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STALKER again. Thinking of downloading the LURK overhaul, which either came out very recently or is coming out very soon. http://getoutofherelurker.blogspot.com/
I don't think it's mandatory, though. The only thing in the vanilla game that really bothers me anymore is the way enemy respawns work. Dead mutants and Stalkers just pop up in the same place they originally started every time I leave the level, so when I go through an area again I know exactly what's going to happen and can outsmart them without even working at it. Especially if it's on the way to somewhere I visit a lot for ammo and shit, like the trainyard you have to fight through before you get to Yantar. Places I never go still surprise me sometimes, though. I was rolling around at Agroprom to assassinate some guy for the Bartender and I stopped into the Neutral stronghold (at the Military complex you have to defend/escape from early in the game), which was populated at this point by about 4 rookie Stalkers and one guy who dressed like he knew what he was doing. I traded with them and dined on summer sausage and listened to guitar songs and shit, then left down the stairs to continue on my way. Then I see a cloaked bloodsucker wandering around in the courtyard of the base, and I go SHIT SHIT RUN AWAY, sprint up the stairs, and ready my shotgun. One of the rookies was like, "God damn negro pack that shit in you gon' hurt someone" and while he was complaining at me the bloodsucker ran up the stairs, uncloaked, and they all started shitting themselves. I immediately shot him in the face and knocked him directly back to the ground floor. :picklehat Don't you tell me my business again, noob. Call of Pripyat's coming out pretty soon too, right? I'm getting it. I love Stalker so much that I might even pay for it. |
i'd be playing it some if i hadn't fucked my videocard up
did i mention that already game is rad |
I wish they had it for 360; it sounds pretty awesome.
Last time I played it, it was riddled with bugs, so I don´t think that such a game would ever see a release on a console (or better it shouldn´t). Not that it´s a bad game, it´s just so much less than it could have been. But I hear, there´s a mod for that by now. Blowouts, Vehicles, balanced Combat, Fatigue, Sleep, functioning factions...all things that should have been there from the beginning. A friggin´ Life-in-the-zone simulation.
BUT I finished the game, not that anyone thinks, I´m just ranting because I like the sound of my own typing :D ...and I bought Clear Sky...not sure, it was a good choice. |
Replaying Resident Evil Deadly Silence, what a wonderful idea it was to port the first part to the DS...I wish they did that with 2 and 3. 2 would be more than I could wish for though...just classic.
![]() 100 Quakes to Strength, motherfuckers. We fuck shit up and fuck up shit. |
shadow complex is probably my favorite game on the 360
I finally got a PS3, mostly because I got sick of paying for LIVE. I should have bought this sooner! It plays Blu-Ray discs, which are more expensive, but hey, better quality, amirite? And the games are better than I thought; Killzone 2 and Resistance are so awesome! If anyone here lives near Austin, I'm selling my 360; I don't think I'm gonna need it anymore.
Alright! I told you so!
Glad you're enjoying it. Transformers is a great Blu-ray movie as is Casino Royale Collectors Edition and Quantum of Solace. Also, places like Amazon and Best Buy like to do a lot of B1G1 free blu-ray things, And Goozex now trades blu-rays. Get LittleBigPlanet GOTY and Uncharted 2 when that comes out. Add me on PSN you get the chance, trophy card is right below |
Of course, comrade! When I get it hooked up to the internet, I will add you, and we may crush our enemies with our combined might!
Fuck, any chance he gets, huh?
This wasn't as entertaining as I hoped it would be. :(
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I haven´t played Killzone 2 but Resistance? I think that game is pretty horrible. A shooter by people that don´t know how to make a shooter. I somehow wish I hadn´t bought it and it was only 20 bucks...the second is a bit better but still nowhere near good as far as I could tell after playing it for 3 hours.
Resistance 2 is fine, I liked the scale of parts of it, especially the San Fransisco and..Iowa levels
But then they had typical video-gamey elements like having these stupid underwater creatures you cant kill. I understand they dont want you in the water but WTF. It also moves like 30 percent of it is vaseline Playing inFamous as evil now, I actually feel bad doing the things he does. |
I'm loving Red Alert 3: Commander's Challenge. Came out last night.
I just downloaded it a couple hours ago and the first two missions are obnoxiously easy, meaning that they took me thirty minutes and I don't know how many retries to finish. I suck at this game, but I keep coming back to it. |
I played Resistance 1 at my friend's house, and it was like it was ALMOST awesome. Then I realized the enemies were dumbasses, most of the guns were useless, and I wasn't having much fun whatsoever.
have you guys played stalker clear sky?
Finished Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 last night. Really nowhere near as good as the other ones. The jungle puzzle really made me sit back and think though.
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, now
I grew up on the SNES Final Fantasy 2, so it's a major nostalgia rush for me. I'll probably buy all of the expansion packs too (something like 6 of them for $3 each). FFIV is a brand you can whore to me at any cost, second only to Marathon. |
So, at the end of STALKER, all the snipers in Pripyat after a certain point are planted on fuckhuge skyscrapers and have railguns :lol
Needless to say, my squad never saw Chernobyl NPP. :tear Kahl: I've never played Clear Sky, but ArrowX says it's basically 90% bandit killing. So, if that's what you're into. |
I still need to finish FF IV. I have some 2 part anime sequel of sorts to it on VHS somewhere but I watched it before playing IV. The main char is a descendant from someone but his english dubbed name is Pretzel :( Edit: My bad, its a sequel to FF V.( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_F...f_the_Crystals ) |
Crystal in a girl butt
Fuck your next-gen games, I'm playing Zombies Ate My Neighbors.
I think I got stuck on the hedge-maze level. :x
You mean the first one?:dunce
i think he means the one with the jason look alikes
Fuck Moonside, I always forget where the invisible guy is. |
I tried to play that, but it bugged me that you couldn't see your party fighting, and those damn street gangs would box me in when I was low on health, so I'd have to keep fighting them.
Earthbound is hard as fuck, dude, especially in the beginning when the Sharks gang up on you and you have jack shit for Psi powers.
When you get Paula it gets way easier because she deals massive Psi damage, but she gets kidnapped for about two hours of gametime at one point by jerks, and Jeff is only useful passively by fixing items and showing enemy weaknesses and shit. So you get buttfucked. |
Once you beat Frank or whatever the fuck his name is, the game gets a lot less brutal. Seriously, who the fuck puts the hardest part at the beginning of the game?
At the final dungeon in Mario and Luigi 3. Holy crap, what a fantastic game. Great writing, clever gameplay, awesome graphics. The first few hours have a little too many minigames, but they almost never show up once you get the ability to leave and reenter Bowser's belly. Other than that, I have zero complaints about it. Also, Fawful as the main villain? Awesome. EDIT: Beat it. The last dungeon took 4 hours, but man, it was awesome. And an amazing final fight. Definitely in my top five favorite RPGs. |
returned some games last night, couldn't find anything, and settled for mirror's edge. it was only 20 bucks. have yet to play it though
348/350 shards in infamous. i looked up some forum discussion online and people are claiming that the last few they found did not show up on their radar >: |
At least, that's the ideal difficulty curve. And I don't think Metroid's ever harder in the beginning. |
Only Metroid 1 is because you start with 30 health and can't even shoot at your fucking feet.
I started playing Monkey Island today and didn't stop for about 4 hours. I love it. |
The Brutal Legend demo. :(
I'm probably going to buy it. :( |
Finished Wolfenstein (the new one). Made me laugh. Those ain´t Nazis, those are just some occult dudes who accidently happen to have the swastika on them. And all of them got the letter that ALL germans have to replace every "th" with a "s". Sä wäppons will bih srohn intuh sä träschkompäkta! Funny americans :D
Nonetheless a pretty good game, very entertaining. And now I guess I´ll finish my Legendary-playthrough of MUA2 while waiting for my Persona PSP to arrive. Also still thinking about buying Siren Blood Curse. |
I thought they banned that game over in Germany? Better not let the
It's banned now. It was on the shelves for a couple weeks, as I understand it.
Don't they just have to remove the swastikas for the german versions?
That'd make it a pretty shitty WWII game, then.
Is there world at war over there?
I heard they remove the swastikas and replace them with iron crosses, so in the later map packs, there are no swastikas, just iron crosses worldwide |
Playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 tonight at 8:00 Pm EST.
Playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 tonight at 5:00 Pm PST.
he is playing it RIGHT NOW
i like clear sky a lot more than the shadow of chernobyl :(
all the weapons and armor have upgrades, there's factions and faction wars and a lot more mutants plus blow outs. Pretty much all the stuff the mods tried to do to the first one. but yea there's a lot of bandit killing but isn't there a lot of bandit killing in the first one? You can join the bandit faction and be hostile versus everyone else :O |
Ok, that sounds pretty sweet
I heard there was less crawling around in haunted bunkers and stuff, which is one of the best parts of the original game, but I can live without it if the rest of it is good. "Hey, son, you like atmosphere? Not anymore, you don't." |
At least thatīs what I read, I never played the german versions of those games (the smart german videogamer is not only more or less fluent in english but also knows where to get his imports from). Concerning the ban...well, someone at Activision forgot to remove one of the swastikas in one level and there you go - Activision pulled it from the market and isnīt sure theyīll invest the time and money to produce ANOTHER cut version of the game. And thatīs the story of why you canīt buy Wolfenstein 2009 in Germany. While Iīm at it. Of course it is extremely funny for a german to hear the feeble attempts of WW2-Movie-America to sound all evil and german in videogames and stuff. But please. If you want to get someone to do something fast while speaking german...there are more words than "Schnell, Schnell!" to communicate that. :lol Noticed that again when one of those faceless troopers was controlling the truck B.J. was in. "WHAT! Get out of sä truck! SCHNELL!" No, Mr. Nazigrunt, itīs not Schnell, itīs "sofort" ;) Ah well, sorry for the slightly garbled post, itīs early and Iīm still tired. |
In Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich, there are no swastikas, only iron crosses. They speak pretty much exactly the way you described, but since this is a game based on 40's comics, I'm guessing it was intentional.
I keep dying from the most embarrasing shit ever in Nethack.
Kicked a wall too hard. Choked on a rotten bat corpse. Burned to death from own ricocheted fire spell. Shanked by a hobbit. :( I got back at the hobbits by using a Genocide Scroll on all the "h" graphic monsters, though. I also killed every kind of Dwarf, Bugbear, and Mind Flayer. Take that, you dicks! This game is awesome. |
I´m pretty sure that the guys who write the dialogue for the german troops know that it´s not really correct (at least I suppose they do) and for someone who doesn´t speak german or comes in contact with it very often, it probably sounds pretty appropriate, since Fiction-Nazis have nothing to do with real Nazis...as far as I know, there were no Dinosaur-Riders in the 40´s or Veiltech-powered Überweapons fired from titanic Airships. Also no Hellboy (a shame).
I also wouldn´t really want the voice-guys to speak 100% proper german since it´s far more hillarious this way, just watch the Technoviking-Video for example :D As a friend of mine once said: "Wow, the Americans must really REALLY be afraid of us if they think we can do THAT! *points to the screen showing some Nazi-Scientists building Mutants or Rayguns*" And yes. Post-1940´s-Germany is a peaceful democracy. A democracy where every child at the age of 9 learns how to tear a rift into reality and summon forth the hellish servants of the Netherworld to do their bidding! Also, we got Rayguns that shoot darkness. Of course. |
Although you have to be trying to die from wall-kicking unless you're a really low level or something
I still don't know how to use the Search command properly so I just kick walls when I'm stuck and hope I find secrets :( |
all you gotta do is hit 's', unless i'm really not remembering right
you gotta hit it 5-10 times sometimes to find certain secret doors or traps. Elves have a special 'autosearch' thing that basically gives you a free search each turn, and you can get i think a ring or some other artifact that also gives you that ability |
I recently started up a new character on Knights of the Old Republic. I loved the game when it first came out but since I've been exposed to FF12 I think KOTOR is obsolete but none the less it stills holds a decent replay value. Also, I guess they're making an MMO for KOTOR I guess.
KOTOR 2 still is still awesome though, right?
I guess you're right, but I still wouldn't call KOTOR obsolute, I guess. How is a game obsolete if you still enjoy it -- especially if it's only last gen? I guess.
Uncharted 2 beta. I don't understand how they made this game 300 times more enjoyable than the last beta, but they did. Can't say I like the perks people have though, since im level 6 and theyre already level 30 5 hours into the beta.
Left 4 Dead. Steam sale going on this week, 50% off.
Disgaea 2 on PSP. Someone found a way around mandatory firmware updates, so I can start enjoying new PSP releases now. Contemplating Persona 1, but that looks really dated.
PS, this is the single most beautiful game I've ever seen on any game console, I shit you not. It's too bad that I won't have enough money to buy it when it comes out. |
Damn you Fathom. I need someone to play with since Sam is to good for his PS3.
I'm in class until nine tonight. After which, I've made a concerted effort not to play video games until I bring my grades up and am able to manage time properly. I'm contemplating taking everything home and leaving it there.
Morals. :rolleyes
I couldn't give a flying fuck about my higher education. I have scruples. I don't like to go back on my word and I don't like failure.
Yeah. I understand. You probably make your parents proud.
Halo 3 ODST
gamertag is Twiztid Ant my friend and I are really trying to find one or two others to play firefight with. So if you'd like to play at night after seven eastern time,let me know! |
No affiance but are they dead beats? You sound like a rather upstanding young man.
My mother is a terminal procrastinator with a superiority complex (family trait, I'm afraid), but she does alright in life, and my father had an unnecessary surgery so that he could draw disability from the military, which they weren't really happy about. He's a bigot, though far less racist than his parents and family whom he really doesn't want anything to do with.
I'm a Libertarian that enjoys unskilled labor, which is completely unlike both of them. |
You go to the Playstation Store and download it.
now to start a new game so i can do all the stunts, kill 25 enemies while riding a train, and get all the positive karma upgrades :( |
btc <3 Come back to Art Shit.
<3, MLE |
Red Dead Revolver. Again.
MicroSony. If I download a PSP game off of PSN with my PS3 can I play it?
On the PS3? Nawp.
On the PSP, sure. |
Guess I should have guessed as much from a console that isnt even backwards compatible. :(
I don't have any idea why you would expect it to play PSP games, but OH WELL.
Because they are right there on PSN asking me to download them.
That's why I bought a second hand PSP off of a rube for $25.
So I can enjoy mah Thexder Neo. |
$25. :hypno
It's on the PSN in general. So you can access the store from your PSP, from the PS3 or even from the PC with Media Go.
When you buy it from your ps3, maybe it's because its more convenient since you're already browsing for stuff, and because its simple to just transfer the content over. |
He means to say "Can I play PSP games on my PS3?" Logically, there would be no reason why they couldn't.
They're putting PS2 games on relatively soon. |
Maybe. I really don't care if they do, i'd hope they do more ports like the GOW stuff so it's in semi-HD and has trophies
I thought that was cool because I never got the chance to play the originals. Of course, I might be alone in that category. It's pretty big, as I understand it. Wakka wakka.
Does anyone actually give a fuck about trophies?
I don't care about them if they're in the game but if they're not, i dont really want to play it.
PC games, i don't give a shit about achievements on that, but on the PS3 i do for some reason |
That first statement doesn't even make sense. "I don't care if my pizza has pepperoni on it, but I won't eat it unless it does."
And yeah, it's shocking that you only care about something on the PS3. |
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