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darkvare Dec 19th, 2009 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Ant10708 (Post 663781)
Do you like the old school side scrolling mario games? If you do I have no idea how you can't have fun with the DS or wii versions of side scrolling mario. Sure, nintendo might have been lazy with the games but they are both alot of fun and I can't see how if you enjoyed the old school mario games how you could be disappointed with these new versions. Oh and have you played the multiplayer coin game on the ds version? Def one of the best multiplayer experiences on the ds.

of course i like the old ones but for some reason thosse two they give me the ubisoft feel they feel souless mario galaxy had a great feeling but this two just don't cut it sure it has mario but it feels just like playing any yearly game

Microshock Dec 19th, 2009 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 663537)
Tinker. It's this tiny puzzle game on Games for Windows LIVE. It's also free and has 200 Gamerscore up for the taking. I'm easily amused.

Also, Microsoft is selling some of their Windows LIVE games on the service, like Viva Pinata and such. I might actually buy Shadowrun, since they discounted it down to $10 to start. I loved playing it on my 360.

Tell me, do all the games offered on their service have GFW achievements which integrate with Xbox.com achievements?

Because that could be the winning push for me to buy from them

LordSappington Dec 20th, 2009 12:53 AM

Jesus Christ, are points and trophies the only reason you even play games? Seriously, that's almost all I ever see you talk about, once you get past your PS3 fanboy raves.

Dr. Boogie Dec 20th, 2009 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by Microshock (Post 664068)
Tell me, do all the games offered on their service have GFW achievements which integrate with Xbox.com achievements?

Because that could be the winning push for me to buy from them

Very funny.

Fathom Zero Dec 20th, 2009 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by Microshock (Post 664068)
Tell me, do all the games offered on their service have GFW achievements which integrate with Xbox.com achievements?

Because that could be the winning push for me to buy from them

The games that Steam offers that use Games for Windows LIVE, (Fallout 3, Dawn of War II, Kane and Lynch, Red Faction, etc.), do, but there are a few games you can only get from Microsoft's service, like Microsoft Studios games, (Shadowrun, Viva Pinata, Gears of War). If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say that if Fable II was ever released on the computer, it'd have to be on there. It'd go without saying that digital distribution of all their games would happen on THEIR platform.

OxBlood Dec 21st, 2009 02:37 AM

STILL bumbling around in Final Fantasy 9, close to the 60hrs-mark and almost done with it...

That and the US-PSN-Store is awesome. Got me some Money-Card-Thingies online and bought FF7,8, Blood Omen and Resident Evil 2 (one of my #1 favorite games in this part of the universe)...none of them are available in the german PSN except FF7 in all its -20%-Speed-riddled-with-mistakes-and-typos-translation-glory...Gah, disgusting.

Fathom Zero Dec 21st, 2009 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 66440)
That and the US-PSN-Store is awesome. Got me some Money-Card-Thingies online and bought FF7,8, Blood Omen and Resident Evil 2 (one of my #1 favorite games in this part of the universe)...none of them are available in the german PSN except FF7 in all its -20%-Speed-riddled-with-mistakes-and-typos-translation-glory...Gah, disgusting.

Cheeky cow. I wish there were Japanese cards.


OxBlood Dec 21st, 2009 04:08 AM

What kind of nice stuff is there on the JP-PSN?

Fathom Zero Dec 21st, 2009 02:22 PM

Weird shit, mostly. Old PS1 games.

OxBlood Dec 21st, 2009 03:14 PM

I wouldn´t understand them anyway...ah well. At least I finished FF9 about an hour ago...really nice game, best cast of any FF with about the most boring leveling-system...

ChrisGlass Dec 22nd, 2009 01:46 AM

Just beat Kane & Lynch and now I'm going through Call of Juarez. I'm stuck in 2007.

Microshock Dec 22nd, 2009 08:10 AM

I was asking the question not because I care about achievements on the PC, i really don't, but if GFW on Demand had every game they listed to have GFW achievements, it'd be a really good selling point over buying on Steam. For example, does RE5 on Steam have achievements? Well if it didn't and the GFW version had GFW achievements that integrated with Xbox achievements, that'd be a much nicer incentive

Fathom Zero Dec 22nd, 2009 08:31 AM

Yes, it does. Any GFW game lets you log into the Live service and most of them have achievements, even if you buy them from Steam or get a physical copy in the store.

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 22nd, 2009 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 664402)
STILL bumbling around in Final Fantasy 9, close to the 60hrs-mark and almost done with it...

I think you can get an extended ending FMV scene if you keep Hades hammer and have all the zodiac coins. I would gamefaqs it though to be safe.

I did a lot of annoying extras in FF9 and the lamest one is when you find out Onyx's real name is

Choco digging is contagious though. I never got the 3 teas.(I think it was 3 or 4 teas) as key items. Theres one you have to get when you go for the card tournament, but you need to leave the city before completing it. Walk all the way over to the lighthouse keeper guy through the world map that is NEVER home the rest of the game and he'll give it to you.

King Hadas Dec 22nd, 2009 03:06 PM

That Black Mage sidestory sure was sad. That, and that the last chunk of the game is terrible garbage, are the only things I really remember about FF9.

For the last two months I've had this weird, intense urge to play something Nintendo-y. Ultimately, I had to settle on the only Nintendo game I own that I've not played, Animal Crossing for the grandpa gamecube. I turned my nose up at this game a few years ago, I didn't get the appeal then, but that was 'cus I was cheating at it. Endlessly tampering with my gamecube's internal clock and using codes to get any item I damned pleased. Now, playing it the way god intended, I'm finding I like it a lot but I'm curious why everyone in the game keeps calling me a human when I'm obviously some sort of bull monster.

LordSappington Dec 22nd, 2009 03:30 PM

I bought Dead Space and am playing it again. I forgot how much I loved this game.

Phoenix Gamma Dec 22nd, 2009 10:47 PM

Dragon's Lair came out on DSiWare. Immediate download. It's pretty awesome to have on the go.

MrSmiley381 Dec 23rd, 2009 12:00 AM

I'm currently engrossed by Fallout 3.

The list of other games I have to play is far too long and depresses me. Will I ever finish BioShock? Demon's Souls? Dead Space? Who knows.

OxBlood Dec 23rd, 2009 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 664601)
I think you can get an extended ending FMV scene if you keep Hades hammer and have all the zodiac coins. I would gamefaqs it though to be safe.

I did a lot of annoying extras in FF9 and the lamest one is when you find out Onyx's real name is

Choco digging is contagious though. I never got the 3 teas.(I think it was 3 or 4 teas) as key items. Theres one you have to get when you go for the card tournament, but you need to leave the city before completing it. Walk all the way over to the lighthouse keeper guy through the world map that is NEVER home the rest of the game and he'll give it to you.

I did all the Chocobo-Digging and got Zidanes Ultimate Weapon. Most of the other stuff...nah, too much work for stuff I donīt need...the last bosses were far too easy already but thatīs just the way FF is I guess...and yes, the last hour or so was a bit...strange, true, but all in all the story was a LOT better than the crap FF8 pulled.

I tried playing FF12 but...I canīt. I just canīt take it, itīs too bland, it feels soooo unimportant...and yes, the Characters of course...

I find it funny how the game teases you with Rassler in the beginning and you think "Oh, nice, he would make a good Main Character, look at that Armor!", bam-dead.
Next is Basch. "Oh well, he looks cool too." No-not the main Character. Then we are presented with Reks, already half naked. "Oh for Hasturīs Sake FINE Iīll play him if it really has to be!"
BUT NO! We get Vaan, his 8-year-old, sounds-like-crap, goes-to-a-swimsuit-contest-or-something-little brother. "GODDAMNIT GAME! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

An old story, I know, but I felt the urge to tell it again. Oh and the leveling-system sucks balls too.

So I might try to play through Vagrant Story instead, which is sadly not yet on the US-PSN (it is on the european PSN but I donīt want to switch around my PSP-Accounts, itīs too annoying)

kahljorn Dec 23rd, 2009 06:14 AM

vagrant story is like the greatest game ever :(

i wish they'd make a part 2

LordSappington Dec 23rd, 2009 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by MrSmiley381 (Post 664716)
I'm currently engrossed by Fallout 3.

The list of other games I have to play is far too long and depresses me. Will I ever finish BioShock? Demon's Souls? Dead Space? Who knows.

Finish Dead Space. It's an amazing game.

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 23rd, 2009 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 664786)
vagrant story is like the greatest game ever :(

i wish they'd make a part 2

I got stuck on a dragon not too far into it. :(

kahljorn Dec 23rd, 2009 07:15 PM

you should try again and run more or hit its tail or something :(

Ant10708 Dec 23rd, 2009 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 664855)
Finish Dead Space. It's an amazing game.

Good game def wouldn't call it amazing.

Fathom Zero Dec 23rd, 2009 09:27 PM

I loved it. It's much better than Resident Evil 5.

Ant10708 Dec 23rd, 2009 11:41 PM

but worse than 4!:hypno

LordSappington Dec 23rd, 2009 11:58 PM

I like actually HAVING to aim to kill things; sure, random torso shots will kill it eventually, but pretty quickly, the game makes you learn to aim precisely while trying frantically not to get dismembered.
Also, gotta love the gratuitous death cutscenes.

Ant10708 Dec 24th, 2009 03:25 AM

I want to try the Wii prequel for Dead Space. I just beat the main game in the new wii super Mario bros. The last boss battle was epic and was far from lazy. I liked the game.

Phoenix Gamma Dec 24th, 2009 11:31 AM

It's pretty damn good if you like light gun games. I'm not familiar with Dead Space, but I played for an hour with a friend and had fun.

I tried Uncharted 2 the other day. I got it for my dad for his birthday, and he hasn't stopped talking about it, so when I finally came home for the holiday, he made sure I tried it.

I don't like it all that much. The cinematics are cool, and I love how they integrate with gameplay (see: the opening sequence. So fucking cool). But the combat frustrates me, especially when it feels like you're stuck camping while the game throws out more and more enemies out of nowhere until it decides you can move on. The part where you get grenades and have to keep throwing them made me want to shut the game off. I'll try it again in a few days, but I'm not having "Game of the Year" levels of fun with it.

bigtimecow Dec 24th, 2009 03:12 PM

gish is still as amazing as i remember, maybe i'll finish it this time :pipedream

and crayon physics is so fucking cute and fun :(

darkvare Dec 24th, 2009 06:10 PM

i got me burnout paradise i love burnout

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 24th, 2009 11:16 PM

Golden axe III is fucking bad. I really want to play golden axe: revenge of death adder instead.

Gix Dec 25th, 2009 08:12 AM

have 3...Mario Kart for the wii
WoW....(always..and forever...:hypno)
grand ages:rome for the pc

Guitar Woman Dec 25th, 2009 11:55 AM

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories!

I got it as a Christmas present!

Good graffix
Framerate drops to about 5 fps whenever Harry approaches doors, likely due to his crippling fear of them; in fact, he will sometimes simply teleport through the door to avoid having to come into contact with it
FUCK quick-time events
Fuck Wiimote quick-time events that aren't fucking responsive
Westerners trying to imitate J-horror, but not doing bad at all
Harry is still retarded
I like that you can open doors slowly and peek out from behind them, although so far the game has divided itself into two modes: Walking around looking for shit, and running the fuck away, with no in-between that would require cautious treatment of doors.
Can't hide from the little goblin bastards very often, so it's less Clock Tower and more that boulder level from Crash Bandicoot
Frantically running away as fast as I can doesn't exactly leave me with a good impression of where the fuck I am, although that's probably the point
How the fuck do I get more health after I get dry-humped a billion times
Protip: Flashlight goes fucking off in the iceworld

So far the Wii controls are fucking horrendous; I've died twice in the first chase thingie because it took me a billion tries to shake the little bastards off the way the game wanted. As a three-year Wiimote flailing veteran I should be used to this sort of shit by now, but I'm really not

Phoenix Gamma Dec 25th, 2009 01:11 PM

Harry gets his "health" back by not being attacked for awhile. He'll stop limping and start running.

As for the controls, I didn't have a problem with them. If you do short, calculated swings, knocking off enemies is easy. They're not perfect, but big, crazed gestures don't help.

I got an iPod touch for Christmas, and part of the reason why I chose it over the Zune was the App store. $1-5 games with considerable production values is very attractive. So far, I've played:

Space Invaders Infinity Gene: Fucking sick shmup with good controls, awesome levels, and a game mode that makes levels based on the songs you play from your library. And it's constantly throwing new abilities for your ship.

I love Katamari: I had no idea this came out for iPod touch/iPhone. It's fun; you control it by tilting the iPod, with a few touch screen commands for turning around or speeding up.

Canabalt: Loved the flash version. This is basically the same thing. Which is fine, because it's addictive as hell and can suck up a minute or two of your time.

Rolando 2: reminds me of Loco Roco, but with more ideas but less charm. And tilt controls replacing the shoulder buttons of the PSP.

Dimnos Dec 25th, 2009 04:30 PM

Took the HD out of my 360 and over to a friends house. Slapped it in his 360, formated that bitch, recovered my gamertag, reinstalled Castle Crashers and was slicing bitches in half in no time. I am now convinced it is solely my 360 that is the problem and will be buying a fresh 360 Arcade to slap my HD in. Walmart is having an after Christmas sale where you get $50 Walmart gift card with a new console. That should cover my gold membership for a year.

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 26th, 2009 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 665126)
Took the HD out of my 360 and over to a friends house. Slapped it in his 360, formated that bitch, recovered my gamertag, reinstalled Castle Crashers and was slicing bitches in half in no time. I am now convinced it is solely my 360 that is the problem and will be buying a fresh 360 Arcade to slap my HD in. Walmart is having an after Christmas sale where you get $50 Walmart gift card with a new console. That should cover my gold membership for a year.

:picklehat Lockeness108 when its up and running. I still have to play through hard mode on castle crashers.

Zomboid Dec 26th, 2009 04:57 PM

I got Dragon Age: Origins and Modern Warfare 2 yesterday. I'll see y'allz in MW2 in like 3 months when I get sick of Dragon Age.

OxBlood Dec 26th, 2009 08:14 PM

So I managed to spend 5 hours with FF12 and I´m kinda getting used to the characters again, maybe that enables me to play through that fucker. After all, I do have that big-ass strat-guide with the nice grimoire-like cover... that and I can´t afford new games until I get rid of this unemployment-thingy, stupid financial crisis...to think that I once learned the banking business...tch.

Guitar Woman Dec 27th, 2009 08:48 AM

Is the therapist in Shattered Memories Liquid Snake? :lol

Also what the fuck, no Alchemilla? The hospital was the best part of the original game. :(


Still have no idea what the fuck's going on. Every time I'm about to get some semblance of an explanation the game gives me the finger and sprays liquid nitrogen on everything. The twist better not be what I think it is.

I wasn't really expecting a Rollerball remake but what the fuck, I'll run with it.

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 27th, 2009 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 665152)
So I managed to spend 5 hours with FF12 and I´m kinda getting used to the characters again, maybe that enables me to play through that fucker. After all, I do have that big-ass strat-guide with the nice grimoire-like cover... that and I can´t afford new games until I get rid of this unemployment-thingy, stupid financial crisis...to think that I once learned the banking business...tch.

I was so used to level grinding from playing FFXI I got to level 30 solo'ing with VAAN before even getting Penelo.

edit: Ox, do you have the Zodiac international edition or the original FF12?

bigtimecow Dec 27th, 2009 10:19 AM

i intended to buy either uncharted 2 or assassin's creed 2 with christmas gift cards and what not, but after realiziing i was a cheap bastard and saw that gamestop had a buy 2 get 1 free used game deal, i bought force unleashed, army of two, and mgs4. yaaaaaaay

Ant10708 Dec 27th, 2009 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 665106)
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories!

I got it as a Christmas present!

Good graffix
Framerate drops to about 5 fps whenever Harry approaches doors, likely due to his crippling fear of them; in fact, he will sometimes simply teleport through the door to avoid having to come into contact with it
FUCK quick-time events
Fuck Wiimote quick-time events that aren't fucking responsive
Westerners trying to imitate J-horror, but not doing bad at all
Harry is still retarded
I like that you can open doors slowly and peek out from behind them, although so far the game has divided itself into two modes: Walking around looking for shit, and running the fuck away, with no in-between that would require cautious treatment of doors.
Can't hide from the little goblin bastards very often, so it's less Clock Tower and more that boulder level from Crash Bandicoot
Frantically running away as fast as I can doesn't exactly leave me with a good impression of where the fuck I am, although that's probably the point
How the fuck do I get more health after I get dry-humped a billion times
Protip: Flashlight goes fucking off in the iceworld

So far the Wii controls are fucking horrendous; I've died twice in the first chase thingie because it took me a billion tries to shake the little bastards off the way the game wanted. As a three-year Wiimote flailing veteran I should be used to this sort of shit by now, but I'm really not

For control issues, make very small but firm pushing gestures. If you swing your arms at all the game fucks up.

Volt Ghost: I play Castle Crashers considerably and we are in same time zone so we should play sometime. Twiztid Ant is my gamertag

MarioRPG Dec 27th, 2009 03:16 PM

Still Silent Hill. FUCK the nightmares. I get so fucking lost the mall is hella gay.

Phoenix Gamma Dec 27th, 2009 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 665202)
The twist better not be what I think it is.

I seriously doubt that. It's actually a pretty good twist, if not a tad cliche.

Schimid Dec 28th, 2009 12:33 AM

i loved the new silent hill, it's probably my favorite SH game...which is weird, considering it doesn't really do anything.

i mean you're either walking and exploring or sprinting and escaping with nothing in between. it does cause an "oh shit" sense of dread when the ice comes up, though, and that sense of dread is something i haven't felt in SH games for a long time. i felt it all the time in homecoming, but that was less that i had no means to combat enemies and more that i had the means to combat enemies but it fucking sucked.

i'm a big pretentious whore for introspection and psychoanalysis and scripted events and neat scenes though, and this game had all of those, so it's probably why i'm so hard for it. probably in my top five of all time, honestly, but that's probably just because i finished it a little under four hours ago, so i'm still high on life.

oh and


Guitar Woman Dec 28th, 2009 02:57 AM

I think they could have gotten away with no chase scenes at all if they had padded the normal parts out with more puzzles.

It doesn't feel like much of a Silent Hill game, really, so I also think they could have just made a new IP with new characters, but kept the game exactly the same. This would avoid stepping on the toes of raging japanophiles, since Shattered Memories really has fuck-all to do with the original game as far as remakes go. It's great, though, I even caught myself enjoying the chase right after Lisa's apartment.

Anyway, I'll probably finish it tomorrow, then get all of the endings like I've done with all the other SH games. And do the UFO challenge, and hoarde all the mementos. It's a shame that there's no difficulty setting for the puzzles because I loved 3's retarded convoluted poetry deciphering marathons.


Dimnos Dec 28th, 2009 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 665136)
:picklehat Lockeness108 when its up and running. I still have to play through hard mode on castle crashers.

You guys still play L4D2? Is it worth picking up?

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 28th, 2009 11:06 AM

I still play L4D2 a lot, just been busy this last week. New campaign for it is coming out soon. Also, just got Edge Maverick to level 62. :)

Microshock Dec 28th, 2009 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by bigtimecow (Post 665210)
i intended to buy either uncharted 2 or assassin's creed 2 with christmas gift cards and what not, but after realiziing i was a cheap bastard and saw that gamestop had a buy 2 get 1 free used game deal, i bought force unleashed, army of two, and mgs4. yaaaaaaay

2 average and 1 great game versus 2 great games? I don't know....

bigtimecow Dec 28th, 2009 01:25 PM

suppose you didn't read the cheap bastard part

darkvare Dec 28th, 2009 03:59 PM

can someone send me a copy of mgs 4 i wanna play mgo but i can't find it here and amazon won't ship it to mexico

bigtimecow Dec 28th, 2009 04:21 PM

if you give me 18 bucks i can get it from the local gamestop here, used

Microshock Dec 28th, 2009 04:30 PM

Dark, ebay not an option?

Phoenix Gamma Dec 28th, 2009 04:48 PM

Tried Demon's Souls today.

I don't see what the big deal is. Yea, it's challenging...great. Plus, the hints from other people so far have been fucking useless. Like "Hole ahead!" right next to the hole, or watching another player die by facing the wall, not playing. Then I ran into some executioner-like dude in the first level or whatever, and he killed me in two hits. I took another path for about 30 minutes, and ended up back at the beginning. Basically, the hour or so I spent playing was totally redundant.

Regarding Silent Hill:

Guitar Woman Dec 28th, 2009 05:07 PM

the black jacket is indicative of the "Sleaze and Sirens" ending, meaning your roomate is a slut.

Phoenix Gamma Dec 28th, 2009 05:14 PM

I'm pretty sure he's a virgin :V

Wait, I remember in the high school analysis, he said he was a slut and a virgin in high school. So...yea, he's a douchebag who has to ruin all the fun >:

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 28th, 2009 05:15 PM


Zomboid Dec 28th, 2009 06:13 PM

Dragon Age: Origins.

Fucking shit, this game can be ridiculously difficult in certain parts if I'm not using the little sub-menu thing to select everyone's attacks. It definitely doesn't feel as fluid and natural as KotOR, Jade Empire, or Mass Effect. I'd say it's a step back in that regard, but everything else is pretty solid.

darkvare Dec 28th, 2009 07:39 PM

i think i secured a sale on mgs4 now i just need my fingers crossed :P

Phoenix Gamma Dec 28th, 2009 10:11 PM

About to try and beat FFIII on the DS. I've had the game since launch, but the last boss is so fucking strong that I've never been able to beat it. I pick it up every year to try and grind and win, but I always get crushed.

This year, I have 25 Shurikens on me, and I'm about 5 levels higher than I usually am, so if I don't beat it tonight, I'll never finish it.

EDIT: Holy fuck, my Ninja was about to get killed, but my knight leapt infront of him, took the hit, died, and the Ninja finished the boss off with a Shuriken. Fucking close call. Now I can finally put that game away for good.

Guitar Woman Dec 28th, 2009 11:02 PM

Team Fortress Classic.

Spy is a lot easier than it is in TF2, holy shit. This game puts in perspective how much horse shit I've put up with. Killing sentries with grenades is way fucking easier than with sappers, you can actually fool people with disguises, playing dead is a surefire way to hide in plain sight, and the Tranq gun is massively sexy. If they came out with that shit for the TF2 Spy I'd use it in a heartbeat.

I was thinking Soldier would still be the most overpowered class, but it seems like it's the Medic. They can fly across half the map with conc jumps, and they've got a double nailgun, a super shotgun, and can poison people.

Every class having grenades is a little annoying, especially when you think you've gotten a clean kill but they fucking explode when you go to pick up their dropped ammo.

The thing I like most about it is probably all the CTF maps; TF2 has about 3, and only Well is really any good. The lack of motherfucking Targe demos and the uselessness of Soldiers is also very, very, very refreshing. It's just a shame Demoman is total crap, since I lurve him in TF2.

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 29th, 2009 09:21 AM

Demoman is awesome in TFC. I've smote many with his prowess.

LordSappington Dec 29th, 2009 11:57 AM

I've never figured out how to get my Half-life games to work online. :(

Guitar Woman Jan 1st, 2010 01:45 AM

I forgot that Max Payne was the kind of game where you have to quickload every 5 seconds and memorize where everyone is so you don't get perforated fucking immediately

Max Payne 2 made me remember that part, though. Now with the addition of scripted events that would put Half Life's habit of not telling you shit to shame! And totally completely not horrible escort missions!

timrpgland Jan 3rd, 2010 11:50 AM

Started up a new game of Starlancer (dreamcast one). Good stuff.

Chojin Jan 3rd, 2010 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 665785)
I forgot that Max Payne was the kind of game where you have to quickload every 5 seconds and memorize where everyone is so you don't get perforated fucking immediately

Max Payne 2 made me remember that part, though. Now with the addition of scripted events that would put Half Life's habit of not telling you shit to shame! And totally completely not horrible escort missions!

Most people are awful at Max Payne until they figure out that you can go into bullet time without leaping into the air like a gazelle

Then the game becomes incredibly simple and posts like yours make us Payne vets do this -> :|

Also on the harder difficulties they limit the amount of quicksaves you can use. Not that you should ever need them.

Guitar Woman Jan 3rd, 2010 04:29 PM

in Max Payne 1 I just shootdive'd everywhere and did fine; I actually never used the "just bullet-time" thing because it made the game go way too fucking slow.

Max Payne 2's shootdiving is worthless, though, so I mapped bullet time to my middle click and would run into rooms in slow-motion, pump lead into everyone unfortunate enough to be standing around, execute BALLET TWIRLS as I reloaded my gun, and then go back into normal time as ragdolls rained gaily onto the floor around me. Good fun!

Both Max Payne games more or less have a difficulty curve that shoots directly upward for final collection of chapters. I don't know how many fucking times I had to re-do the end segment when the mansion was burning, or the shitty part where you play as Mona in the construction site.

It was a pretty good game, though, worth the 3 dollars I spent on it. I didn't think it was TOO HARD WAAH; I'm perfectly fine with games like Megaman 9 wherin you are constantly assaulted by barbed-wire baseball bats the entire time, and have enjoyed such experiences, I just hate it when moderately difficult games get insanely bullshit difficult right at the end. Especially good ones, since it ends up leaving a bad taste in my mouth and makes me feel like a trusted friend has betrayed me and kicked me in the bollocks. See also: Sands of Time

Chojin Jan 3rd, 2010 04:51 PM

I didn't think Mona's part was any harder, especially since she starts with a dragunov which is a guaranteed knockdown on anyone regardless of where you shoot them.

The mansion also isn't very difficult! Maybe you are bad at video games!

Also you get a SECRET ENDING for beating it on the hardest difficulty!

And i hear there's a max payne 2 mod that's pretty hot

Guitar Woman Jan 3rd, 2010 05:12 PM

Mona's part is hard because of the escort mission

I hate escort missions in every game because I am not a friendly person. I don't see why I couldn't have just played as Max during that part, anyway

OxBlood Jan 4th, 2010 03:33 AM

I shoved all that FF12 and FF10-2 stuff aside and played through Super Metroid again after 10 years. Not as good as I remembered, sadly. Now playing Secret of mana but I would really like to play Darksiders, seems to be really good.

Dimnos Jan 4th, 2010 11:09 AM

Still stuck on Dragon Age... Damn this game sucks you in.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 4th, 2010 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 666195)
I shoved all that FF12 and FF10-2 stuff aside and played through Super Metroid again after 10 years. Not as good as I remembered, sadly. Now playing Secret of mana but I would really like to play Darksiders, seems to be really good.

Great idea! I want to play the Metroid games for GBA and DS. Never got a chance. If you haven't yet try and play the Legend of Zelda games for GBA. I think they are called Oracle of ages and Oracle of seasons. Both are very fun and play just like Link's awakening.

Guitar Woman Jan 4th, 2010 05:06 PM

Metroid Fusion is a fucking masterpiece. Zero Mission, not so much, but it's good.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 4th, 2010 05:17 PM

I have a GBA around somewhere with Phantasy Star unbeaten in it. :(

OxBlood Jan 4th, 2010 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 666244)
Great idea! I want to play the Metroid games for GBA and DS. Never got a chance. If you haven't yet try and play the Legend of Zelda games for GBA. I think they are called Oracle of ages and Oracle of seasons. Both are very fun and play just like Link's awakening.

I played those on an emulator once, maybe I should try those again...I also liked The minish cap, the 20mins of it that I played.

Downloading the MAG-Beta now, it has no background downloading which is rather stupid.
Also, I slept 3 hours on my couch, my neck is making those satisfying cracking sounds and I fear (yes, itīs some kind of fear by now) that I wonīt sleep much more tonight...and itīs only 23:27hrs...I really donīt like being awake all night, it somehow terrifies me, this feeling that youīre the only person awake in the whole world...I should just go back to WOW I guess, at least that would give me something to do :lol. Or rather Neocron...man, that was a nice game that no one played...

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 4th, 2010 05:37 PM

I know what you mean about sleep. I had near insomnia for 3 days once because I couldn't think of what the term was called.

OxBlood Jan 4th, 2010 05:52 PM

I wonder what I would do if there was no Internet and no people from other time-zones. It´s really convenient that a whole continent of people is still up when my people go to bed.

Been trying to write some stuff and everytime I try, I notice how limited my english vocabulary really is. Kinda sad really but I guess that´s just normal...

*looks over his shoulder into the darkness of his living room*...the soft whistling of my PC has something soothing I must say...there must be a candle around here somewhere...*goes looking for one*

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 4th, 2010 06:02 PM

Your english is really good actually. I didn't realize you were from Germany for a while. Looking back I should have learned another language besides english. In school you pretty much had to but I found a loop hole out of it and I'm really good at building things now.

OxBlood Jan 4th, 2010 07:14 PM

Being able to create things is a valuable skill in my opinion. I can´t build anything, except if you want to call wrinting stuff "building" something...ah well, I´ve always been better at destroying stuff I guess :D

Concerning the languages, I´ve always been glad to be from a non-english-speaking country. Essentially that gives me one language for free since english is pretty easy to learn after all. I think if you are able to speak english, you´re pretty much set in most of the western world. Okay, french and spanish are pretty handy languages all around the world (thanks, colonianism) but apart from that?

Take german for example. What good would it do an american to learn german? It´s not like you can speak it in that many countries. Okay, it´s probably more useful than learning...hmm...croatic for example or maybe polish.

Funfact: I always feel bad when I speak german in the netherlands. Almost everyone there seems to speak german (with that adorable acent :)) but I somehow feel bad about that they understand my language but I can´t understand theirs.

Ah well, at least german is a good shouting-language thanks to Hollywood.

ACHTUNG! SCHNAPS! or simply VERBOTEN! (which doesn´t make much sense all by itself).

Anyway, what language would you have liked to learn, Ghost? If you had the time and motivation. I don´t even know what they offer you over in the US. French? Italian? Spanish I guess...hm.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 4th, 2010 07:20 PM

Spanish would be most useful. French just for the sake of knowing it. I can usually turn think of romantic things to say but in french they sound more alluring.

Phoenix Gamma Jan 4th, 2010 07:21 PM

At the final dungeon in FF4 on the DS. Fucking retarded spike in enemy level is really hindering me, though. I hit points where I bulldoze everyone out of my way, then suddenly reach enemies that clobber me in the next dungeon. And I haven't run from any battles, either. One random battle spawned two huge dragon things that used Icebreath or something three times in a row, wiping out the entire party before I could even do anything about it. I don't know what this game's deal is, but it needs to fuck off and let me beat it >:


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 666285)
Metroid Fusion is a fucking masterpiece.

Finally, someone who appreciates Fusion as much as I do! :D

Zomboid Jan 4th, 2010 07:28 PM

I enjoy fusion.

OxBlood Jan 4th, 2010 09:22 PM

I liked Fusion as well *back after trying to sleep - didn´t fucking work*. It was a very nice and streamlined experience. The only thing I didn´t like was the look of the fusion suit.

jonemere Jan 5th, 2010 08:06 AM

I am playing NFS Most Wanted right now. The game just keeps getting better. I must say, however, I don't actually play that much overall. Less then 5-6 hours a week . Can't wait for classes to be over in a few weeks. I think it is a fabulous game. Every one should play this game.

Phoenix Gamma Jan 5th, 2010 04:25 PM

Got Bayonetta today. Holy fuck is that game awesome. I love how the game gets more and more over the top, and just when you think it can't get crazier, it does something even more retarded. The combat is totally fantastic, and the humor injected into it is really fun.

Way better than Devil May Cry.

Guitar Woman Jan 5th, 2010 05:33 PM


Way better than Devil May Cry.
That's not saying much!

Phoenix Gamma Jan 5th, 2010 06:58 PM

A lot of people like them. I got bored of the first one. The third one was alright.

darkvare Jan 5th, 2010 11:08 PM

i rented the first uncharted is pretty fun but the controls are mapped in an akward way

Zhukov Jan 6th, 2010 01:20 AM

After sending my xbox away to be repaired, having it come back broken, then sending it away to be repaired again, only to have it return broken, I caved in and bought a new one. OF course, it's still sitting in it's packaging unopened and unplayed. I should have known.

What's that game 'Dark-something' where you play one of the horsemen of the Apocalypse (maybe) and it's like Zelda (supposedly). I think that sounds good enough to get me back into playing games.

Dr. Boogie Jan 6th, 2010 02:00 AM


I haven't heard much about it, apart from it being a cross between God of War and Zelda. I'd say get Bayonetta instead.

Also, kudos to the developers of Darksiders for making a God of War clone where you play a god of war. Maybe it's fun, though.

Zhukov Jan 6th, 2010 02:41 AM


Everyone keeps telling me to get Bayonetta. It got ten out of ten in a magazine I usually read... but I just hate the look of it. And the look of the main character. I hate her.

I suppose I at least have to try the demo now.

Phoenix Gamma Jan 6th, 2010 03:17 AM

To be fair, they play up her sexuality for laughs. It's not like Tomb Raider where they pretend Laura is supposed to be this super serious chick with gravity defying milk silos and hot pants.

But really, it's all about Bayonetta's awesome combat and crazy setpieces. Definitely try it.

OxBlood Jan 6th, 2010 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 666497)

I haven't heard much about it, apart from it being a cross between God of War and Zelda. I'd say get Bayonetta instead.

I can tell you about it if you want, bought it yesterday for 20 Bucks (thanks Gamestop for buying my old crap nobody wants anymore).

Anyway, Darksiders. I guess itīs what you would call a suprise. At first it feels like a Devil May Cry-clone in terms of combat (all of Danteīs signature moves are there, the stinger, the sword-uppercut and so forth). After an hour or so, the world opens up and you get to venture through big Dungeon-Areas, get specific equipment like in Zelda and fight bosses with said equip - like in Zelda.

Storywise, youīre War, one of the four Horsemen of the apocalypse who has been summoned to earth because the seventh seal has apparently been broken and all of earth is full of angels and demons beating the crap out of each other (looks really nice, they fall from the heavens while punching each others face in and thus become a deadly meteorite :D). And so War does his job: Judging all of Heaven, Hell and Mankind on earth.

But OH NOES! War was summoned alone, no other Horsemen are there and there has been no calling for him. So his Bosses (the balance of the universe) punish him by stripping him of his awesome power and binding a Watcher to him (Mark Hamill) and send him investigating why Heaven and Hell act all Apocalyptic.

So, you run around, you whack the shit out of Zombies, Demons and Angels which all look really awesome. War can collect all kinds of stuff, can transform into a chaos-demon-fire-giant-WTF-thing for a short time, he has Rage-Magic, he can combo around like Dante, glide like Raziel, he later can summon his trusty Horsey to get around faster, and he can exchange the souls of the fallen for upgrades (provided by a cranky old demon who looks a lot like NerīZhul from Warcraft).

There really seems to be a lot to do and to collect. The Dungeons are not just fighting but also have a lot of jumping and operating mechanisms, finding treasure, Artifacts and new equipment.

I played it for around 5 hrs (of 20+ apparently) and I really like it, very nice game that I had not on my radar until last week or so.

Would really recommend it.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 6th, 2010 10:46 AM

Played the Bayonetta demo and its ridiculous. Fucking awesome ridiculous.

darkvare Jan 6th, 2010 12:03 PM

a little advice for bayonetta on ps3 apparently is a really poor porting job it goes as far as taking 6 seconds to pause the game slowdowns in action sequences and a lot of loading times

damn it i already finished uncharted :)

stevetothepast Jan 6th, 2010 10:42 PM

I bought LOTR conquest for ten bucks. It's not worth much more than that ladies and gents. If I wasn't a fan of tolkien I wouldn't have kept it in my xbox for more than half an hour, shits fucking repetitive.

Phoenix Gamma Jan 6th, 2010 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by darkvare (Post 666549)
a little advice for bayonetta on ps3 apparently is a really poor porting job it goes as far as taking 6 seconds to pause the game slowdowns in action sequences and a lot of loading times

Shhh! Microshock might hear you!

It's not that bad. The load times are a biiiiiit much, but the gameplay is totally fine and still superb. Frame rate dips aren't at all noticeable when you're actually playing because, well fuck, everything's going batshit insane.

I mean, I did a breakdance on my back (while shooting my new foot-mounted shotguns, of course), spun on my knees (nearly ducking under a giant's swinging axe), lept into the air, made a portal, dove through it, reappeared over the boss, kicked him in the head, struck a slutty pose when I hit the ground, then continued my 600+ combo by shooting him with my pistols and moving towards another enemy, whom I promptly tortured by kicking his ass into a guillotine.

That was level 2.

Sam Jan 6th, 2010 11:31 PM

God, I want to play Bayonetta so bad. :(

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 7th, 2010 01:01 AM

I definitely didn't expect the guillotine. Demon got denialated.

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