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executioneer Aug 28th, 2009 05:43 PM

batman arkham asylum. i almost wish there were something more to the combat, but that's probably the only gripe i can find about it :eek

it's like an interactive, very long episode of the original animated series (with different character designs of course, but then they kind of switched designs halfway thru the original series anyways so big whoop)

FistfulOAwesome Aug 30th, 2009 01:12 AM

I cannot stop playing Punch-Out!! Wii. I've got over 700 completed matches on the thing and I'm still not bored. I swear Next-Level might have done too good a job on the game. I can't even guess how they'll improve on the sequel (but hopefully they surprise me).

P.S. I so underrated the multi-player mode. It's a bit unbalanced (playing as Giga Mac kinda sucks since he can't dodge, can be One-Hit Knockdowned, and can't do a fourth recover), but for a rough presentation of what a full-fledged Punch-Out!! multiplayer could be like, it's a damn lot of fun.

Fathom Zero Aug 30th, 2009 02:37 AM

Motherfucking just beat Dr. Robotnik's Motherfucking Mean Bean Machine and got that motherfucking gold trophy, goddamnit.

Mad Melvin Aug 30th, 2009 06:40 AM

Fallout 3 with all the DLC's and shit. Goodbye social life.

executioneer Aug 31st, 2009 09:13 PM

seriously cant stop playing batman. best non-post-apocalyptic-rpg game i've played in recent years

OxBlood Sep 1st, 2009 04:06 AM

I agree. Arkham Asylum is awesome. Played it for around 8 hours yesterday up to 40% and they really got the exploration right. Almost feels like a Metroid game sometimes and I don´t think that I can make a bigger compliment than that :)

executioneer Sep 1st, 2009 04:42 AM

i kind of wish they'd made the riddler challenges harder on hard difficulty, though. moved 'em around, taken out the maps, something.


stevetothepast Sep 2nd, 2009 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 644805)
Motherfucking just beat Dr. Robotnik's Motherfucking Mean Bean Machine and got that motherfucking gold trophy, goddamnit.

Are you playing it on the genesis or something like sonic's ultimate collection?

Guitar Woman Sep 2nd, 2009 01:24 PM

Doom 3.

I thought all the CAN'T SEE SHIT quips were a joke, but even with the flashlight turned on. God damn.

It also feels like I'm playing this on the Quake 2 engine the way the guns recoil and sound. Don't like it.

Zhukov Sep 2nd, 2009 01:39 PM

Strange. I was just considering getting Doom 3 out and finishing it sometime.

Dimnos Sep 2nd, 2009 02:44 PM

League of Legends. Its :\

captain516 Sep 2nd, 2009 07:59 PM

I found my PC copy of Spiderman and it's awesome. Great voice acting, unlockable costumes, dozens of easter eggs, and the whole thing is narrated by Stan Lee! It's easily one of the best Superhero games ever.

executioneer Sep 2nd, 2009 11:57 PM


captain516 Sep 3rd, 2009 01:12 AM

*fights back*

Fathom Zero Sep 3rd, 2009 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by stevetothepast (Post 645510)
Are you playing it on the genesis or something like sonic's ultimate collection?

Sonic's Collection. Comes with savestates, not that I used them practically. I saved at the end of every puzzle, where I would be given a password, anyway.

OxBlood Sep 3rd, 2009 03:39 AM

Speaking of Superhero games, my Champions online should arrive today, already was a lot of fun in the beta and I´m really looking forward to build lots of nice Hero-Dudes. :)

stevetothepast Sep 3rd, 2009 02:09 PM

Playing Project Gotham Racing 4, I'm not much for racing games but what the hell. Also started replaying through DKC trilogy last night after finally unpacking the snes from storage :/

10,000 Volt Ghost Sep 3rd, 2009 02:53 PM

I got the xbox live kit yesterday and it came with project gotham racing 4. Is it any good? I was going to just trade it in.

stevetothepast Sep 3rd, 2009 03:08 PM

yeah that's how I got mine. It's okay but like I said, I'm not much for racing games.

Dimnos Sep 3rd, 2009 03:24 PM

I hear need for speed undercover is the shit if you like racing games.

stevetothepast Sep 3rd, 2009 03:33 PM


Dimnos Sep 3rd, 2009 04:46 PM

Im sorry man... Im sorry.... :tear

Dimnos Sep 3rd, 2009 04:47 PM

You guys with the PS3s. What are the must have games?

Fathom Zero Sep 3rd, 2009 04:55 PM

Pat Frincess. Shatter. Unreal Tournament III. The upcoming Demon Souls. Burnout Paradise. Little Big Planet. Infamous. Et cetera.

stevetothepast Sep 3rd, 2009 05:08 PM

Little big planet is extremely fun. for a while.

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