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Right, so I got my copy of Deus Ex 3 yesterday and played through the first mission and the Detroit-Hub after that. This is one good game, really. A lot to do, well written, even the german dub is okay so far, Jensen´s VA actually read dialogue, not just lines (still gonna get a UK-360-Version).
Concerning Augmentations, I put most of my praxis (why the strange name, never heard that in english) points into hacking which is a fun little minigame and since there´s no lockpicking or electronics-bypassing anymore, hacking seems to be WAY more important than in DE1. At first I was really pissed about the absence of Skills, you know, Low-Tech, Swimming, etc. But it seems like they integrated most of them into the Aug-System and just got rid of the weapon-skills which kinda makes sense, given Jensen´s past, he should know how to handle regular weapons quite well. The only thing I regret is not picking the Taser in the beginning. The stupid Tranq-Rifle is nice and all but there´s no fucking ammo for it :lol All in all, a great experience so far. |
I'm at the first boss and I officially hate it. I hate it and its lack of ammo and melee weapons.
I just hated dealing with the bosses so far. I have no experience using these lethal weapons since I'm going through the game non-lethally knocking everyone out. Then they force me into boss battles where I have very little protection from damage and have to use weapons I have no experience wielding. Still fun though.
The best way I've found to deal with bosses (at least the first one) is to hold onto those little explosive packets and blow those up near him. I think two of those will do the trick.
The bosses clobber anyone specced and geared for stealth. Shit sucks.
I felt pretty boss getting the achievement for shaking down that one asshole in Malik's mission on y first go. Then I punch him fir being a dick. Wanted to do that to te boss during that one debate in his office. Won that on my first go, though, so there was no need I guess. I really like Jumping the rooftops in Chinese Midgar. Shit's awesome. |
The first boss was a lot tougher than the second. Maybe because I had 3 different lethals that I was saving just for the next boss I fought (I picked points so that I could carry the full amount). So I am pretty much carrying around 3 non-lethals and 3 lethals at all times. And only use the lethals for bosses. Would be easier if I knew when I was reaching a boss so that I could just start picking them up.
I think it took me about 8 tries to beat the first boss...he´s stupid. you can´t let him near you, you can´t be in the open when he´s firing and if you throw grenades at him, the throws 20 back...now, I´m not a non-lethal Jensen, but I´m a hacker, which means no heavy weapons for me, only handguns and light automatics, avoiding combat if possible...not a good setup for the boss.
I did it on the hardest difficulty, too. If I step out for a second, I'm blown away. Thankfully he was a stupid fuck and walked away as I kept spinning around him using a column. I hit him with the explosive bomb-bag looking thing then used the machine pistol I found there. Then I hit him another time with a concussion grenade and unloaded six shells from the shotgun into him. After that, he started throwing three grenades at a time. I just stepped out of cover to put a few more in him and he went down easy.
Shortly after, my "demo ended." ;) I was nervous about the game all of the sudden, so I decided to use my internet powers and sample it. It's pretty good and I think I'll end up getting it. :D Even with the fucked bosses. I'm gonna go back and silently slaughter everyone in the police station. Or walk into the middle of a big room and use my Typhoon. Either way. :lol |
I turned the difficulty down from normal to easy and unloaded a whole clip on the boss, and that killed him. Then turned it back up to normal. It wasn't a "man this is really hard" thing, it was a "man, this isn't very fun, I want to get back to the fun part" thing. I'm gonna do a second playthrough and deal with them then. I just want my first play to be fun before I start obsessing over achievements and shit.
I was at work today wondering what would happen if I went up to Sarif and offed him with a silenced pistol. I think I'll go try that now. EDIT: oh, I didn't realize that I can't use weapons OR takedowns in the office. Lame. |
I hope there's not an achievement for not killing people. I used a non-lethal blast gun and it ended up killing a guy because a dumpster flew up and hit him. Ruined my streak and I had saved over my main save before realizing he was dead. After that I started using several save files.
I'm picking up my copy of Deus Ex 3 tonight.
Been playing WoW for season 10... ugh. |
I just beat Deus Ex. I'm thinking I'll have to replay it again in a few months, after the winter games all come out, so that it won't be so fresh in my mind. It was a great game though, super ending(s) that made sense. And by the end I really did feel like a total badass. I was worried that the praxis points wouldn't be coming fast enough, but really at the end, I was having trouble finding something to put points in because I got everything I wanted.
I too just finished DE3. Impressive rebirth of a beloved franchise if you ask me. Almost flawless, a lot of fun, rather compelling story (still, it´s pretty easy to tell where they go with it at any given time but how it makes one think about some things is pretty well done).
Gameplaywise it´s true to the original but streamlined to fit the times better and I think it succeeds at that. I was a little disappointed that there was no second "wave" of Augmentations, what you can see once you start is all you´ll get and k0k0 is right, after 2/3, you simple fill slots with all those Praxispoints. Very good game, highly reccomend playing it if you even remotely liked the original. 9.5/10, Goty so far along with Xenoblade. |
I'm trying to get into xenoblade, but none of my televisions have composite/component in except for a standard definition tv and for some reason xenoblade shows in widescreen format on it, so all the letters are smaller. For my 360 I use the vga cable on my big screen, but wii I am having trouble seeing what item names are and everything. It is still a nice game so far though.
You should start a new topic for DE3. I don't wanna read spoilers when checking this thread you jerks.
hulolololollolololol |
I shouldn't find that so humorous, but I do for some reason.
Text-to-speech will never not be funny.
Good point actually
I remember back when I first figured out the diary program for windows 3.1 had a text to speech deal. I made so many prank calls as a robot. I miss the days of no caller ID.
Borderlands was $7 with all DLC on Steam, so my two friends and I got it to play online together. Well, they started without me, so when I joined, I was level 1 to their 6, and couldn't do their quests and got raped constantly. Apparently my connection is shit when I make a server, so that's out.
We started a new game, but they then went and got way ahead of me again, so I can't even do much damage to anything! So, I just went offline and beat the entirety of Dr. Zed or whatever. Because fuck you guys; I'm going to take ALL THE KILLS NOW. Also: "Hey guys, get near my turret; it'll regen your health and ammo!" "LOL NO" My friends are retarded. |
Your friends do sound pretty retarded. I remember when I was going through borderlands we made a pact not to play it when the others weren't so we all went through together. It worked out really well and we all got into kind of a machine rhythm with how we did things, knowing how to act in each situation. We went through the whole game twice with our characters and got them all up to max level. Was a great time. I can't wait for borderlands 2.
When I first played it, I wasn't too impressed, but this time seems more fun. The only problem is that my friends have a mentality like "Grab everything before anyone else can; run ahead of everyone to win!" while I'm trying to keep everyone alive and provide support. I'm trying to tell them that I'M the damn Soldier; they're the Sniper and Siren, so THEY should hold back while I aggro, instead of them rushing forward and getting smacked around.
At least I'll get my small moment of asshole triumph on them with all my overpowered weapons. |
I played through Borderlands recently with a friend aswell. Fun game. I have no idea what the plot was though, since I had no intrest in reading walls of boring text. I mainly focused on killing enemies with a sweet sniper rifle that had bullets made of acid. ACID!
Finished Deus Ex HR. I guess I´ll play it again on Hard, then switch back to Xenoblade until Dead Island and Spacemarine get here next week...
I'm waiting on reviews for dead island before I buy since the next few months are going to be video game heavy events for me.
I thought it was kinda weird how much emphasis the ads put on them holding guns, when all the things I read about the game emphasized that there would be very few guns, and focused on melee combat.
But that's just my weird observation. As for the Borderlands plot: There's a big ol' hidden Vault full of treasure rumored for generations. You and your party are looking for it. Stuff happens along the way. |
I guess if Z-Day really comes someday we´ll die like everybody else but we´d have fun while fleeing our impending doom :lol |
Yeah, and when the apocalypse comes I'll be ready because I played lots of doom as a kid.
Of course both things have about the same chance of actually happening. |
I've been playing Borderlands like a mofo and will not be surprised if I come out with a complexion of a ten year long meth user.
Good god, this eight dollar thing saved my week off. |
But the Inca!!!...Wait...Maya! |
Turns out that Borderlands multiplayer isn't much fun at all. I tend to take things slow, while my friends are practically playing a goddamn speed run with all the quests. I had to reset my skills, because what the fuck is the point of setting up to heal teammates if they won't stand still for a second?
God, I haven't been this stressed at a team game in a long time. |
It's not that fun because your friends are retarded. Me and my buddies took it slow, let everyone read the quest notes, split loot evenly and never got far ahead. Good luck beating Crawmerax if you guys aren't able to work together.
Yeah, you definitely don't want to try coop in a game like that unless you have someone willing to experience the game along with you, rather than guys blazing through the slow parts to get loot.
It's really disappointing. I might just be overreacting right now, though, so I'm going to stop playing for a bit and try again when I'm not stressed so much.
but then your other dudes are gonna have higher level than your dude.
by the middle point my character was pretty much sweating bullets for infinite ammo my turret healed me so i was pretty much unkillable
I got an awesome shotty which has saved my ass by second wind so many times that it's not even funny.
Borderlands is literally the closest I'll get to being up to date gaming wise. In the mean time I'm trying to ID my mobo so hopefully I won't have to go through replacing that just so I can be an inch or two more relevant without killing my savings. |
I'm most of the way through Fallout 2 now. I don't know what I'll play next, but I dug out my copy of STALKER, and I got a mouse for my laptop, so I could finally play games with MattJack and Sam on Steam.
Its probably Zomboid.
Maybe. |
Bought myself a 3DS. So far I love it; it's sleek, shiny, and has a bunch of neat features.
Still playing Borderlands; it got better for a bit, but now that we're playing Moxxi's Underdome Riot, it's gotten much much worse. My best mate, playing Mordechai, is generally cool; we work together well, and he stands still so I can actually use my healing abilities with him. My other friend, playing Lilith, got his hands on several obscenely powerful guns with x4 elemental chances. So, he's now just zipping across the stadium, exploding stuff, taking all the kills, and generally being an ass. I finally stopped trying to heal and revive him because fuck it. Also, if anyone's up for some Borderlands, Killing Floor, or TF2, my Steam is lordsappington. Yaaay |
I wouldn't do Moxxi ever again. it was about 4 hours of stupidness just to beat one room completely at the highest level. It's probably one of the worst dlc addons. But it's ok because the rest of the borderlands dlc is some of the best dlc.
I really like it so far. Moxxi is hilarious, but as usual I'm not getting drops worth shit.
As an interesting side note, this was posted from my shiny new 3ds. Turns out you can even stream netflix! |
I'm convinced that the 3DS is just a ploy to fuck with people's depth perception such that they get into horrible, lethal accidents, thus culling the world population of the lesser among us.
I've been playing the original Zelda on my 3DS because Star Fox 64 3D isn't out yet.
Also Groove Coaster on iPhone is pretty baller. |
Gah, Space Marine is out and my dealer doesn´t have it yet...annoying...same with Dead Island..
Is it a Black Market game Ox? |
What? No, a friend of mine runs a video store thats all. Seems like the german version is out, I ordered the UK-Version, it´s about 10 bucks cheaper.
OX IS A NARC is there a place in germany that isnt retarded about videogames? |
I decided to go for all the achievements in WotS3, even the really annoying "find every sword and learn all the moves" ones. I really like this game and I'm hoping like hell the fourth one makes it stateside. Also, the push/pull meter is present on every difficulty. I must've been high when I said it didn't.
Started playing Shadows of the Damned. It's fun, but I'm about halfway done after playing for a little over 2 hours. |
Learning? Nah, I just bought all the scrolls I could afford, learned all the skills for a sword, then I'd kill the shopkeeper, take back my money, leave town, and start it up again until I knew everything. Takes a little while, though not nearly as much time as getting the swords themselves, and a whole lot less than trying to learn the skills the honest way.
The one quest I hated, and I never wound up seeing it through, was the one where you have to cut all the women's dresses with your sword without hitting them, all while they run around like idiots. Whoever came up with that quest is an asshole. |
so basiaclly the quest was to get women naked without killing them with no ramifications whatsoever and you have a problem with this
Not naked, you just cut off a couple extra feet of fabric so their legs are exposed above the knee. The trick is finding the exact distance to stand from them so you don't wind up slicing them in half, and using a sword that had the right attack that'll hit in the right area.
I was getting paid the same amount for that job as I was for transporting a letter to a messenger who was 50 feet away. Those women can undress themselves. |
I became an expert at doing that but only with one sword. I can't remember which. I'd always cut the dress of my wife. (I married the slut)
Doesn't she always steal your stuff when you leave her alone?
Well, the slut I'm with steals money to see the fortune teller. But I have enough money so that doesn't matter too much.
I wish the fortune teller would tell her that her thieving ways are going to get her killed from behind.
After Deus Ex I decided to pick up Alice: Madness Begins. It's ok. Level design is a bit too unimaginative at times, considering it's supposed to be Wonderland. There have been a few really cool ideas though, and I like the parts where you go back to the real world. Creates a nice contrast. The controls and camera work well enough, so the platforming stuff isn't too frustrating, and the graphics are decent. Oddly, when opening the weapons menu for example, it's choppy as hell. The game itself runs fine, so I don't get it.
HD version of the original Alice is a nice bonus too. Played it for a bit and it still seems like a solid game. |
My biggest complain about the design of Alice 2 is that they didn´t use the London-Setting enough. The contrast is gorgeous and really adds to the weirdness and the looming feeling of insanity that comes with the game...
I keep trying to get back into Super Meat Boy but it's just making me mad and not in the good way it used to.
Also heroes of might and magic 3 is still sweet, the artifacts they added in the expansions get a little ridiculous at times though. |
anyone has a recomendation for a 5 dollar game on steam?
X-COM: UFO Defense
X-COM: Apocalypse Splinter Cell Commandos 2 One of the Lucasarts point & click adventures Oddworld pack |
I guess it's down to $0.99 now. Geez, I feel like like a sucker for buying it years ago for five bucks. |
Anyone going to get Dead Island?
It looks like a 4 person Dead Rising 2. |
I'm kind of looking at it, but the word is that it's really buggy, so much so that even the Day 1 patch won't have cleared up all the issues.
It looks like it's gonna be as good as Deadly Premonition. I'm getting B-Game vibes from it.
I'll check it out. |
The thing I'm still skeptical about is that I haven't seen any gameplay on it yet, only cinematics.
Well there's plenty of gameplay footage, (which I am unable to put here, at the moment.)
I'll try looking online then, I've been checking the xbox marketplace and they didn't have any up.
the gametrailers review is up has plenty of gameplay
What I'm hearing is that it's fun, but it definitely has that budget title feel to it, along with the distinct feeling that it was rushed out the door.
I'll probably pick up the PC version, for what it's worth. |
Really? I read somewhere that it was supposed to come out in like 2006 or something. Hopefully they would have had enough time to polish it up since then.
I'll check out gametrailers review when I get home too. |
Yeah, it's been in dev for aaaages now. I thought it was never going to come out.
I haven´t heard anything about bugs from the guys who already have it. All in all it seems to be a very good title if you´re into the whole Zombie-thing and the coop is just the icing on the cake for me :)
I don´t know which character to play though...probably the rapper-guy |
My question is, can you co-op through the whole game?
I've been thinking about picking up dead island as well :D
coop sounds fun but what the hell is it all about? |
It sounds like its 4 player co op the entire game. I saw some video of the gameplay and was kinda disapointed. It looks like age of conan battling(which isn't bad, just not for me in a zombie game). I might be totally lame and get the new dead rising 2 game.
In terms of gameplay, Dead Island is a melee-centered survival horror game in an open world enviroment as far as I know. You can hack away at your opponents (watch your stamina), throw things at them or unleash your mighty rage-attacks. Your weapons need to be maintained, firearms are not very common (it´s a holiday resort after all) and fighting the zombies is most of the time not as effective as trying to bypass them as one reviewer put it.
Killing the undead and completing quests (of which there seem to be a lot) nets you XP. Level up and you can put upgrade points into one of 3 skill trees. I don´t know if those trees are unique to each character or if it´s just one. You can also upgrade your weapons via blueprints and money, find collectibles and so on and so forth. Aparently the game takes around 20-30 hrs to complete and it is playable in coop from start to finish. ...and I still don´t have it which slowly but surely makes me angry. |
I can get it if I want, but I am just wondering why you would put any points into firearms if it's focused on melee and it'll just hinder you. I'm looking all over online for information about that kind of stuff but nobody explains it.
Because there are humans you come across that are hostile and will shoot you.
It's Borderlands with guns. And I hated Borderlands. |
a zombie game without guns just sounds horrible
I looked at some of the skill trees, they look kind of dumb.
I just realized I said it was Borderlands with guns, when I meant it completely the opposite. I think I have Alzheimer's.
:( |
Bought Saints Row/Saints Rows 2 for twenty bucks. Didn't like the first one at all but the second one is great. The first one uses the GTA concept and becomes an inferior off brand. The second one takes the concept and polishes it to near perfection. SR2 is better than GTA4. Also SR2 has the best character customization of any game I can think of. Your character is evil as fuck as well which is pretty interesting.
And Cockney accents. Can't go wrong with those.
Yeah, saint's row 2 was excellent. My dude was hugely fat with a mullet and I had the slider for his tits just low enough not to become pixelated. He wore a tube top and short shorts. Cockney accent of course. My roommate's character looked like an alien grandma.
I played about 4 hours of Dead Island yesterday. This is one good game, let me tell you.
First, it has guns but not many which is awesome because this game somehow manages to create a feeling of dread and threat I haven´t seen in a while. All while the sun shines down on you and the ocean sparkles in the distance. I actually stopped and listend to the survivors cowering in the wooden shacks on the beach, trying to be as quiet a possible, going insane or just losing it crying for their mommy. Those pixelated beings are terrorized and I believe it. The combat is actually really fun cause it tries to be a little more realistic since you simply won´t HAVE firearms in a place like that (or anyplace outside the US or the middle east for that matter ;)). As a European I can really relate to that, when we think "improvised defense" we think in terms of tools and kitchen appliances :lol Anyway, combat is fun, the weapons are varied from planks over diving knifes and hammers to deodorant-bombs, they´re moddable, upgradable and they break quickly which adds to the survival aspect of the game since this really is a survival-horror game. You also tactically cripple the Zombies, break or cutt off their lims to slow them down and kick the shit out of them. It´s especially fun to kick them into the pools watching them struggle to get back out :) The skilltrees look a little bland at first glance but they´re pretty usefull as far as I can tell. Each character has a different focus (and they all have different skill trees mostly), one even functions as a sort of Paladin (for lack of a better word), improving teammates and things like that. Oh and that character also always carries a gun (but she can only use it in Rage-Mode). Even the quests in this game seem good as they all make sense so far. Fetch medical supplies for the girl bleeding out on the floor, help repair the generators for the lighthouse, look for survivors of a plane crash, things like that. As far as I can tell from my brief experience with the game, this is a definite must-buy for any Zombie fan :) |
I'm playing as sam b. Just got to the lighthouse. Have you played online at all yet ox?
I´m also playing as Sam for now but I guess I´ll play Purna online. Haven´t tried it yet though. My normal Co-op buddy doesn´t have it yet and maybe it´s a good idea to wait for the day1-patch...
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