![]() |
oooo, grimrock looked fun
and i kinda liked skullgirls..all that bouncing:love but you have to go the website to get a move's list :\ |
Still playing Grimrock, Iīm on level 10 and while most battles are pretty easy (playing on normal), most puzzles arenīt. I was stuck in "the checkered room", simply because I didnīt transalte "checkered" correctly in my head...a well, the language-barrier gets me from time to time. And now Iīll face the priests of mighty Cthulhu or something...at least thats what they look like... |
Dragon Quest VIII.
It's refreshing to see an RPG where my objectives aren't marked by a huge glowing arrow at all times, in case I'm the kind of person who gets lost in my own house; Skyrim and Oblivion both did this over Morrowind's "Yeah, that dungeon's like, south probably? I dunno, go find it, dickhead" approach, and I didn't really appreciate it because it meant less time navigating the world and getting sucked into it. DQ8 doesn't seem to have a lot of hand-holding in general, actually; once we got out of starterville my colleague got lost on the world map and I almost got my shit wrecked in the very first dungeon. Also, it looks fucking enormous and the comic relief is actually legitimately funny. It's got potential and I'm really digging it so far, but if that little green asshole doesn't shut the fuck up about his horse daughter I'm going to punch his dick so hard he'll end up as the Cursed Queen, wark wark |
I've got Dragon Quest VIII sitting on my shelf right now and I'm not sure how it got there. I'm thinking a friend brought it and left it but no one will tell me it's theirs WHICH MADE ME BELIEVE that it was a shitty game and someone was happy to finally rid themselves of it. So I never had the urge to try it out.
You're probably not the kind of person who'd like it, honestly, since it's got the exact same art style as Dragonball Z and has a lot of Anime elements to it besides.
I'd skip it unless you were like really really into Final Fantasy as a kid; so far it seems like it's essentially a love letter to every good JRPG ever, only scaled up so grown-ups with brains actually find it challenging Actually, I think Earthbound pretty much ripped off its entire engine from the Dragon Quest games, so, maybe give it a shot? It's not like you're paying for it. |
dragon quest 8 is ok but i hate how long the fights take
Actually compared to other games of its type DQ8 is pretty curt about battles
If you really want to see long-ass fights every single time you should play Final Fantasy 9, although I don't blame you if you end up wanting to stuff it down your garbage disposal. It's really bad. |
Sounds like you need to speed up battle text in options
Finished SH: Downpour and SH 2 & 3 in the HD collection. Good times. Now, for your viewing pleasure, I present the correct SH order from best to worst.
1. Silent Hill 2 2. Silent Hill 3. Downpour 4. Shattered Memories 5. Silent Hill 3 6. Homecoming 7. The Room Haven't played Origins, but i'm under the impression i'm really not missing all that much. |
I would put it like this
The Room Shattered Memories SH3 SH2 SH1 blah. :) |
Downpour better than 3? Homecoming better than anything? What the fuck are you smoking.
In reality it's: SH1 > SH3 > The Room > Shattered Memories > SH2 > dogshit > Origins > Downpour > Shitcoming there you go |
Silent Hill 3 brought nothing new to the table. Plus, the whole evil cult thing is kinda lame and the characters are pretty forgettable. I also really didn't like the subway station. Just as boring as the apartment complex in SH2. Good game, but not great. The Room started ok, but the fucking ghosts just oh my fucking god no. Did not like it at all. Homecoming had a horrible combat system (and there is too much fighting), but other than that it was ok.
EDIT: And I bet you haven't even played Downpour. The screen lags from time to time, but thats the only major issue with it. It feels fresh and exploring the town is awesome. The mini sidequests keep things interesting and I like the main storyline too. It is not scary at all, but the last creepy game in the series was SH1. |
Silent Hill 4 is awesome. Did you stop playing early on? You need to at least get to the Water Prison. |
i dont remember ff9 being as bad
The worst thing about FF9 was the uninteresting characters. None of them are likable or have stories that matter at all
I was working at Sotware ETC when FF7 came out and they gave us cool shirts. Even had 2 Akira shirts when they started selling anime. Anyways, when FF8 came out, I refused to wear the tshirts. FF9 was just a reminder of how sad graphics took precedent over plot.
Today I don't even care anymore. :( |
God that so accurately sums up how I feel about Final Fantasy post the SNES era
The worst thing about ff9 is that they didn't stop at 6.
pretty much after i got over, "OOH BLACK MAGE AND A ETHEIFN" |
hows that final fantasy versus or whatever
I took a look at Gamestop's most wanted list, and I think I'm gonna trade in Resident Evil: ORC, GTA 4, and Modern Warfare 2. I can't see myself playing any of those games again. What's reeeally dumb is that MW2 and RE are those stupid steel book editions. I need to stop getting those for games that I don't really care about--though, to be fair, RE's shittiness really took me by surprise.
send me your re game instead :P
It even came with some stupid patches. DO I LOOK LIKE SOMEONE WHO SEWS PATCHES ONTO MY JACKETS? There was also some codes for guns and outfits, but I used those. Pretty useless, too, because there doesn't seem to be much difference between guns.
I'd maybe sent it to you in exchange for something of equal value. Say...one of your cities? |
i would send them but they don't fit in the damn boxes also arent thosse patches suppossed to stick by ironing them the halo reach one did
I don't know. I think I took them out of the bag once and they've been back in there ever since.
People just don't like GTA IV that much, do they. I can't think of another game I've been wanting to play so much for so long but don't have the means to do so, and it sucks to keep hearing how disappointing it was.
There are only so many times I can play San Andreas before wanting something new, and older GTAs really pale in comparison. |
I liked GTA4 and the two DLC's. The main game was maybe a bit too long and had a few boring missions, but it was still very enjoyable. I think the main thing people complain about is the fact that there is really not much to do in the game outside the missions, which is true, but I just played it for the story.
Outside of missions I just dick around stealing vehicles and starting fires. There's not much else to do anyway.
It was really fun for a while, but I just have no desire to start playing it again--especially with GTA V on the horizon.
It sounded a lot like Left 4 Dead, which I understand is pretty well-liked.
I could never get into L4D. I bought both games and really tried to get into them but just couldn't for some reason. Strange as I'm the kind of guy who is into just about any game with zombies. Same story with the 2nd dead rising. :\
Still haven't fooled with that new RE as everyone here who played it said it mostly sucked. |
I just finished TLoZ: Phantom Hourglass. It was ok, nothing spectacular. Made me want to play Wind Waker.
dimnos did you play left4dead versus online?
id think you would like that do you still play star wars |
Star Wars? Like a mad man. Idk what anyone thinks. :posh |
man i had a subscription for 3 months and barely played :(
partly prolly cause my friends were all bitches and kept playing wow so they could fly their phoenix mmounts and shit |
I miss playin l4d :(
Red Dead Redemption is so awesome :D
I wish they'd given a better tutorial for the horse controls, though. I kept running people over and stuff because I didn't know how to break. I also rode my horse off a cliff, fell 60 or so feet, then got up and walked it off like a boss. Also, are all current-gen console games just plain designed to look like shit on a normal TV? I can barely read any of the text and the stamina bar is so tiny that I didn't even realize it was there for a while and kept getting hurled off my horse like a tard. Oh, and being drunk doesn't last long enough. |
Just finished Legend of Grimrock. Very very good game, even though I didn´t like the final encounter and I missed about 4 Million secrets...
Also, coolest part is getting the horses of apocalypse, especially WAR and riding through the night setting zombies ablaze while trampling them. |
Just buy a damn HDTV. I got a modest one when I was testing crappy 2K Sports games for minimum wage, for god's sake. |
I gave Super Monday Night Combat a shot.
The PC version doesn't have dedicated servers and for some reason I had to wait about 15 minutes before I even joined a match. Someone needs to tell developers that matchmaking systems are in place because consoles are limited pieces of shit, not because it's an inherently superior way to format online multiplayer. They need to be told very, very loudly. At least they had the decency to build a chatroom into the game's main menu so I could complain and swear about it at everyone else. When I finally did start playing, I found out that they basically took the original Monday Night Combat, and ruined it. I'm not even being a "CHANGE ARE BAD" fanboy here, I hate Monday Night Combat, but it was more polished, balanced, fast-paced, fun, comprehensible, had better graphics, and the announcer was actually funny; the new guys vocalize color commentary like they're describing the drying paint on the wall in front of them. Bottom line is that the original is a shooter with DotA/LoL/Whatever elements, while the new game is a DotA/LoL/Whatever with really bad shooter elements. I suppose I should have known something was up when they released it for free. |
they did posted they had some issues with the match making i tried after a couple of patches it and took 15 seconds to get in a match
Just tried the new Sniper Elite V2 demo. Looks like SoF2 met it's match in the gore department.
Silent Hill HD. It's A-OK!
Finally gave Valkyria Chronicles a shot past the first mission. The story is goofy and full of terribly paced and edited JRPG dialogue, and you could take about half the lines and splice them into a porn film while remaining completely in-context. But.
The actual game? It's awesome. It's so awesome. I fucking love it and ended up playing it all night. I don't remember the last time I had this much fun with a strategy game; probably when I played Fire Emblem 1 and had to find out what all the japanese menu commands did through trial and error, rivers running red with the blood of my senselessly sacrificed goons who walked by scooting along on one leg and dragging the other. It's a hell of a lot better than Final Fantasy Tactics, for sure. |
VC was terribly addicting. Pissed me off all the sequels are on psp.
I didn't mind VC's story until the supernatural race got involved. It's like...fucking Japan, can't you do ANYTHING without some kind of magical shit? Stop that.
3 actually looked really good, but we'll never see it because we knew better than to buy that shitty second one. |
I should be finished with Prototype 2 soon. Rather short game but very satisfying and more polished than the first one.
I´m still in the third Tower in Pandora´s Tower but I kinda like the game, it´s a nice mix of different things we´ve seen before like Rygar, Zelda and maybe a bit of Castlevania... I also tried out the Dragon´s Dogma Demo yesterday. About how I expected it to be, the Warrior was rather boring but the Strider was fun, shooting down a huge Griffon and stuff like that. Really looking forward to it, besides Diablo 3 my most anticipated game of the year now that Amalur is out of the way. |
Been messing with Dead Island, and I like some aspects (combat and the way zombies can get the drop on you are good, plenty of side quests) while some things I am not sold on yet (repair costs rivaling buying new gear, feels too much like GTA with zombies)
what system are you playing on?
Just finished SH2, then did sort of a speed run on it and beat it in around 2 hours and 45 minutes. I like that it also included the sub-scenario from the Xbox version, though I can see people losing their shit if it didn't, and there's apparently been a lot of backlash anyway.
Onto SH3. |
so its like touching peepees in the shower after everyone else left?
i thought you wanted to b a chick anyway im sure you prolly ave some girly xbox name anyway like cockcatcher13 so im sure you didnt seem like a sissy or anything
World of Tanks! Free to play. Kahl, Vare... You know what to do. Zhukov, this seams like your kind of thing, check it out.
what about tribes ascend?
world of tanks?
is that one of those games where you have to build a bunch of shit and then someone comes along and destroys it all in one hit and you have to start all over? hey speaking of which that astronest game is around again :O |
Oh, and if your tank tank is damaged in a fight, you have to spend the money you grinded to get on repairs. |
yea maybeill hop back on and start doin that shit. I never finished it
My point is, if you are a fan of SH and want 2 & 3 on a current generation console, this is pretty much a must have. Sure, it could've been made a little better, but it's not like there is going to be a collection like this again. |
I prefer having the PS2 versions where they actually remembered to include fog and darkness. I saw a video of 3 being played and the inside of the hospital looks like the sun's fucking lodged in the ceiling. The hell's up with that?
Also do they really not give you the option of having the original voice acting in SH3? |
Looks dark to me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVgUJ...feature=relmfu Looks foggy to me. And those videos from the inferior PS3 version, or at least I think so. |
Well, doesn't matter so much to me, since MY PS3 still has backwards compatibility :o
I don't know why the fuck Sony thought it'd be a good idea to remove that; the PS2 has one of the best game libraries of any system, up there with the SNES. The PS3 does not, and making it stand on its own like that was not very bright. I guess they did it so this HD re-release crap would be justified, but 60 GB PS3s aren't even expensive anymore so everyone should get one. |
konami already promised patches but i think they will mostly fix framerate issues
i think it was just to boost sell's for ps3 and to kill the ps2 |
i got warhammer 40k space marine on ps3 anyone wanna play with me?
Skullgirls. It's a 2D fighting game built around combos, which is a polite way of saying "it's shit."
Also, you might think that an indie Guilty Gear ripoff would at least not have the same HDTV-or-fuck-you problem that triple-A mainstream games do, but you'd be wrong. I usually don't even touch fighting games since the last one that wasn't shit was Bushido Blade, but it was recommended to me by a friend who never plays them either, and I'm in the market for a console-exclusive game with really good online multiplayer. So far the only one I've found is Mario Strikers Charged, a game that is nearly five years old. I broke down and bought MGS4 for this reason, but apparently Konami's gonna shut Metal Gear Online down in June, and have already made it impossible for new players to get in. What the fucking hell? If any company pulled this with a similarly-popular PC game they'd the feet of a million angry fans shoved up their ass. Is that just how games work now? They're not allowed to be played for longer than the average lifespan of a fucking gerbil? That Massive Action Game thing looks sort of interesting, but it's rather old and I'm afraid that as soon as I buy it they're gonna kill it too. Same with Fat Princess, although that looks a lot more appealing than some brown military shooter. |
damn this space marine multiplayer is pretty awesome i was getting owned at first but after i unlocked customizer and could use my power sword i got from kill team i'm doing pretty great
Decided to try Noitu Love 2 on steam. It's the bee's knees. Very nice spritework and some pretty interesting mechanics involving combat. Not totally crazy about it, but pretty cool. Reminds me of Treasure games back when Treasure made games besides SHMUPs.
Also, part of me wants to play Pokemon Black/White. I haven't played since that time bigtimecow and I accidentally got addicted to Diamond and Pearl for 200 hours. Quote:
What I gathered from this is that you're bad at fighting games and don't play many of them, haven't played Guilty Gear more than a few times, and your TV is shit :rolleyes |
I am bad at fighting games because I never play them because they are bad. It is a vicious cycle, but I'm not really losing anything because as mentioned fighting games are hideously bad except for awesome samurai sword fight sims
Fuck why don't they make a new Bushido Blade? Could a game like that even exist today? |
I would hope something. I loved the shit out of Bushido Blade 2.
Alan Wake's American Nightmare
Pretty good so far. It's just basically more of the same, but I liked the first Alan Wake, so i'm not complaining. |
wait so you cant buy ps2 stuff on the playstation network anymore?
yes you can max payne for ps2 is the latest adition
MGS4 is fucking great, yo
Warlock - Master of the Arcane.
It's a mix between Civ and Master of Magic. Nice game if a little rough around the edges in terms of UI. |
Portal 2
Better than the first one and amazingly addictive. J.K. Simmons and Stephen Merchant make this even more amazing. |
I started a new game of Mother 3 for Mother's Day.
no it's not >:
Been playing A Valley Without Wind.
I almost passed it up because I had never heard of it, and the title sounded like a turn-of-the-century romance novel. It has some interesting elements to it, but nothing to really keep you in for the longterm. Plus, the game is apparently still in the beta phase, even though they're selling it, and different aspects of the gameplay change from one day to the next. I took a break for a few days, and when I came back, they had nerfed (their words) a couple of my favorite abilities. Maybe try it months from now when a Steam sale drops it down to like $3. |
Mother 3 is boring goddamnit, I'm jealous of people who like it because I wanted to like it so badly :(
I don't like Earthbound, so we're even.
Fair enough I guess, but we are now the greatest of enemies
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