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Kitsa Feb 13th, 2009 01:50 PM

Egg and Spoon Race:


Dixie Feb 13th, 2009 01:53 PM

I'm enjoying those alot.

Kitsa Feb 13th, 2009 01:57 PM

She has a lot of good characters.


Kitsa Feb 13th, 2009 02:00 PM


"Homo-lulu, is called. All-a boys a love Homolulu, eh? Lots of pretty boys."

Grislygus Feb 13th, 2009 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Carnivore Is God (Post 613814)
I've had great luck with I-Mockery members, no one's creeped me out yet. Yahoo Chat about 8-9 years ago gave me my only bad experiences with meeting people from online.
Here we generally have good people though. I even have a very high opinion of my ex who used to post here!

Five people who I don't know in the least have informed me that I creep them out in the last two weeks, hordes of fat mothers inexplicably glare death at me whenever I stop by the high school to give my little brother a lift, and people start walking clear on the other side, in the gutter, well before I pass them on the sidewalk, so I can safely say that I give off a serial killer vibe (and my newest passport photos confirm this)

On the brighter side, mock meets have gone the way of King Arthur, so anyone's chances of meeting me is nil and my counterpoint proves invalid

RaNkeri Feb 13th, 2009 05:11 PM


Sam Feb 13th, 2009 05:17 PM


MetalMilitia Feb 13th, 2009 05:58 PM

Back from London.

We went to see the Tate Modern, Natural History Museum and Science Museum.

Tate modern was kind of suck. Perhaps I'm just a philistine but I cannot understand the vast majority of modern art. My main criticism is that I find a lot of modern art-particularly performance art-indistinguishable from parody versions of itself. You could show me a video of Paul Macartny punching himself in the face with a boxing glove and I wouldn't be able to tell you if it was legitimate "art" or a joke (fyi, this was a legitimate performance art piece in the gallery). Meh, not my cup of tea at all.

The Natural History museum is great for looking at dinosaur bones and stuffed animals and they've got a big Darwin exhibition at the moment as it's like Darwin month or something in the UK. All in all it's a cool place to go, and worth checking out if you get a chance.

The Science Museum is really cool too. It's huge and they've got a lot of good stuff. The V2 rocket they have was the stand-out thing for me because it was so much bigger than I thought it would be. They had all the gyroscopic targeting mechanisms out on show as well which was interesting. There was also a V1 and a few war planes which were good to look at but not as cool as the V2.
They also had a whole floor on the history of computing and mathematics with several versions of Babbage's Difference Engine kicking about. Nerdy stuff indeed.

The journey home was kind of a hassle because my MP3 player's battery died on me and I had to listen to a screaming toddler directly behind me on the coach and an incredibly stupid sounding woman on the phone directly next to me, across the isle.

I don't know what the fuck her problem was but she kept phoning and being phoned by presumably the same person and then talking to him (I assume it was a him) for about 5 minutes each time using only four fucking sentences (or more accurately, sentence fragments/words). She'd say "HI... YOU ARIGHT?..OKAY...YOU ARIGHT?...OKAY...YOU ARIGHT THOUGH?..I'M ON A BUS. A WHITE BUS". I'm not exaggerating. I heard her say "YOU ARIGHT" at least 20-30+ times in 5-6 phone calls. And "I'M ON A BUS" almost as much. She also did this weird thing where she'd take the phone away from her face mid-sentence and look at the screen for about 5 seconds then put it back to her back and continue talking-"okay... yeah..."-as if she'd been listening to whoever she was speaking to.
It wouldn't have been so bad if she wasn't speaking so fucking loudly or if she'd actually spoken in real sentences that I could eavesdrop on.

All in all it was a decent day out.

Sam Feb 13th, 2009 06:02 PM


Tadao Feb 13th, 2009 06:03 PM

That looks long, should I read it or watch tv?

MetalMilitia Feb 13th, 2009 06:07 PM

watch tv

Kitsa Feb 13th, 2009 06:15 PM

I'm sick dammit :(

Sam Feb 13th, 2009 06:15 PM


RaNkeri Feb 13th, 2009 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by MetalMilitia (Post 613867)
Back from London.

We went to see the Tate Modern, Natural History Museum and Science Museum.

Too bad you didn't get to visit Imperial War museum, that place is kick ass awesome

executioneer Feb 13th, 2009 06:21 PM

man i am glad i didnt fly into new york :eek

Tadao Feb 13th, 2009 06:22 PM

Are all the good museums only in London? I wanna see Great Britain and go to the museums, but I don't want to be in London.

RaNkeri Feb 13th, 2009 06:25 PM

I've heard there is an awesome war museum in Washington, I'd love to go there one day.
That, and Chicago Natural History museum.

Tadao Feb 13th, 2009 06:26 PM

BTW MM, that lady was running away from her life to meet up with a man who is leaving his wife to be with her.

10,000 Volt Ghost Feb 13th, 2009 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 613881)
man i am glad i didnt fly into new york :eek

You would have been fine. We're nowhere near NYC.

MetalMilitia Feb 13th, 2009 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by RaNkeri (Post 613877)
Too bad you didn't get to visit Imperial War museum, that place is kick ass awesome

I'm going there at some point in the future, thing is I was with my girlfriend and he's not really into that sort of thing. Girls :rolleyes

Tadao: Unfortunatly the majority of good museums are in London, but it depends what you want to see. If you're into Tanks or Aviation the best places are scattered across the countryside. The same goes for Roman Briton, medieveil forts etc.

But it is definatly worth visting London for atleast a day or two.

RaNkeri Feb 13th, 2009 06:49 PM

I spent a week in London with my dad between the London bombings. We pretty much spent every day in museums.One day isn't enough to go through British Museum, we were approximately able to see only 1/4 of the stuff there. HMS Belfast was cool.
The most memorable thing I remember from our trip was however the moment of silence that was held for the victims of the terrorist attacks, we were at Westminister Abbey at the moment and it was quite touching. We also witnessed the gathering on Trafalgar Square.

Kitsa Feb 13th, 2009 06:58 PM

Rankeri: the Field Museum?

Kitsa Feb 13th, 2009 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 613886)
You would have been fine. We're nowhere near NYC.

My dad flies into Buffalo all the time, I'm glad it wasn't one of his weeks to visit that factory :/

RaNkeri Feb 13th, 2009 07:00 PM

Yeah, that one. I've wanted to visit it ever since I saw The Ghost and the Darkness when I was in elementary school :(

Kitsa Feb 13th, 2009 07:06 PM


I love the field museum. I used to know someone who curated a big exhibit there. I was offered to come for an after-hours special tour, wink wink, but I turned them down :/ I'm reasonably sure there would have been attempted fucking and that grossed me out.

The field museum is really cool, but my preference has always been the Milwaukee Public Museum 45 minutes to the north, where they perfected the art of the diorama.

Dixie Feb 13th, 2009 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 613841)
Five people who I don't know in the least have informed me that I creep them out in the last two weeks, hordes of fat mothers inexplicably glare death at me whenever I stop by the high school to give my little brother a lift, and people start walking clear on the other side, in the gutter, well before I pass them on the sidewalk, so I can safely say that I give off a serial killer vibe (and my newest passport photos confirm this)

On the brighter side, mock meets have gone the way of King Arthur, so anyone's chances of meeting me is nil and my counterpoint proves invalid

It's ok, I creep-out my own husband.
He makes sure he lets me know too.

MetalMilitia Feb 13th, 2009 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 613841)
Five people who I don't know in the least have informed me that I creep them out in the last two weeks, hordes of fat mothers inexplicably glare death at me whenever I stop by the high school to give my little brother a lift, and people start walking clear on the other side, in the gutter, well before I pass them on the sidewalk, so I can safely say that I give off a serial killer vibe (and my newest passport photos confirm this)

On the brighter side, mock meets have gone the way of King Arthur, so anyone's chances of meeting me is nil and my counterpoint proves invalid

I have a similar problem in that I think people believe me to be a rapist when I'm walking behind them. I walk pretty fast and deliberately which scares the shit out of old people and single women on quiet streets.

Then again I might just be imagining their unease.

The Leader Feb 13th, 2009 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 613910)
I used to know someone who curated a big exhibit there. I was offered to come for an after-hours special tour, wink wink, but I turned them down :/ I'm reasonably sure there would have been attempted fucking and that grossed me out.

Wasn’t that one of you professors in college, and weren’t you totally oblivious as to the possibilities of a gross man doing things to you until after the fact?

Kitsa Feb 13th, 2009 08:16 PM

Yes. Good memory!

Actually, he was a professor I rather respected and liked. When he made the offer, after several uncomfortable-for-me invitations to his tiny office in the alcove of a converted Victorian house off-campus, something told me at an instinctive level that the offer wasn't entirely above-board and that I should probably turn it down. I didn't understand the total exactitude of why, I guess you could say.

To his credit, he wasn't gross. He was a graduate student and obviously highly intelligent. I was mainly weirded out by the whole teacher-propositioning-student thing.

Part of me wishes I would have gone to get any potential special glimpse of the exhibit, though, and let the chips fall where they may.

The Leader Feb 13th, 2009 08:27 PM

You could have had hot, passionate sex inside the chest cavity of a fossilized dinosaur!

Kitsa Feb 13th, 2009 08:50 PM

Yes, well, at that time it was about as comfortable as Gordon Jump's guest appearance on Diff'rent Strokes.

10,000 Volt Ghost Feb 13th, 2009 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 613905)
My dad flies into Buffalo all the time, I'm glad it wasn't one of his weeks to visit that factory :/

I'm glad he wasn't in it.

executioneer Feb 13th, 2009 09:05 PM

arg arg arg arg arg arg arg arg arg arg

Kitsa Feb 13th, 2009 09:06 PM

Me too.

Anyhow, the guy just came out with a big-in-the-field book, which should ensure him all of the needy student poon he can handle.

Tadao Feb 13th, 2009 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 613967)
arg arg arg arg arg arg arg arg arg arg


executioneer Feb 13th, 2009 11:18 PM

only if popeye is bored out of his mmmiiinnnddd

Dixie Feb 14th, 2009 12:46 AM


Aaarg Feb 14th, 2009 12:48 AM

I believe it was the Joker from Batman who once asked, "why so sad?"

Dixie Feb 14th, 2009 12:48 AM

I ate a salad yesterday.
And I actually liked it.
What the fuck is happening?!!?!

Sam Feb 14th, 2009 12:57 AM


Dixie Feb 14th, 2009 01:00 AM

But this bottle of wine will!

Sam Feb 14th, 2009 01:02 AM


Dixie Feb 14th, 2009 01:08 AM

ABS stands for "Aggravated Butt Syndrome" right?

Sam Feb 14th, 2009 01:18 AM


Dixie Feb 14th, 2009 01:45 AM

Oh I thought the lines were drainage tubes, fuck.
My bad.

Fathom Zero Feb 14th, 2009 02:20 AM

To alleviate cholera.

kahljorn Feb 14th, 2009 04:52 AM

I love my valetines day presents :)

Dixie Feb 14th, 2009 06:18 AM

Happy VD I-Mockery!!

RaNkeri Feb 14th, 2009 07:45 AM

Has anyone seen the latest friday the 13th movie yet? How much did it suck?

Kitsa Feb 14th, 2009 08:56 AM

I wanted to see it really badly, and I thought maybe I was going as a surprise valentine's gift, but I don't think it's happening.

Fathom Zero Feb 14th, 2009 01:38 PM

I'd take you.

Even though I'm broke.

RaNkeri Feb 14th, 2009 01:53 PM

Smooth :rolleyes

HickMan Feb 14th, 2009 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 613607)
How is this supposed to help you secure our nation?

The bad dvds I'll just put in my M16 and shoot at the terrorists duh. Haven't you played revolution x? :rolleyes

Tadao Feb 14th, 2009 03:11 PM


Kitsa Feb 14th, 2009 03:17 PM

lol thanks

oh well, it'd probably be really crowded anyway and crowded theatres ruin it for me.

Tadao Feb 14th, 2009 03:21 PM

Cause she would want to blow you in the theater ;)

kahljorn Feb 14th, 2009 03:45 PM


I'd take you.

Even though I'm broke.
lol reminds me this guy i know who recently went out on a date with a girl to a nice restaurant and when it came time to pay he was all, "i actually don't have enough money for this, but I'll get the movie!" so she paid, and then he took her to the dollar theater.

10,000 Volt Ghost Feb 14th, 2009 06:03 PM

That's awesome. I asked this girl to the movies a few weeks ago. Her friend was with her and was all like "Well, if you're taking my friend and paying for her ticket you have to take me too!."

I was like "Sorry baby, I only have two free tickets"

RaNkeri Feb 14th, 2009 06:08 PM

Did it turn out well?

kahljorn Feb 14th, 2009 06:39 PM

What an audacious hobag!

last i checked the two from my story are moving in together :O :O this is the same guy that PUNCHED SOMEBODY THROUGH A NEWSPAPER

Tadao Feb 14th, 2009 06:54 PM

He sounds like a fun guy to hang around with. The guy who makes people laugh.

10K, you should have given her a cock block badge.

RaNkeri Feb 14th, 2009 06:56 PM

oh my, I'm bleeding

kahljorn Feb 14th, 2009 06:57 PM


Tadao Feb 14th, 2009 06:58 PM

I hope you blood clots!

and then travels to your heart and causes you palpitations!

Tadao Feb 14th, 2009 06:58 PM


Kitsa Feb 14th, 2009 07:44 PM

I only went to the movies with one guy outside of a longterm relationship situation.

I was at India Fest. I was headed for the theatre to watch Yeh Dillagi. A desi guy caught up with me and asked if I was going to watch the movie, which I thought was obvious. He followed me into the theatre and took the seat next to mine.

Ten minutes later, he turned to me and said, "Do you have a boyfriend?" I said yes. He got up and left.

Aaaaaaaaaand scene.

Sam Feb 14th, 2009 07:46 PM


RaNkeri Feb 14th, 2009 07:46 PM


Kitsa Feb 14th, 2009 07:52 PM

Today's valentine gift of custom-painted nesting dolls was well-received, but the lacquer never lost its aroma and you can practically get high off the fumes. Guess it's the gift that keeps on giving :(

10,000 Volt Ghost Feb 14th, 2009 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 614081)
What an audacious hobag!

last i checked the two from my story are moving in together :O :O this is the same guy that PUNCHED SOMEBODY THROUGH A NEWSPAPER

I took a sip ot green tea right before I read that, almost went all over my keyboard.

Aaarg Feb 15th, 2009 01:02 AM

i believe i made an error in judgement.

taking a trip to morgantown tomorrow afternoon. i am bringing a friend, who needs to be back at a particular time tomorrow night.

upon speaking to ashley, i was led to believe that if i were spending the night, i'd be getting some ass.

and maaaaaaan i miss those tits.

HickMan Feb 15th, 2009 04:09 AM

My Valentines day was bittersweet. I got to see the person I'd give the world to right before I go to my duty station in Kansas but I also told her we can't be together because it'd be too hard on her when I'm in a combat zone. I wouldn't want her to have to deal with that :\

pac-man Feb 15th, 2009 04:25 AM

You should probably have waited until you get to your unit and found out what exactly you'll be doing. Not to mention that with the specter of death looming, now might be a good time to seal the deal.

But hey, there's plenty of poon that loves a man in uniform, no need to be tied down. Hooah.

HickMan Feb 15th, 2009 10:23 AM

Trim's always a plus about being a soldier :picklehat

Fathom Zero Feb 15th, 2009 01:25 PM

My god, Martin Short is hysterical in Arrested Development.

Kitsa Feb 15th, 2009 02:04 PM

With all due respect, I'm amazed that Martin Short is hysterical in anything. And that goes double for that doppelganger Jamie Kennedy.

Fathom Zero Feb 15th, 2009 02:06 PM

Apparently, it's just arrested development and the three amigos. Also, Innerspace is an alright movie.

Kitsa Feb 15th, 2009 02:19 PM

haven't seen Innerspace since elementary school.

I got an iced coffee at the Tim Horton's drive-thru this morning. This dog was staring at me the entire time.

Seven Force Feb 15th, 2009 05:42 PM

Arressted Development is awesome and im sorry I didnt catch it when it was starting on TV

Dixie Feb 15th, 2009 06:47 PM


10,000 Volt Ghost Feb 16th, 2009 01:38 AM

Clifford was actually funny. Arrested Development speaks for itself.

RaNkeri Feb 16th, 2009 02:32 AM

I should totally watch Arrested Development

Kitsa Feb 16th, 2009 09:42 AM

I enjoyed Arrested Development.

The Job guy was on Sesame Street the other day, doing magic.

Shrubfest Feb 16th, 2009 01:41 PM

I saw a fat girl in turquoise jeans today.

My instant thought was 'If I was a guy, I'd cum on those. Then she might not wear them again'

10,000 Volt Ghost Feb 16th, 2009 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 614309)
I enjoyed Arrested Development.

The Job guy was on Sesame Street the other day, doing magic.

I laughed really hard when I saw that.

I was just like "Hahahahahaha, stupid muppets."

Tadao Feb 16th, 2009 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Shrubfest (Post 614318)
I saw a fat girl in turquoise jeans today.

My instant thought was 'If I was a guy, I'd cum on those. Then she might not wear them again'

More like she'd wear them everyday trying to get cummed on again.

Shrubfest Feb 16th, 2009 04:17 PM

Ah well. I'd still have done it.

RaNkeri Feb 16th, 2009 04:18 PM

Tadao Feb 16th, 2009 04:18 PM

You can still leave snail trails all over them.

Sam Feb 16th, 2009 05:01 PM


RaNkeri Feb 16th, 2009 05:03 PM


Fathom Zero Feb 16th, 2009 05:18 PM


Sam Feb 16th, 2009 05:20 PM


RaNkeri Feb 16th, 2009 05:25 PM


Fathom Zero Feb 16th, 2009 05:25 PM


kahljorn Feb 16th, 2009 06:38 PM


Kitsa Feb 16th, 2009 08:50 PM

I had a traumatic experience.

I was bored with my other projects and decided to do some spring-cleaning. We have a sofa bed that my grandmother gave me a few years ago. We'd only ever used it as a couch, and I don't know if she ever used it as a bed. Anyway, I thought I'd unfold it and clean it out.

So I unfold it and start vacuuming up the little dust globs, the standard crumby bits, all that. There's a gob of something dusty and brown and I assume that it's some stray couch stuffing. (FORESHADOWING FORESHADOWING FORESHADOWING)

As I'm vacuuming it reappears a couple of times and I impatiently bat it aside until I can get to it. Finally I get to the bottom of the mattress and there it is where I can get a close look.

And then I see that it's a dead spider, a little bigger than a ping-pong ball if you count the balled-up and still hairy legs. Probably closer to a golfball really.

If I'd had any presence of mind, I would have taken a pic of it and tried to ID it to see if it had come from wherever the couch was manufactured, or if it was something domestic. But I didn't, and instead I squeaked like a little girl and pointed the still-running vacuum at it and thwock it was gone.

I.....touched it. Uggggggghghghghghgh.

kahljorn Feb 16th, 2009 08:59 PM


Babs Feb 16th, 2009 09:33 PM


Tadao Feb 16th, 2009 10:29 PM

Please make the picture in your sig a fuck of a lot smaller.

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