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Errr...Dominion, Game of the year 2009 in Germany. Okay, itīs just a boardgame (a card game really) but itīs pretty awesome, check it out, if you like that kind of stuff, should be published by Rio Grande over in the US
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion_(game) |
I got to the last mission in San Andreas today.
I think I missed something because it was my understanding that there would be a casino heist mission. There was not. |
There is in Saint's Row 2, a bank heist in GTA IV, and there's a game called Heist coming out, which I can only assume is based off of the movie Heat.
Because that game would be amazing. |
Finally getting the hang of BlazBlue. Got two perfect matches and a 56 hit combo online today. Feels real good.
My PSN name is Phoenix_Gamma if anyone wants to play. My hours are pretty limited, though. |
I just bought and beat SuperHero Mode in Mega Man 9. I was originally against it since I thought it was bullshit that Capcom would charge for a difficulty level. But I noticed I was playing Endless Attack more than the main game for Mega Man 9 and I attributed this to the relative lack of enemies to shoot in Mega Man 9 compared to older games in the series. Reading some good reviews of the mode on the GameFAQs forums I decided to swallow my pride and buy the mode. I'm glad I did.
SuperHero is fantastic. All that I thought was missing from the Normal mode is in SuperHero: More Enemies, More interesting use of the various devices (Warp Cubes, Elevating/Descending Platforms, Nega Man), More Bite. It's definitely the way I'll play the game from now on. If you need a reason to pick up Mega Man 9 again, I highly recommend SuperHero Mode (and if you haven't yet picked up Endless Attack you're missing out on one of the most genius modes ever put in a platform game. Get Both (and Skip Proto, he sucks). |
MvC2 is still the best fighter though :( |
It's far too unbalanced for me. I think when you have that many characters, balance is hard to maintain. Plus it's focus on craziness over pure fighting. It's kinda like the Fighter version of playing Grand Theft Auto with the cheats: Fun for about twenty minutes.
there are 50 characters. You have no need to pick just one.
I guess some people get bored playing a single character for a 3-minute match (that's about average length for most matches). Personally, I get bored mashing buttons for Supers. I'm much more interested in outsmarting my opponents with my various moves (Normal doesn't mean worse. You'd be surprised how well Crouching Hard Punch works as an Anti-Air for Ryu) than seeing the carnage unfold.
Maybe the focus on Flash is one of the reasons I didn't like SFIV but many others did. They like seeing 10 second cutscene Supers of "them" kicking ass, similar to the love of MVC2 for it's focus on Supers. For me, that's not enough. I need a good, balanced game behind it (what do I care if I beat my brother if the only reason he lost is that he didn't mash fast enough?). I like to know I beat the other guy because I'm better than him, not because the fight just ended up that way (i.e. I was a faster masher). |
Street Fighter IV is one of the more balanced fighting games out there. If you're mashing buttons, you're doing it wrong. But hey, if beating your little brother by hammering buttons is boring, I can't blame you ;)
I won't defend MvC2 as balanced, but only "That Guy" gives a fuck. The rest of the world is having fun beating each other up and don't have time to memorize which of the 50+ characters are the best. |
I don't like SFIV for different reasons (Flash + SFII.5) but I do understand that it's balanced. It's what it's balanced around that annoys me. The top-tier characters are mostly guys who have easy combo into Ultra. If getting good at that game means I have to endure those 10 second cutscenes, leave me out (I actually sold it and went back to HD Remix, Alpha II, TS, and now MOTW).
As for MVC2, I have fun with that game. I just don't know how anyone could call it the "best" 2D Fighter, for all the reasons I stated. I get tired with the hammering buttons and eventually desire some actual serious play. Playing pick-up basketball is fun, but it only makes me desire a serious game all the more. It's more fun for me to have my skills tested. |
@Dimnos: Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't like "3D" fighters. They always feel slow and clunky to me.
It's not as 3d as you might think. The 3d only comes into play when you kick someone and they get knocked around to one side or the other. Then the camera will spin around to line you two back up. It really does play more like a 2d fighter game. If reading your opponent and properly reacting to their actions is what you are looking for DoA really is worth checkng out. Do you have an xbox? You can DL a demo for free and check it out.
Right now I'm playing Sony Vegas Pro 9.
Anyone know a good RPG game for the 360? I havnt played a good RPG in a long time and am kind of itching for one. Other than Mass Effect and Fallout 3 that is.
Two Worlds.
Aheh heh heh. |
Blueeee Drraaggooonnnn
Actually, it's the best fighter out there for all the reasons you mentioned. :(
There are a lot of tech style 2D fighters out there. MvC2 is just pure adrenaline and fun. It does still maintain a gap between skilled players and button mashers. Don't be static and the matches can be very balanced with the character volume. |
Worms 2: Armageddon:rock
Still 7th Saga :o
I was promised that this game would be ludicrously difficult, but so far it's not nearly as unforgiving as some of the older RPGs I've played (Final Fantasy 1). The more runes I get the easier the game is. They're basically free buff items with absolutely no penalties, and I was pretty overpowered before I started getting these things; Esuna's weakest spell can one-shot most monsters that are at the same level as her, and the ones she doesn't kill she leaves on death's doorstep. This isn't mentioning her higher attack spells, and the fact that she can restore magic indefinitely and stay out grinding virtually forever. Or the fact that she's ludicrously fast and always attacks first. And and and I partied with Olvan, the resident brute-forcer, so whatever faults Esuna has are compensated for by teaming with her statistical opposite. There are barely ever any boss fights, either. I've made enemies of two other apprentices, but only one is still alive and the other one is always an optional fight. |
Couple of my new GTAIV videos:
https://tv.rockstargames.com/videos/...27AD8FDFCE0C5C https://tv.rockstargames.com/videos/...60B00CD319848E |
I started replaying Quake 4. I think it's actually pretty damn good, for an early release game, and being pretty much a re-skinned Doom 3. You can probably pick up a used copy for $10 or so; I'd do it.
Did they put single player back in for Quake 4?
Yeah. Infact the multi player didn't seem to be very good.
Got NeoTokyo last night. It's gooood.
http://www.neotokyohq.com/ Basically, it's a poor man's Call of Duty 4 with a cyberpunk theme ripped off from Ghost in the Shell, and a ton of neat features like shooting through walls, therm-optic camo and night/thermal/motion vision. And a CTF objective with tits. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It's the best non-TF2 multiplayer on the Source engine and is incredibly polished despite the fact that it was only released, like, yesterday. I'd suggest getting it! |
Age of Empires III just finished installing so going to start playing that.
Finished Resistance 1. Damn that game was...mediocre. At best. Got part 2 from a friend but up till now it´s just a little better. Some things fixed, some not.
Still waiting for my Demon´s Souls. Curse you, play-asia that doesn´t ship sony-products to the european union. CURSE YOU! |
Hahahaha. Sucks to be you. You should move over here, there's a lot more... nevermind.
I just downloaded Blood Bowl last night, so I might not be on very much. Although Im sure Ill be on at least a little every night. I mostly play war, ground war and capture the flag. Oh and zombies. I like killing some zombies.
I don't have zombies unlocked yet. :(
just beat all (most?) of the quests in point lookout on fallout 3! a pretty fun expansion even if all the new weapons kind of suck a butthole
Playing Final Fantasy 12 which actually turned out to be not so bad.
I thought zombies came unlocked for everyone now? |
On PC zombies were unlocked after the map pack. It was a free download for us.
I believe we have everything you have, we just have to wait like 2 months after you guys get it.
Example : The lastest patch came with Kneedeep, Station, and Nightfire + a new zombie map. |
So currently you only have 2 zombie maps?
Yeah 2 official ones. 20 custom ones though. :p
The second map pack is worth the money for sure in my opinion. |
Has anyone played Star Ocean: Last hope? I was thinking about picking it up.
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:lol i like how the boomer looks like a fat guy with a little backpack on
I like how strange the Hunter looks standing upright.
I can't even play halo 3 ranked games because i dont have fucking mappacks. gayness |
I don't care about buying the map packs, developers got to get paid somehow.
i'm palying animal crossing city folk anyone wanna visit my town?
pm your friend codes |
I bought the first map pack, and now I can play Nazi Zombies and it's pretty fun. :O
My Demon's Souls finally arrived. And so far it´s awesome, a really nice game. Glad I didn´t wait till October.
What is your Demon's Souls? :(
i just played through metal gear solid and i'm going through it again. much quicker this time (thanks to stealth camo and not watching any cutscenes). slowly (but surely?) going through infamous still. and i've been chipping away at assassin's creed every now and then, but i think i'm stuck:
i have to meet with all the bureau leader people in the acre, jerusalem, and damascus. i did all that, and it says (when i hit select, on the map screen) as my objective "0/6 investigations complete... something something something... climb a view point to find them" or something to that effect. problem is, i've done all of the view points in those cities/the kingdom. so... WHAT THE HELL i just bought LOOM on steam too :D |
And up till now it wasnīt really as hard as some reviews said. Itīs challenging and you have to pay attention to your enemies, sure, but hard? Nah, not if you know what youīre doing (I can only talk about the first playthrough, Iīm not in the harder NG+ yet). |
T did you ever get Fallout 3 on the PC? Were the expansions free for that one too?
Yeah I got it, but I stopped playing when I got Left4Dead. I'm looking on the Fallout 3 web page and don't see any free expansion packs.
Does the PC version just not have expansions?
It has all the same expansions and they cost the same as far as I know.
I saw the expansions available for pc on Amazon. I'm sure they are purchasable at a local software pimp.
The only real time PC has an advantage like that is when the engine is open to the public and the fan base is strong. Like the days of Doom and Warcraft 2. Oh and I bet I can sight quicker with a mouse if we ever get to play 360 V pc.
i just finished LOOM
what the fuck swans |
seeing as LOOM sucked complete balls (although i'd love to see the gameplay, using drafts/songs/spells to solve puzzles, expanded in a longer game) i'm now downloading the secret of monkey island special edition!!!!!!!!!!
I want to play The Dig :(
Then why don´t you play it? It´s on Steam if I´m not mistaken (note to self, buy the dig after being fed up with demon souls).
Replaying Twilight Princess for fun. The game gets a lot of crap, but I like it. Not as much as Link to the Past or Majora's Mask, but I still like it.
Twilight Princess > Ocarina of Time
GO.... |
Oh.. I liked Wind waker even more than I liked Twilight Princess. :(
For me its like Link to the Past = Wind Waker > Twilight Princess = Majoras Mask > Legend of Zelda = Ocarina of Time > all the other ones. I might even say Legend was better than Ocarina just because its the original and retro. |
Link to the Past is my absolute favorite. Nothing wrong with that game.
Majora's Mask is second; the world was dense and the side stories fleshed everything out. More Zeldas need to be that experimental (it was dark, twisted, and the game structure was really different, even today). Wind Waker's nice and all, but sailing sucks balls, and the Triforce Quest is the worst fetch quest in the history of videogames (find 8 maps, payover 3000 rupees, sail for a few hours to find the 8 pieces. Okay you can play the rest of the game now). Legend has aged horribly. You need a guide to beat that game; there's no way to figure that shit out yourself. "Grumble Grumble"?! How the hell am I supposed to know that means to go find a shop on the other side of the world and buy meat? The handheld games don't get enough love, though. Awakening was awesome, and the Oracle games were really, really cool. Minish Cap and Phantom Hourglass were a little disappointing, though. |
Link to the Past is the best in the series in my opinion.
I LOVED sailing in Windwaker! That you had to sail around to all these different islands was a fresh change for the series I thought. The fact that I love sailing in real life probably contributed to my thoughts on that though. Without a doubt though Windwaker had the BEST ending ever! |
i have to second/third/fourth? about LTTP. actually, i'd probably say that it's my favorite snes game ever, as well as the best zelda game. but, as cool as a 3D remake would look, it would actually detract from gameplay. i feel like seeing the top-down view of an entire (or most of) a room contributed to the puzzles. unless they just amped up the graphics but kept the camera angle
nah that would still suck after having finished LOOM and now playing through monkey island for the one billionth time (btw, everyone fucking buy it. it's perfecccccccccccccccct) i might try out the dig. it got a lot of crappy reviews, at least compared to lucasfilms other adventure games. however, as long as it's better/longer than LOOM then i'll pay the 5 bucks for it edit with actually editing: nevermind i'm just fucking buying it |
Windwaker is the peak of the Zelda series and somewhere deep down I always knew that :<
I didn't want to accept it and I let Nintendo cocktease me with Twilight Princess for three years, but when I played it finally it was so awful that it felt like they'd just given up on the franchise entirely. I don't blame them, though, I certainly have. As for LTTP I played it to completion once then never touched it again. It was ok, Link's Awakening was better. |
God, Link's Awakening is such a fucking good game.
I should play it now, even! ADDENDENDEUNDUDNEUM: Upon reflection, my favorite part of Link to the Past is making the Dark World trees give Link a blowjob. |
Plus, everyone's faces were really creepy. What I'm really waiting for is a cel-shaded Zelda that looks like this: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...0471402352.jpg Just got the Master Sword in TP. I'm finding myself liking Midna more than last time (not that I hated her; I liked her then, too), and I'm noticing all of the little details they added in the dungeons and towns. One of my favorites is the old, opened chest in thew Sacred Grove, which was opened by you when you warp back in to the Temple of Time. Clever little details like that is always neat to find. Wind Waker had a lot of that hidden in the castle and on the pirate ship that you just wouldn't find unless you took a good look around. |
WHEN IT'S JUST YE AND THE SEA Most of the time when I was going somewhere in WindWaker I'd get sidetracked by an island or a sea tower or a submarine, and I'd go and wreck their shit Errol Flynn style and then jump back into my boat and sail off loaded down with booty. It's the only good pirate game to date, and that's a big part of why I love it. |
That I've played, I mean
I totally see where GW is coming from with that. Monkey Island is a great pirate themed adventure game but you dont actually get to do much pirating if any at all. You dont get to board someones ship and wreck the place up and make off with their loot. Guybrush is too obsessed with the tang.
i never said MI was the greatest pirate game! :( :( :( definitely the best adventure game though
i really like sid meyer's pirates there |
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