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pac-man Dec 3rd, 2008 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by Nick (Post 599231)
I bought one of each. :3

Which would you reccommend?

Zomboid Dec 3rd, 2008 03:53 AM

I haven't played my wii in so fucking long. I've considered getting more virtual console games, but no online support sucks balls. It's obviously a lot more fun playing with someone who's in the same room, but I live alone this year and it's rare for any of my friends to be willing to drive across the city to play video games.

Has ps3 gotten any good games lately? It seems like whenever I check to see what's available for it, there's a lot of nothing. Also, the commercials for Resistance 2 are fucking atrocious.

Nick Dec 3rd, 2008 04:44 AM

Zomboid, I don't think the PS3 is going to get any decent exclusives until next year, but even that is pushing it.


Originally Posted by pac-man (Post 599315)
Which would you reccommend?

I would recommend a Xbox 360, but that's just my opinion. The Wii no longer goes after my demographic, which is a shame because they could have had something there. As for the differences between the 360 and PS3, there isn't much graphics or gameplay wise. If you were going to get a console just for the online experience I would suggest a 360 again. There isn't anything wrong with the PlayStation Network, it's just that Xbox Live seems more streamlined and easier to manage. I would also mention Achievements, but the PS3 is coming out with Trophies now so it may just be a case of what you prefer.

Bottom line:
360: Achievements, great online.
PS3: 360 with a Sony logo.
Wii: $200.00 worth of nostalgia and 2 months of use.

darkvare Dec 3rd, 2008 11:15 AM

i also stopped using my wii i'm waiting for madworld

Angryhydralisk Dec 3rd, 2008 01:36 PM

Chrono Trigger (On the DS.). Quite frankly the first game I really went nuts over because I enjoyed it that much. It's still fun after 13 and then 9 years.

HappyHamster Dec 3rd, 2008 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by pac-man (Post 599308)
Brand loyalty and fanboyism are two different things.

Ah shway

Zomboid Dec 3rd, 2008 08:26 PM

Unless you're going after nostalgia, already released games, a handful of ports, or are really into mini-games and gimmicks, there's no reason at all to buy a wii. It's an overpriced paper weight now :(

Xbox live also seems to have a fuck of a lot more people on it than the Playstation network. So if you're into online games, go with the 360.

I like that the ps3 has a blu-ray player, but I don't even want one of those right now. Movies won't be blu-ray only for quite a while.

Ant10708 Dec 3rd, 2008 08:27 PM

Banjo Kazooie (XBLA)

I hate water/swimming levels :(

Also that da blob game was really fun on the wii. It has good games you just have to search. But lack of decent online def makes wii an inferior system :(

MetalMilitia Dec 3rd, 2008 08:33 PM

The main problem with Blu-Ray right now is that the films are fucking expensive. Rentals are worth it though.

But yeah, I haven't played any games on my PS3 for a long time. In fact the only game I've really enjoyed in the same way I might enjoy a PC game is Uncharted which was rather good. It still gets a shit load of use though as we download a lot of TV shows and films and it's the most convenient way of getting them onto the HDTV.

Uncle_Sham Dec 3rd, 2008 11:33 PM

Call of Duty 5

OxBlood Dec 4th, 2008 03:58 AM

Prince of Persia, great Style and I love the conversations between Prince and Princess. Not very challenging and pretty repetetive but what can you expect from the guys who made Assassin´s Creed? I still like it a lot. A Videogame, through and through.

Nick Dec 4th, 2008 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 599587)
Unless you're going after nostalgia, already released games, a handful of ports, or are really into mini-games and gimmicks, there's no reason at all to buy a wii. It's an overpriced paper weight now :(

Xbox live also seems to have a fuck of a lot more people on it than the Playstation network. So if you're into online games, go with the 360.

I like that the ps3 has a blu-ray player, but I don't even want one of those right now. Movies won't be blu-ray only for quite a while.

I agree. I don't know what it is but I find that Xbox Live is just easier to use than the PlayStation Network.

HappyHamster Dec 4th, 2008 04:53 PM

Maybe its because Xbox Live was made up before the Playstation Network?
Or that Microsoft made Xbox? Its no wonder that itll be far better than the Playstation Netowrk. But give it time, things might change. Doubt it though...

Dr. Boogie Dec 4th, 2008 06:36 PM

Better games, too. Don't forget that part.

Microshock Dec 4th, 2008 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 599587)
Unless you're going after nostalgia, already released games, a handful of ports, or are really into mini-games and gimmicks, there's no reason at all to buy a wii. It's an overpriced paper weight now :(

Xbox live also seems to have a fuck of a lot more people on it than the Playstation network. So if you're into online games, go with the 360.

I like that the ps3 has a blu-ray player, but I don't even want one of those right now. Movies won't be blu-ray only for quite a while.

MGS4, Heavenly Sword, , Socom: Confrontation, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, Uncharted, Warhawk, Gran Turismo 5: Prologue , Ratchet and Clank Future , Valkyria Chronicles, Naruto: ...someting Storm

Yeah, sounds...like the PS3 has horrible exclusives, and dont forget killzone 2 and Home and Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 all coming..
And all the psn games like flower, fat princess , flow, echochrome, blast factor, everyday shooter, etc, etcetera.

I had a choice between wanting a ps3 and 360 and i chose the ps3, because i knew i would enjoy the games so much more and im happy with my choice, the only thing that xbox 360 can offer me is..halo 3...which will satisfy me for a bit and gears of war 2 but after that....nothing.

So rethink your...ps3 has horrible games theory, we have multi platform games too.

Oh, here's more exclusives: Eye of judgement, Singstar, Hot shot golf: out of bounds

Zomboid Dec 4th, 2008 11:32 PM

Yeah, those all sound like amazing games, and I've heard of maybe a third of the games that you listed there. I mean, fuck, NARUTO!!! KILLZONE!!! The supposed "halo killer" that didn't manage to get anywhere near the fanbase. Good stuff!

Ant10708 Dec 4th, 2008 11:38 PM

It is weird that all these awesome Ps3 games are not being talked about at all by people who play games

Nick Dec 5th, 2008 02:01 AM

Those awesome PS3 games sound really really shitty.

Zomboid Dec 5th, 2008 02:16 AM

But guuuuuuys, those incredible exclusives are continuing such marvelous series as gran turismo (I JUST LOVE RACING GAMES!), resistance, and socom! I don't know anyone who doesn't like those games!

Both of the other consoles destroy the PS3 in terms of exclusive games, and both of the other consoles destroy the PS3 with the download-able games. The only good games that I've heard of on the ps3 are already on XBLA (and there's a couple on wii, too).

I hope your secret santa sent you some good taste, you little brat.

Fathom Zero Dec 5th, 2008 03:33 AM

I want to get Resistence 2, but I think I'll end up getting Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe.

OxBlood Dec 5th, 2008 03:42 AM

Why would you want get a second class Fighting Game when you can get a longer, better Shooter for the same price? Don´t get me wrong, I love fighting-games, but I just don´t think, MK vs. DC is worth a full price for what you get. Then again, I don´t give much about both Universes (european problem?).

@Zomboid: Nobody needs a Halo-Killer when Halo itself is not even good to begin with :)

Zomboid Dec 5th, 2008 04:19 AM


Fathom: I'm getting that too. We can play online, BRAW!

Fathom Zero Dec 5th, 2008 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 599999)
Why would you want get a second class Fighting Game when you can get a longer, better Shooter for the same price?

Why don't you drink a nice, tall glass of "shut the fuck up?"


But right now I'm playing Kane and Lynch. Thing's just go to shit in the second half, but the multiplayer makes up for it.

OxBlood Dec 5th, 2008 04:46 AM

Hey, everybody´s gotta make their own experiences and mistakes, so please, buy whatever makes you happy. ;)

Dimnos Dec 5th, 2008 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Microshock (Post 599951)
MGS4, Valkyria Chronicles,

The list of games on the ps3 that real gamers MIGHT give a shit about.

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