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Guitar Woman Sep 24th, 2008 11:31 AM

Finally got Condemned in full.

It's fucking fantastic. I thought the demo was ok, but the rest of the game is a million times more awesome.

And further proof that Bioshock contains no originality whatsoever.

Guitar Woman Sep 25th, 2008 02:22 AM

Ok, so Condemned has taken a trip to shittytown since I got to the school.

A minor complaint is how difficult to swallow everything's getting. I was like, "uh, what the fuck?" when the malnourished J-Horror kids in the subway station started crawling around on the ceiling. This sort of stuff belongs more in a Silent Hill game where supernatural shit is commonplace, but ok, I can dig it. Then in the school, I found myself face to face with a fat lunchlady wielding a meat cleaver and garbed in a blood-stained apron. It's ok, though, since it's an obvious homage to Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and a classic horror element. What would drive someone to partake in such a dramatic display of psychoticness is beyond me, especially when everyone else has just been staggering around hitting me with pipes and shit. But I decided, "let's just go with the flow, here."

The big "fuck you" moment came when I was MAGICALLY TRANSPORTED to an alternate version of the empty pool I was tromping through, and while I'd be fine with that if they were going to implement more hallucinogenic mindfuckery like the furniture flying down the hall at that one part or your lab buddy crawling after you with a conduit, I actually have to fight this time, and the game starts spamming those J-Horror guys I mentioned earlier in waves of 5, unarmed.

In this game, unarmed enemies are about 20 times more dangerous than any number of bloody crazies with fire axes trying to lop off your head, since they can grab on to you and sap your health while holding you immobile. It's not that difficult to escape, but when there are three of the fuckers waiting for their turn at your throat after the current one gets shaken off, the situation is fucking retarded impossible to get away from. They latch on to you DIRECTLY after you shake free, too, and to make things even more ridiculous your vision is seriously impaired for a second after you escape. Also, they're about twice as fast as you, and the sprint meter runs out even fucking faster than the Spy's cloak in TF2, and recharges in the same amount of time. The super taser kills them in one shot, I think, but that thing also takes forever to recharge.

I absolutely cannot beat this part, even with a gun. There is difficulty in games: Mario Strikers Charged (against real people, of course. Anyone who can defeat the computer with regularity is a fucking alien), Gunstar Heroes, Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry 3. And then there's shit like this, that is just fucking not fair.


Dr. Boogie Sep 25th, 2008 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 581678)
Ok, so Condemned has taken a trip to shittytown since I got to the school.

Honestly, who saw the post directly before this one, and didn't expect this followup?

Edit: Anyway, I remember the scene in the pool you're talking about. I just remember using a combination of the taser and some weapon that did the most damage to just plow through those a-holes.

Zomboid Sep 25th, 2008 02:35 PM

I wish we could just ban gw from the gaming forum entirely. Or all the forums. Either way.

MetalMilitia Sep 25th, 2008 02:36 PM

Seconded. Guitar Woman is the worst person when it comes to gaming (also everything).

Phoenix Gamma Sep 25th, 2008 03:06 PM

The rant is funnier to read if you read it in Gilbert Godfried's voice.

Almost done with Kirby Super Star Ultra. The new games they added are kinda neat, like the one where you play as Metaknight and rape everybody.

pac-man Sep 25th, 2008 03:34 PM

Duke Nukem 3D... Hail to the king baby.

Guitar Woman Sep 25th, 2008 07:32 PM

I still like the game, guys, this part is just enraging. I'm still really confused about why all the homeless people decided to turn into deformed spider men or fire-jacket clad juggernauts, but at least I can't complain about lack of enemy variety.

The AI does some pretty cool stuff, also. I especially like how if you block too soon they'll hold off swinging, and how they hide around corners waiting for you.

Dr. Boogie Sep 25th, 2008 09:06 PM

Don't expect any answers about the glut of homeless psychoes in the city. They always planned for Condemned to be a trilogy, and they put most of the explanations in the second game.

Girl Drink Drunk Sep 25th, 2008 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 581875)
I still like the game, guys, this part is just enraging. I'm still really confused about why all the homeless people decided to turn into deformed spider men or fire-jacket clad juggernauts, but at least I can't complain about lack of enemy variety.

The AI does some pretty cool stuff, also. I especially like how if you block too soon they'll hold off swinging, and how they hide around corners waiting for you.

I beat it lol.

Guitar Woman Sep 25th, 2008 11:48 PM

I just finished it.

Sort of short, but really good!

I thought you had to turn off all the lights in the house to move forward at the part about "dark paths" or something, so it got extra creepy later. I want with all my heart to believe the developers set it up like that.

I probably would have been scared more by the part where you fought the serial killer if it hadn't gone grayscale and lasted more than a minute or two. :\

OxBlood Sep 26th, 2008 03:49 AM

I am NOT playing Fallout 3 and that is the problem here. Instead I play Warhammer Online and maybe I´ll go and get the Colonization-Addon for CIV4...Colonization was excellent. Good times.

Guitar Woman Sep 26th, 2008 03:46 PM

I can't believe Bethesda took modding functionality away from Fallout 3.

Chojin Sep 26th, 2008 03:57 PM

Maybe it'll be an incentive for their team to not dick up the game in the first place. Also, i can't play oblivion without 600+ extra megs of mods latched on, because I've been spoiled by how much better they make the game. A blessing in disguise, I guess?

Also, i hated condemned and only finished the first two levels.

Dimnos Sep 26th, 2008 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 582143)
I can't believe Bethesda took modding functionality away from Fallout 3.

Awww... Modding was why i reserved it on computer. >:

Nick Sep 26th, 2008 08:47 PM

They took modding away, so fruitcakes would stop making nude mods. Seriously guys, no one want's to see Orc dicks.

Guitar Woman Sep 26th, 2008 10:06 PM

There's a non nude version of Better Bodies if you're too much of a wuss to handle huge green cocks, you know.

Also if they're getting made and downloaded people obviously do want to see orc dicks

use some common sense, here

Fathom Zero Sep 26th, 2008 11:34 PM

Oh shit, the Last Guy is sooooo much fun.

It's like Pacman with zombies and awesome x2.

rizzo Sep 27th, 2008 08:07 PM

I've finally gotten around to playing Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. Damn, does it kick ass!:rock

Zomboid Sep 27th, 2008 08:50 PM

Not sure if I should go ahead and spend even more money by getting more points for duke nukem 3d, but it's kinda tempting :(

Sam Sep 27th, 2008 09:06 PM


MetalMilitia Sep 27th, 2008 09:20 PM

Just completed CoD2, now I'm back on Medal of Honour: Airborne.

As much as I like WW2 games, all the US patriotism in Airborne is starting to grate on my nerves. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game but having the characters say lines like "Of course we're going into the trenches - WE'RE AIRBORNE" is lame.

Underrated game though. To this day I find I difficult to think of a better looking game (with the possible exception of Crysis). Fun mix of realism and arcadeyness too.

Guitar Woman Sep 28th, 2008 07:24 PM

Rayman 2.

I don't know how, but I'm even more horrible at this game than I was when I was 9.

M. Blaze Sep 29th, 2008 12:21 PM

Mega Man 9, Strong Bad Episode 1: Homestar Ruiner and Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne.

I seem to suck even worse at MM9 than I did at the old Mega Man games, I managed to finish MM2 quite easily when I downloaded it for the Wii but 9 is just kicking my ass here. Galaxy Man was easy enough, but after I beat him I haven't really made any progress.

The Strong Bad game is pretty cool, I'm not much of a fan of Homestar Runner (I'm only familiar with Strong Bad's email section) but I always enjoy a decent point and click adventure.

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne (or Lucifer's Call as it's known over here in Europe), on the other hand, seems like a very good JRPG. I've only been playing for a couple of hours so I can't say that much about the game, but it's definitely much more interesting than SMT: Digital Devil Saga which just bores me into sleep. I'm trying to finish both of these games before Persona 4 comes out in the US, but I'll probably never manage to complete DDS.

OxBlood Sep 30th, 2008 06:08 AM

Great. Instead of October 10th, Fallout is now released on the 28th or something. Meaning there´s another month with NO games for me to play...I hate that, September already took forever to come out with something interesting and now October too?
At first I thought "Ah well, just play Silent Hill 5 until then"... BUT NO! Some retarded inbred idiot thought it would be funny to release it a little later here in Europe...IN FEBUARY!

What is so bad about evenly spreading game-releases...constant coverage is what it´s about. "But nah, we´ll just release everything on October 24-30, that´s a great idea! Nobody will have time to play all the games, so they have to choose one to play. And the younger ones? HA! They won´t even have the money to buy all of those games. We are so brilliant, yes we are!"

How about this:

Fallout, October 1st
Fable 2, October 10th
Dead Space, 20th
Silent Hill, October 31st.

How hard can that be? Everybody´s happy, we all have a decent game-coverage and not this clutted end of the month.

Damn I´m angry, sorry.

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