridiculous games pretending to have realistic elements. It's like "Here's a giant mutant rat with AIDS...and realistic shooting physics and reload animations." I really hope this trend never spreads to Nintendo, I don't want to learn plumbing from Mario or horseback riding from Link.

Fathom Zero Jun 13th, 2010 09:25 PM

I think awesomer horseys in Zelda would be better.

DougClayton4231 Jun 15th, 2010 12:18 PM

New Zelda, DK, Kirby, Kid Icarus, and other shit from Nintendo. The 3DS looks pretty sweet too.

MLE Jun 15th, 2010 12:23 PM

I have lost hope in all MMOs now that Fiesta is the best one out there.

And what I'm currently playing.

k0k0 Jun 15th, 2010 02:19 PM

If Zelda makes me swing my wrist again til I get tired of it, I'm not playing it. DK, maybe...I'm unimpressed with my Wii, even though I've kept it since launch. Only games that don't have dust on them are super smash bros brawl and tatsunoko Vs. Capcom

DougClayton4231 Jun 15th, 2010 08:19 PM

k0k0, try King Of Fighters: The Orochi Saga, it's by far the best compilation of KOF games and KOF98 is still the best 2d fighter period.

I keep dying in Modern Whorefare 2 on the easiest difficulty :lol. Maybe I should stop charging the russians with the rpgs.

Fathom Zero Jun 15th, 2010 08:31 PM

I only play on Veteran. :\ GO BIG OR GO HOME.

Also, playing all these quick first person shooters has made me better at bullethell games. I breezed through Guwange and DoDonPachi today. Both of which = Excellent Cave games. I'm fucking pumped for Deathsmiles when the localization comes out later this month.

OxBlood Jun 16th, 2010 03:02 AM

Still running around in Fallout 3 but losing interest again. Peacewalker comes out tomorrow over here (whatever their problem was this time) so I´ll try to find one today. Also found Apollo Justice for 10 bucks AND I´m waiting for my new used games. This time it´s Maken X and God Hand.

One other thing: I really really want the Parasite Eve Series on PSN, I love those games.

Phoenix Gamma Jun 16th, 2010 10:43 AM

Just unlocked and beat the last story boss in Peace Walker. Actually getting it was a pain in the ass, but the fight was pretty cool. Ending was a bit of a downer. Nothing particularly sad happened, but the realization that Big Boss would become a villain, despite being way more likable and human than Solid Snake and not doing anything wrong or immoral, made a lot of the ending a bummer for me. Just a "well, we're fucked. So let's just fight the whole world anyways" type of feeling.

Also, TF2. Getting a little less rusty, and actually getting good with a lot of classes I didn't use when it first came out. And I freaking love Cart Push maps.

k0k0 Jun 16th, 2010 12:34 PM

Isn't that the exact same thing that happened in MGS3? Are they copying endings now?

Phoenix Gamma Jun 16th, 2010 02:33 PM

Uh, MGS3's ending revolved around the whole deal with The Boss and the set-up with the government and stuff, and the big reveal of whose side she was really on.

Without giving away anything already covered in the other MGS games:


Basically, it's not like Star Wars Ep 3 where you see exactly how Anakin turns evil and becomes Darth Vader. You're left with Big Boss somewhere between the tormented guy from MGS3 and the bad guy from Metal Gear, so he's still really likable, but you see the road he's heading down, and that's a bummer.

darkvare Jun 16th, 2010 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 689373)
Still running around in Fallout 3 but losing interest again. Peacewalker comes out tomorrow over here (whatever their problem was this time) so I´ll try to find one today. Also found Apollo Justice for 10 bucks AND I´m waiting for my new used games. This time it´s Maken X and God Hand.

One other thing: I really really want the Parasite Eve Series on PSN, I love those games.

with the announcement of thrid birthday for psp i think there is hope i actually want them too

k0k0 Jun 16th, 2010 04:45 PM

You know what game I really hope they make a sequel for? RPG maker. It'd be sweet to make a generic rpg on the xbox 360 (or ps3). I had so much fun creating bullshit rpgs involving my friends on a quest for some pubes in order to make pube pie or something like that. But alas, I don't think it made enough money. I also bought fighter maker, but it just plain sucked.

darkvare Jun 16th, 2010 05:46 PM

theres quest mania from ubisoft coming

k0k0 Jun 16th, 2010 06:00 PM

Oh sweet...I hope it's as versatile.

Phoenix Gamma Jun 17th, 2010 01:56 AM

I'm excited for Kid Icarus on the 3DS, so I decided to play the original on the Wii.

Man, that game has NOT aged well. I mean, I know it's an NES game, but Mario and Punch Out and Mega Man are all still fun. This game? You gotta really claw your way through to get the upgrades that allow you to start enjoying the game, and then they get taken away in the abysmal dungeon stages, which are just plain unfair (FUCK YOU EGGPLANT WIZARDS). Not to mention, the game's glitchy as hell.

Maybe I'll play Sin and Punishment 2 instead. Kid Icarus Uprising looks a lot more like that. But I'm halfway through this game now, so I might as well finish.

OxBlood Jun 17th, 2010 05:26 AM

I loved RPG-Maker :)
Had it on the PC ages ago I think, a lot of fun writing stupid villagers and kick-ass attacks and spells.
My favorite is still my ultimate Melee-Technique "Nuclear Fist" :lol...sadly I never found a geiger-counter sound that was loud enough to be played in the background while doing that thing :D

Which reminds me of one thing about RPGs in particular: The voice-actors never get this one thing right. If you do an awesome uber-technique (why am I saying uber and not über...ah well) you gotta SAY it properly. The Lezard VA in Valkyrie Profile 2 did a rather good job with his techs...but most VAs just plain suck at this. Just wanted to mention that cause it always bugs me.

Dimnos Jun 17th, 2010 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 689491)
I'm excited for Kid Icarus on the 3DS, so I decided to play the original on the Wii.

Man, that game has NOT aged well.

How dare you sir! >:

Guitar Woman Jun 17th, 2010 11:48 AM

It didn't age badly, it just always sucked and was really hard

k0k0 Jun 17th, 2010 02:06 PM

Kid Icarus just plain sucked. That's why they never brought it back until now. I hated it when I owned it on nes as a kid. There are a group of people who call it a classic, only because it was hard as shit and gave them a challenge, but if you call anything a classic based on that thought, then there are a lot of games that should be considered great.

Phoenix Gamma Jun 17th, 2010 02:33 PM

They DID make a Gameboy sequel. Wonder if it's as bullshit or glitchy as the original...

Dimnos Jun 17th, 2010 02:57 PM

I LOVED Kid Icarus on the old school NES. It was probably my favorite game. It was fun and hard as shit. Yes there were plenty of games back then that were hard but most werent as fun.

Pentegarn Jun 17th, 2010 06:25 PM

There is a nostalgic NES charm to Kid Icarus.

Plus he was on Captain N

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