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Fathom Zero Nov 7th, 2011 02:48 PM

I like how I had no reason to change Boney's name.

dearest blowjobs

Dimnos Nov 7th, 2011 11:08 PM

Just started Dark Souls.

The painfully long amount of time it takes to go from swinging your weapon to being able to dodge is killing me. Does one of your stats help with this? Or is that just one of the ways that this game is hard and I just need to get used to it?

k0k0 Nov 7th, 2011 11:35 PM

It depends on what you're wearing. If you're under 25 percent burden, you should roll faster and move a lot faster. I you're under 50, it's decent, 75, it's pretty bad. And over 100 is a baby's pace.

Fathom Zero Nov 7th, 2011 11:35 PM

You probably have things that are too heavy for you.

Dimnos Nov 8th, 2011 12:37 AM

Ok. So it is an adjustable stat type thing and I am probably just fucking it up.

Is there a point of holding onto crap to sell to someone later?

Do you ever get more moves or skills with your weapons? Or is it just fast and strong attack only?

I kind of feel I need a ranged weapon in my 2nd slot. Is this just dumb?

Sorry about all the questions. This game just kind of dumps you into it and doesnt seam to explain much. Or maybe it just flat expects you to have played the first?

k0k0 Nov 8th, 2011 12:48 AM

It expects you to learn everything as you play, which is stupid for a game with complicated controls. I couldn't figure out how to jump for a long time.

It all depends on how heavy the weapons and armor you are using in regards to how fast you are at rolling/moving.

You don't get extra moves or skills with any weapons. I mean, you can upgrade them to get extra damage on them once you find a blacksmith, but that's about it. They do have combos, which I'm sure you've noticed. Some weapons have 3 different hits for each button press.

Nah, it's not dumb to need a ranged. It's easier to switch to ranged real quick while fighitng, so it's actually good.

Fathom Zero Nov 8th, 2011 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 749086)
Ok. So it is an adjustable stat type thing and I am probably just fucking it up.

Is there a point of holding onto crap to sell to someone later?

Do you ever get more moves or skills with your weapons? Or is it just fast and strong attack only?

I kind of feel I need a ranged weapon in my 2nd slot. Is this just dumb?

Sorry about all the questions. This game just kind of dumps you into it and doesnt seam to explain much. Or maybe it just flat expects you to have played the first?

It explains various basic controls in the tutorial. The flying strong attack is probably something people forget about, but it's not the most necessary. Forward on the stick plus a strong attack does a sweeping move, but leaves you open a little at the end.

The only thing I can tell you that you should learn how to do fast is parry with the shield. It will be mandatory later in the game to survive, and the last boss can't be beat without it, unless you have a certain number of skills.

But seriously, the fun of it is not being told anything. The game wouldn't have been nearly as amazing for me if I bought it and played it now. Everyone would have already made guides for it and let me spoil everything.

Phoenix Gamma Nov 8th, 2011 02:10 AM

The Skyward Sword demo from E3 leaked, so I've been playing that. I'm feeling really good about this one. There was one puzzle involving those eyeballs from the trailer that actually had me pretty pissed off for awhile until I felt stupid after I solved it. I can't remember the last time I didn't cruise control through a Zelda, even a new one, so that felt pretty good.

Esuohlim Nov 8th, 2011 10:42 AM

Playing Mother 3 just makes me want to play Earthbound instead :(

Dimnos Nov 8th, 2011 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 749090)
But seriously, the fun of it is not being told anything. The game wouldn't have been nearly as amazing for me if I bought it and played it now. Everyone would have already made guides for it and let me spoil everything.

Can you at least tell me if there is someone who will buy my crap? Or can I just drop what Im not going to use?

k0k0 Nov 8th, 2011 11:34 AM

Later on in the game someone will buy it (eat it) and give you souls for it. Hold onto it til then.

OxBlood Nov 9th, 2011 09:47 AM

Hooo...Just got my copy of Skyrim...magic Lizardperson is goooo.

k0k0 Nov 9th, 2011 10:52 AM

I gotta wait til probably 9 pm on Friday to get it. :( Fucking UPS guy putting me on the last stop. If I didn't have a discount through amazon for 25 dollars off, I would have just gone to the store.

Dimnos Nov 9th, 2011 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by k0k0 (Post 749119)
Later on in the game someone will buy it (eat it) and give you souls for it. Hold onto it til then.

Where is this faggot? Im tired of carrying all this crap. And what the fuck do I do about sekllies that just wont fucking die. The red looking mofos in the catacombs that will get back up even after you smash their health bar to nothing. Queers. :posh

k0k0 Nov 9th, 2011 04:32 PM

The guy you sell to comes after you ring the second bell. The skeletons won't die unless you kill them with a holy weapon or unless you kill the dude in the robe with the lantern.

I may start playing Dark Souls again til skyrim time.

Zhukov Nov 9th, 2011 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 749095)
The Skyward Sword demo from E3 leaked, so I've been playing that. I'm feeling really good about this one. There was one puzzle involving those eyeballs from the trailer that actually had me pretty pissed off for awhile until I felt stupid after I solved it. I can't remember the last time I didn't cruise control through a Zelda, even a new one, so that felt pretty good.

Oh cool. I was worried about that, thinking I didn't want to waste money on a short game that was too easy.

kahljorn Nov 10th, 2011 01:00 AM

so hows skyrim? considering pirating it ;/ but i do have school.
but im doing horrible at maths ;9


Esuohlim Nov 10th, 2011 01:31 AM


kahljorn Nov 10th, 2011 01:46 AM

the homework is fine :(

but im only getting B's on my tests

Zomboid Nov 10th, 2011 03:06 AM

I finally had time to sit down and play the shit out of Dark Souls, over the past week or so, and I finished it tonight. That final boss was a bitch. I had some pretty good gear by then, though, so it wasn't TOO bad. I loved my Lightning Winged Spear +5. The chaos scythe was also pretty handy. AND THE DRAGONSLAYER BOW. Fuck, that game has a lot of different weapons to use.

Dimnos - I suggest getting armor that's heavy enough that you don't take forever to get up after a roll, but not so light that you're undefended. Later on, once you're more adept at dodging and such, it can be fun to have light armor and just run around bosses and enemies, slashing as ya go, but that took me a while to get skilled enough for.

And definitely consider where you're spending your points for leveling up. If you're not gonna use magic (which I didn't), fuck faith and intelligence. You can still beat everything without it.

Zomboid Nov 10th, 2011 03:07 AM

And now...I'll try to run through it again before getting Skyrim on Friday or Saturday. I just kept playing after beating the final boss, and I got to the first bell in like 20 minutes.

Fathom Zero Nov 10th, 2011 03:24 AM

It felt so good raping those gargoyles during the second run through. I stopped short of Sen's Fortress, though. I don't have it in me to go through Blighttown again, I think.

OxBlood Nov 10th, 2011 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 749285)
so hows skyrim? considering pirating it ;/ but i do have school.
but im doing horrible at maths ;9


So far, itīs pretty good. Iīm about 5hrs in with my little Argonian Mage. I canīt comment on the voicework cause Iīve got the german version (WAY better dub this time).

The framerate is a little inconsistent at times (PS3), some textures are blurry and the NPC still look awful but apart from these minor optical things, I like it a lot.

Spellcasting is way more fun this time and with the right perks you can doublecast a spell (sadly no spell combinations like fire+lightning) for increased effect. Even though they got rid of spellcrafting, the spells that you DO get feel pretty good and they make more sense this time. Fire burns for bonus damage, Ice saps Stamina and Lightning burns the enemyīs mana.
The whole Perk-System feels really rewarding and not having to sleep to level is nice too. AND, other than in Fallout 3 and Vegas, you can save yourPerk-Points for later in Skyrim. Really nice. Right now Iīm trying to focus my dude on fire magic but Iīm one point short of destruction magic for that...ah well, soon.

The new menu system is a mixed bag for me. Itīs not a good idea to get rid of icons in an inventory-system and replace it with a simple text list and the new Favorite-List is slower than the ring-menu from Oblivion but looking at your favorites stoppes time so it doesnīt really matter.

What else...oh, the main plot appears to be not shit this time which is kinda refreshing. Learned my first dragon word and killed my first dragon. I wish they wouldnīt talk while fighting you though.

Pentegarn Nov 10th, 2011 07:21 AM

Maybe it is the German dub, but I would think Dragons talking to you while you fight them would be cool. Dragons are kind of known in various lore for their trash talking

OxBlood Nov 10th, 2011 07:54 AM

I hope they got better voice acting in the english version, but it kinda suprised me hearing them talking to me. To me, Dragons are more like animals, giant, fire breathing animals.

I´ve also seen another one flying around in the distance, aparently guarding a tower or something but I´m not crazy enough to try and face him...I got no new Dragon Words to learn anyway and I´m not sure if you "waste" the dragon if you don´t have an unknown word stuck in your skull...

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