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If you think Batman is going to be short, buy it used from gamestop and beat it within a week to return for a full refund...
Heroes 6 is...hard! I canīt even beat the second Tutorial-Mission on normal...okay, maybe I could whittle them down slowly by dying over and over but thatīs not how itīs supposed to be...
The game even warns me that if I take too many weeks, I will face unbeatable enemies...thatīs...FUCKING STUPID! Still, I love you, Heroes of Might and Magic 6, even though you have no Town-Screen (yet...Ubisoft apparently will patch one in later). And of course, Heroes 3 still reigns supreme, blahblah. |
In what fucking world are you a god damn dragon? :<
how come you never play LOL? did you get baned again |
i never play lol because lol sucks >: :h8rts
noone was talking to you
of course, i'm not an expert on shit games so why would you talk to me about LoL
I played it for about 5 minutes before I realised I would hate it.
I have been knocking ot some console titles recently. Right now, Uncharted 3 multi player I have all my attention. any of you with a ps3 should get in on it with me. Vare...
I don't have a ps3 and I'm saving all of my boners for skyrim.
Same here. FUCK THA PS3.
I'm still playing BOF4. Idk why I like this game so much, there's tons of crappy filler puzzles and not a big variety of enemies you fight during random encounters. The story is ok, kind of typical JRPG thing where the main character has a mysterious past and you have to save the world from some effeminate evil guy. |
You might like BOF3 better. I haven't played 4 but from what I hear 3 is basically a slightly more lighthearted version of 4 with a better dragon system and story.
I like the game, I am just much more aware of its limitations than I was when I was 10 years old (the last time I played it)
I think after I beat BOF4 I'm going to play Threads of Fate, another game I loved as a kid |
yea i liked breath of fire 3 better than 4.
man i regret selling all of my psx games but i guess it doesnt matter since breath of fire 3 is on the pc. i still have breath of fire dragon quarter though :lol |
All this talk of old rpgs got me playing 'Albert Odyssey: The Legend of Aldean' again. Got it running on a saturn emulator since I don't want to go through the trouble of hooking up the saturn to a monitor. It's such a great rpg. Sure, the talking sword and some bits are cheesy, but it's really great.
I only played Bof3 in the PSP-Version but the only thing it really did was make me run over to the PSN and buy Bof4...then again, I never played 3 and loved 4 when I got it on the PS1 back in the day. Nostalgia-Bonus I guess.
Playing Sonic Generations on steam to hold me over until Zelda. I think the best description is that it's the Beatles: LOVE album; it's all the stuff you know and love, remastered and kiiiiiind of remixed/mashed up, but not so much that it's totally different. Also half the members are gone so there's no big comeback so don't overreact ya fucker.
The graphics are pretty as hell. There are some stages that make your eyes cum rainbows. The controls are iffy though, and I don't like how most of the game's content is recycled Challenge levels, because I guess Sega didn't want us to have too many levels without paying for DLC first. Also, it's 2011 and Sega still can't optimize their PC games for shit. |
I started Mother 3 again, which I haven't played since the patch came out three years ago. We'll see if I'll get past Chapter 2 this time :rolleyes
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:lol Ever since I saw that on Facebook I think it's been on my mind
I think the problem I had last time was that the whole first chapter is way more story than gameplay and I got kind of bored. |
I like how I had no reason to change Boney's name.
dearest blowjobs |
Just started Dark Souls.
The painfully long amount of time it takes to go from swinging your weapon to being able to dodge is killing me. Does one of your stats help with this? Or is that just one of the ways that this game is hard and I just need to get used to it? |
It depends on what you're wearing. If you're under 25 percent burden, you should roll faster and move a lot faster. I you're under 50, it's decent, 75, it's pretty bad. And over 100 is a baby's pace.
You probably have things that are too heavy for you.
Ok. So it is an adjustable stat type thing and I am probably just fucking it up.
Is there a point of holding onto crap to sell to someone later? Do you ever get more moves or skills with your weapons? Or is it just fast and strong attack only? I kind of feel I need a ranged weapon in my 2nd slot. Is this just dumb? Sorry about all the questions. This game just kind of dumps you into it and doesnt seam to explain much. Or maybe it just flat expects you to have played the first? |
It expects you to learn everything as you play, which is stupid for a game with complicated controls. I couldn't figure out how to jump for a long time.
It all depends on how heavy the weapons and armor you are using in regards to how fast you are at rolling/moving. You don't get extra moves or skills with any weapons. I mean, you can upgrade them to get extra damage on them once you find a blacksmith, but that's about it. They do have combos, which I'm sure you've noticed. Some weapons have 3 different hits for each button press. Nah, it's not dumb to need a ranged. It's easier to switch to ranged real quick while fighitng, so it's actually good. |
The only thing I can tell you that you should learn how to do fast is parry with the shield. It will be mandatory later in the game to survive, and the last boss can't be beat without it, unless you have a certain number of skills. But seriously, the fun of it is not being told anything. The game wouldn't have been nearly as amazing for me if I bought it and played it now. Everyone would have already made guides for it and let me spoil everything. |
The Skyward Sword demo from E3 leaked, so I've been playing that. I'm feeling really good about this one. There was one puzzle involving those eyeballs from the trailer that actually had me pretty pissed off for awhile until I felt stupid after I solved it. I can't remember the last time I didn't cruise control through a Zelda, even a new one, so that felt pretty good.
Playing Mother 3 just makes me want to play Earthbound instead :(
Later on in the game someone will buy it (eat it) and give you souls for it. Hold onto it til then.
Hooo...Just got my copy of Skyrim...magic Lizardperson is goooo.
I gotta wait til probably 9 pm on Friday to get it. :( Fucking UPS guy putting me on the last stop. If I didn't have a discount through amazon for 25 dollars off, I would have just gone to the store.
Where is this faggot? Im tired of carrying all this crap. And what the fuck do I do about sekllies that just wont fucking die. The red looking mofos in the catacombs that will get back up even after you smash their health bar to nothing. Queers. :posh |
The guy you sell to comes after you ring the second bell. The skeletons won't die unless you kill them with a holy weapon or unless you kill the dude in the robe with the lantern.
I may start playing Dark Souls again til skyrim time. |
so hows skyrim? considering pirating it ;/ but i do have school.
but im doing horrible at maths ;9 :lol |
the homework is fine :(
but im only getting B's on my tests |
I finally had time to sit down and play the shit out of Dark Souls, over the past week or so, and I finished it tonight. That final boss was a bitch. I had some pretty good gear by then, though, so it wasn't TOO bad. I loved my Lightning Winged Spear +5. The chaos scythe was also pretty handy. AND THE DRAGONSLAYER BOW. Fuck, that game has a lot of different weapons to use.
Dimnos - I suggest getting armor that's heavy enough that you don't take forever to get up after a roll, but not so light that you're undefended. Later on, once you're more adept at dodging and such, it can be fun to have light armor and just run around bosses and enemies, slashing as ya go, but that took me a while to get skilled enough for. And definitely consider where you're spending your points for leveling up. If you're not gonna use magic (which I didn't), fuck faith and intelligence. You can still beat everything without it. |
And now...I'll try to run through it again before getting Skyrim on Friday or Saturday. I just kept playing after beating the final boss, and I got to the first bell in like 20 minutes.
It felt so good raping those gargoyles during the second run through. I stopped short of Sen's Fortress, though. I don't have it in me to go through Blighttown again, I think.
So far, itīs pretty good. Iīm about 5hrs in with my little Argonian Mage. I canīt comment on the voicework cause Iīve got the german version (WAY better dub this time). The framerate is a little inconsistent at times (PS3), some textures are blurry and the NPC still look awful but apart from these minor optical things, I like it a lot. Spellcasting is way more fun this time and with the right perks you can doublecast a spell (sadly no spell combinations like fire+lightning) for increased effect. Even though they got rid of spellcrafting, the spells that you DO get feel pretty good and they make more sense this time. Fire burns for bonus damage, Ice saps Stamina and Lightning burns the enemyīs mana. The whole Perk-System feels really rewarding and not having to sleep to level is nice too. AND, other than in Fallout 3 and Vegas, you can save yourPerk-Points for later in Skyrim. Really nice. Right now Iīm trying to focus my dude on fire magic but Iīm one point short of destruction magic for that...ah well, soon. The new menu system is a mixed bag for me. Itīs not a good idea to get rid of icons in an inventory-system and replace it with a simple text list and the new Favorite-List is slower than the ring-menu from Oblivion but looking at your favorites stoppes time so it doesnīt really matter. What else...oh, the main plot appears to be not shit this time which is kinda refreshing. Learned my first dragon word and killed my first dragon. I wish they wouldnīt talk while fighting you though. |
Maybe it is the German dub, but I would think Dragons talking to you while you fight them would be cool. Dragons are kind of known in various lore for their trash talking
I hope they got better voice acting in the english version, but it kinda suprised me hearing them talking to me. To me, Dragons are more like animals, giant, fire breathing animals.
I´ve also seen another one flying around in the distance, aparently guarding a tower or something but I´m not crazy enough to try and face him...I got no new Dragon Words to learn anyway and I´m not sure if you "waste" the dragon if you don´t have an unknown word stuck in your skull... |
And fuck those cheap ass tag teaming fire breath spamming gargoyle fucks. I nearly danced a jig when I killed those limp dicks. >: |
That robed guy was one of, like, five people that I accidentally killed before realizing that I can absolve my sins and don't HAVE to kill them once I accidentally strike them.
Sorry to: fire guy, catarina knight, Raeh of whatever of thoro...whatever the fuck (knight guy's daughter), Big Hat Logan, and I'm probably forgetting someone. |
Whats the deal with sin? And covenants?
and I'm starting to get the impression I wasn't supposed to come to the catacombs right after ringing the first bell? where else to go? did I miss something?
Where the hell is that place? I want to rip someone's ass.
Ok. I doubled back and found that doorway at the blacksmith in the undead parish that I had forgotten about. Killed the demon guy inside and went into the depths. Fought my way to some giant butterfly thing that quickly ate my ass because I didnt have any more bolts for my crossbow as I used them to kill a bunch of the lantern guys in the catacombs. :\ However I did get some sweet elite knight armor, so not all bad. Doubled back again in the depths and found some giant hydra looking thing that spit water at me and killed me. :( Doubled back again and found some black knight dude who I actually managed to kill in a straight up fight without being a total cheap ass. Fought my way on to the vally of the fucking drakes and those bastards suck balls. My axe doesnt seam to be doing much to them. :\
The Depths are not the Darkroot Basin
Ultimate Doom
Ok, go back to the butterfly, but make sure you're human. The last staircase before the fight will have a white summon sign on it. Summon that witch, and she'll fuck the butterfly up for ya.
I think that after that, I went to Blight Town, but I took the entrance through the bottom of the Undead Burg, which is through the depths. The depths was pretty easy, so don't worry too much about that part. Blight town is fucking horrrrrible, though. Alternately, you can get to Blight Town through the Valley of the Drakes if you want to avoid the parts with all the falls and just deal with all the poison. You'd miss a lot of loot, though. |
Ok being human... How do you get humanity to do that? Also... What is the point?
Witch? :lol |
Some enemies drop humanity and Iīm sure you have Items that give them, theyīre like the soul items. Make sure you have at least 1 humanity (you know, the number in the top left), rest at a bonfire and turn human. As a human, thereīs a chance that a NPC-Phantom will enter the game in most areas. Beat them and you gain the ability to summon them for the boss battles. Most of the time, there are summoning marks right before a boss (goldish writing on the floor) but you can only see those as a human. The point of being human is that others can help you, you can help others and the dropchance for loot goes up. Skyrim is officially awesome. I just did the 2nd or 3rd mainquest and climbed a fucking mountain. Everything feels so organic this time, handcrafted. The caves, dungeons, Mines, everything has character. Last thing last night, I took a carriage to Winter...thingytown to join the mages academy. Hopefully, Iīll some neat spells there :) |
im gonna pirate the fuck out of this game
im gonna try and only play like a hour or so but its almost readyyyyy
oh for fuck's sake, the interface on this game is shit
i can't reassign the keys for the lockpicking minigame so it's still on a/d when i'm using arrow keys for movement press 'r' to drop stuff, huh? except it doesn't fucking work. GREAT JOB YOU FUCKING IDIOTS |
I'm stuck waiting for the UPS man today. But skyrim shall be mine.
SKYWARD SWORD :rock:rock:rock:rock:rock:rock:rock:rock
The intro is a little long but once you fly to the surface, it really picks up. The combat is really hard this time around, and even skulltulas take a little puzzle solving to beat. I also like that there's a dash this time around to speed up running, climbing, and swimming. Also they're really pushing the whole "Zelda wants Link's balls" angle harder than they ever have. If he doesn't penetrate her by the end credits I'm gonna be miffed. Fi isn't as cool as Midna though :( |
You're probably gonna be the only one here discussing that, chief.
I just picked up Skyrim today, but I'm exhausted and don't wanna stay up all night playing. |
So I have fought my way to the gaping dragon. He himself doesn't seam so bad. The trouble is there is some guy on a ledge shooting some magic shit at me. I can't seam to find a way up to where he is and I can't seam to be able to target his ass with my crossbow. Do I just have to dodge this fuck while running around the dragon?
Go up to the highest level in that area where you can look down onto the area where you fight the dragon, and as you get closer to the stairs going down, there's a spot where you can pick him off with arrows. He counts as a mini-boss and doesn't respawn. I suggest getting a longbow or something because you can aim from pretty far away with those. I actually leveled the shit out of my composite bow, and it ended up being really useful in a lot of situations. Poison arrows are great.
Also, I started Skyrim. Looks gorgeous and it's fun, but I restricted myself to under two hours. I killed bandits in a mine and got to that first town. I like the smithing! Oh, and I did some finishing blow where I spun around and buried my two-handed axe into a bear's open mouth. Fucking awesome. |
And Dimos, attack the dragon's tail until it comes off. Do that with all of the dragons you encounter (except for the undead ones, but including the stone dragon and the half-dragon bitch in the painted world).
Skyrim is great. That's pretty much it.
Played Skyrim for several hours. I just scratched the surface of the game, and I know it, but my Game of the Year is tentatively Dark Souls, still.
There's not enough variety in the environments in Skyrim, to me. I'll see as I go farther into it, of course. Having a lot of fun with the intrigue involved in the mage's university storyline. Also, the random dragon encounters are quite silly. One showed up as I was walking out of the main hall of the school and ten mages proceeded to blow the thing apart in seconds. It was beautiful. The story is boring me, but the amount of power-players and factions in the game that are involved in the main story is really cool. Also fuck Giants. |
They should have made the giants the things fucking up everything. Those giants kill me a ton faster than a shitty dragon does. I wanna be giantborn.
Oh, and I know I said this before, but being a werewolf absolutely blows. I mean, you look bad ass, but you can't get any bonuses from sleeping and you can't use potions/items while you're changed. I am enjoying the hell out of the storyline for the werewolf clan though. How do you get up to the top of the mountain? I've been trying every fucking spot of this fucking mountain so that I can talk to the graybeards or whatever about my dragon powers. I can't figure out exactly where to start the climb. |
Found my way up to that one guy shooting me. After cutting him down, killing the dragon was cake. Now... Blightown. :(
Have yet to get to Skyrim but its going to be hard pressed to hold up to Dark Souls. Loving this game. |
Just finished the Dark Brotherhood stuff. Gets pretty crazy at the end. Also, the return of Shadowmere. :O
I think I like Dark Souls more than Skyrim because I've just gotten so sick of being THE CHOSEN ONE in every video game. Even though you're the "chosen undead" in Dark Souls, it doesn't feel like it. You're meeting and saving all of these NPCs, running around, and meeting them again farther and farther into the game. It feels like you're just of many similarly skilled people running around. Everyone is doing their own adventuring toward their own goals and it's up to you to make your own way and eventually beat Gwyn, crossing paths with fellow adventurers as you go. And the sense of scale in the fights was real. You felt intimidated and it didn't surprise you if a badguy four stories taller than you beats you, whereas in Skyrim, you can take down Skeletons, Wolves, and Draugr like they were nothing, but dare to kill a Troll? PFFT. Hope you enjoy popping potions and getting chased down in seconds. It's weird to say that Dark Souls feels less cheap than Skyrim. But I felt like I knew where I was going in terms of my character in Dark Souls and I'm just spending perks willy-nilly in Skyrim, waiting for the next not-boss to keep me from completing a quest. |
I have no idea where Im going in terms of my character in Dark Souls. Lots of str and end is all I got :lol
What is the deal with atunement slots and magic? For the first time at a bonfire I noticed Attune Magic. When I hit it, it tells me I dont have enough slots. How do I know how many slots I need? Do I need to bother? |
i'm playing shiren the wanderer because shiren the wanderer is cool
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Strength works well, but if you intend to upgrade your weapons down other paths like Divine, Magic, Chaos, etc., then you'd prolly want to put some into things like faith, magic, and dexterity. Dexterity is important because it affects most of the weapons in the game, sometimes moreso than strength. Good job putting a lot in endurance early. If I were to do something over again, that would've been it. It was a bitch not being able to move around properly in what would've been, to anyone else, light armor. As a result, I was knocked around like a pinball in fights because I had no Poise. |
Wtf is a raw weapon good for? I noticed I can do that or go up to +6 now.
They're only good for old dirty bastard. Cuz he likes it raw.
But honestly, they aren't good at all, from what I can tell. |
Raw is terrible. They don't skill off of stats, so once you upgrade them fully, they don't get any stronger.
So what you are saying is... that no matter how much str I have, it will arl only do X dmg? Where as if I get the +6, it will continue to grow with me?
Yeah, I figured it out a few days ago. It was snowing hard the 3 times I went through the city trying to find the spot, but the last time I finally found it.
saints row the thrid which has a button dedicated for ball punching
Beat Skyward Sword this morning. I was going to wait until I got 100% of the stuff, but I reached a point in the story where I got really ancy and just had to see how it ended. I'll go back though because I think I probably have 80-90% of everything, which is a lot for a first-time playthrough.
After this game, I don't think I could play Zelda on a regular controller anymore. The controls are that good. (Except for the bird. That kinda sucked.) It's also hard as fuck because every enemy has specific ways of fighting them, and all of the puzzles are brand new this time. You don't even light any torches! Nintendo LOVES torches! Only complaint is that the Wii can't pump out the graphics that the artists intended. That and there were a little too many silly quests forced into the main game. For the most part, though, it was excellent. I'd say it's in the top three of the entire series. |
yep also bought the halo remastered i would have bought dark souls but i haven't seen a single copy on my town
Fuck yeah. Ill be picking it up by the weekend. I'm assuming you got it on ps3?
Beat blightown. Now I can't seam to figure out where to go. I have quite a few options but I keep getting my ass handed to me. Went back to the catacombs and finished it off. Holy weapons suck turd. They do to little damage. I was doing better just pushing skellies off cliffs with my axe.
So i wondered my ass into the great hollow. Now I'm stuck at the bottom of a pit cursed. :\
Time to put it down for a little. Picked up saints row Vare, lets go bust some caps. |
Oddworld Munch's Oddysey :I
Been playing Knights of the Old Republic (not the MMO the old game) again. Still never finished it due to getting easily distracted, think I need to this time
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