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Pentegarn Dec 13th, 2011 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 752019)
I haven't talked to anyone who played it. Why is Trunks from dbz the villian?

Is Akira Toriyama somehow involved in the game maybe? He recycles his 6 character templates into everything he does. Maybe he is in this as well somewhere.

Phoenix Gamma Dec 13th, 2011 11:45 AM

I liked Ghirahim. Zelda hasn't had an active villain before, so it was nice to have someone routinely antagonize you instead of waiting to fight you at the end of the game. The final dual with him in just fantastic. It feels great to finally put an end to that fucker, and the game really builds up that moment.

My only gripe with SS is that the sky is pretty empty. I'd like flying a lot more if there were fun pitstops to make. That, and Fi is a shitty sidekick from a narrative and a gameplay standpoint. Other than that, everything is very solid. Exploration is more like Link's Awakening, which was more like Metroid. So that's cool. The combat is fantastic. The dungeons are really, really good (except the second fire dungeon. Why is there a second fire dungeon?) Ancient Cistern and the pirate ship are easily in the top 10 of the whole series.

OxBlood Dec 15th, 2011 07:00 AM

I´ve been playing El Shaddai for a while now. From a atmosphere or design point of view, this game is amazing, really amazing, it feels fresh. Sadly, the gameplay can´t really keep up with the rest...

Dimnos Dec 15th, 2011 12:15 PM

The demo was a shit load of seemingly pointless button mashing.

Dr. Boogie Dec 15th, 2011 05:17 PM

Seconded. All I heard about that game was that it looked great, but then you play the demo and realize it's no fun. Also, low-res textures.

darkvare Dec 15th, 2011 06:15 PM

but is in favor of the art you guys geez

OxBlood Dec 16th, 2011 04:11 AM

Right, I should add that I payed 8 bucks for the game, I´d be furious had I payed full price for a game with such weak gameplay as this.

And I seem to be unable to beat the final (?) boss...fucknugget has some really cheap attacks.

LordSappington Dec 16th, 2011 11:08 AM

Restarted Deus Ex. My goal for this playthrough: Anyone and anything that can be killed, must be. There will be absolutely no survivors by the end.
And holy shit you get practically no experience this way

Nick Dec 21st, 2011 11:54 AM

I've finally got around to playing Skyrim. When I'm not wasting time doing that I'm doing art work for the next game from the Terraria team.

Fathom Zero Dec 23rd, 2011 03:10 PM

Thanks to Steam wanting to take all of my money, I'll be fulfilling my dreams of becoming a Soviet sniper in Red Orchestra 2 from after the 26th up until I go back to school. Hit me up if you happen to have the game - all none of you.

Esuohlim Dec 23rd, 2011 04:05 PM

For y'all playin earthbound hit me up I'm in Summers

executioneer Dec 23rd, 2011 04:16 PM

too bad earthbound isn't an MMO

Fathom Zero Dec 23rd, 2011 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 752731)
For y'all playin earthbound hit me up I'm in Summers


10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 23rd, 2011 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 752732)
too bad earthbound isn't an MMO

I would be mm all o ver that.

Mad Melvin Dec 25th, 2011 08:44 AM

Got Skyrim for Christmas. Goodbye world.

Emu Dec 25th, 2011 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 752731)
For y'all playin earthbound hit me up I'm in Summers

Go talk to the socialist in the club, he's funny. also make sure you explore all over because there's a lot of stuff there to miss.

Fathom Zero Dec 25th, 2011 03:04 PM

I'm playing the Have To Wait and Go Home so I Can Play Hard Reset, Frozen Synapse, Red Orchestra 2, and Dungeons of Dredmor Game.

Hard Reset gives me a murder boner.

Esuohlim Dec 27th, 2011 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 752735)

Are you confused? Yes means no and no means yes! Wel cometo Sidemoo nesidemoo nesidemoo...


Originally Posted by Emu (Post 752844)
Go talk to the socialist in the club, he's funny. also make sure you explore all over because there's a lot of stuff there to miss.

I'm just past the part now where I always feel I did something out of order. Summers --> Boat ---> Defeat the Kraken --> Scaraba --> Pyramid is locked --> Wait hold on a second you gotta go back to Fourside, enter the sewers from the dinosaur museum, "Your Sanctuary" #5, get Carrot Key, "Your Sanctuary" #6 --> OK, now we're back on track, go back to history museum in Summers and get the code to open the pyramid

I've played this game through about a dozen times and I always feel like this is how it plays out. And there's no real common sense way of figuring out how to progress during this section either, so I actually have to make use of the Hint guy a few times.

Phoenix Gamma Dec 27th, 2011 11:35 AM

I got Skyrim for Christmas.


Waiting for something good to pop up on the Steam sale. Everything so far was either bought already or didn't look that great. I downloaded the iOS port of Final Fantasy Tactics, which is just the PSP port, except it doesn't run like garbage, which means I might be motivated to play through it finally.

Chojin Dec 27th, 2011 01:57 PM

skyrim and wwe'12

playable JR, Michael Cole, and Vickie Guerrero are DLC
also the ability to change any wrestler's stats is DLC

99 OVR Michael Cole with the undertaker's entrance coming soon to an online match near you

darkvare Dec 27th, 2011 11:04 PM

is the rock dlc or pre order bonus?

Emu Dec 29th, 2011 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 752941)
Are you confused? Yes means no and no means yes! Wel cometo Sidemoo nesidemoo nesidemoo...

I'm just past the part now where I always feel I did something out of order. Summers --> Boat ---> Defeat the Kraken --> Scaraba --> Pyramid is locked --> Wait hold on a second you gotta go back to Fourside, enter the sewers from the dinosaur museum, "Your Sanctuary" #5, get Carrot Key, "Your Sanctuary" #6 --> OK, now we're back on track, go back to history museum in Summers and get the code to open the pyramid

I've played this game through about a dozen times and I always feel like this is how it plays out. And there's no real common sense way of figuring out how to progress during this section either, so I actually have to make use of the Hint guy a few times.

Yeah that section of the game always confused me a bit. The guy in the museum seems to know Poo, or it's implied that he does, but there's nothing in the game to suggest that, and you get so little backstory on Poo compared to the others anyway that it kind of comes out of nowhere. I wonder if something is lost in translation or if there's just something I missed. I think the game expects you to have wandered around Fourside enough to be really really curious about that sparkly silver pyramid hidden in the white-trashed-out back yard of the department store and still remember it like 4 hours later into the game and then just sort of follow things from there.


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 752316)
Seconded. All I heard about that game was that it looked great, but then you play the demo and realize it's no fun. Also, low-res textures.

GameStop knocked El Shaddai's price down to 20 bux new a few days ago and I ended up picking it up and I have to say that after initially hating the demo, the full game is actually remarkably underrepresented by it. The demo drops you in the middle of chapter 3, which is probably the grindiest chapter in the game, with no context whatsoever about how to effectively fight so you just default to mashing buttons. El Shaddai's combat is actually much deeper than it seems at first glance. It's kind of like Devil May Cry in that everything is based on timing and rhythm, although from my experience you can at least kind of brute force your way through DMC by mashing buttons while you can't really do that so well in ES. The game uses an interesting rock-paper-scissors mechanic where one of the three weapons is more effective against another, which is more effective against the third, which is more effective against the first. It forces you to change the way you approach enemies on the fly since you may need to steal one's weapon to beat another.

There are also a lot of 2D platforming sections that are pretty fun and the LSD craziness is always a plus for me. The game is certainly not worth $60, but for $20 it's a fantastic little brawler that will undoubtedly go completely ignored by basically everybody.

Zomboid Dec 30th, 2011 07:01 AM

Just finished Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. I don't think I've ever been so ambivalent about a game before. At times, I found it incredibly tedious and annoying, but other times it was great. I also really liked the story, but you could tell that it was another IP that got the CV makeover.

Fuck, though, that ending, and the epilogue, were amazing.

Zhukov Jan 1st, 2012 10:22 AM

I'm playing Sonic Generations. Half the time I am feeling challenged, having fun and marveling at the good job done by the developers and level designers.

The other half of the time I am cursing life itself. When they put the two different aspects of the game together like this (i.e: the side scrolling old sonic versus the 3D abomination of new sonic) do they not realise that one is a good game while the other is a pile of absolute tripe? Everything about the new style of sonic is bad. Not just the gameplay; absolutely everything.

It just makes me so frustrated.

Babs Jan 7th, 2012 01:00 AM

Skies of Arcadia has yet found itself in my life again. I can't help but love to play the game but realize how predictable it is, I think that in itself is why I play it, it's dull like me.

I've been on a Dreamcast kick lately, way more affordable than anything my xbox has to offer which is the reason it has a thick film of dust on it. Fuck xbox points and their shit market, dreamcast is a pirates booty.

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