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Been playing The Witcher finally. I've heard mixed feelings about it but I'm liking it.
Finished Stranglehold over the weekend. A fun Max Payne-style game with enough variation to keep it from being totally derivative, but a little too short to justify the $60 price tag.
Picked up Guitar Hero III and SSSB over the weekend. Not a lot of time to play either of them, but they're there when I'm ready, dammit.
Yeah same. In the end I deleted it because it was taking up about 12GB of space on my hard drive.
The combat just isn't as fun as other third-person-slowmotion-em-ups. |
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars under Sabayon Linux
Wild Arms III, because it was 5 bucks. And strangly enough, I like it better than the Final Fantasy I paid 17 for.
I've been switching between Army of Two and Smash Bros. Brawl. If you wanna play Army of Two, Send me a friend request. My Gamertag is KingOfHell.
I'm gonna get it tomorrow. If you want to add me my tag is elgie :rock
super smash bros. brawl. the one thing i'm getting a kick out of in this game is the stage builder mode. i already made a couple of stages (some examples include the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror and a partially crude adaptation of the first Pit from Mortal Kombat 1.)
Just finished Persona 3, now playing Odin Sphere (both games just came out some weeks ago here).
Waiting for Condemned 2. |
Finished Condemned II over the weekend. All in all, an improvement over the original, but they use darkness way too much in that game.
I didn't think they could have the game in Germany because of there being people on fire (and also mutilations and body modifications, but mostly the flaming guy)? |
Yeah when I played the first game on PC I had to have my monitor set to "super-brighto-cheat-mode" in order to see what the hell was going on. I can see why they do it but it gets annoying pretty fast.
Aggressive Alpine Skiing :(
Thankfully, they never do it that bad again. Well, almost in one level, but that's it. |
I thought the first condemned was cripplingly boring, and it doesn't sound like adding doom 3 elements to it would help much ;<
I played a bit of stranglehold on the 360 - great graphics and a lot of things are executed well but the controls are downright terrible. and unfortunately the torrent I got for PC requires dual-layer DVDs ;< Smash bros is a good game but mostly more of the same and the online is a joke. Still playing strikers ;< installed oblivion again, spent an entire day loading it up with mods, and then got bored of it the day after. pretty bored of fiesta ;M looking forward to mario kart and wii fit, and moreso on the latter. I've already been on a diet and exercising for the past two months, but I think it'll be fun. that company that's making the brain-control game also seems interesting :o |
OpenArena - a free open-sourceQuake 3 clone
but before that i played Army of Two. The coop part is great but the game itself is way too short. I just bought it last Saturday, played it for more or less an hour everyday and now I'm on the last mission of the game. The online feature is lacking. I wish you could join somebody's single player game and vice versa just like in Crackdown. |
Strangely though, the guys who watch over violent media and give out the ratings, confiscated (forbidden to be sold in germany) Condemned 1 and Dead Rising, but gave Assassinīs Creed a 16-Rating, which would be your "Teen" if Iīm not mistaken. Assassinīs Creed of all things. |
To be fair, Assassin's Creed is so boring that you're likely to miss all the violence because you're struggling to stay awake.
I love Assassin's Creed :(
admittedly part of the reason is for how broken it is
http://youtube.com/watch?v=k4zC9i0Vt0o&feature=related |
I have been playing Dungeon Keeper 2 for a while now. Keep truckin', I know I will. And I mean that last line in the term of "I am stuck in a closed campus dorm."
Well got myself San Andreas recently mainly cause my comp getting old and I'm cheap
Condemned 2
Picked up Condemned 2: Bloodshot over the weekend, but I didn't get a chance to play it until Monday night, and I've resolved to do a chapter a night, so I'm on chapter 3 right now.
Anyone else notice how the first chapter is an obvious reference to Return of the Living Dead Pt. 1? I mean, the last half of the level takes place in a Medical supply warehouse, and the whole stage is littered with creatures that are obviously Tar-men. All it needed was Clu Gulager. |
My friend just showed me this game called Crime Fighter 2.0 that came out for windows in 2000. I've finally found a game so terrible it's fun. Picture Drug wars made by germany and then translated awkwardly to English. For instance you can "Organize" a car from the lot, but sometimes the owner shows up and you gunfight him. Too bad the owner is "Rambo", "Granny" or "Al Capone". You can kidnap children from a park and either ransom them or sell them for child labor. Sometimes that doesn't work because they have Tommy Guns though.
I just started the new Ace Attorney game for DS. It seems to be of the same caliber as the last three! If you liked the other three, you'll like this. If you didn't like them, you won't like this.
Personally, I think the series is fabulous. |
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and that's what, WoW?
I thought you hated that game.
Morrowind has the worst running engine and most agonizing gameplay I've ever fucking seen, but I do like the story and general mythos :o
I also modded the fuck out of it, that might have helped a bit |
I finished Mass Effect and am going through it again as a girl this time (you can make a character that looks an awful lot like Major Kira from Deep Space Nine, I wonder if that was intentional). What they did with your characters dialog was really clever, giving your character the general tone of what your going to say through the conversation wheel rather than just spell it out for you adds a whole new layer to the dialog and makes it very difficult not to play through the game as a hardass. You have to understand how much I loved the writing in this game since if anyone asks I'll tell them Mass Effect is fantastic without bothering to tell them that the gameplay is awful. I'll only turn the difficulty down on a game if I feel the game mechanics suck and the only other game I've ever done that with is the Resident Evil REmake. Also, they're way to stingy with the autosaves.
I beat REmake on Real Survival with an exploding zombie stalking me throughout the mansion, stop being a nancy.
Then again, tank controls seem to really bug the fuck out of other people and render a game all but unplayable for them, so whatever |
You know I've beaten God of War 1 and 2 both on god mode. It was hard but I enjoyed doing it because I enjoy playing God of War. Now, I like Resident Evil okay, but I don't like PLAYING Resident Evil. Ya feel me?
I've started playing Dawn of War + Expansions again, especially over LAN with my brother. It's good.
oh oh I also got to play TF2 finally :o
It actually really sucked, but I have concluded that it was because the 360 port of the Orange Box has the worst aiming in the history of console shooters I tried out every class except Soldier, and I sucked least with the Demoman. I also ran around screaming MEDIC MEDIC MEDIC MEDIC MEDIC MEDIC over and over again |
me and some friends are on a gta spree
gta3 vice city vice city stories san andreas and brawl duh |
Crazy Taxi on the Dreamcast.
The people going nuts when they get out of my speeding homicidal vehicle never fails to amuse me. |
man i wish i had a fucking dreamcast with crazy taxi and that power gem crystal whatever game
i just found metal gear solid the twin snakes and have started that. :D |
Oblivion. Can't find a will-o-the-wisp anywhere.
Sonic CD. Just got this off of Amazon for 5 bucks and it's easily worth the money. First time playing it and it's a nice twist to the old school Sonic games.
Age of Empires on DS!
Still playing some DoW, but I'm also getting into Unreal Tournament 3 and Crysis. Now, graphics comparison: I'm sure Crysis could look better if I had a PC from the future, but for what my hardware can run, and it's pretty good, UT3 beats Crysis out of the water. More time should have been spent optimizing Crysis, because as it is, it's pathetic how much hardware it needs to do what it does.
Unfortunately, being the idiot I am, I played the shit out of original UT before starting to play UT3, and despite their differences, they're still pretty damn similar at the core. So I don't actually feel like playing UT3 much at the moment, so I'll probably finish Crysis before playing UT3 much more. |
I finished Max Payne 2 few weeks ago. Now i started Final fantasy 9. It's fucking awesome, why I haven't like this before >: (
Right now, I'm playing through the Hitman series that I gave up on a few years ago. I'm enjoying it a lot more now than I did when it came out. |
im still playing psu. ive been playing it for almost a year now. wtf?
What? I always got attacked by those fucking things. Most of the time I didn't have anything that could hurt them either :(
fucking hate wisps
and anything else that damages your stats so you have to take a potion or spell to restore them, but especially wisps cause they're nearly invisible when they haven't seen you and COMPLETELY invisible when they have >: |
I'm playing Shinobi III at the moment, bitches.
I've had many close calls with Wisps. Also, I fucking hated those goblins. |
Army of 2
Phantasy Star Online!
Also I got TES Arena working, it's ok. |
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch.
This game never got the recognition it deserved. It's really fast, skillful and strategic. I mean people say it takes skill to be good at UT or CS, which is true but at the end o fthe day you're still just pointing on the enemy and clicking. In HL2DM you actually have to consider exactly which weapon or object is best suited for the situation. So in a matter of seconds you need to look around you check for suitable grav gun objects (sinks, toilets and radiators are preferential) if none are in range switch to your best weapon for the range at which the enemy is at while simultaneously avoiding anything they throw or shoot at you. It's just a shame it probably won't ever get updated with new official content. Most of the user maps are junk. |
![]() ![]() I spent the better part of this afternoon playing through Beavis & Butthead for Genesis again :nostalgia |
HL2 Deathmatch was over for me once I found out how to suit zoom snipe people. It is really fun, though!
Mass Effect STILL. This game is taking forever to get through.
They need to make a Deathwish game. Only make it good, not like "The Warriors" game.
You are out of your mind :<
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
Well. I decided to hit up Code Veronica again, despite the fact that the last time I played it, it horribly glitched a few rooms away from the final boss.
Then when I saw him in school, I made fun of him by telling him how awesome it is. |
Beavis and Butthead is fucking impossible if you don't know what you're doing. I tried it from memory and ended up forgetting about the gum under the teacher's desk and the soap in one of the bathrooms. I don't know how anyone could have finished that game without a walkthrough.
I have 4x the number of kills with the pistol over the guy below me on a server. I'm numbah one.
i just finish half life 2 ep1
it's ok! |
Left 4 Dead is gonna be tight.
Kingpin: Life of Crime. I can't find a linux version of the Krazebot.
I've been playing Symphony of the Night. I still need one more Dracula relic. I think it's the eye. Help?! Where's the last boss I need to kill?!
trauma center for the ds. this game is frustrating as fuuuuck.
and sonic rush for the ds, after trying sonic rush adventure and getting sick of all the stylus bullshit. |
Jade Empire, love that game.
I'm back on Vegas 2's single campaign. Man, being a total bad ass rules. Forget stealth, breach doors and run in shooting! I usually keep a Scout Tactical as my secondary weapon. It's so retarded, yet so satisfying to kill somebody at close-range with a blind-fire shot from a sniper rifle.
GTA: Vice City!
The soundtrack is fantastic, the rest of it is ok. |
Are you playing the PC version, GW?
The controls for that RC Helicoptor mission were so bad that I thought I'd never be able to finish it |
I got stuck on that part too.
Having a laggy crappy comp didn't help. |
Picked up Portal today :(
I'm playing RE4...and I can't help but notice that the rocket launcher is like the deus ex machina for every boss fight. I mean i got powned by the two gigantes in the underground steel mill or whatever the fuck but as soon as I pulled the rocket launcher the bastard died before I could change weapons.
only weenies use the rocket launcher. Get a Red 9 or something.
Rght now Iīm on Ninja Gaiden Black, and having a little SMB 2 and 3 just for nostagia value.
I'm playing some Arcanum again, and since I for once tried to be a magick user, I am once again reminded how much magic sucks in this game early on. Especially if you wanna play in character, and as a good half-elven mage, I just don't think it's appropriate if I learn necromantic spells, which means I can't get Harm, which furthermore means I need to get stone throw, which sucks. So offensively I am fucked, defensively I am fucked, and I can only cast about 4 stone throws before I'm out of fatigue, which might kill a thug, if I'm lucky.
Being a half-ogre fighter is so much easier, but it just gets old fast. And I've been a molotov-slinging, bullet-flinging technologist so often before, and a thief too, so this was kinda my last option. Magic is just unbalanced in this game. I'm just totally reliant on my companions, which is really lame. They do all the work, while all I can do is fall over from exhaustion after a few spells. Crap. |
I decided I'd try Twin Snakes out to see what that guy was all about. Turns out I love the game.
i just beat portal, wooooo
I just started playing portal lol
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hour Glass for DS. I really enjoy it so far except having to constantly journey back to the Ocean King Temple.
I am also playing Super Smash Bros Brawl whenever I can get someone to come over and play. |
I'm playing Metroid Prime Hunters and Phamtom Hourglass on my new DS console. And I agree with Ant10708, it always annoying to always go back on the Ocean King temple. You always have to do it quickly before the sand of time run out of the hourglass. Most annoying parts of the game.
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on the DS, Pokemon Diamond (got Dialga yesterday). and on the PS2, Forgotten Worlds, Final Fight, and SF2: CE via Capcom Classics Collection 1
"The world ends with you". Wonderful game.
My newly purchased Nintendo 64.
My friend is giving me every one of his video games, including N64, Gamecube, PS2 and fifty games. He says he has every game he needs on his kickass emulatin' computer.
give him my shipping info
Phat chance of that, bro-dawg.
Tonight I went into the local game store looking for cheap n64 games. Instead I found a Sega Saturn for 20 bucks as well as a few games including Nights. My months long search is over.
What the fuck
Everybody gets good deals but me :[ |
I can't find a Wii anywhere :(
I went to Blockbuster this afternoon and they had signs in the windows saying they were in stock. They told me they sold them all in two days :( |
In GTA:SA if you put the car lifting magnet onto a car, deploy the cable as much as it will go then get into the car & drive away, the car will swing into the air. I am doing this while imagining that I am Willie & doing it for real.
Maybe including lit fireworks. |
Just started playing Twilight Princess for Wii. I didn't think I was going to like it but love it now. I just don't like how they mirrored the game to make Link right-handed.
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