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Pokemon SoulSilver and SMT: Strange Journey.
The former is pretty good. I never played Silver, so it's fun to play the best Pokemon game for the first time. I have my Pokewalker on me at all times at PAX this weekend and tons of people stop to link up. It's actually really fun, and the only time I'll be able to publicly wear it ever again. Once PAX is over, it'll go back to sitting in my pocket :( Strange Journey is kinda strange in the fact that it's not that strange. It's the usual SMT stuff, but the story's kinda...I dunno. I don't hate it, it's just not the typical stuff. You're an American a part of this international crew going to Antartica to check out this weird kinda black hole-ish thing. I don't know if I like it or hate it yet, cause I've been at the convention all weekend, but it seems cool. |
i got call of duty 4 and resistance for my ps3 i'm playing them now
Sonic the Hedgehog. defeated with all chaos emeralds
Trying out Battlefield Heroes, free FPS game.
Going to try and get the original Quake working via Classic (if not at least it's an awesome CD for my car).
Ugh. nvm classic is balls. Currently playing Tempest 2000 with my bro on an actual Jaguar. (AND IM LOSING BECAUSE IM TYPING) |
Couldn´t resist and got Just Cause 2. Pure and wonderful fun. That´s all I have to say about it :)
I tried the demo on Live and loved it. I wanted to get it for the PC, but it turns out it's the only new PC game on the market to not support XP.
Get it for the consoles then ;) It´s really worth it. Dropping from 6km height at full speed, landing only via the grappling-hook inside a camp, wreaking havok, blowing up their radar, then jumping off a cliff and paragliding to safety only to steal a military chopper and blow up some more stuff...and all that over the course of what...five minutes?
So good :) |
New Super Mario Bros. on the DS, and I'm about to hook up my Dreamcast and play some Airforce Delta and Crazy Taxi.
Just Cause 2 is sweet, I can't wait to own it. :(
I wish. I'm just starting to get my Dreamcast library built back up |
Just Cause 2 demo is surprisingly fun and addictive for a game I've never heard of to be a sequel. :D My friend is prolly going to buy it.
mah 360 is alive and kicking once more
Very nice...looks like the "unbreakable wire"-mod, right? Sadly the darn think breaks almost immediately on the consoles...
So all I have to offer right now is me dicking around on Panau...I really like the direct-to-youtube-feature on the PS3 :) |
The Coolinator,
Yep. I said Dreamcast. I actually have two right now, one I won off E-bay a couple years ago, and another I picked up at a yard sale for about $15. The sad thing is that they've been sitting in a box in my closet most of the time I've owned them. I'm trying to remedy that though. Kitsunexus, I'll keep my eyes open for those two! |
@Stuntdouble. I have owned FOUR of the fuckers. One white Dreamcast was fully functional and stolen, my black SEGA Sports Dreamcast has a burnt out GD-ROM power board, my other white Dreamcast has a fried maple board, and my current white Dreamcast works but I'm not trusting it.
What seems to make them go to shit faster is running CD-Rs (either pirate games or homebrew) on them. But it was worth halving the life of your system so you can play NES and SMS on the TV again (this was pre-Wii). Sadly, sbiffy! seems to be no more, as well as DCEmu. RIP. :( |
I tend to just use mine to play the official games. However, I use my Gamecube with SD Loader for all my retro gaming:rock
While I'm still thinking about it, I managed to score Virtua Tennis, House of the Dead 2, and Shenmue (with all four discs) at a nearby flea market for a grand total of...$9.45. Unfortunately HOTD 2 doesn't work that well, but I still think I got a good deal. |
No manuals unfortunately. :\ Still, it seems cheaper than I've found on E-bay so far, if you factor in shipping.
Edit: Wait, I stand corrected, if it´s not pulled too forcefully it holds for quite some time...problem is bolting things to the ground...is see. Okay, forget I said anything ;) Gotta try it with planes now! Or boats to helicopters! |
So.... In the console version you can drag just about anything with just about anything that moves?
I think that's the lesson here. |
The main problem seems to be bolting things down to the ground. The moving object gets a shock, the wire snaps and it´s free again. Pulling moving objects with other moving objects seems to work better. Bolting people to walls seems to work for a certain ammount of time, at least that´s the impression I get, didn´t test that out extensively enough, I just shoot the guys.
Haven´t tried the plane-plane and boat-chopper thing yet, I was busy sabotaging Panau´s Spaceprogram for the Ular... Man this game is pure gold. On another note: I really would like to have my SMT-Strange Journey...should come in from Canada any day now, I love those games... AND: Infinite Space (DS) is...strange. Boring combat, novel-game-like storytelling and a very clunky interface. Oddly enough it was released over here...I´d rather have Strange Journey here and import Infinite Space but you can´t be choosy with these things... |
Just finished Divinity 2.
This game starts out ridiculously hard because of the shitty balancing, then you become a dragon and the difficulty slides way down, until you're getting hit for no damage by just about everyone. Then the final battle is tough again, and it's over. Kinda fun. Kinda. |
I just got Blaz Blu for Xbox, and it's alright so far.
The PS3 version came with an arcade stick. The 360 version came with two absolutely shite control covers. If you use them then you can't press the buttons properly. Sucks. Does anyone want two completely rubbish Blaz Blu Xbox controller covers? |
i do :) at least a picture i wanna see them
Against my better judgment, I downloaded Street Fighter IV off of the App Store.
It's surprisingly fun. Needs way more characters, but the controls...work? I even saved two really good replays on my run through arcade mode. Lack on online play kinda sucks, but I'll have to try local versus sometime. But the rest of the game is still there (combos and Focus cancels and shit) even if there's only one punch and kick now. |
As I reward for surviving a month long bout of the flu, I went and bought Final Fantasy XIII and the hardcover collector's guide.
While I don't use guides the first time through, the book is extremely well done. I just stared playing it, and can already say I like the battle system much more than Final Fantasy XII. Really looking forward to losing sleep with this game. :) |
![]() They are crap. I really wanted a free arcade stick, because I was thinking of buying one. Instead I get this junk. PS3 version is better for that simple reason. |
Last night I was playing my Pinball Machine and a little bit of my SCI Arcade cab. I now know why people have huge collections of these games. So addicting. Especially pinball.
mmm i may get the ps3 version of blaz blu when super street fighter 4 comes out
I know I would. |
I want to play some Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
there's a MAME rom for it, you know ;(
I only get to play FFXIII on weekends, so I'm hoping to finish it tonight. Unfortunately, my dad is playing it right now, and he can't quite wrap his head around the clusterfuck of mechanics. He kept swearing that the game was bullshit cause some boss was kicking his ass. Then I realized he hadn't used the Crystarium at all (read: he didn't increase any of his characters' stats at all).
That was a week ago. This week, I had to explain that, no, you have to upgrade weapons. That, and he was confused about "where I have to go" in the Crystarium. I love my dear father, but he's really not very experienced with games that don't involve guns or have Zelda in the title, and he's 55, so he has no patience :lol |
if he made it that far without upgrading his characters does that means he is really really good?
I dunno how far it was. He said he was fighting some tank, and the tank would burrow underground, then shoot up and kill everyone no matter what. No clue what boss that was, or how far that was, but sure, we'll go with that. He didn't even know you could change equipment till I told him, and I think he's on Chapter 8. So yea, he's either really good, or he's had hours worth of dumb fucking luck.
I just beat the game myself. I didn't think I'd beat the last chapter this weekend, especially after seeing how fucking retarded some of the final battles are. You really need to come up with a set strategy for every fucking battle, otherwise you just get your shit pushed in. The ending's really weird, but overall, I liked it. The characters really turned out to be awesome, and I can't wait to start the sidequests. A- |
Strange Journey is goddamn fantastic and is a worthy successor to SMT1 and 2 and you should go play it right now.
Super Smash Bros. for Wii
Also Bugaboo is cute. |
Even bought End of Eternity...errr...Resonance of Fate out of frustration (actually I wanted God of War 3 but Iīm not spending 70 bucks on that). Itīs okay so far. Hard and some enemies just destroy you and I donīt really know what to do against that but...itīs okay. I like the main cast. |
I don't want to work for it though. I also need to get Perfect Dark on xbox live soon too. edit: I went to my dad's house to pick some things last week and I found my awesome red VMU. Needs new batteries though. |
Nice. VMU's rock. |
do characters still do thosse crazy flips they used to do on the n64? and i found my code for the peter weller god of war 3 documentary yay
Yesterday I had a very luckyturn on my pinball machine and surpassed my high score of 5,000,000. When the dust cleared I had achieved 8,000,000 points! I got a ton of multiballs and extra balls. It was nutty like a squirrel.
http://www.ipdb.org/showpic.pl?id=2699&picno=39135 |
That's awesome. I hope they have the KLOBB. |
i rented left for dead 2 is really awesome my bro will buy it eventually
:picklehat It's KLOBBERIN TIME If they had a downloadable Helicopter Pilot skin I would cancel my plans for the evening and download it right away. |
There is a Golden Eye mod for HL2, you know.
It's either the worst mod ever or the best depending on who you talk to.
I played the Mega Man 10 DLC. Bass is a cool person.
Also, Fragile Dreams. I read that the story was "fucking brilliant", but everything else is "utter rubbish". I'm not far enough to judge the first thing, but holy poop, the controls make me want to dump my ass. |
I liked it, somewhat. It's a throwback, so it's old as all get out. Like holding a button to aim, in lieu of the right trigger. I actually really liked the mode where you move from the best gun down to the worst gun (i.e. golden gun thru the others down to slappers). That was awesome fun, especially trying to kill someone with the throwing knives. Man, that brings back memories.
Which, incidentally, is the only thing that mod is particularly good at. |
Yeah, playing Perfect Dark again is a blast.
By now I´m sure it would´ve been easier if I just went over to Canada and bought SMT: Strange Journey in a store there...or in the US, wouldn´t really matter...two weeks is just horrible for a simple piece of software...
So I ordered Way of the Samurai 3 for cheap in the meantime, I loved the first two and I don´t care that it looks like a PS2-Game... |
I loved both Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, so it looks like I am going to have to get this and also love it.
Man I hated the fucking Klobb though. |
lol the klobb used to be my favorite weapon
Were you retarded?
Whats the big deal about the klobb? I barely remember that piece of shit. It was OK at best. :\
______________________ Playing more of Final Fantasy XIII My favorite enemies in the game so far the the green Flan thing in the sewer with the emergency lights on their head that flash when they cure each other. Hilarious. Also the mechanical enemy that looks like a cross between an accordian and SAM-BORG from FF8. |
PD on Live really is fun, but it takes a bit of getting used to. Going back to stationary aiming is fucking unpleasant.
i think i'm used to it since i've been playing time splitters 2 a lot lately
The new Splinter Cell is very, very good. I just got a bootleg and played through about 4 missions. I haven't enjoyed a game this much since Mass Effect 2.
Took the time to play Way of the Samurai 3 for 7 hours over the weekend. As nice as the first two with a little more comfort and some new features this time.
Not having a time limit is especially nice. Sure, it looks and partially plays like a PS2 game but almost all of my favorite games are PS2 games so I really don´t mind the poor graphics. I gave my life for the poor villagers while protecting an ancient bloodline from the region with one dude and bravely fought to the death with my bandit-brothers after eating and drinking all day. The life of a Samurai is colorful indeed. Now, on to becoming an dual-wielding blade-demon :) |
Even more awesome is SAM's signature while listening to it. Reminded me of this. |
I've been looking for the Ghostbusters soundtrack on vinyl for years. When I say looking I really mean waiting for it to pop up in front of me.
Basically it goes like this: If the enemy gets the red icon above his head - Pull, heīs trying to push you If he gets the blue Icon - Heīs trying to pull you, donīt attack, you can kick or throw him instead If he blocks - Push and hack away It gets pretty easy to pull and push most enemies after a bit of practice but I still fall for their own pulls...but then again I just forged my first legendary weapon so I should be fine against most enemies. What really worked for me was finding a weapon with a stance I like (I love the draw-stance, itīs so badass). That and unlocking dual-wielding, it makes the game SO much easier until you get your hands on decent weapons...it also helps to know where to get money and remembering that you can kill merchants to get all of your spent money back :) |
Facing off all alone against a predator while using the Humans is the most annoying, infuriating, and just plain old unbalanced battle I've ever played. I CAN'T SEE HIM. He's Freakin invisible. Throw me a bone here. |
It's not a total action game; it's just more action-oriented, sort of like how Mass Effect 2 is still an RPG, but more action-oriented than the previous installment. |
I actually like the idea of that Shadow-Sam. But it shows how...untactical the enemies are, doesn´t it? They assume you´re where they´ve last seen you and fire on that spot. I understand what it´s supposed to do gameplay-wise but in terms of realism? I dunno.
Sank about 25 hours into Way of the Sambadancer 3 now and after exploiting the Groundhog Day-Aspect of the game to max one or two weapons (great on hard difficulty but almost too powerful already) and learn all dualsword-moves I´ve gone back to play actual stories, now that I can use any NPC-Skin and have almost all accessories to modify my character :) I especially like to play as the old Biwa-Minstrel who saves your game normally, he´s badass :D |
" the ability to leave a weird shadow clone of yourself when you're spotted"
that sounds like a horrible idea |
It´s not really a "Shadow Clone", it´s a shadowy outline of Sam that indicates where the enemies think he is until they spot the real Sam again. It´s nothing you can do willingly, just part of the interface.
They tried to nerf him a little by making the flying discs weaker but they still have a lot of work to do to make it equal. |
Most of the times I'm running full speed into a plasma cannon or disc. I must say though that the tail whips while an Alien is on a wall is extremely deadly because there is no delay time. I killed quite a few people yesterday in the moving pyramid map with it. |
So I've just re-installed Medieval II: Total War, and it's expansion pack, but for some reason I can't play as all the factions that I remember I could from years ago. I liked playing the Denmark with their axemen and shit, and I'm pretty sure there were some Arabic ones in there somewhere too, and Russia, but now all I can seem to choose between is England, France, Milan (seriously, I get Milan instead of Vikings?) Scotland, Spain, Venice and perhaps one other not entirely memorable one.
Am I missing a patch? Do I need to complete the campaign mode with one of the boring races first? I want the Danes and Holy Roman Empire damn it! HELP. |
As for the marking insta-kill bit, I would definitely call that an action game move because you used to be required to neutralize enemies manually. Before, getting in close for a silent takedown was just a tricky, but rewarding way to bring enemies down without making a scene. Now, it's more about loading up for your three-kill supermove. It's not bad; it's just different to have Sam Fisher pulling off action movie stuff like that. This is why I brought up ME2 in particular; as in that game, changes have been made to the original formula in the name of dropping some of the slower-paced elements to streamline the action. It's merely different, and the changes shouldn't stop a person from enjoying the game. I will say that I found the black-and-white hiding bit kind of annoying, though. Also, can you not drag bodies anymore? I couldn't get that to happen in the demo. |
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